You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

272 lines
8.3 KiB

// 2022 Ahoy,
// Creative Commons -
#ifndef __APP_H__
#define __APP_H__
#include "dbg.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <RF24.h>
#include <RF24_config.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "eep.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include "CircularBuffer.h"
#include "hmSystem.h"
#include "mqtt.h"
#include "ahoywifi.h"
#include "web.h"
// hier läst sich das Verhalten der app in Bezug auf MQTT
// durch PER-Conpiler defines anpassen
// #define __MQTT_TEST__ // MQTT Interval wird auf 10 Sekunden verkürzt ( nur für testzwecke )
#define __MQTT_AFTER_RX__ // versendet die MQTT Daten sobald die WR daten Aufbereitet wurden ( gehört eigentlich ins Setup )
// #define __MQTT_NO_DISCOVERCONFIG__ // das versenden der MQTTDiscoveryConfig abschalten ( gehört eigentlich ins Setup )
typedef CircularBuffer<packet_t, PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE> BufferType;
typedef HmRadio<DEF_RF24_CE_PIN, DEF_RF24_CS_PIN, BufferType> RadioType;
typedef Inverter<float> InverterType;
typedef HmSystem<RadioType, BufferType, MAX_NUM_INVERTERS, InverterType> HmSystemType;
const char* const wemosPins[] = {"D3 (GPIO0)", "TX (GPIO1)", "D4 (GPIO2)", "RX (GPIO3)",
"D2 (GPIO4)", "D1 (GPIO5)", "GPIO6", "GPIO7", "GPIO8",
"GPIO9", "GPIO10", "GPIO11", "D6 (GPIO12)", "D7 (GPIO13)",
"D5 (GPIO14)", "D8 (GPIO15)", "D0 (GPIO16 - no IRQ!)"};
const char* const pinNames[] = {"CS", "CE", "IRQ"};
const char* const pinArgNames[] = {"pinCs", "pinCe", "pinIrq"};
typedef struct {
uint8_t invId;
uint32_t ts;
bool complete;
uint8_t maxPackId;
uint8_t retransmits;
bool requested;
} invPayload_t;
class ahoywifi;
class web;
class app {
~app() {}
void setup(uint32_t timeout);
void loop(void);
void handleIntr(void);
void cbMqtt(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length);
void saveValues(void);
void resetPayload(Inverter<>* iv);
String getStatistics(void);
String getJson(void);
bool getWifiApActive(void);
uint8_t getIrqPin(void) {
return mConfig.pinIrq;
uint64_t Serial2u64(const char *val) {
char tmp[3];
uint64_t ret = 0ULL;
uint64_t u64;
memset(tmp, 0, 3);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
tmp[0] = val[i*2];
tmp[1] = val[i*2 + 1];
if((tmp[0] == '\0') || (tmp[1] == '\0'))
u64 = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
ret |= (u64 << ((5-i) << 3));
return ret;
String getDateTimeStr(time_t t) {
char str[20];
if(0 == t)
sprintf(str, "n/a");
sprintf(str, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", year(t), month(t), day(t), hour(t), minute(t), second(t));
return String(str);
inline uint32_t getUptime(void) {
return mUptimeSecs;
inline uint32_t getTimestamp(void) {
return mTimestamp;
void eraseSettings(bool all = false) {
//DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("main.h:eraseSettings"));
uint8_t buf[64];
uint16_t addr = (all) ? ADDR_START : ADDR_START_SETTINGS;
uint16_t end;
memset(buf, 0xff, 64);
do {
end = addr + 64;
if(end > (ADDR_SETTINGS_CRC + 2))
end = (ADDR_SETTINGS_CRC + 2);
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("erase: 0x") + String(addr, HEX) + " - 0x" + String(end, HEX));
mEep->write(addr, buf, (end-addr));
addr = end;
} while(addr < (ADDR_SETTINGS_CRC + 2));
inline bool checkTicker(uint32_t *ticker, uint32_t interval) {
uint32_t mil = millis();
if(mil >= *ticker) {
*ticker = mil + interval;
return true;
else if(mil < (*ticker - interval)) {
*ticker = mil + interval;
return true;
return false;
HmSystemType *mSys;
void resetSystem(void);
void loadDefaultConfig(void);
void loadEEpconfig(void);
void setupMqtt(void);
bool buildPayload(uint8_t id);
void processPayload(bool retransmit);
void processPayload(bool retransmit, uint8_t cmd);
void sendMqttDiscoveryConfig(void);
const char* getFieldDeviceClass(uint8_t fieldId);
const char* getFieldStateClass(uint8_t fieldId);
inline uint16_t buildEEpCrc(uint32_t start, uint32_t length) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("main.h:buildEEpCrc"));
uint8_t buf[32];
uint16_t crc = 0xffff;
uint8_t len;
while(length > 0) {
len = (length < 32) ? length : 32;
mEep->read(start, buf, len);
crc = Hoymiles::crc16(buf, len, crc);
start += len;
length -= len;
return crc;
void updateCrc(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("app::updateCrc"));
uint16_t crc;
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("new Wifi CRC: ") + String(crc, HEX));
mEep->write(ADDR_WIFI_CRC, crc);
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("new Settings CRC: ") + String(crc, HEX));
mEep->write(ADDR_SETTINGS_CRC, crc);
bool checkEEpCrc(uint32_t start, uint32_t length, uint32_t crcPos) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("main.h:checkEEpCrc"));
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, F("start: ") + String(start) + F(", length: ") + String(length));
uint16_t crcRd, crcCheck;
crcCheck = buildEEpCrc(start, length);
mEep->read(crcPos, &crcRd);
DPRINTLN(DBG_DEBUG, "CRC RD: " + String(crcRd, HEX) + " CRC CALC: " + String(crcCheck, HEX));
return (crcCheck == crcRd);
void stats(void) {
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F("main.h:stats"));
#ifdef ESP8266
uint32_t free;
uint16_t max;
uint8_t frag;
ESP.getHeapStats(&free, &max, &frag);
#elif defined(ESP32)
uint32_t free;
uint32_t max;
uint8_t frag;
free = ESP.getFreeHeap();
max = ESP.getMaxAllocHeap();
frag = 0;
DPRINT(DBG_VERBOSE, F("free: ") + String(free));
DPRINT(DBG_VERBOSE, F(" - max: ") + String(max) + "%");
DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, F(" - frag: ") + String(frag));
uint32_t mUptimeTicker;
uint16_t mUptimeInterval;
uint32_t mUptimeSecs;
uint32_t mPrevMillis;
uint8_t mHeapStatCnt;
uint32_t mNtpRefreshTicker;
uint32_t mNtpRefreshInterval;
bool mWifiSettingsValid;
bool mSettingsValid;
eep *mEep;
uint32_t mTimestamp;
bool mShowRebootRequest;
ahoywifi *mWifi;
web *mWebInst;
sysConfig_t mSysConfig;
config_t mConfig;
char mVersion[12];
uint16_t mSendTicker;
uint8_t mSendLastIvId;
invPayload_t mPayload[MAX_NUM_INVERTERS];
uint32_t mRxFailed;
uint32_t mRxSuccess;
uint32_t mFrameCnt;
uint8_t mLastPacketId;
// timer
uint32_t mTicker;
uint32_t mRxTicker;
// mqtt
mqtt mMqtt;
uint16_t mMqttTicker;
uint16_t mMqttInterval;
bool mMqttActive;
bool mMqttConfigSendState[MAX_NUM_INVERTERS];
// serial
uint16_t mSerialTicker;
#endif /*__APP_H__*/