mirror of https://github.com/lumapu/ahoy.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
387 lines
15 KiB
387 lines
15 KiB
// 2022 Ahoy, https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/525778
// Creative Commons - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/
#if defined(ESP32) && defined(F)
#undef F
#define F(sl) (sl)
#include "webApi.h"
webApi::webApi(AsyncWebServer *srv, app *app, sysConfig_t *sysCfg, config_t *config, statistics_t *stat, char version[]) {
mSrv = srv;
mApp = app;
mSysCfg = sysCfg;
mConfig = config;
mStat = stat;
mVersion = version;
void webApi::setup(void) {
mSrv->on("/api", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&webApi::onApi, this, std::placeholders::_1));
mSrv->on("/api", HTTP_POST, std::bind(&webApi::onApiPost, this, std::placeholders::_1)).onBody(
std::bind(&webApi::onApiPostBody, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
void webApi::loop(void) {
void webApi::onApi(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
AsyncJsonResponse* response = new AsyncJsonResponse(false, 4096);
JsonObject root = response->getRoot();
Inverter<> *iv = mApp->mSys->getInverterByPos(0, false);
String path = request->url().substring(5);
if(path == "system") getSystem(root);
else if(path == "statistics") getStatistics(root);
else if(path == "inverter/list") getInverterList(root);
else if(path == "index") getIndex(root);
else if(path == "setup") getSetup(root);
else if(path == "live") getLive(root);
else if(path == "record/info") getRecord(root, iv->getRecordStruct(InverterDevInform_All));
else if(path == "record/alarm") getRecord(root, iv->getRecordStruct(AlarmData));
else if(path == "record/config") getRecord(root, iv->getRecordStruct(SystemConfigPara));
else if(path == "record/live") getRecord(root, iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug));
getNotFound(root, F("http://") + request->host() + F("/api/"));
response->addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response->addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "content-type");
void webApi::onApiPost(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
void webApi::onApiPostBody(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, uint8_t *data, size_t len, size_t index, size_t total) {
DynamicJsonDocument json(200);
AsyncJsonResponse* response = new AsyncJsonResponse(false, 200);
JsonObject root = response->getRoot();
DeserializationError err = deserializeJson(json, (const char *)data);
root[F("success")] = (err) ? false : true;
if(!err) {
String path = request->url().substring(5);
if(path == "ctrl")
root[F("success")] = setCtrl(json, root);
else {
root[F("success")] = false;
root[F("error")] = "Path not found: " + path;
else {
switch (err.code()) {
case DeserializationError::Ok: break;
case DeserializationError::InvalidInput: root[F("error")] = F("Invalid input"); break;
case DeserializationError::NoMemory: root[F("error")] = F("Not enough memory"); break;
default: root[F("error")] = F("Deserialization failed"); break;
void webApi::getNotFound(JsonObject obj, String url) {
JsonObject ep = obj.createNestedObject("avail_endpoints");
ep[F("system")] = url + F("system");
ep[F("statistics")] = url + F("statistics");
ep[F("inverter/list")] = url + F("inverter/list");
ep[F("index")] = url + F("index");
ep[F("setup")] = url + F("setup");
ep[F("live")] = url + F("live");
ep[F("record/info")] = url + F("record/info");
ep[F("record/alarm")] = url + F("record/alarm");
ep[F("record/config")] = url + F("record/config");
ep[F("record/live")] = url + F("record/live");
void webApi::getSystem(JsonObject obj) {
obj[F("ssid")] = mSysCfg->stationSsid;
obj[F("device_name")] = mSysCfg->deviceName;
obj[F("version")] = String(mVersion);
obj[F("build")] = String(AUTO_GIT_HASH);
obj[F("ts_uptime")] = mApp->getUptime();
obj[F("ts_now")] = mApp->getTimestamp();
void webApi::getStatistics(JsonObject obj) {
obj[F("rx_success")] = mStat->rxSuccess;
obj[F("rx_fail")] = mStat->rxFail;
obj[F("frame_cnt")] = mStat->frmCnt;
obj[F("tx_cnt")] = mApp->mSys->Radio.mSendCnt;
void webApi::getInverterList(JsonObject obj) {
JsonArray invArr = obj.createNestedArray(F("inverter"));
Inverter<> *iv;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i ++) {
iv = mApp->mSys->getInverterByPos(i);
if(NULL != iv) {
JsonObject obj2 = invArr.createNestedObject();
obj2[F("id")] = i;
obj2[F("name")] = String(iv->name);
obj2[F("serial")] = String(iv->serial.u64, HEX);
obj2[F("channels")] = iv->channels;
obj2[F("version")] = String(iv->fwVersion);
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < iv->channels; j ++) {
obj2[F("ch_max_power")][j] = iv->chMaxPwr[j];
obj2[F("ch_name")][j] = iv->chName[j];
obj2[F("power_limit")] = iv->powerLimit[0];
obj2[F("power_limit_option")] = iv->powerLimit[1];
obj[F("interval")] = String(mConfig->sendInterval);
obj[F("retries")] = String(mConfig->maxRetransPerPyld);
obj[F("max_num_inverters")] = MAX_NUM_INVERTERS;
void webApi::getMqtt(JsonObject obj) {
obj[F("broker")] = String(mConfig->mqtt.broker);
obj[F("port")] = String(mConfig->mqtt.port);
obj[F("user")] = String(mConfig->mqtt.user);
obj[F("pwd")] = (strlen(mConfig->mqtt.pwd) > 0) ? F("{PWD}") : String("");
obj[F("topic")] = String(mConfig->mqtt.topic);
void webApi::getNtp(JsonObject obj) {
obj[F("addr")] = String(mConfig->ntpAddr);
obj[F("port")] = String(mConfig->ntpPort);
void webApi::getPinout(JsonObject obj) {
obj[F("cs")] = mConfig->pinCs;
obj[F("ce")] = mConfig->pinCe;
obj[F("irq")] = mConfig->pinIrq;
void webApi::getRadio(JsonObject obj) {
obj[F("power_level")] = mConfig->amplifierPower;
void webApi::getSerial(JsonObject obj) {
obj[F("interval")] = (uint16_t)mConfig->serialInterval;
obj[F("show_live_data")] = mConfig->serialShowIv;
obj[F("debug")] = mConfig->serialDebug;
void webApi::getIndex(JsonObject obj) {
obj["refresh_interval"] = SEND_INTERVAL;
JsonArray inv = obj.createNestedArray(F("inverter"));
Inverter<> *iv;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i ++) {
iv = mApp->mSys->getInverterByPos(i);
if(NULL != iv) {
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug);
JsonObject invObj = inv.createNestedObject();
invObj[F("id")] = i;
invObj[F("name")] = String(iv->name);
invObj[F("version")] = String(iv->fwVersion);
invObj[F("is_avail")] = iv->isAvailable(mApp->getTimestamp(), rec);
invObj[F("is_producing")] = iv->isProducing(mApp->getTimestamp(), rec);
invObj[F("ts_last_success")] = iv->getLastTs(rec);
JsonArray warn = obj.createNestedArray(F("warnings"));
warn.add(F("your NRF24 module can't be reached, check the wiring and pinout"));
warn.add(F("MQTT is not connected"));
JsonArray info = obj.createNestedArray(F("infos"));
info.add(F("reboot your ESP to apply all your configuration changes!"));
info.add(F("your settings are invalid"));
info.add(F("MQTT is connected"));
void webApi::getSetup(JsonObject obj) {
void webApi::getLive(JsonObject obj) {
JsonArray invArr = obj.createNestedArray(F("inverter"));
obj["refresh_interval"] = SEND_INTERVAL;
Inverter<> *iv;
uint8_t pos;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i ++) {
iv = mApp->mSys->getInverterByPos(i);
if(NULL != iv) {
record_t<> *rec = iv->getRecordStruct(RealTimeRunData_Debug);
JsonObject obj2 = invArr.createNestedObject();
obj2[F("name")] = String(iv->name);
obj2[F("channels")] = iv->channels;
obj2[F("power_limit_read")] = iv->actPowerLimit;
obj2[F("power_limit_active")] = NoPowerLimit != iv->powerLimit[1];
obj2[F("last_alarm")] = String(iv->lastAlarmMsg);
obj2[F("ts_last_success")] = rec->ts;
JsonArray ch = obj2.createNestedArray("ch");
JsonArray ch0 = ch.createNestedArray();
obj2[F("ch_names")][0] = "AC";
for (uint8_t fld = 0; fld < 11; fld++) {
pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(CH0, list[fld], rec));
ch0[fld] = (0xff != pos) ? round3(iv->getValue(pos, rec)) : 0.0;
obj[F("ch0_fld_units")][fld] = (0xff != pos) ? String(iv->getUnit(pos, rec)) : notAvail;
obj[F("ch0_fld_names")][fld] = (0xff != pos) ? String(iv->getFieldName(pos, rec)) : notAvail;
for(uint8_t j = 1; j <= iv->channels; j ++) {
obj2[F("ch_names")][j] = String(iv->chName[j-1]);
JsonArray cur = ch.createNestedArray();
for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
switch(k) {
default: pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(j, FLD_UDC, rec)); break;
case 1: pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(j, FLD_IDC, rec)); break;
case 2: pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(j, FLD_PDC, rec)); break;
case 3: pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(j, FLD_YD, rec)); break;
case 4: pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(j, FLD_YT, rec)); break;
case 5: pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(j, FLD_IRR, rec)); break;
cur[k] = (0xff != pos) ? round3(iv->getValue(pos, rec)) : 0.0;
if(1 == j) {
obj[F("fld_units")][k] = (0xff != pos) ? String(iv->getUnit(pos, rec)) : notAvail;
obj[F("fld_names")][k] = (0xff != pos) ? String(iv->getFieldName(pos, rec)) : notAvail;
void webApi::getRecord(JsonObject obj, record_t<> *rec) {
JsonArray invArr = obj.createNestedArray(F("inverter"));
Inverter<> *iv;
uint8_t pos;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_INVERTERS; i ++) {
iv = mApp->mSys->getInverterByPos(i);
if(NULL != iv) {
JsonArray obj2 = invArr.createNestedArray();
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < rec->length; j++) {
byteAssign_t *assign = iv->getByteAssign(j, rec);
pos = (iv->getPosByChFld(assign->ch, assign->fieldId, rec));
obj2[j]["fld"] = (0xff != pos) ? String(iv->getFieldName(pos, rec)) : notAvail;
obj2[j]["unit"] = (0xff != pos) ? String(iv->getUnit(pos, rec)) : notAvail;
obj2[j]["val"] = (0xff != pos) ? String(iv->getValue(pos, rec)) : notAvail;
bool webApi::setCtrl(DynamicJsonDocument jsonIn, JsonObject jsonOut) {
uint8_t cmd = jsonIn[F("cmd")];
if(TX_REQ_DEVCONTROL == jsonIn[F("tx_request")]) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_INFO, F("devcontrol, cmd: 0x") + String(cmd, HEX));
if(ActivePowerContr == cmd) {
Inverter<> *iv = getInverter(jsonIn, jsonOut);
if(NULL != iv) {
JsonArray payload = jsonIn[F("payload")].as<JsonArray>();
iv->powerLimit[0] = payload[0];
iv->powerLimit[1] = payload[1];
else if(TurnOn == cmd) {
Inverter<> *iv = getInverter(jsonIn, jsonOut);
if(NULL != iv) {
iv->devControlCmd = TurnOn;
iv->devControlRequest = true;
return false;
else if(TurnOff == cmd) {
Inverter<> *iv = getInverter(jsonIn, jsonOut);
if(NULL != iv) {
iv->devControlCmd = TurnOff;
iv->devControlRequest = true;
return false;
else {
jsonOut["error"] = "unknown 'cmd' = " + String(cmd);
return false;
else {
jsonOut["error"] = "unknown 'tx_request'";
return false;
return true;
Inverter<> *webApi::getInverter(DynamicJsonDocument jsonIn, JsonObject jsonOut) {
uint8_t id = jsonIn[F("inverter")];
Inverter<> *iv = mApp->mSys->getInverterByPos(id);
if(NULL == iv)
jsonOut["error"] = F("inverter index to high: ") + String(id);
return iv;