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CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Ahoy Build Ahoy Dev Build

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


🖐 Ahoy!


This repository offers hardware and software solutions for communicating with Hoymiles inverters via radio. With our system, you can easily obtain real-time values such as power, current, and daily energy. Additionally, you can set parameters like the power limit of your inverter to achieve zero export. You can access these functionalities through our user-friendly web interface, MQTT, or JSON. Whether you're monitoring your solar panel system's performance or fine-tuning its settings, our solutions make it easy to achieve your goals.


latest Release Development Version

Table of approaches:

Board MI HM HMS/HMT comment HowTo start
ESP8266/ESP32, C++ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 👈 the most effort is spent here create your own DTU
Arduino Nano, C++ ✔️
Raspberry Pi, Python ✔️
Others, C/C++ ✔️

⚠️ Warning: HMS-XXXXW-2T WiFi inverters are not supported. They have a 'W' in their name and a DTU serial number on its sticker

Getting Started

Guide how to start with a ESP module

ESP Webinstaller (Edge / Chrome Browser only)

Our Website


Success Stories

Support, Feedback, Information and Discussion


If you run into any issues, please feel free to use the issue tracker here on Github. When describing your issue, please be as detailed and precise as possible, and take a moment to consider whether the issue is related to our software. This will help us to provide more effective solutions to your problem.

Contributors are always welcome!

  • OpenDTU <- Our sister project for Hoymiles HM- and HMS-/HMT-series (for ESP32 only!)
  • hms-mqtt-publisher <- a project which can handle WiFi inverters like HMS-XXXXW-2T