commit a30d499eef0e349c0a9effa0280d7ff37f100912 Author: topaLE <> Date: Mon May 11 17:19:32 2020 +0200 Initial commit diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfe0770 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization +* text=auto diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aaf95a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2020 topaLE + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90f9cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# fhem_blue_dark_themes + FHEM WebIF Blue Dark Themes diff --git a/images/default/10px-kreis-gelb.png b/images/default/10px-kreis-gelb.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57f9517 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/10px-kreis-gelb.png differ diff --git a/images/default/10px-kreis-gruen.png b/images/default/10px-kreis-gruen.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e4b516 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/10px-kreis-gruen.png differ diff --git a/images/default/10px-kreis-rot.png b/images/default/10px-kreis-rot.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aedfc1a Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/10px-kreis-rot.png differ diff --git a/images/default/Zoom-in.png b/images/default/Zoom-in.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73c3a15 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/Zoom-in.png differ diff --git a/images/default/Zoom-out.png b/images/default/Zoom-out.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cf548d Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/Zoom-out.png differ diff --git a/images/default/fhemicon_dark_topaLE.png b/images/default/fhemicon_dark_topaLE.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9139e68 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/fhemicon_dark_topaLE.png differ diff --git a/images/default/fhemicon_darksmall.png b/images/default/fhemicon_darksmall.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8e0db7 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/fhemicon_darksmall.png differ diff --git a/images/default/icoEverything.png b/images/default/icoEverything.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e5162f Binary files /dev/null and b/images/default/icoEverything.png differ diff --git a/pgm2/dashboard_topa_LEstyle.css b/pgm2/dashboard_topa_LEstyle.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffc6f92 --- /dev/null +++ b/pgm2/dashboard_topa_LEstyle.css @@ -0,0 +1,602 @@ +@import url('') ; +.ui-widget-overlay { +background : #000000; +opacity : 0.7; +position : fixed; +top : 0; +left : 0; +width : 100%; +height : 100%; +} +.ui-corner-bottom, .ui-corner-top, .ui-corner-left, .ui-corner-right, .ui-corner-all { +border-radius : 5px; +} +#dashboard { +margin-top : -10px; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_column { +float : left; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_columnhelper { +border : #CCCCCC dotted 1px; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_widgetinner .block .block { +border : none; +box-shadow : none; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_row { +width : 100%; +height : inherit; +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_columncenter { +height : inherit; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_content { +padding : 0.2em; +} +#dashboard .ui-widget-content { +background-color : #333333; +color : #eeeeee; +border : none; +font-size : 13px !important ; +font-family : 'Titillium Web', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important ; +} +#dashboard .ui-widget-content a { +color : #eeeeee; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_content.table { +box-shadow : none !important ; +border-radius : 0 0 8px 8px !important ; +border : #FFFFFF none 1px !important ; +border-left : 1px solid #FFFFFF !important ; +border-right : 1px solid #FFFFFF !important ; +border-bottom : 1px solid #FFFFFF !important ; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_button_icon { +width : 13px; +height : 14px; +background-repeat : no-repeat; +float : left; +background-image : url(../images/default/dashboardicons.png); +} +#dashboard .dashboard_button_iconplus { +margin : 0.1em 0.4em; +float : right; +background-position : -65px 0; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_button_iconminus { +margin : 0.1em 0.4em; +float : right; +background-position : -52px 0; +} +#dashboard .dashboard-button { +display : inline-block; +padding : 0 0.6em; +height : 1.9em; +cursor : pointer; +background-color : #f5f5f5; +background-repeat : no-repeat !important ; +background-position : 7px; +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +border-radius : 4px; +margin-top : 2px; +width : 14px; +position : absolute; +} +#dashboard .dashboard-button-defineDetails { +right : 10px; +top : 0.2em; +background-image : url("") !important ; +} +#dashboard .dashboard-button-setPosition { +right : 45px; +top : 0.2em; +background-image : url("") !important ; +} +#dashboard .dashboard-button-setPosition:not(.ui-state-disabled) { +background-color : red !important ; +} +#dashboard .dashboard-button-goBack { +right : 80px; +top : 0.2em; +background-image : url("") !important ; +} +#dashboard .dashboard-button-editTab { +right : 115px; +top : 0.2em; +background-image : url(""); +} +#dashboard .ui-button { +display : inline-block; +line-height : normal; +margin-right : 0.1em; +cursor : pointer; +vertical-align : middle; +text-align : center; +overflow : visible; +} +#dashboard .ui-button, #dashboard .ui-button:active { +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard .ui-button .ui-button-text { +display : block; +line-height : normal; +} +#dashboard .ui-button-text-only .ui-button-text { +padding : 0.4em 1em; +} +#dashboard .ui-resizable { +position : relative; +} +#dashboard .ui-resizable-handle { +position : absolute; +font-size : 0.1px; +} +#dashboard .ui-resizable-se { +cursor : se-resize; +width : 12px; +height : 12px; +right : 1px; +bottom : 1px; +background-image : url(""); +} +#dashboard .ui-sortable-placeholder { +border : #FFFFFF dotted 1px; +visibility : visible !important ; +height : 25px !important ; +width : 150px; +} +#dashboard .block.wide { +border-radius : 5px; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_tabcontent { +width : 100%; +padding : 0; +margin : 0; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_widget { +border-radius : 8px; +float : left; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_widgethelper { +background-color : #111111; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_widgetheader { +background : none 0 0 repeat scroll #333333; +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +box-shadow : 5px 5px 5px #000000; +margin : 0.2em; +padding-bottom : 4px; +padding-top : 3px; +padding-left : 0.7em; +font-weight : normal; +} +#dashboard .ui-widget .ui-widget { +font-size : 1em; +font-family : 'Titillium Web', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; +} +#dashboard .ui-widget-header { +background-color : #222222; +color : #ffffff; +} +#dashboard .ui-helper-clearfix:before, #dashboard .ui-helper-clearfix:after { +content : ""; +display : table; +border-collapse : collapse; +} +#dashboard .ui-helper-clearfix:after { +clear : both; +} +#dashboard .ui-helper-clearfix { +min-height : 0; +} +#dashboard .ui-helper-reset { +margin : 0; +padding : 0; +border : 0; +outline : 0; +line-height : 1.3; +text-decoration : none; +font-size : 100%; +list-style : none; +} +#dashboard .ui-tabs { +position : relative; +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { +display : block; +border-width : 0; +background : none; +box-shadow : 0 0 0 0; +border-radius : 0; +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { +margin : 0; +padding : 0.2em 140px 0.2em 0.2em; +background-image : none; +} +#dashboard .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { +list-style : none; +float : left; +position : relative; +top : 0; +margin : 1px 0.2em 0 0; +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a { +float : none; +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-anchor { +float : left; +padding : 0.5em 0.5em; +text-decoration : none; +color : black; +} +#dashboard .ui-tabs-icon { +width : 23px; +height : 23px; +margin : -8px 2px -6px -3px; +padding-right : 2px; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_tabnav_hidden { +background-color : #333333; +} +#dashboard .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +background-color : #adadad; +font-weight : normal; +color : #333333; +} +#dashboard .ui-widget-header .ui-state-active { +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +background : #333333; +font-weight : normal; +color : #ffffff; +} +#dashboard .ui-state-default a { +color : #333333; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_tab.ui-state-default a { +color : #333333 !important ; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_tab.ui-state-default a svg:not([fill]) { +fill : #333333; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_tab.ui-state-active a { +color : #CCCCCC !important ; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_tab.ui-state-active a svg:not([fill]) { +fill : #CCCCCC; +} +#dashboard .ui-state-disabled { +opacity : 0.35; +} +#dashboard .ui-state-active a { +color : #ffffff; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard .ui-state-hover { +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +font-weight : normal; +color : #ffffff; +} +#dashboard .ui-state-hover a, #dashboard .ui-state-focus a:hover { +color : #ffffff; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_rowcenter { +position : relative; +} +#dashboard-dialog { +overflow : visible !important ; +position : absolute; +top : 0; +left : 0; +padding : 0.2em; +outline : 0; +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +z-index : 100; +font-size : 13px !important ; +font-family : 'Titillium Web', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important ; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-dialog-content { +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-widget-header { +background-color : #222222; +color : #ffffff; +padding : 5px; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-button { +display : inline-block; +line-height : normal; +margin-right : 0.1em; +cursor : pointer; +vertical-align : middle; +text-align : center; +overflow : visible; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-button, #dashboard-dialog .ui-button:hover, #dashboard-dialog .ui-button:active { +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-button .ui-button-text { +display : block; +line-height : normal; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-button-text-only .ui-button-text { +padding : 0.4em 1em; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane { +background-color : #222222; +padding : 5px; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset { +float : right; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-helper-clearfix:before, #dashboard-dialog .ui-helper-clearfix:after { +content : ""; +display : table; +border-collapse : collapse; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-helper-clearfix:after { +clear : both; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-helper-clearfix { +min-height : 0; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-helper-reset { +margin : 0; +border : 0; +outline : 0; +line-height : 1.3; +text-decoration : none; +font-size : 100%; +list-style : none; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-tabs { +position : relative; +padding : 0.2em; +border : none; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { +display : block; +border-width : 0; +background : none; +box-shadow : 0 0 0 0; +border-radius : 0; +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { +margin : 0; +padding : 0.2em 0.2em 0.4em; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { +list-style : none; +float : left; +position : relative; +top : 0; +margin : 1px 0.2em 0 0; +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-anchor { +float : left; +padding : 0.5em 1em; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-state-default { +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +background-color : #adadad; +font-weight : normal; +color : #333333; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-state-default a { +color : #333333; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-state-disabled { +border : #444444 solid 1px; +background : #333333; +font-weight : normal; +color : #444444; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-state-active { +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +background : #333333; +font-weight : normal; +color : #ffffff; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-state-active a { +color : #ffffff; +text-decoration : none; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-state-hover { +border : #FFFFFF solid 1px; +font-weight : normal; +color : #ffffff; +} +#dashboard-dialog .ui-state-hover a, #dashboard-dialog .ui-state-hover a:hover { +color : #ffffff; +text-decoration : none; +} +.evo-pop { +width : 204px; +padding : 3px 3px 0; +border : solid 1px; +} +.evo-pop-ie { +z-index : 10000; +width : 212px; +padding : 3px; +} +.evo-palette td { +font-size : 1px; +border : #c0c0c0 solid 1px; +padding : 7px; +cursor : pointer; +} +.evo-palette td { +border-bottom : 0; +} +.evo-palette td { +border-top : 0; +border-bottom : 0; +} +.evo-palette tr.bottom td { +border-top : 0; +} +.evo-palette div.sep { +height : 3px; +} +.evo-palette, .evo-palette-ie { +border-collapse : separate; +border-spacing : 4px 0; +} +.evo-palette th, .evo-palette-ie th { +border : 0; +padding : 5px 3px; +text-align : left; +font-weight : normal; +background : transparent !important ; +} +.evo-palette-ie td { +font-size : 1px; +border : #c0c0c0 solid 1px; +padding : 7px; +cursor : pointer; +} +.evo-palette2, .evo-palette2-ie { +margin : auto; +border-collapse : collapse; +} +.evo-palette2 td, .evo-palette2-ie td { +font-size : 1px; +cursor : pointer; +} +.evo-palette2 td { +padding : 6px 7px; +} +.evo-palette2-ie td { +padding : 5px; +} +.evo-palcenter { +padding : 5px; +text-align : center; +} +.evo-colorind, .evo-colorind-ie, .evo-colorind-ff { +border : #c3c3c3 solid 1px; +width : 20px; +height : 20px; +float : right; +margin-top : 3px; +} +.evo-colorind { +position : relative; +top : 2px; +} +.evo-colorind-ie { +position : relative; +top : -23px; +} +.evo-colorbox-ie { +font-size : 8px; +padding : 3px 9px !important ; +} +.evo-colortxt-ie { +position : relative; +top : -6px; +} +.evo-pop:after, .evo-pop-ie:after, .evo-colorind:after, .evo-colorind-ie:after, .evo-colorind-ff:after, .evo-color span:after, .evo-cHist:after { +content : "."; +display : block; +height : 0; +clear : both; +visibility : hidden; +font-size : 0; +} +.evo-color { +width : 94px; +padding : 1px 3px 0 4px; +} +.evo-color div { +border : #808080 solid 1px; +border-right : 1px solid #c0c0c0; +border-bottom : 1px solid #c0c0c0; +padding : 3px; +margin-bottom : 5px; +width : 10px; +height : 10px; +float : left; +} +.evo-color span { +font-size : 15px; +margin : 1px 0 4px 3px; +float : left; +} +.evo-sep { +height : 10px; +font-size : 0; +} +.evo-more { +padding : 4px 5px 4px; +font-size : smaller; +} +.evo-cHist { +padding : 3px; +} +.evo-cHist div { +cursor : pointer; +border : #c0c0c0 solid 1px; +padding : 3px; +margin : 5px; +width : 10px; +height : 10px; +float : left; +} +a.evo-hist { +margin-left : 6px; +} +.evo-pointer { +cursor : pointer; +visibility : hidden; +position : absolute; +} +#dashboard td table.readingsGroup { +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard td table { +width : 100%; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_dev_container { +padding : 0; +} +#dashboard .dashboard_dev_container > table > tbody > tr > td { +padding : 0; +} +body.dashboard_fullsize #menuScrollArea { +display : none; +} +body.dashboard_fullsize #hdr { +display : none; +} +body.dashboard_fullsize { +background-image : none; +} +body.dashboard_fullsize #content { +position : inherit !important ; +overflow : visible !important ; +float : none !important ; +width : 100% !important ; +height : 100% !important ; +padding : 0 !important ; +border : none !important ; +} +.dashboard_widgetheader svg { +margin-right : 5px; +} diff --git a/pgm2/topa_LECommon.css b/pgm2/topa_LECommon.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b470a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/pgm2/topa_LECommon.css @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +@import url('dashboard_topa_LEstyle.css') ; +@import url('') ; +table.readings td:nth-child(2) { +word-break : break-all; +} +div.ui-dialog { +border : #f3f3f3 solid 4px; +padding : 0.2em; +} +div.ui-dialog div.ui-dialog-titlebar { +display : none; +} +div.ui-widget-content { +background : #081824; +color : #F3F3F3; +} +div.ui-widget-content a { +color : #CCCCCC !important ; +text-decoration : none !important ; +} +.ui-widget { +font-family : 'Titillium Web', Arial, sans-serif !important ; +} +.ui-button-text { +font-weight : normal !important ; +color : #555 !important ; +} +div.detLink { +display : inline-block; +margin-right : 1.5em; +padding-left : 11px; +} +.fhemlog { +color : #FFFFFF; +} +svg.zw_nr .zwBox { +stroke : #fff; +stroke-width : 2px; +fill : #000; +} +svg.zw_nr .zwDongle { +stroke : red; +stroke-width : 2px; +fill : #000; +} +svg.zw_nr .zwMargin { +stroke : #fff; +stroke-width : 1px; +fill : none; +} +svg.zw_nr .zwLine { +stroke : #fff; +stroke-width : 1px; +} +svg.zw_nr .zwArrowHead { +fill : #fff; +stroke-width : 1px; +} +svg.zw_nr { +height : auto; +width : auto; +margin : 0; +} +#errmsg { +border-radius : 3px; +border : #000 solid 1px; +background-color : #081824; +padding : 4px; +margin-left : 20px; +font-family : 'Titillium'; +position : fixed; +top : 18px; +left : 350px; +z-index : 10; +} diff --git a/pgm2/topa_LEstyle.css b/pgm2/topa_LEstyle.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d424d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/pgm2/topa_LEstyle.css @@ -0,0 +1,459 @@ + +@import url('') ; +@import url('topa_LECommon.css') ; +body { +background-color : #18222a; +background-image : url(../images/default/fhemicon_dark_topaLE.png); +background-repeat : no-repeat; +color : #CCCCCC; +font-family : 'Titillium', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; +font-size : 15px; +} +#logo { +position : absolute; +top : 10px; +left : 20px; +width : 140px; +height : 150px; +} +#menu { +position : absolute; +top : 170px; +left : 20px; +width : 140px; +} +#console { +width : 100%; +top : 2em; +bottom : 0; +position : absolute; +overflow-y : auto; +} +#hdr { +position : absolute; +top : 10px; +left : 200px; +} +#content { +position : absolute; +top : 50px; +left : 200px; +bottom : 20px; +right : 10px; +padding-left : 0; +padding-top : 4px; +} +a { +color : #CCCCCC; +text-decoration : none; +} +a:hover { +color : #ffffff; +} +.wide { +width : 100%; +} +table.block { +border : #30415a solid 1px; +width : 100%; +background : #081824; +box-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #0a0f17; +} +table.block tr.odd { +background : #0b1319; +} +table.block tr.sel { +background : #970f05; +} +table { +border-radius : 8px; +border-spacing : 0; +padding-bottom : 6px; +padding-top : 6px; +} { +font-family : 'Titillium'; +background : #081824; +width : 160px; +border : #30415a solid 1px; +box-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #0a0f17; +} a { +color : #CCCCCC; +text-decoration : none; +} a:hover { +color : #eba15d; +} tr.sel { +background : #eba15d; +} tr.sel a { +font-weight : 500; +font-size : 15px; +color : #081824 !important ; +} +th { +font-family : 'Titillium'; +color : #f8d0a5; +text-align : left; +padding-left : 10px; +font-weight : 200; +font-size : 14px; +} +td { +padding-left : 10px; +padding-right : 10px; +padding-top : 3px; +padding-bottom : 3px; +} +input { +outline : none; +background-color : #d2deef; +border : #30415a solid 2px; +color : #303030; +font-family : 'Titillium'; +padding : 6px; +margin-left : 10px; +border-radius : 8px; +box-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #0a0f17; +} +input:focus { +border : #f4a242 solid 2px; +} +input:disabled { +color : #808080; 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+} +.makeTable { +display : inline; +float : left; +clear : left; +margin-top : 10px; +margin-bottom : 20px; +} +.makeSelect { +display : inline; +float : left; +clear : left; +vertical-align : middle; +} +select { +margin-left : 5px; +margin-right : 5px; +font-family : 'Titillium'; +} +.get, .set, .attr { +margin-bottom : 5px; +float : left; +font-family : 'Titillium'; +} +.slider { +margin-left : 10px; +float : left; +width : 250px; +height : 26px; +font-family : 'Titillium'; +} +.get .slider, .set .slider, .attr .slider { +background : #101010; +border-radius : 8px; +} +.set .set { +margin-bottom : 2px; +margin-top : 3px; +} +.slider { +margin-left : 10px; +float : left; +width : 250px; +height : 26px; +border-style : solid; +border-width : 2px; +border-color : #555555; +} +.handle { +position : relative; +cursor : pointer; +width : 50px; +height : 20px; +line-height : 20px; +border : solid 2px; +color : white; +text-align : center; +} +.downText, .makeSelect select { +margin : 0.7em; 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