package main // Copyright 2016 Nils Decker // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" lua "" upnp "" ) const serviceLoadRetryTime = 1 * time.Minute var ( flag_luacall = flag.Bool("testLua", false, "test LUA") // TODO cleanup once completed flag_test = flag.Bool("test", false, "print all available metrics to stdout") flag_collect = flag.Bool("collect", false, "print configured metrics to stdout and exit") flag_jsonout = flag.String("json-out", "", "store metrics also to JSON file when running test") flag_addr = flag.String("listen-address", "", "The address to listen on for HTTP requests.") flag_metrics_file = flag.String("metrics-file", "metrics.json", "The JSON file with the metric definitions.") flag_gateway_url = flag.String("gateway-url", "", "The URL of the FRITZ!Box") flag_gateway_luaurl = flag.String("gateway-luaurl", "", "The URL of the FRITZ!Box UI") flag_gateway_username = flag.String("username", "", "The user for the FRITZ!Box UPnP service") flag_gateway_password = flag.String("password", "", "The password for the FRITZ!Box UPnP service") ) var ( collect_errors = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "fritzbox_exporter_collect_errors", Help: "Number of collection errors.", }) ) type JSON_PromDesc struct { FqName string `json:"fqName"` Help string `json:"help"` VarLabels []string `json:"varLabels"` } type ActionArg struct { Name string `json:"Name"` IsIndex bool `json:"IsIndex"` ProviderAction string `json:"ProviderAction"` Value string `json:"Value"` } type Metric struct { // initialized loading JSON Service string `json:"service"` Action string `json:"action"` ActionArgument *ActionArg `json:"actionArgument"` Result string `json:"result"` OkValue string `json:"okValue"` PromDesc JSON_PromDesc `json:"promDesc"` PromType string `json:"promType"` // initialized at startup Desc *prometheus.Desc MetricType prometheus.ValueType } type LuaMetric struct { // initialized loading JSON } var metrics []*Metric type FritzboxCollector struct { Url string Gateway string Username string Password string sync.Mutex // protects Root Root *upnp.Root } // simple ResponseWriter to collect output type TestResponseWriter struct { header http.Header statusCode int body bytes.Buffer } func (w *TestResponseWriter) Header() http.Header { return w.header } func (w *TestResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { return w.body.Write(b) } func (w *TestResponseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) { w.statusCode = statusCode } func (w *TestResponseWriter) String() string { return w.body.String() } // LoadServices tries to load the service information. Retries until success. func (fc *FritzboxCollector) LoadServices() { for { root, err := upnp.LoadServices(fc.Url, fc.Username, fc.Password) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("cannot load services: %s\n", err) time.Sleep(serviceLoadRetryTime) continue } fmt.Printf("services loaded\n") fc.Lock() fc.Root = root fc.Unlock() return } } func (fc *FritzboxCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) { for _, m := range metrics { ch <- m.Desc } } func (fc *FritzboxCollector) ReportMetric(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, m *Metric, result upnp.Result) { val, ok := result[m.Result] if !ok { fmt.Printf("%s.%s has no result %s", m.Service, m.Action, m.Result) collect_errors.Inc() return } var floatval float64 switch tval := val.(type) { case uint64: floatval = float64(tval) case bool: if tval { floatval = 1 } else { floatval = 0 } case string: if tval == m.OkValue { floatval = 1 } else { floatval = 0 } default: fmt.Println("unknown type", val) collect_errors.Inc() return } labels := make([]string, len(m.PromDesc.VarLabels)) for i, l := range m.PromDesc.VarLabels { if l == "gateway" { labels[i] = fc.Gateway } else { lval, ok := result[l] if !ok { fmt.Printf("%s.%s has no resul for label %s", m.Service, m.Action, l) lval = "" } // convert hostname and MAC tolower to avoid problems with labels if l == "HostName" || l == "MACAddress" { labels[i] = strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%v", lval)) } else { labels[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", lval) } } } ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric( m.Desc, m.MetricType, floatval, labels...) } func (fc *FritzboxCollector) GetActionResult(result_map map[string]upnp.Result, serviceType string, actionName string, actionArg *upnp.ActionArgument) (upnp.Result, error) { m_key := serviceType + "|" + actionName // for calls with argument also add arguement name and value to key if actionArg != nil { m_key += "|" + actionArg.Name + "|" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", actionArg.Value) } last_result := result_map[m_key] if last_result == nil { service, ok := fc.Root.Services[serviceType] if !ok { return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("service %s not found", serviceType)) } action, ok := service.Actions[actionName] if !ok { return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("action %s not found in service %s", actionName, serviceType)) } var err error last_result, err = action.Call(actionArg) if err != nil { return nil, err } result_map[m_key] = last_result } return last_result, nil } func (fc *FritzboxCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) { fc.Lock() root := fc.Root fc.Unlock() if root == nil { // Services not loaded yet return } // create a map for caching results var result_map = make(map[string]upnp.Result) for _, m := range metrics { var actArg *upnp.ActionArgument if m.ActionArgument != nil { aa := m.ActionArgument var value interface{} value = aa.Value if aa.ProviderAction != "" { provRes, err := fc.GetActionResult(result_map, m.Service, aa.ProviderAction, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error getting provider action %s result for %s.%s: %s\n", aa.ProviderAction, m.Service, m.Action, err.Error()) collect_errors.Inc() continue } var ok bool value, ok = provRes[aa.Value] // Value contains the result name for provider actions if !ok { fmt.Printf("provider action %s for %s.%s has no result", m.Service, m.Action, aa.Value) collect_errors.Inc() continue } } if aa.IsIndex { sval := fmt.Sprintf("%v", value) count, err := strconv.Atoi(sval) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) collect_errors.Inc() continue } for i := 0; i < count; i++ { actArg = &upnp.ActionArgument{Name: aa.Name, Value: i} result, err := fc.GetActionResult(result_map, m.Service, m.Action, actArg) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) collect_errors.Inc() continue } fc.ReportMetric(ch, m, result) } continue } else { actArg = &upnp.ActionArgument{Name: aa.Name, Value: value} } } result, err := fc.GetActionResult(result_map, m.Service, m.Action, actArg) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) collect_errors.Inc() continue } fc.ReportMetric(ch, m, result) } } func test() { root, err := upnp.LoadServices(*flag_gateway_url, *flag_gateway_username, *flag_gateway_password) if err != nil { panic(err) } var newEntry bool = false var json bytes.Buffer json.WriteString("[\n") serviceKeys := []string{} for k := range root.Services { serviceKeys = append(serviceKeys, k) } sort.Strings(serviceKeys) for _, k := range serviceKeys { s := root.Services[k] fmt.Printf("Service: %s (Url: %s)\n", k, s.ControlUrl) actionKeys := []string{} for l := range s.Actions { actionKeys = append(actionKeys, l) } sort.Strings(actionKeys) for _, l := range actionKeys { a := s.Actions[l] fmt.Printf(" %s - arguments: variable [direction] (soap name, soap type)\n", a.Name) for _, arg := range a.Arguments { sv := arg.StateVariable fmt.Printf(" %s [%s] (%s, %s)\n", arg.RelatedStateVariable, arg.Direction, arg.Name, sv.DataType) } if !a.IsGetOnly() { fmt.Printf(" %s - not calling, since arguments required or no output\n", a.Name) continue } // only create JSON for Get // TODO also create JSON templates for input actionParams for _, arg := range a.Arguments { // create new json entry if newEntry { json.WriteString(",\n") } else { newEntry = true } json.WriteString("\t{\n\t\t\"service\": \"") json.WriteString(k) json.WriteString("\",\n\t\t\"action\": \"") json.WriteString(a.Name) json.WriteString("\",\n\t\t\"result\": \"") json.WriteString(arg.RelatedStateVariable) json.WriteString("\"\n\t}") } fmt.Printf(" %s - calling - results: variable: value\n", a.Name) res, err := a.Call(nil) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(" FAILED:%s\n", err.Error()) continue } for _, arg := range a.Arguments { fmt.Printf(" %s: %v\n", arg.RelatedStateVariable, res[arg.StateVariable.Name]) } } } json.WriteString("\n]") if *flag_jsonout != "" { err := ioutil.WriteFile(*flag_jsonout, json.Bytes(), 0644) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed writing JSON file '%s': %s\n", *flag_jsonout, err.Error()) } } } func testLuaCall() { var luaSession lua.LuaSession luaSession.BaseURL = *flag_gateway_luaurl luaSession.Username = *flag_gateway_username luaSession.Password = *flag_gateway_password var jsonData []byte var err error page := lua.LuaPage{Path: "data.lua", Params: "page=energy"} //page := lua.LuaPage{Path: "data.lua", Params: "page=ecoStat"} //page := lua.LuaPage{Path: "data.lua", Params: "page=usbOv"} jsonData, err = luaSession.LoadData(page) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("JSON: %s", string(jsonData))) data, err := lua.ParseJSON(jsonData) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } labelRenames := make([]lua.LabelRename, 0) labelRenames = addLabelRename(labelRenames, "(?i)prozessor", "CPU") labelRenames = addLabelRename(labelRenames, "(?i)system", "System") labelRenames = addLabelRename(labelRenames, "(?i)FON", "Phone") labelRenames = addLabelRename(labelRenames, "(?i)WLAN", "WLAN") labelRenames = addLabelRename(labelRenames, "(?i)USB", "USB") labelRenames = addLabelRename(labelRenames, "(?i)Speicher.*FRITZ", "Internal eStorage") pidMetric := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "", Key: "pid", Labels: nil} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, pidMetric) powerMetric := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.drain.*", Key: "actPerc", Labels: []string{"name"}} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, powerMetric) lanMetric := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.drain.*.lan.*", Key: "class", Labels: []string{"name"}} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, lanMetric) tempMetric := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.cputemp.series.0", Key: "-1", Labels: nil} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, tempMetric) loadMetric := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.cpuutil.series.0", Key: "-1", Labels: nil} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, loadMetric) ramMetric1 := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.ramusage.series.0", Key: "-1", Labels: nil, FixedLabels: map[string]string{"ram_type": "Fixed"}} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, ramMetric1) ramMetric2 := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.ramusage.series.1", Key: "-1", Labels: nil, FixedLabels: map[string]string{"ram_type": "Dynamic"}} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, ramMetric2) ramMetric3 := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.ramusage.series.2", Key: "-1", Labels: nil, FixedLabels: map[string]string{"ram_type": "Free"}} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, ramMetric3) usbMetric := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.usbOverview.devices.*", Key: "partitions.0.totalStorageInBytes", Labels: []string{"deviceType", "deviceName"}} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, usbMetric) usbMetric2 := lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition{Path: "data.usbOverview.devices.*", Key: "partitions.0.usedStorageInBytes", Labels: []string{"deviceType", "deviceName"}} dumpMetric(&labelRenames, data, usbMetric2) } func dumpMetric(labelRenames *[]lua.LabelRename, data map[string]interface{}, metricDef lua.LuaMetricValueDefinition) { metrics, err := lua.GetMetrics(labelRenames, data, metricDef) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Metrics: %v", metrics)) } func addLabelRename(labelRenames []lua.LabelRename, pattern string, name string) []lua.LabelRename { regex, err := regexp.Compile(pattern) if err == nil { return append(labelRenames, lua.LabelRename{Pattern: *regex, Name: name}) } return labelRenames } func getValueType(vt string) prometheus.ValueType { switch vt { case "CounterValue": return prometheus.CounterValue case "GaugeValue": return prometheus.GaugeValue case "UntypedValue": return prometheus.UntypedValue } return prometheus.UntypedValue } func main() { flag.Parse() u, err := url.Parse(*flag_gateway_url) if err != nil { fmt.Println("invalid URL:", err) return } if *flag_test { test() return } if *flag_luacall { testLuaCall() return } // read metrics jsonData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*flag_metrics_file) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error reading metric file:", err) return } err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &metrics) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error parsing JSON:", err) return } // init metrics for _, m := range metrics { pd := m.PromDesc // make labels lower case labels := make([]string, len(pd.VarLabels)) for i, l := range pd.VarLabels { labels[i] = strings.ToLower(l) } m.Desc = prometheus.NewDesc(pd.FqName, pd.Help, labels, nil) m.MetricType = getValueType(m.PromType) } collector := &FritzboxCollector{ Url: *flag_gateway_url, Gateway: u.Hostname(), Username: *flag_gateway_username, Password: *flag_gateway_password, } if *flag_collect { collector.LoadServices() prometheus.MustRegister(collector) prometheus.MustRegister(collect_errors) fmt.Println("collecting metrics via http") // simulate HTTP request without starting actual http server writer := TestResponseWriter{header: http.Header{}} request := http.Request{} promhttp.Handler().ServeHTTP(&writer, &request) fmt.Println(writer.String()) return } go collector.LoadServices() prometheus.MustRegister(collector) prometheus.MustRegister(collect_errors) http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) fmt.Printf("metrics available at http://%s/metrics\n", *flag_addr) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*flag_addr, nil)) }