# Ghostfolio Development Guide
## Experimental Features
New functionality can be enabled using a feature flag switch from the user settings.
### Backend
Remove permission in `UserService` using `without()`
### Frontend
Use `@if (user?.settings?.isExperimentalFeatures) {}` in HTML template
## Git
### Rebase
`git rebase -i --autosquash main`
## Dependencies
### Angular
#### Upgrade (minor versions)
1. Run `npx npm-check-updates --upgrade --target "minor" --filter "/@angular.*/"`
### Nx
#### Upgrade
1. Run `npx nx migrate latest`
1. Make sure `package.json` changes make sense and then run `npm install`
1. Run `npx nx migrate --run-migrations`
### Prisma
#### Access database via GUI
Run `npm run database:gui`
#### Synchronize schema with database for prototyping
Run `npm run database:push`
#### Create schema migration
Run `npm run prisma migrate dev --name added_job_title`