mirror of https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio
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# Changelog |
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. |
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), |
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). |
## 0.85.0 - 12.04.2021 |
### Changed |
- Refactored many frontend components |
## 0.84.0 - 11.04.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed static portfolio analysis rules (_Currency Cluster Risk_) if no positions in base currency |
- Initial Investment: Base Currency |
- Current Investment: Base Currency |
## 0.83.0 - 11.04.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a new static portfolio analysis rule: Fees in relation to the initial investment |
### Changed |
- Reset the cache on the server start |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue in the portfolio update on deleting a transaction |
- Fixed an issue in the _X-Ray_ section (missing redirection on logout) |
## 0.82.0 - 10.04.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a gradient to the line charts |
- Added a selector to set the base currency on the account page |
## 0.81.0 - 06.04.2021 |
### Added |
- Added support for assets in `GBP` |
- Added an error handling with messages in the client |
### Changed |
- Changed the _Ghostfolio_ SaaS (cloud) from a `nano` to a `micro` instance for a better performance |
## 0.80.0 - 05.04.2021 |
### Changed |
- Improved the spacing in the header |
- Upgraded `chart.js` from version `2.9.4` to `3.0.2` |
## 0.79.0 - 04.04.2021 |
### Changed |
- Refactored the data management services |
- Upgraded `bootstrap` from version `4.5.3` to `4.6.0` |
- Upgraded `date-fns` from version `2.16.1` to `2.19.0` |
- Upgraded `ionicons` from version `5.4.0` to `5.5.1` |
- Upgraded `lodash` from version `4.17.20` to `4.17.21` |
- Upgraded `ngx-markdown` from version `11.1.0` to `11.1.2` |
- Upgraded `ngx-skeleton-loader` from version `2.6.2` to `2.9.1` |
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `2.18.0` to `2.20.1` |
## 0.78.0 - 04.04.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a spinner to the create or edit transaction dialog |
- Added support for the back button in |
- portfolio performance chart dialog |
- position detail dialog |
- create transaction dialog |
- edit transaction dialog |
### Changed |
- Improved the single platform rule by adding the number of platforms |
## 0.77.1 - 03.04.2021 |
### Changed |
- Minor improvements |
## 0.77.0 - 03.04.2021 |
### Added |
- Added support for base currency in user settings |
- Added an investment risk disclaimer to the footer |
- Added two more static portfolio analysis rules: |
- _Currency Cluster Risk_ (current investment) |
- _Platform Cluster Risk_ (current investment) |
### Changed |
- Grouped the _X-Ray_ section visually in _Currency Cluster Risk_ and _Platform Cluster Risk_ |
## 0.76.0 - 02.04.2021 |
### Added |
- Added two more static portfolio analysis rules: |
- _Currency Cluster Risk_ (base currency) |
- _Platform Cluster Risk_ (single platform) |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue in the _X-Ray_ section (empty portfolio) |
## 0.75.0 - 01.04.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue in the exchange rate service occurring on the first day of the month |
## 0.74.0 - 01.04.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a _Create Account_ message in the _Live Demo_ |
- Added skeleton loaders to the _X-Ray_ section |
### Changed |
- Improved the alignment of the _Why Ghostfolio?_ section |
- Improved the styling of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood) |
## 0.73.0 - 31.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood) to the portfolio performance chart dialog |
- Added a link to the info box on the analysis page |
### Changed |
- Improved the intro text in the _X-Ray_ section |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the flickering of the _Sign in_ button in the header |
## 0.72.1 - 30.03.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue with updating or resetting the platform of a transaction |
## 0.72.0 - 30.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added an intro text to the _X-Ray_ section |
### Changed |
- Improved the editing of transactions |
- Harmonized the page titles |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue with wrong transaction dates |
## 0.71.0 - 28.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the second static portfolio analysis rule: _Platform Cluster Risk_ |
### Changed |
- Improved the styling in the _X-Ray_ section |
## 0.70.0 - 27.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the current _Fear & Greed Index_ as text |
- Extended the landing page text: _Ghostfolio_ empowers busy folks... |
- Added the first static portfolio analysis rule in the brand new _X-Ray_ section |
### Changed |
- Improved the spacing in the footer |
## 0.69.0 - 27.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the current _Fear & Greed Index_ to the resources page |
## 0.68.0 - 26.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Improved the performance of the position detail dialog |
### Fixed |
- Fixed a scroll issue in dialogs |
## 0.67.0 - 26.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added an experimental API to get historical data for benchmarks |
## 0.66.0 - 25.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a chevron to the position |
- Added an experimental API to get benchmark data |
## 0.65.0 - 24.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a legend to the portfolio performance chart |
- Added a placeholder to the filter of the transactions table |
### Changed |
- Changed the regular data management check to a smarter approach |
## 0.64.0 - 23.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added an index to the market data database table |
### Changed |
- Optimized the other dialogs for mobile (full screen and close button) |
## 0.63.0 - 22.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Improved the transactions table |
- Optimized the position detail dialog for mobile (full screen and close button) |
## 0.62.0 - 21.03.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue while loading data concurrently via the date range component |
## 0.61.0 - 21.03.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue in the performance calculation if there are only transactions from today |
## 0.60.0 - 20.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a button to create the first transaction on the analysis page |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue on the analysis page if there are only transactions from today |
## 0.59.0 - 20.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Extended the landing page text: Why _Ghostfolio_? |
- Extended the glossary of the resources page |
## 0.58.0 - 20.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added meta data for _Open Graph_ and _Twitter Cards_ |
- Added meta data: `description` and `keywords` |
### Changed |
- Improved the icon |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the `sitemap.xml` file |
## 0.57.0 - 19.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the `sitemap.xml` file |
- Added a resources page |
- Added a chart to the landing page |
### Changed |
- Improved the performance chart |
- Improved the average buy price in the position detail chart |
- Improved the style of the active page in the navigation on mobile |
## 0.56.0 - 18.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the quantity and investment in the position detail dialog |
### Changed |
- Improved the performance chart |
- Improved the performance calculation |
- Improved the average buy price in the position detail chart |
## 0.55.0 - 16.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Improved the performance calculation |
## 0.54.0 - 15.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added another _Create Account_ button at the end of the landing page |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue in the position detail chart if the position has been bought today (no historical data) |
- Fixed an issue in the transaction service with unordered items |
## 0.53.0 - 14.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Set up database backup |
### Changed |
- Improved `site.webmanifest` |
## 0.52.0 - 14.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Added the membership status to the account page |
### Fixed |
- Fixed an issue in the chart (empty portfolio) |
## 0.51.0 - 14.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Changed the default number of rows from 10 to 7 in the positions table |
## 0.50.1 - 13.03.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the button to expand rows in the positions table |
## 0.50.0 - 13.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added filters to switch between _Original Shares_ vs. _Current Shares_ in pie charts |
- Added a button to expand rows in the positions table |
### Changed |
- Ordered platforms by name in edit transaction dialog |
- Modularized the date range component |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the error handling for the data management (errors in nested data) |
## 0.49.0 - 13.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added additional portfolio filters for `1Y` and `5Y` |
- Added an error handling for the data management |
### Changed |
- Improved the pricing section |
## 0.48.1 - 11.03.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the about page for unauthorized users |
## 0.48.0 - 11.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a pricing section |
### Changed |
- Improved the positions and transactions table |
- Harmonized alignment |
- Enabled position detail dialog |
## 0.47.0 - 10.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a positions table with information about _Original Shares_ vs. _Current Shares_ |
- Added data management to control panel |
## 0.46.0 - 09.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added permission based access-control |
- Added an admin control panel |
## 0.45.0 - 08.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Changed the data management of benchmarks with extended persistency |
- Changed the data management of currencies with extended persistency |
## 0.44.0 - 07.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Changed the data management with extended persistency |
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `2.16.1` to `2.18.0` |
- Upgraded `angular` from version `11.0.9` to `11.2.4` |
## 0.43.0 - 04.03.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed missing columns (_Quantity_, _Unit Price_ and _Fee_) in transactions table |
- Fixed displaying edit transaction dialog in impersonation mode |
- Fixed `/.well-known/assetlinks.json` for TWA |
## 0.42.0 - 03.03.2021 |
### Changed |
- Improved the skeleton loader (minor) |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the portfolio unit tests |
## 0.41.0 - 02.03.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the possibility to create or edit a transaction with a platform |
### Changed |
- Increased the token expiration duration |
### Fixed |
- Only show relevant data in the position detail dialog |
- Improved the performance chart styling in Safari |
## 0.40.0 - 01.03.2021 |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the calculation issues occurring on the first day of each month |
- Harmonized the percent value formatting |
## 0.39.0 - 28.02.2021 |
### Changed |
- Improved the buy price in the position detail dialog |
### Fixed |
- Fixed the (hidden) header issue |
## 0.38.0 - 26.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added `/.well-known/assetlinks.json` for TWA |
## 0.37.0 - 25.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a benchmark (_S&P 500_) to the portfolio performance chart |
## 0.36.1 - 24.02.2021 |
### Changed |
- Minor improvements in the transactions table |
## 0.36.0 - 24.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added the possibility to edit a transaction |
## 0.35.0 - 23.02.2021 |
### Changed |
- Added transparent background to header |
- Harmonized currency value formatting |
### Fixed |
- Fixed header issue with (not) signed in |
## 0.34.0 - 21.02.2021 |
### Changed |
- Improved skeleton loader of position |
- Simplified sign in / sign up flow |
## 0.33.0 - 21.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added favicon and `site.webmanifest` |
### Changed |
- Set font style of numbers to tabular |
- Rename _Orders_ to _Transactions_ |
### Security |
- Additionally hash the _Security Token_ (no more stored in plain text) |
## 0.32.0 - 20.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a landing page text: How does _Ghostfolio_ work? |
- Added the _Independent & Bootstrapped_ badge to the about page |
## 0.31.0 - 20.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a changelog to the about page |
- Added a twitter account to the about page |
- Added the version to the about page |
## 0.30.0 - 19.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added an about page |
## 0.29.0 - 19.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added a landing page text: Why _Ghostfolio_? |
## 0.28.2 - 17.02.2021 |
### Added |
- Added caching for the portfolio (Redis) |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
FROM node:14 |
# Create app directory |
WORKDIR /app |
COPY . . |
EXPOSE 3333 |
CMD [ "npm", "run", "start:prod" ] |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
<div align="center"> |
<h1>Ghostfolio</h1> |
<p> |
<strong>Privacy-first Portfolio Tracker</strong> |
</p> |
<p> |
<a href="https://www.ghostfol.io"><strong>Ghostfolio</strong></a> |
</p> |
</div> |
## Features |
- ✅ Dark Mode |
## Getting Started |
### Prerequisites |
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download) |
- [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install) |
- [Docker](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop) |
### Setup |
1. Run `yarn install` |
2. Run `yarn docker:dockerize` |
3. Copy `.env.sample` to `docker/.env` |
4. Run `cd docker/<version>` |
5. Run `docker-compose build` |
6. Run `docker-compose up -d` |
## Development |
- Start server |
- Serve: Run `yarn start:server` |
- Debug: Run `yarn watch:server` and run "Launch Program" in _Visual Studio Code_ |
- Start client |
- Run `yarn start:client` |
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ |
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"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server", |
"options": { |
"browserTarget": "client:build", |
"proxyConfig": "apps/client/proxy.conf.json" |
}, |
"configurations": { |
"production": { |
"browserTarget": "client:build:production" |
} |
} |
}, |
"extract-i18n": { |
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:extract-i18n", |
"options": { |
"browserTarget": "client:build" |
} |
}, |
"lint": { |
"builder": "@nrwl/linter:eslint", |
"options": { |
"lintFilePatterns": ["apps/client/**/*.ts"] |
} |
}, |
"test": { |
"builder": "@nrwl/jest:jest", |
"options": { |
"jestConfig": "apps/client/jest.config.js", |
"passWithNoTests": true |
}, |
"outputs": ["coverage/apps/client"] |
} |
} |
}, |
"client-e2e": { |
"root": "apps/client-e2e", |
"sourceRoot": "apps/client-e2e/src", |
"projectType": "application", |
"architect": { |
"e2e": { |
"builder": "@nrwl/cypress:cypress", |
"options": { |
"cypressConfig": "apps/client-e2e/cypress.json", |
"tsConfig": "apps/client-e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json", |
"devServerTarget": "client:serve" |
}, |
"configurations": { |
"production": { |
"devServerTarget": "client:serve:production" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
"helper": { |
"root": "libs/helper", |
"sourceRoot": "libs/helper/src", |
"projectType": "library", |
"architect": { |
"lint": { |
"builder": "@nrwl/linter:eslint", |
"options": { |
"lintFilePatterns": ["libs/helper/**/*.ts"] |
} |
}, |
"test": { |
"builder": "@nrwl/jest:jest", |
"outputs": ["coverage/libs/helper"], |
"options": { |
"jestConfig": "libs/helper/jest.config.js", |
"passWithNoTests": true |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
{ |
"extends": "../../.eslintrc.json", |
"ignorePatterns": ["!**/*"], |
"rules": {}, |
"overrides": [ |
{ |
"files": ["*.ts", "*.tsx", "*.js", "*.jsx"], |
"parserOptions": { |
"project": ["apps/api/tsconfig.*?.json"] |
}, |
"rules": {} |
}, |
{ |
"files": ["*.ts", "*.tsx"], |
"rules": {} |
}, |
{ |
"files": ["*.js", "*.jsx"], |
"rules": {} |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
module.exports = { |
displayName: 'api', |
preset: '../../jest.preset.js', |
globals: { |
'ts-jest': { |
tsconfig: '<rootDir>/tsconfig.spec.json' |
} |
}, |
transform: { |
'^.+\\.[tj]s$': 'ts-jest' |
}, |
moduleFileExtensions: ['ts', 'js', 'html'], |
coverageDirectory: '../../coverage/apps/api', |
testTimeout: 10000 |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
import { Controller, Get, Inject, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { AccessService } from './access.service'; |
import { Access } from './interfaces/access.interface'; |
@Controller('access') |
export class AccessController { |
public constructor( |
private readonly accessService: AccessService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser |
) {} |
@Get() |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getAllAccesses(): Promise<Access[]> { |
const accessesWithGranteeUser = await this.accessService.accesses({ |
include: { |
GranteeUser: true |
}, |
where: { userId: this.request.user.id } |
}); |
return accessesWithGranteeUser.map((access) => { |
return { |
granteeAlias: access.GranteeUser.alias |
}; |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { AccessController } from './access.controller'; |
import { AccessService } from './access.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [], |
controllers: [AccessController], |
providers: [AccessService, PrismaService] |
}) |
export class AccessModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { AccessWithGranteeUser } from './interfaces/access-with-grantee-user.type'; |
@Injectable() |
export class AccessService { |
public constructor(private prisma: PrismaService) {} |
public async accesses(params: { |
include?: Prisma.AccessInclude; |
skip?: number; |
take?: number; |
cursor?: Prisma.AccessWhereUniqueInput; |
where?: Prisma.AccessWhereInput; |
orderBy?: Prisma.AccessOrderByInput; |
}): Promise<AccessWithGranteeUser[]> { |
const { include, skip, take, cursor, where, orderBy } = params; |
return this.prisma.access.findMany({ |
cursor, |
include, |
orderBy, |
skip, |
take, |
where |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import { Access, User } from '@prisma/client'; |
export type AccessWithGranteeUser = Access & { GranteeUser?: User }; |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
export interface Access { |
granteeAlias: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
import { |
Controller, |
Get, |
HttpException, |
Inject, |
Post, |
UseGuards |
} from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; |
import { getPermissions, hasPermission, permissions } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { DataGatheringService } from '../../services/data-gathering.service'; |
import { AdminService } from './admin.service'; |
import { AdminData } from './interfaces/admin-data.interface'; |
@Controller('admin') |
export class AdminController { |
public constructor( |
private readonly adminService: AdminService, |
private readonly dataGatheringService: DataGatheringService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser |
) {} |
@Get() |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getAdminData(): Promise<AdminData> { |
if ( |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.accessAdminControl |
) |
) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
return this.adminService.get(); |
} |
@Post('gather/max') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async gatherMax(): Promise<void> { |
if ( |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.accessAdminControl |
) |
) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
this.dataGatheringService.gatherMax(); |
return; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { DataGatheringService } from '../../services/data-gathering.service'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { AlphaVantageService } from '../../services/data-provider/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage.service'; |
import { RakutenRapidApiService } from '../../services/data-provider/rakuten-rapid-api/rakuten-rapid-api.service'; |
import { YahooFinanceService } from '../../services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { AdminController } from './admin.controller'; |
import { AdminService } from './admin.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [], |
controllers: [AdminController], |
providers: [ |
AdminService, |
AlphaVantageService, |
DataGatheringService, |
DataProviderService, |
ExchangeRateDataService, |
PrismaService, |
RakutenRapidApiService, |
YahooFinanceService |
] |
}) |
export class AdminModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { AdminData } from './interfaces/admin-data.interface'; |
@Injectable() |
export class AdminService { |
public constructor( |
private exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, |
private prisma: PrismaService |
) {} |
public async get(): Promise<AdminData> { |
return { |
analytics: await this.getUserAnalytics(), |
exchangeRates: [ |
{ |
label1: Currency.EUR, |
label2: Currency.CHF, |
value: await this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1, |
Currency.EUR, |
Currency.CHF |
) |
}, |
{ |
label1: Currency.GBP, |
label2: Currency.CHF, |
value: await this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1, |
Currency.GBP, |
Currency.CHF |
) |
}, |
{ |
label1: Currency.USD, |
label2: Currency.CHF, |
value: await this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1, |
Currency.USD, |
Currency.CHF |
) |
}, |
{ |
label1: Currency.USD, |
label2: Currency.EUR, |
value: await this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1, |
Currency.USD, |
Currency.EUR |
) |
}, |
{ |
label1: Currency.USD, |
label2: Currency.GBP, |
value: await this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1, |
Currency.USD, |
Currency.GBP |
) |
} |
], |
lastDataGathering: await this.getLastDataGathering(), |
transactionCount: await this.prisma.order.count(), |
userCount: await this.prisma.user.count() |
}; |
} |
private async getLastDataGathering() { |
const lastDataGathering = await this.prisma.property.findUnique({ |
where: { key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING' } |
}); |
if (lastDataGathering?.value) { |
return new Date(lastDataGathering.value); |
} |
const dataGatheringInProgress = await this.prisma.property.findUnique({ |
where: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' } |
}); |
if (dataGatheringInProgress) { |
return 'IN_PROGRESS'; |
} |
return null; |
} |
private async getUserAnalytics() { |
return await this.prisma.analytics.findMany({ |
orderBy: { updatedAt: 'desc' }, |
select: { |
activityCount: true, |
updatedAt: true, |
User: { |
select: { |
alias: true, |
createdAt: true, |
id: true |
} |
} |
}, |
take: 20 |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
export interface AdminData { |
analytics: { |
activityCount: number; |
updatedAt: Date; |
User: { |
alias: string; |
id: string; |
}; |
}[]; |
exchangeRates: { label1: string; label2: string; value: number }[]; |
lastDataGathering: Date | 'IN_PROGRESS'; |
transactionCount: number; |
userCount: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
import { Controller } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../services/prisma.service'; |
import { RedisCacheService } from './redis-cache/redis-cache.service'; |
@Controller() |
export class AppController { |
public constructor( |
private prisma: PrismaService, |
private readonly redisCacheService: RedisCacheService |
) { |
this.initialize(); |
} |
private async initialize() { |
this.redisCacheService.reset(); |
const isDataGatheringLocked = await this.prisma.property.findUnique({ |
where: { key: 'LOCKED_DATA_GATHERING' } |
}); |
if (!isDataGatheringLocked) { |
// Prepare for automatical data gather if not locked
await this.prisma.property.deleteMany({ |
where: { |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
import { join } from 'path'; |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config'; |
import { ScheduleModule } from '@nestjs/schedule'; |
import { ServeStaticModule } from '@nestjs/serve-static'; |
import { CronService } from '../services/cron.service'; |
import { DataGatheringService } from '../services/data-gathering.service'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { AlphaVantageService } from '../services/data-provider/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage.service'; |
import { RakutenRapidApiService } from '../services/data-provider/rakuten-rapid-api/rakuten-rapid-api.service'; |
import { YahooFinanceService } from '../services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../services/prisma.service'; |
import { AccessModule } from './access/access.module'; |
import { AdminModule } from './admin/admin.module'; |
import { AppController } from './app.controller'; |
import { AuthModule } from './auth/auth.module'; |
import { CacheModule } from './cache/cache.module'; |
import { ExperimentalModule } from './experimental/experimental.module'; |
import { InfoModule } from './info/info.module'; |
import { OrderModule } from './order/order.module'; |
import { PortfolioModule } from './portfolio/portfolio.module'; |
import { RedisCacheModule } from './redis-cache/redis-cache.module'; |
import { SymbolModule } from './symbol/symbol.module'; |
import { UserModule } from './user/user.module'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [ |
AdminModule, |
AccessModule, |
AuthModule, |
CacheModule, |
ConfigModule.forRoot(), |
ExperimentalModule, |
InfoModule, |
OrderModule, |
PortfolioModule, |
RedisCacheModule, |
ScheduleModule.forRoot(), |
ServeStaticModule.forRoot({ |
serveStaticOptions: { |
/*etag: false // Disable etag header to fix PWA |
setHeaders: (res, path) => { |
if (path.includes('ngsw.json')) { |
// Disable cache (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22632593/how-to-disable-webpage-caching-in-expressjs-nodejs/39775595)
// https://gertjans.home.xs4all.nl/javascript/cache-control.html#no-cache
res.set('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'); |
} |
}*/ |
}, |
rootPath: join(__dirname, '..', 'client'), |
exclude: ['/api*'] |
}), |
SymbolModule, |
UserModule |
], |
controllers: [AppController], |
providers: [ |
AlphaVantageService, |
CronService, |
DataGatheringService, |
DataProviderService, |
ExchangeRateDataService, |
PrismaService, |
RakutenRapidApiService, |
YahooFinanceService |
] |
}) |
export class AppModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
import { |
Controller, |
Get, |
HttpException, |
Param, |
Req, |
Res, |
UseGuards |
} from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; |
import { AuthService } from './auth.service'; |
@Controller('auth') |
export class AuthController { |
public constructor(private readonly authService: AuthService) {} |
@Get('anonymous/:accessToken') |
public async accessTokenLogin(@Param('accessToken') accessToken: string) { |
try { |
const authToken = await this.authService.validateAnonymousLogin( |
accessToken |
); |
return { authToken }; |
} catch { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
} |
@Get('google') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('google')) |
public googleLogin() { |
// Initiates the Google OAuth2 login flow
} |
@Get('google/callback') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('google')) |
public googleLoginCallback(@Req() req, @Res() res) { |
// Handles the Google OAuth2 callback
const jwt: string = req.user.jwt; |
if (jwt) { |
res.redirect(`${process.env.ROOT_URL}/auth/${jwt}`); |
} else { |
res.redirect(`${process.env.ROOT_URL}/auth`); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { UserService } from '../user/user.service'; |
import { AuthController } from './auth.controller'; |
import { AuthService } from './auth.service'; |
import { GoogleStrategy } from './google.strategy'; |
import { JwtStrategy } from './jwt.strategy'; |
@Module({ |
controllers: [AuthController], |
imports: [ |
JwtModule.register({ |
secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY, |
signOptions: { expiresIn: '180 days' } |
}) |
], |
providers: [ |
AuthService, |
GoogleStrategy, |
JwtStrategy, |
PrismaService, |
UserService |
] |
}) |
export class AuthModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
import { Injectable, InternalServerErrorException } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; |
import { UserService } from '../user/user.service'; |
import { ValidateOAuthLoginParams } from './interfaces/interfaces'; |
@Injectable() |
export class AuthService { |
public constructor( |
private jwtService: JwtService, |
private readonly userService: UserService |
) {} |
public async validateAnonymousLogin(accessToken: string) { |
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { |
try { |
const hashedAccessToken = this.userService.createAccessToken( |
accessToken, |
process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SALT |
); |
const [user] = await this.userService.users({ |
where: { accessToken: hashedAccessToken } |
}); |
if (user) { |
const jwt: string = this.jwtService.sign({ |
id: user.id |
}); |
resolve(jwt); |
} else { |
throw new Error(); |
} |
} catch { |
reject(); |
} |
}); |
} |
public async validateOAuthLogin({ |
provider, |
thirdPartyId |
}: ValidateOAuthLoginParams): Promise<string> { |
try { |
let [user] = await this.userService.users({ |
where: { provider, thirdPartyId } |
}); |
if (!user) { |
// Create new user if not found
user = await this.userService.createUser({ |
provider, |
thirdPartyId |
}); |
} |
const jwt: string = this.jwtService.sign({ |
id: user.id |
}); |
return jwt; |
} catch (err) { |
throw new InternalServerErrorException('validateOAuthLogin', err.message); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { PassportStrategy } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { Provider } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { Strategy } from 'passport-google-oauth20'; |
import { AuthService } from './auth.service'; |
@Injectable() |
export class GoogleStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy, 'google') { |
public constructor(private readonly authService: AuthService) { |
super({ |
callbackURL: `${process.env.ROOT_URL}/api/auth/google/callback`, |
clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, |
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_SECRET, |
passReqToCallback: true, |
scope: ['email', 'profile'] |
}); |
} |
public async validate( |
request: any, |
token: string, |
refreshToken: string, |
profile, |
done: Function, |
done2: Function |
) { |
try { |
const jwt: string = await this.authService.validateOAuthLogin({ |
provider: Provider.GOOGLE, |
thirdPartyId: profile.id |
}); |
const user = { |
jwt |
}; |
done(null, user); |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(err); |
done(err, false); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
import { Provider } from '@prisma/client'; |
export interface ValidateOAuthLoginParams { |
provider: Provider; |
thirdPartyId: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
import { Injectable, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { PassportStrategy } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { ExtractJwt, Strategy } from 'passport-jwt'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { UserService } from '../user/user.service'; |
@Injectable() |
export class JwtStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy, 'jwt') { |
public constructor( |
private prisma: PrismaService, |
private readonly userService: UserService |
) { |
super({ |
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), |
secretOrKey: process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY |
}); |
} |
public async validate({ id }: { id: string }) { |
try { |
const user = await this.userService.user({ id }); |
if (user) { |
await this.prisma.analytics.upsert({ |
create: { User: { connect: { id: user.id } } }, |
update: { activityCount: { increment: 1 }, updatedAt: new Date() }, |
where: { userId: user.id } |
}); |
return user; |
} else { |
throw ''; |
} |
} catch (err) { |
throw new UnauthorizedException('unauthorized', err.message); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
import { Controller, Inject, Param, Post, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { RedisCacheService } from '../redis-cache/redis-cache.service'; |
import { CacheService } from './cache.service'; |
@Controller('cache') |
export class CacheController { |
public constructor( |
private readonly cacheService: CacheService, |
private readonly redisCacheService: RedisCacheService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser |
) { |
this.redisCacheService.reset(); |
} |
@Post('flush') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async flushCache(): Promise<void> { |
this.redisCacheService.reset(); |
return this.cacheService.flush(this.request.user.id); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { RedisCacheModule } from '../redis-cache/redis-cache.module'; |
import { CacheController } from './cache.controller'; |
import { CacheService } from './cache.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [RedisCacheModule], |
controllers: [CacheController], |
providers: [CacheService, PrismaService] |
}) |
export class CacheModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Prisma, User } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
@Injectable() |
export class CacheService { |
public constructor(private prisma: PrismaService) {} |
public async flush(aUserId: string): Promise<void> { |
await this.prisma.property.deleteMany({ |
where: { |
} |
}); |
return; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
import { Currency, Type } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { IsISO8601, IsNumber, IsString, ValidateIf } from 'class-validator'; |
export class CreateOrderDto { |
@IsString() |
currency: Currency; |
@IsISO8601() |
date: string; |
@IsNumber() |
quantity: number; |
@IsString() |
symbol: string; |
@IsString() |
type: Type; |
@IsNumber() |
unitPrice: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
import { |
Body, |
Controller, |
Get, |
Headers, |
HttpException, |
Inject, |
Param, |
Post |
} from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { parse } from 'date-fns'; |
import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; |
import { baseCurrency, benchmarks } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { isApiTokenAuthorized } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { CreateOrderDto } from './create-order.dto'; |
import { ExperimentalService } from './experimental.service'; |
import { Data } from './interfaces/data.interface'; |
@Controller('experimental') |
export class ExperimentalController { |
public constructor( |
private readonly experimentalService: ExperimentalService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser |
) {} |
@Get('benchmarks') |
public async getBenchmarks( |
@Headers('Authorization') apiToken: string |
): Promise<string[]> { |
if (!isApiTokenAuthorized(apiToken)) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
return benchmarks; |
} |
@Get('benchmarks/:symbol') |
public async getBenchmark( |
@Headers('Authorization') apiToken: string, |
@Param('symbol') symbol: string |
): Promise<{ date: Date; marketPrice: number }[]> { |
if (!isApiTokenAuthorized(apiToken)) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
const marketData = await this.experimentalService.getBenchmark(symbol); |
if (marketData?.length === 0) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND), |
StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND |
); |
} |
return marketData; |
} |
@Post('value/:dateString?') |
public async getValue( |
@Body() orders: CreateOrderDto[], |
@Headers('Authorization') apiToken: string, |
@Param('dateString') dateString: string |
): Promise<Data> { |
if (!isApiTokenAuthorized(apiToken)) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
let date = new Date(); |
if (dateString) { |
date = parse(dateString, 'yyyy-MM-dd', new Date()); |
} |
return this.experimentalService.getValue(orders, date, baseCurrency); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { AlphaVantageService } from '../../services/data-provider/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage.service'; |
import { RakutenRapidApiService } from '../../services/data-provider/rakuten-rapid-api/rakuten-rapid-api.service'; |
import { YahooFinanceService } from '../../services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { RulesService } from '../../services/rules.service'; |
import { ExperimentalController } from './experimental.controller'; |
import { ExperimentalService } from './experimental.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [], |
controllers: [ExperimentalController], |
providers: [ |
AlphaVantageService, |
DataProviderService, |
ExchangeRateDataService, |
ExperimentalService, |
PrismaService, |
RakutenRapidApiService, |
RulesService, |
YahooFinanceService |
] |
}) |
export class ExperimentalModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Currency, Type } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { parseISO } from 'date-fns'; |
import { Portfolio } from '../../models/portfolio'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { RulesService } from '../../services/rules.service'; |
import { OrderWithPlatform } from '../order/interfaces/order-with-platform.type'; |
import { CreateOrderDto } from './create-order.dto'; |
import { Data } from './interfaces/data.interface'; |
@Injectable() |
export class ExperimentalService { |
public constructor( |
private readonly dataProviderService: DataProviderService, |
private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, |
private prisma: PrismaService, |
private readonly rulesService: RulesService |
) {} |
public async getBenchmark(aSymbol: string) { |
return this.prisma.marketData.findMany({ |
orderBy: { date: 'asc' }, |
select: { date: true, marketPrice: true }, |
where: { symbol: aSymbol } |
}); |
} |
public async getValue( |
aOrders: CreateOrderDto[], |
aDate: Date, |
aBaseCurrency: Currency |
): Promise<Data> { |
const ordersWithPlatform: OrderWithPlatform[] = aOrders.map((order) => { |
return { |
...order, |
createdAt: new Date(), |
date: parseISO(order.date), |
fee: 0, |
id: undefined, |
platformId: undefined, |
type: Type.BUY, |
updatedAt: undefined, |
userId: undefined |
}; |
}); |
const portfolio = new Portfolio( |
this.dataProviderService, |
this.exchangeRateDataService, |
this.rulesService |
); |
await portfolio.setOrders(ordersWithPlatform); |
return { |
currency: aBaseCurrency, |
value: portfolio.getValue(aDate) |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
export interface Data { |
currency: Currency; |
value: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { InfoService } from './info.service'; |
import { InfoItem } from './interfaces/info-item.interface'; |
@Controller('info') |
export class InfoController { |
public constructor(private readonly infoService: InfoService) {} |
@Get() |
public async getInfo(): Promise<InfoItem> { |
return this.infoService.get(); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { InfoController } from './info.controller'; |
import { InfoService } from './info.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [ |
JwtModule.register({ |
secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY, |
signOptions: { expiresIn: '30 days' } |
}) |
], |
controllers: [InfoController], |
providers: [InfoService, PrismaService] |
}) |
export class InfoModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { InfoItem } from './interfaces/info-item.interface'; |
@Injectable() |
export class InfoService { |
private static DEMO_USER_ID = '9b112b4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-3b0f7b4dac2f'; |
public constructor( |
private jwtService: JwtService, |
private prisma: PrismaService |
) {} |
public async get(): Promise<InfoItem> { |
const platforms = await this.prisma.platform.findMany({ |
orderBy: { name: 'asc' }, |
select: { id: true, name: true } |
}); |
return { |
platforms, |
currencies: Object.values(Currency), |
demoAuthToken: this.getDemoAuthToken(), |
lastDataGathering: await this.getLastDataGathering() |
}; |
} |
private getDemoAuthToken() { |
return this.jwtService.sign({ |
id: InfoService.DEMO_USER_ID |
}); |
} |
private async getLastDataGathering() { |
const lastDataGathering = await this.prisma.property.findUnique({ |
where: { key: 'LAST_DATA_GATHERING' } |
}); |
return lastDataGathering?.value ? new Date(lastDataGathering.value) : null; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
export interface InfoItem { |
currencies: Currency[]; |
demoAuthToken: string; |
lastDataGathering?: Date; |
message?: { |
text: string; |
type: string; |
}; |
platforms: { id: string; name: string }[]; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import { UserWithSettings } from './user-with-settings'; |
export type RequestWithUser = Request & { user: UserWithSettings }; |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import { Settings, User } from '@prisma/client'; |
export type UserWithSettings = User & { Settings: Settings }; |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import { Currency, Type } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { IsISO8601, IsNumber, IsString, ValidateIf } from 'class-validator'; |
export class CreateOrderDto { |
@IsString() |
currency: Currency; |
@IsISO8601() |
date: string; |
@IsNumber() |
fee: number; |
@IsString() |
@ValidateIf((object, value) => value !== null) |
platformId: string | null; |
@IsNumber() |
quantity: number; |
@IsString() |
symbol: string; |
@IsString() |
type: Type; |
@IsNumber() |
unitPrice: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import { Order, Platform } from '@prisma/client'; |
export type OrderWithPlatform = Order & { Platform?: Platform }; |
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ |
import { |
Body, |
Controller, |
Delete, |
Get, |
Headers, |
HttpException, |
Inject, |
Param, |
Post, |
Put, |
UseGuards |
} from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { Order as OrderModel } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { parseISO } from 'date-fns'; |
import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; |
import { getPermissions, hasPermission, permissions } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { nullifyValuesInObjects } from '../../helper/object.helper'; |
import { ImpersonationService } from '../../services/impersonation.service'; |
import { CreateOrderDto } from './create-order.dto'; |
import { OrderService } from './order.service'; |
import { UpdateOrderDto } from './update-order.dto'; |
@Controller('order') |
export class OrderController { |
public constructor( |
private readonly impersonationService: ImpersonationService, |
private readonly orderService: OrderService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser |
) {} |
@Delete(':id') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async deleteOrder(@Param('id') id: string): Promise<OrderModel> { |
if ( |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.deleteOrder |
) |
) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
return this.orderService.deleteOrder( |
{ |
id_userId: { |
id, |
userId: this.request.user.id |
} |
}, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
} |
@Get() |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getAllOrders( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId |
): Promise<OrderModel[]> { |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
impersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
let orders = await this.orderService.orders({ |
include: { |
Platform: true |
}, |
orderBy: { date: 'desc' }, |
where: { userId: impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id } |
}); |
if ( |
impersonationUserId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
orders = nullifyValuesInObjects(orders, ['fee', 'quantity', 'unitPrice']); |
} |
return orders; |
} |
@Get(':id') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getOrderById(@Param('id') id: string): Promise<OrderModel> { |
return this.orderService.order({ |
id_userId: { |
id, |
userId: this.request.user.id |
} |
}); |
} |
@Post() |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async createOrder(@Body() data: CreateOrderDto): Promise<OrderModel> { |
if ( |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.createOrder |
) |
) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
const date = parseISO(data.date); |
if (data.platformId) { |
const platformId = data.platformId; |
delete data.platformId; |
return this.orderService.createOrder( |
{ |
...data, |
date, |
Platform: { connect: { id: platformId } }, |
User: { connect: { id: this.request.user.id } } |
}, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
} else { |
delete data.platformId; |
return this.orderService.createOrder( |
{ |
...data, |
date, |
User: { connect: { id: this.request.user.id } } |
}, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
} |
} |
@Put(':id') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async update(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() data: UpdateOrderDto) { |
if ( |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.updateOrder |
) |
) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
const originalOrder = await this.orderService.order({ |
id_userId: { |
id, |
userId: this.request.user.id |
} |
}); |
const date = parseISO(data.date); |
if (data.platformId) { |
const platformId = data.platformId; |
delete data.platformId; |
return this.orderService.updateOrder( |
{ |
data: { |
...data, |
date, |
Platform: { connect: { id: platformId } }, |
User: { connect: { id: this.request.user.id } } |
}, |
where: { |
id_userId: { |
id, |
userId: this.request.user.id |
} |
} |
}, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
} else { |
// platformId is null, remove it
delete data.platformId; |
return this.orderService.updateOrder( |
{ |
data: { |
...data, |
date, |
Platform: originalOrder.platformId |
? { disconnect: true } |
: undefined, |
User: { connect: { id: this.request.user.id } } |
}, |
where: { |
id_userId: { |
id, |
userId: this.request.user.id |
} |
} |
}, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { DataGatheringService } from '../../services/data-gathering.service'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { AlphaVantageService } from '../../services/data-provider/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage.service'; |
import { RakutenRapidApiService } from '../../services/data-provider/rakuten-rapid-api/rakuten-rapid-api.service'; |
import { YahooFinanceService } from '../../services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import { ImpersonationService } from '../../services/impersonation.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { CacheService } from '../cache/cache.service'; |
import { RedisCacheModule } from '../redis-cache/redis-cache.module'; |
import { OrderController } from './order.controller'; |
import { OrderService } from './order.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [RedisCacheModule], |
controllers: [OrderController], |
providers: [ |
AlphaVantageService, |
CacheService, |
DataGatheringService, |
DataProviderService, |
ImpersonationService, |
OrderService, |
PrismaService, |
RakutenRapidApiService, |
YahooFinanceService |
] |
}) |
export class OrderModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Order, Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { DataGatheringService } from '../../services/data-gathering.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { CacheService } from '../cache/cache.service'; |
import { RedisCacheService } from '../redis-cache/redis-cache.service'; |
import { OrderWithPlatform } from './interfaces/order-with-platform.type'; |
@Injectable() |
export class OrderService { |
public constructor( |
private readonly cacheService: CacheService, |
private readonly dataGatheringService: DataGatheringService, |
private readonly redisCacheService: RedisCacheService, |
private prisma: PrismaService |
) {} |
public async order( |
orderWhereUniqueInput: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput |
): Promise<Order | null> { |
return this.prisma.order.findUnique({ |
where: orderWhereUniqueInput |
}); |
} |
public async orders(params: { |
include?: Prisma.OrderInclude; |
skip?: number; |
take?: number; |
cursor?: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput; |
where?: Prisma.OrderWhereInput; |
orderBy?: Prisma.OrderOrderByInput; |
}): Promise<OrderWithPlatform[]> { |
const { include, skip, take, cursor, where, orderBy } = params; |
return this.prisma.order.findMany({ |
cursor, |
include, |
orderBy, |
skip, |
take, |
where |
}); |
} |
public async createOrder( |
data: Prisma.OrderCreateInput, |
aUserId: string |
): Promise<Order> { |
this.redisCacheService.remove(`${aUserId}.portfolio`); |
// Gather symbol data of order in the background
this.dataGatheringService.gatherSymbols([ |
{ |
date: <Date>data.date, |
symbol: data.symbol |
} |
]); |
await this.cacheService.flush(aUserId); |
return this.prisma.order.create({ |
data |
}); |
} |
public async deleteOrder( |
where: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput, |
aUserId: string |
): Promise<Order> { |
this.redisCacheService.remove(`${aUserId}.portfolio`); |
return this.prisma.order.delete({ |
where |
}); |
} |
public async updateOrder( |
params: { |
where: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput; |
data: Prisma.OrderUpdateInput; |
}, |
aUserId: string |
): Promise<Order> { |
const { data, where } = params; |
this.redisCacheService.remove(`${aUserId}.portfolio`); |
// Gather symbol data of order in the background
this.dataGatheringService.gatherSymbols([ |
{ |
date: <Date>data.date, |
symbol: <string>data.symbol |
} |
]); |
await this.cacheService.flush(aUserId); |
return this.prisma.order.update({ |
data, |
where |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
import { Currency, Type } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { IsISO8601, IsNumber, IsString, ValidateIf } from 'class-validator'; |
export class UpdateOrderDto { |
@IsString() |
currency: Currency; |
@IsISO8601() |
date: string; |
@IsNumber() |
fee: number; |
@IsString() |
@ValidateIf((object, value) => value !== null) |
platformId: string | null; |
@IsString() |
id: string; |
@IsNumber() |
quantity: number; |
@IsString() |
symbol: string; |
@IsString() |
type: Type; |
@IsNumber() |
unitPrice: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
export type DateRange = '1d' | '1y' | '5y' | 'max' | 'ytd'; |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
export interface PortfolioItem { |
date: string; |
grossPerformancePercent: number; |
investment: number; |
positions: { [symbol: string]: Position }; |
value: number; |
} |
export interface Position { |
averagePrice: number; |
currency: Currency; |
firstBuyDate: string; |
investment: number; |
investmentInOriginalCurrency?: number; |
marketPrice?: number; |
quantity: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
export interface PortfolioOverview { |
committedFunds: number; |
fees: number; |
ordersCount: number; |
totalBuy: number; |
totalSell: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
export interface PortfolioPerformance { |
currentGrossPerformance: number; |
currentGrossPerformancePercent: number; |
currentNetPerformance: number; |
currentNetPerformancePercent: number; |
currentValue: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
export interface PortfolioPositionDetail { |
averagePrice: number; |
currency: string; |
firstBuyDate: string; |
grossPerformance: number; |
grossPerformancePercent: number; |
historicalData: HistoricalDataItem[]; |
investment: number; |
marketPrice: number; |
maxPrice: number; |
minPrice: number; |
quantity: number; |
symbol: string; |
} |
export interface HistoricalDataItem { |
averagePrice?: number; |
date: string; |
grossPerformancePercent?: number; |
value: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
export interface PortfolioPosition { |
currency: Currency; |
exchange?: string; |
grossPerformance: number; |
grossPerformancePercent: number; |
industry?: string; |
investment: number; |
isMarketOpen: boolean; |
marketChange?: number; |
marketChangePercent?: number; |
marketPrice: number; |
name: string; |
platforms: { |
[name: string]: { current: number; original: number }; |
}; |
quantity: number; |
sector?: string; |
shareCurrent: number; |
shareInvestment: number; |
symbol: string; |
type?: string; |
url?: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
export interface PortfolioReport { |
rules: { [group: string]: PortfolioReportRule[] }; |
} |
export interface PortfolioReportRule { |
evaluation: string; |
name: string; |
value: boolean; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ |
import { |
Controller, |
Get, |
Headers, |
HttpException, |
Inject, |
Param, |
Query, |
Res, |
UseGuards |
} from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { Response } from 'express'; |
import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; |
import { getPermissions, hasPermission, permissions } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { |
hasNotDefinedValuesInObject, |
nullifyValuesInObject |
} from '../../helper/object.helper'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { ImpersonationService } from '../../services/impersonation.service'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from '../interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { PortfolioItem } from './interfaces/portfolio-item.interface'; |
import { PortfolioOverview } from './interfaces/portfolio-overview.interface'; |
import { PortfolioPerformance } from './interfaces/portfolio-performance.interface'; |
import { |
HistoricalDataItem, |
PortfolioPositionDetail |
} from './interfaces/portfolio-position-detail.interface'; |
import { PortfolioPosition } from './interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { PortfolioReport } from './interfaces/portfolio-report.interface'; |
import { PortfolioService } from './portfolio.service'; |
@Controller('portfolio') |
export class PortfolioController { |
public constructor( |
private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, |
private readonly impersonationService: ImpersonationService, |
private portfolioService: PortfolioService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser |
) {} |
@Get() |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async findAll( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId |
): Promise<PortfolioItem[]> { |
let portfolio = await this.portfolioService.findAll(impersonationId); |
if ( |
impersonationId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
portfolio = portfolio.map((portfolioItem) => { |
Object.keys(portfolioItem.positions).forEach((symbol) => { |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol].investment = |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol].investment > 0 ? 1 : 0; |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol].investmentInOriginalCurrency = |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol].investmentInOriginalCurrency > 0 |
? 1 |
: 0; |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol].quantity = |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol].quantity > 0 ? 1 : 0; |
}); |
portfolioItem.investment = null; |
return portfolioItem; |
}); |
} |
return portfolio; |
} |
@Get('chart') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getChart( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId, |
@Query('range') range, |
@Res() res: Response |
): Promise<HistoricalDataItem[]> { |
let chartData = await this.portfolioService.getChart( |
impersonationId, |
range |
); |
let hasNullValue = false; |
chartData.forEach((chartDataItem) => { |
if (hasNotDefinedValuesInObject(chartDataItem)) { |
hasNullValue = true; |
} |
}); |
if (hasNullValue) { |
res.status(StatusCodes.ACCEPTED); |
} |
if ( |
impersonationId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
let maxValue = 0; |
chartData.forEach((portfolioItem) => { |
if (portfolioItem.value > maxValue) { |
maxValue = portfolioItem.value; |
} |
}); |
chartData = chartData.map((historicalDataItem) => { |
return { |
...historicalDataItem, |
marketPrice: Number((historicalDataItem.value / maxValue).toFixed(2)) |
}; |
}); |
} |
return <any>res.json(chartData); |
} |
@Get('details') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getDetails( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId, |
@Query('range') range, |
@Res() res: Response |
): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }> { |
let details: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition } = {}; |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
impersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
const portfolio = await this.portfolioService.createPortfolio( |
impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id |
); |
try { |
details = await portfolio.getDetails(range); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
res.status(StatusCodes.ACCEPTED); |
} |
if (hasNotDefinedValuesInObject(details)) { |
res.status(StatusCodes.ACCEPTED); |
} |
if ( |
impersonationId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
const totalInvestment = Object.values(details) |
.map((portfolioPosition) => { |
return portfolioPosition.investment; |
}) |
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); |
const totalValue = Object.values(details) |
.map((portfolioPosition) => { |
return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
portfolioPosition.quantity * portfolioPosition.marketPrice, |
portfolioPosition.currency, |
this.request.user.Settings.currency |
); |
}) |
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); |
for (const [symbol, portfolioPosition] of Object.entries(details)) { |
portfolioPosition.grossPerformance = null; |
portfolioPosition.investment = |
portfolioPosition.investment / totalInvestment; |
for (const [platform, { current, original }] of Object.entries( |
portfolioPosition.platforms |
)) { |
portfolioPosition.platforms[platform].current = current / totalValue; |
portfolioPosition.platforms[platform].original = |
original / totalInvestment; |
} |
portfolioPosition.quantity = null; |
} |
} |
return <any>res.json(details); |
} |
@Get('overview') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getOverview( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId |
): Promise<PortfolioOverview> { |
let overview = await this.portfolioService.getOverview(impersonationId); |
if ( |
impersonationId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
overview = nullifyValuesInObject(overview, [ |
'committedFunds', |
'fees', |
'totalBuy', |
'totalSell' |
]); |
} |
return overview; |
} |
@Get('performance') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getPerformance( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId, |
@Query('range') range, |
@Res() res: Response |
): Promise<PortfolioPerformance> { |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
impersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
const portfolio = await this.portfolioService.createPortfolio( |
impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id |
); |
let performance = await portfolio.getPerformance(range); |
if (hasNotDefinedValuesInObject(performance)) { |
res.status(StatusCodes.ACCEPTED); |
} |
if ( |
impersonationId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
performance = nullifyValuesInObject(performance, [ |
'currentGrossPerformance', |
'currentNetPerformance', |
'currentValue' |
]); |
} |
return <any>res.json(performance); |
} |
@Get('position/:symbol') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getPosition( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId, |
@Param('symbol') symbol |
): Promise<PortfolioPositionDetail> { |
let position = await this.portfolioService.getPosition( |
impersonationId, |
symbol |
); |
if (position) { |
if ( |
impersonationId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
position = nullifyValuesInObject(position, ['grossPerformance']); |
} |
return position; |
} |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND), |
StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND |
); |
} |
@Get('report') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getReport( |
@Headers('impersonation-id') impersonationId |
): Promise<PortfolioReport> { |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
impersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
const portfolio = await this.portfolioService.createPortfolio( |
impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id |
); |
let report = await portfolio.getReport(); |
if ( |
impersonationId && |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.readForeignPortfolio |
) |
) { |
// TODO: Filter out absolute numbers
} |
return report; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { DataGatheringService } from '../../services/data-gathering.service'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { AlphaVantageService } from '../../services/data-provider/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage.service'; |
import { RakutenRapidApiService } from '../../services/data-provider/rakuten-rapid-api/rakuten-rapid-api.service'; |
import { YahooFinanceService } from '../../services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { ImpersonationService } from '../../services/impersonation.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { RulesService } from '../../services/rules.service'; |
import { CacheService } from '../cache/cache.service'; |
import { OrderService } from '../order/order.service'; |
import { RedisCacheModule } from '../redis-cache/redis-cache.module'; |
import { UserService } from '../user/user.service'; |
import { PortfolioController } from './portfolio.controller'; |
import { PortfolioService } from './portfolio.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [RedisCacheModule], |
controllers: [PortfolioController], |
providers: [ |
AlphaVantageService, |
CacheService, |
DataGatheringService, |
DataProviderService, |
ExchangeRateDataService, |
ImpersonationService, |
OrderService, |
PortfolioService, |
PrismaService, |
RakutenRapidApiService, |
RulesService, |
UserService, |
YahooFinanceService |
] |
}) |
export class PortfolioModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,385 @@ |
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { |
add, |
format, |
getDate, |
getMonth, |
getYear, |
isAfter, |
isSameDay, |
parse, |
parseISO, |
setDate, |
setMonth, |
sub |
} from 'date-fns'; |
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; |
import * as roundTo from 'round-to'; |
import { Portfolio } from '../../models/portfolio'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { ImpersonationService } from '../../services/impersonation.service'; |
import { IOrder } from '../../services/interfaces/interfaces'; |
import { RulesService } from '../../services/rules.service'; |
import { OrderService } from '../order/order.service'; |
import { RedisCacheService } from '../redis-cache/redis-cache.service'; |
import { UserService } from '../user/user.service'; |
import { DateRange } from './interfaces/date-range.type'; |
import { PortfolioItem } from './interfaces/portfolio-item.interface'; |
import { PortfolioOverview } from './interfaces/portfolio-overview.interface'; |
import { |
HistoricalDataItem, |
PortfolioPositionDetail |
} from './interfaces/portfolio-position-detail.interface'; |
@Injectable() |
export class PortfolioService { |
public constructor( |
private readonly dataProviderService: DataProviderService, |
private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, |
private readonly impersonationService: ImpersonationService, |
private readonly orderService: OrderService, |
private readonly redisCacheService: RedisCacheService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser, |
private readonly rulesService: RulesService, |
private readonly userService: UserService |
) {} |
private convertDateRangeToDate(aDateRange: DateRange, aMinDate: Date) { |
let currentDate = new Date(); |
const normalizedMinDate = |
getDate(aMinDate) === 1 |
? aMinDate |
: add(setDate(aMinDate, 1), { months: 1 }); |
const year = getYear(currentDate); |
const month = getMonth(currentDate); |
const day = getDate(currentDate); |
currentDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, 0)); |
switch (aDateRange) { |
case '1d': |
return sub(currentDate, { |
days: 1 |
}); |
case 'ytd': |
currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); |
currentDate = setMonth(currentDate, 0); |
return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) |
? currentDate |
: undefined; |
case '1y': |
currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); |
currentDate = sub(currentDate, { |
years: 1 |
}); |
return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) |
? currentDate |
: undefined; |
case '5y': |
currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); |
currentDate = sub(currentDate, { |
years: 5 |
}); |
return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) |
? currentDate |
: undefined; |
default: |
// Gets handled as all data
return undefined; |
} |
} |
public async createPortfolio(aUserId: string): Promise<Portfolio> { |
let portfolio: Portfolio; |
let stringifiedPortfolio = await this.redisCacheService.get( |
`${aUserId}.portfolio` |
); |
const user = await this.userService.user({ id: aUserId }); |
if (stringifiedPortfolio) { |
// Get portfolio from redis
const { |
orders, |
portfolioItems |
}: { orders: IOrder[]; portfolioItems: PortfolioItem[] } = JSON.parse( |
stringifiedPortfolio |
); |
portfolio = new Portfolio( |
this.dataProviderService, |
this.exchangeRateDataService, |
this.rulesService |
).createFromData({ orders, portfolioItems, user }); |
} else { |
// Get portfolio from database
const orders = await this.orderService.orders({ |
include: { |
Platform: true |
}, |
orderBy: { date: 'asc' }, |
where: { userId: aUserId } |
}); |
portfolio = new Portfolio( |
this.dataProviderService, |
this.exchangeRateDataService, |
this.rulesService |
); |
portfolio.setUser(user); |
await portfolio.setOrders(orders); |
// Cache data for the next time...
const portfolioData = { |
orders: portfolio.getOrders(), |
portfolioItems: portfolio.getPortfolioItems() |
}; |
await this.redisCacheService.set( |
`${aUserId}.portfolio`, |
JSON.stringify(portfolioData) |
); |
} |
// Enrich portfolio with current data
return await portfolio.addCurrentPortfolioItems(); |
} |
public async findAll(aImpersonationId: string): Promise<PortfolioItem[]> { |
try { |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
aImpersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
const portfolio = await this.createPortfolio( |
impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id |
); |
return portfolio.get(); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
} |
} |
public async getChart( |
aImpersonationId: string, |
aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' |
): Promise<HistoricalDataItem[]> { |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
aImpersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
const portfolio = await this.createPortfolio( |
impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id |
); |
if (portfolio.getOrders().length <= 0) { |
return []; |
} |
const dateRangeDate = this.convertDateRangeToDate( |
aDateRange, |
portfolio.getMinDate() |
); |
return portfolio |
.get() |
.filter((portfolioItem) => { |
if (dateRangeDate === undefined) { |
return true; |
} |
return ( |
isSameDay(parseISO(portfolioItem.date), dateRangeDate) || |
isAfter(parseISO(portfolioItem.date), dateRangeDate) |
); |
}) |
.map((portfolioItem) => { |
return { |
date: format(parseISO(portfolioItem.date), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), |
grossPerformancePercent: portfolioItem.grossPerformancePercent, |
marketPrice: portfolioItem.value || null, |
value: portfolioItem.value || null |
}; |
}); |
} |
public async getOverview( |
aImpersonationId: string |
): Promise<PortfolioOverview> { |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
aImpersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
const portfolio = await this.createPortfolio( |
impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id |
); |
const committedFunds = portfolio.getCommittedFunds(); |
const fees = portfolio.getFees(); |
return { |
committedFunds, |
fees, |
ordersCount: portfolio.getOrders().length, |
totalBuy: portfolio.getTotalBuy(), |
totalSell: portfolio.getTotalSell() |
}; |
} |
public async getPosition( |
aImpersonationId: string, |
aSymbol: string |
): Promise<PortfolioPositionDetail> { |
const impersonationUserId = await this.impersonationService.validateImpersonationId( |
aImpersonationId, |
this.request.user.id |
); |
const portfolio = await this.createPortfolio( |
impersonationUserId || this.request.user.id |
); |
const positions = portfolio.getPositions(new Date())[aSymbol]; |
if (positions) { |
let { |
averagePrice, |
currency, |
firstBuyDate, |
investment, |
marketPrice, |
quantity |
} = portfolio.getPositions(new Date())[aSymbol]; |
const historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistorical( |
[aSymbol], |
'day', |
parseISO(firstBuyDate), |
new Date() |
); |
if (marketPrice === 0) { |
marketPrice = averagePrice; |
} |
const historicalDataArray: HistoricalDataItem[] = []; |
let maxPrice = marketPrice; |
let minPrice = marketPrice; |
if (historicalData[aSymbol]) { |
for (const [date, { marketPrice }] of Object.entries( |
historicalData[aSymbol] |
)) { |
historicalDataArray.push({ |
averagePrice, |
date, |
value: marketPrice |
}); |
if ( |
marketPrice && |
(marketPrice > maxPrice || maxPrice === undefined) |
) { |
maxPrice = marketPrice; |
} |
if ( |
marketPrice && |
(marketPrice < minPrice || minPrice === undefined) |
) { |
minPrice = marketPrice; |
} |
} |
} |
return { |
averagePrice, |
currency, |
firstBuyDate, |
investment, |
marketPrice, |
maxPrice, |
minPrice, |
quantity, |
grossPerformance: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
marketPrice - averagePrice, |
currency, |
this.request.user.Settings.currency |
), |
grossPerformancePercent: roundTo( |
(marketPrice - averagePrice) / averagePrice, |
4 |
), |
historicalData: historicalDataArray, |
symbol: aSymbol |
}; |
} else if (portfolio.getMinDate()) { |
const currentData = await this.dataProviderService.get([aSymbol]); |
let historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistorical( |
[aSymbol], |
'day', |
portfolio.getMinDate(), |
new Date() |
); |
if (isEmpty(historicalData)) { |
historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistoricalRaw( |
[aSymbol], |
portfolio.getMinDate(), |
new Date() |
); |
} |
const historicalDataArray: HistoricalDataItem[] = []; |
for (const [date, { marketPrice, performance }] of Object.entries( |
historicalData[aSymbol] |
).reverse()) { |
historicalDataArray.push({ |
date, |
value: marketPrice |
}); |
} |
return { |
averagePrice: undefined, |
currency: currentData[aSymbol].currency, |
firstBuyDate: undefined, |
grossPerformance: undefined, |
grossPerformancePercent: undefined, |
historicalData: historicalDataArray, |
investment: undefined, |
marketPrice: currentData[aSymbol].marketPrice, |
maxPrice: undefined, |
minPrice: undefined, |
quantity: undefined, |
symbol: aSymbol |
}; |
} |
return { |
averagePrice: undefined, |
currency: undefined, |
firstBuyDate: undefined, |
grossPerformance: undefined, |
grossPerformancePercent: undefined, |
historicalData: [], |
investment: undefined, |
marketPrice: undefined, |
maxPrice: undefined, |
minPrice: undefined, |
quantity: undefined, |
symbol: aSymbol |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
import { CacheModule, Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config'; |
import * as redisStore from 'cache-manager-redis-store'; |
import { RedisCacheService } from './redis-cache.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [ |
CacheModule.registerAsync({ |
imports: [ConfigModule], |
inject: [ConfigService], |
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({ |
host: configService.get('REDIS_HOST'), |
max: configService.get('MAX_ITEM_IN_CACHE'), |
port: configService.get('REDIS_PORT'), |
store: redisStore, |
ttl: configService.get('CACHE_TTL') |
}) |
}) |
], |
providers: [RedisCacheService], |
exports: [RedisCacheService] |
}) |
export class RedisCacheModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import { CACHE_MANAGER, Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Cache } from 'cache-manager'; |
@Injectable() |
export class RedisCacheService { |
public constructor(@Inject(CACHE_MANAGER) private readonly cache: Cache) {} |
public async get(key: string): Promise<string> { |
return await this.cache.get(key); |
} |
public async remove(key: string) { |
await this.cache.del(key); |
} |
public async reset() { |
await this.cache.reset(); |
} |
public async set(key: string, value: string) { |
await this.cache.set(key, value, { ttl: Number(process.env.CACHE_TTL) }); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
export interface LookupItem { |
name: string; |
symbol: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
export interface SymbolItem { |
currency: Currency; |
marketPrice: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
import { |
Controller, |
Get, |
HttpException, |
Inject, |
Param, |
Query, |
UseGuards |
} from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; |
import { LookupItem } from './interfaces/lookup-item.interface'; |
import { SymbolItem } from './interfaces/symbol-item.interface'; |
import { SymbolService } from './symbol.service'; |
@Controller('symbol') |
export class SymbolController { |
public constructor( |
private readonly symbolService: SymbolService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser |
) {} |
/** |
* Must be before /:symbol |
*/ |
@Get('lookup') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async lookupSymbol(@Query() { query }): Promise<LookupItem[]> { |
try { |
return this.symbolService.lookup(query); |
} catch { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), |
); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Must be after /lookup |
*/ |
@Get(':symbol') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getPosition(@Param('symbol') symbol): Promise<SymbolItem> { |
return this.symbolService.get(symbol); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { AlphaVantageService } from '../../services/data-provider/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage.service'; |
import { RakutenRapidApiService } from '../../services/data-provider/rakuten-rapid-api/rakuten-rapid-api.service'; |
import { YahooFinanceService } from '../../services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { SymbolController } from './symbol.controller'; |
import { SymbolService } from './symbol.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [], |
controllers: [SymbolController], |
providers: [ |
AlphaVantageService, |
DataProviderService, |
PrismaService, |
RakutenRapidApiService, |
SymbolService, |
YahooFinanceService |
] |
}) |
export class SymbolModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { convertFromYahooSymbol } from 'apps/api/src/services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import * as bent from 'bent'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { LookupItem } from './interfaces/lookup-item.interface'; |
import { SymbolItem } from './interfaces/symbol-item.interface'; |
@Injectable() |
export class SymbolService { |
public constructor( |
private readonly dataProviderService: DataProviderService |
) {} |
public async get(aSymbol: string): Promise<SymbolItem> { |
const response = await this.dataProviderService.get([aSymbol]); |
const { currency, marketPrice } = response[aSymbol]; |
return { |
marketPrice, |
currency: <Currency>(<unknown>currency) |
}; |
} |
public async lookup(aQuery: string): Promise<LookupItem[]> { |
const get = bent( |
`https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v1/finance/search?q=${aQuery}&lang=en-US®ion=US"esCount=8&newsCount=0&enableFuzzyQuery=false"esQueryId=tss_match_phrase_query&multiQuoteQueryId=multi_quote_single_token_query&newsQueryId=news_cie_vespa&enableCb=true&enableNavLinks=false&enableEnhancedTrivialQuery=true`, |
'GET', |
'json', |
200 |
); |
try { |
const { quotes } = await get(); |
return quotes |
.filter(({ isYahooFinance }) => { |
return isYahooFinance; |
}) |
.filter(({ quoteType }) => { |
return ( |
quoteType === 'CRYPTOCURRENCY' || |
quoteType === 'EQUITY' || |
quoteType === 'ETF' |
); |
}) |
.filter(({ quoteType, symbol }) => { |
if (quoteType === 'CRYPTOCURRENCY') { |
// Only allow cryptocurrencies in USD
return symbol.includes('USD'); |
} |
return true; |
}) |
.map(({ longname, shortname, symbol }) => { |
return { |
name: longname || shortname, |
symbol: convertFromYahooSymbol(symbol) |
}; |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
throw error; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
export interface Access { |
alias?: string; |
id: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
export interface UserItem { |
accessToken?: string; |
authToken: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { Access } from './access.interface'; |
export interface User { |
access: Access[]; |
alias?: string; |
id: string; |
permissions: string[]; |
settings: UserSettings; |
subscription: { |
expiresAt: Date; |
type: 'Diamond'; |
}; |
} |
export interface UserSettings { |
baseCurrency: Currency; |
locale: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { IsString } from 'class-validator'; |
export class UpdateUserSettingsDto { |
@IsString() |
currency: Currency; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ |
import { |
Body, |
Controller, |
Get, |
HttpException, |
Inject, |
Param, |
Post, |
Put, |
UseGuards |
} from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; |
import { AuthGuard } from '@nestjs/passport'; |
import { Provider } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { RequestWithUser } from 'apps/api/src/app/interfaces/request-with-user.type'; |
import { StatusCodes, getReasonPhrase } from 'http-status-codes'; |
import { getPermissions, hasPermission, permissions } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { UserItem } from './interfaces/user-item.interface'; |
import { User } from './interfaces/user.interface'; |
import { UpdateUserSettingsDto } from './update-user-settings.dto'; |
import { UserService } from './user.service'; |
@Controller('user') |
export class UserController { |
public constructor( |
private jwtService: JwtService, |
@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request: RequestWithUser, |
private readonly userService: UserService |
) {} |
@Get() |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async getUser(@Param('id') id: string): Promise<User> { |
return this.userService.getUser(this.request.user); |
} |
@Post() |
public async signupUser(): Promise<UserItem> { |
const { accessToken, id } = await this.userService.createUser({ |
provider: Provider.ANONYMOUS |
}); |
return { |
accessToken, |
authToken: this.jwtService.sign({ |
id |
}) |
}; |
} |
@Put('settings') |
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt')) |
public async updateUserSettings(@Body() data: UpdateUserSettingsDto) { |
if ( |
!hasPermission( |
getPermissions(this.request.user.role), |
permissions.updateUserSettings |
) |
) { |
throw new HttpException( |
getReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN), |
StatusCodes.FORBIDDEN |
); |
} |
return await this.userService.updateUserSettings({ |
currency: data.currency, |
userId: this.request.user.id |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { UserController } from './user.controller'; |
import { UserService } from './user.service'; |
@Module({ |
imports: [ |
JwtModule.register({ |
secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY, |
signOptions: { expiresIn: '30 days' } |
}) |
], |
controllers: [UserController], |
providers: [PrismaService, UserService] |
}) |
export class UserModule {} |
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Currency, Prisma, Provider, User } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { add } from 'date-fns'; |
import { locale, resetHours } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { getPermissions } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../../services/prisma.service'; |
import { UserWithSettings } from '../interfaces/user-with-settings'; |
import { User as IUser } from './interfaces/user.interface'; |
const crypto = require('crypto'); |
@Injectable() |
export class UserService { |
public static DEFAULT_CURRENCY = Currency.USD; |
public constructor(private prisma: PrismaService) {} |
public async getUser({ |
alias, |
id, |
role, |
Settings |
}: UserWithSettings): Promise<IUser> { |
const access = await this.prisma.access.findMany({ |
include: { |
User: true |
}, |
orderBy: { User: { alias: 'asc' } }, |
where: { GranteeUser: { id } } |
}); |
return { |
alias, |
id, |
access: access.map((accessItem) => { |
return { |
alias: accessItem.User.alias, |
id: accessItem.id |
}; |
}), |
permissions: getPermissions(role), |
settings: { |
baseCurrency: Settings?.currency || UserService.DEFAULT_CURRENCY, |
locale |
}, |
subscription: { |
expiresAt: resetHours(add(new Date(), { days: 7 })), |
type: 'Diamond' |
} |
}; |
} |
public async user( |
userWhereUniqueInput: Prisma.UserWhereUniqueInput |
): Promise<UserWithSettings | null> { |
const user = await this.prisma.user.findUnique({ |
include: { Settings: true }, |
where: userWhereUniqueInput |
}); |
if (user?.Settings) { |
if (!user.Settings.currency) { |
// Set default currency if needed
user.Settings.currency = UserService.DEFAULT_CURRENCY; |
} |
} else if (user) { |
// Set default settings if needed
user.Settings = { |
currency: UserService.DEFAULT_CURRENCY, |
updatedAt: new Date(), |
userId: user?.id |
}; |
} |
return user; |
} |
public async users(params: { |
skip?: number; |
take?: number; |
cursor?: Prisma.UserWhereUniqueInput; |
where?: Prisma.UserWhereInput; |
orderBy?: Prisma.UserOrderByInput; |
}): Promise<User[]> { |
const { skip, take, cursor, where, orderBy } = params; |
return this.prisma.user.findMany({ |
skip, |
take, |
cursor, |
where, |
orderBy |
}); |
} |
public createAccessToken(password: string, salt: string): string { |
const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', salt); |
hash.update(password); |
return hash.digest('hex'); |
} |
public async createUser(data?: Prisma.UserCreateInput): Promise<User> { |
let user = await this.prisma.user.create({ |
data |
}); |
if (data.provider === Provider.ANONYMOUS) { |
const accessToken = this.createAccessToken( |
user.id, |
this.getRandomString(10) |
); |
const hashedAccessToken = this.createAccessToken( |
accessToken, |
process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SALT |
); |
user = await this.prisma.user.update({ |
data: { accessToken: hashedAccessToken }, |
where: { id: user.id } |
}); |
return { ...user, accessToken }; |
} |
return user; |
} |
public async updateUser(params: { |
where: Prisma.UserWhereUniqueInput; |
data: Prisma.UserUpdateInput; |
}): Promise<User> { |
const { where, data } = params; |
return this.prisma.user.update({ |
data, |
where |
}); |
} |
public async deleteUser(where: Prisma.UserWhereUniqueInput): Promise<User> { |
return this.prisma.user.delete({ |
where |
}); |
} |
private getRandomString(length: number) { |
const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; |
const result = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
result.push( |
characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)) |
); |
} |
return result.join(''); |
} |
public async updateUserSettings({ |
currency, |
userId |
}: { |
currency: Currency; |
userId: string; |
}) { |
await this.prisma.settings.upsert({ |
create: { |
currency, |
User: { |
connect: { |
id: userId |
} |
} |
}, |
update: { |
currency |
}, |
where: { |
userId: userId |
} |
}); |
return; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
export const environment = { |
production: true |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
export const environment = { |
production: false |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import { cloneDeep, isObject } from 'lodash'; |
export function hasNotDefinedValuesInObject(aObject: Object): boolean { |
for (const key in aObject) { |
if (aObject[key] === null || aObject[key] === null) { |
return true; |
} else if (isObject(aObject[key])) { |
return hasNotDefinedValuesInObject(aObject[key]); |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
export function nullifyValuesInObject<T>(aObject: T, keys: string[]): T { |
const object = cloneDeep(aObject); |
keys.forEach((key) => { |
object[key] = null; |
}); |
return object; |
} |
export function nullifyValuesInObjects<T>(aObjects: T[], keys: string[]): T[] { |
return aObjects.map((object) => { |
return nullifyValuesInObject(object, keys); |
}); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
import { Logger, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'; |
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module'; |
async function bootstrap() { |
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule); |
app.enableCors(); |
const globalPrefix = 'api'; |
app.setGlobalPrefix(globalPrefix); |
app.useGlobalPipes( |
new ValidationPipe({ |
forbidNonWhitelisted: true, |
transform: true, |
whitelist: true |
}) |
); |
const port = process.env.PORT || 3333; |
await app.listen(port, () => { |
Logger.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${port}`); |
}); |
} |
bootstrap(); |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
export interface EvaluationResult { |
evaluation: string; |
value: boolean; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import { |
PortfolioItem, |
Position |
} from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-item.interface'; |
import { Order } from '../order'; |
export interface PortfolioInterface { |
get(aDate?: Date): PortfolioItem[]; |
getCommittedFunds(): number; |
getFees(): number; |
getPositions( |
aDate: Date |
): { |
[symbol: string]: Position; |
}; |
getSymbols(aDate?: Date): string[]; |
getTotalBuy(): number; |
getTotalSell(): number; |
getOrders(): Order[]; |
getValue(aDate?: Date): number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from '../../app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { EvaluationResult } from './evaluation-result.interface'; |
export interface RuleInterface { |
evaluate( |
aPortfolioPositionMap: { |
[symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition; |
}, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
): EvaluationResult; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
export enum OrderType { |
CorporateAction = 'CORPORATE_ACTION', |
Bonus = 'BONUS', |
Buy = 'BUY', |
Dividend = 'DIVIDEND', |
Sell = 'SELL', |
Split = 'SPLIT' |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
import { Currency, Platform } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; |
import { IOrder } from '../services/interfaces/interfaces'; |
import { OrderType } from './order-type'; |
export class Order { |
private currency: Currency; |
private fee: number; |
private date: string; |
private id: string; |
private quantity: number; |
private platform: Platform; |
private symbol: string; |
private total: number; |
private type: OrderType; |
private unitPrice: number; |
public constructor(data: IOrder) { |
this.currency = data.currency; |
this.fee = data.fee; |
this.date = data.date; |
this.id = data.id || uuidv4(); |
this.platform = data.platform; |
this.quantity = data.quantity; |
this.symbol = data.symbol; |
this.type = data.type; |
this.unitPrice = data.unitPrice; |
this.total = this.quantity * data.unitPrice; |
} |
public getCurrency() { |
return this.currency; |
} |
public getDate() { |
return this.date; |
} |
public getFee() { |
return this.fee; |
} |
public getId() { |
return this.id; |
} |
public getPlatform() { |
return this.platform; |
} |
public getQuantity() { |
return this.quantity; |
} |
public getSymbol() { |
return this.symbol; |
} |
public getTotal() { |
return this.total; |
} |
public getType() { |
return this.type; |
} |
public getUnitPrice() { |
return this.unitPrice; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ |
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; |
import { Currency, Role, Type } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { baseCurrency } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { getYesterday } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { getUtc } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { AlphaVantageService } from '../services/data-provider/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage.service'; |
import { RakutenRapidApiService } from '../services/data-provider/rakuten-rapid-api/rakuten-rapid-api.service'; |
import { YahooFinanceService } from '../services/data-provider/yahoo-finance/yahoo-finance.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { PrismaService } from '../services/prisma.service'; |
import { RulesService } from '../services/rules.service'; |
import { Portfolio } from './portfolio'; |
describe('Portfolio', () => { |
let alphaVantageService: AlphaVantageService; |
let dataProviderService: DataProviderService; |
let exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService; |
let portfolio: Portfolio; |
let prismaService: PrismaService; |
let rakutenRapidApiService: RakutenRapidApiService; |
let rulesService: RulesService; |
let yahooFinanceService: YahooFinanceService; |
beforeAll(async () => { |
const app = await Test.createTestingModule({ |
imports: [], |
providers: [ |
AlphaVantageService, |
DataProviderService, |
ExchangeRateDataService, |
PrismaService, |
RakutenRapidApiService, |
RulesService, |
YahooFinanceService |
] |
}).compile(); |
alphaVantageService = app.get<AlphaVantageService>(AlphaVantageService); |
dataProviderService = app.get<DataProviderService>(DataProviderService); |
exchangeRateDataService = app.get<ExchangeRateDataService>( |
ExchangeRateDataService |
); |
prismaService = app.get<PrismaService>(PrismaService); |
rakutenRapidApiService = app.get<RakutenRapidApiService>( |
RakutenRapidApiService |
); |
rulesService = app.get<RulesService>(RulesService); |
yahooFinanceService = app.get<YahooFinanceService>(YahooFinanceService); |
await exchangeRateDataService.initialize(); |
portfolio = new Portfolio( |
dataProviderService, |
exchangeRateDataService, |
rulesService |
); |
portfolio.setUser({ |
accessToken: null, |
alias: 'Test', |
createdAt: new Date(), |
id: '', |
provider: null, |
role: Role.USER, |
Settings: { |
currency: Currency.CHF, |
updatedAt: new Date(), |
userId: '' |
}, |
thirdPartyId: null, |
updatedAt: new Date() |
}); |
}); |
describe('works with no orders', () => { |
it('should return []', () => { |
expect(portfolio.get(new Date())).toEqual([]); |
expect(portfolio.getFees()).toEqual(0); |
expect(portfolio.getPositions(new Date())).toEqual({}); |
}); |
it('should return empty details', async () => { |
const details = await portfolio.getDetails('1d'); |
expect(details).toEqual({}); |
}); |
it('should return empty details', async () => { |
const details = await portfolio.getDetails('max'); |
expect(details).toEqual({}); |
}); |
it('should return zero performance for 1d', async () => { |
const performance = await portfolio.getPerformance('1d'); |
expect(performance).toEqual({ |
currentGrossPerformance: 0, |
currentGrossPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentNetPerformance: 0, |
currentNetPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentValue: 0 |
}); |
}); |
it('should return zero performance for max', async () => { |
const performance = await portfolio.getPerformance('max'); |
expect(performance).toEqual({ |
currentGrossPerformance: 0, |
currentGrossPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentNetPerformance: 0, |
currentNetPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentValue: 0 |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe(`works with today's orders`, () => { |
it('should return ["BTC"]', async () => { |
await portfolio.setOrders([ |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 0, |
date: new Date(), |
id: '8d999347-dee2-46ee-88e1-26b344e71fcc', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 1, |
symbol: 'BTCUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 49631.24, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
} |
]); |
expect(portfolio.getCommittedFunds()).toEqual( |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1 * 49631.24, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
); |
const details = await portfolio.getDetails('1d'); |
expect(details).toMatchObject({ |
currency: Currency.USD, |
exchange: 'Other', |
grossPerformance: 0, |
grossPerformancePercent: 0, |
investment: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1 * 49631.24, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
), |
isMarketOpen: true, |
// marketPrice: 57973.008,
name: 'Bitcoin USD', |
platforms: { |
Other: { |
/*current: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1 * 49631.24, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
),*/ |
original: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
1 * 49631.24, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
} |
}, |
quantity: 1, |
// shareCurrent: 0.9999999559148652,
shareInvestment: 1, |
symbol: 'BTCUSD', |
type: 'Cryptocurrency' |
} |
}); |
expect(portfolio.getFees()).toEqual(0); |
/*const performance1d = await portfolio.getPerformance('1d'); |
expect(performance1d).toEqual({ |
currentGrossPerformance: 0, |
currentGrossPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentNetPerformance: 0, |
currentNetPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentValue: exchangeRateDataService.toBaseCurrency( |
1 * 49631.24, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
});*/ |
/*const performanceMax = await portfolio.getPerformance('max'); |
expect(performanceMax).toEqual({ |
currentGrossPerformance: 0, |
currentGrossPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentNetPerformance: 0, |
currentNetPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentValue: exchangeRateDataService.toBaseCurrency( |
1 * 49631.24, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
});*/ |
expect(portfolio.getPositions(getYesterday())).toMatchObject({}); |
expect(portfolio.getSymbols(getYesterday())).toEqual(['BTCUSD']); |
}); |
}); |
describe('works with orders', () => { |
it('should return ["ETHUSD"]', async () => { |
await portfolio.setOrders([ |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 0, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2018-01-05')), |
id: '4a5a5c6e-659d-45cc-9fd4-fd6c873b50fb', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.2, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 991.49, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
} |
]); |
expect(portfolio.getCommittedFunds()).toEqual( |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
); |
const details = await portfolio.getDetails('1d'); |
expect(details).toMatchObject({ |
currency: Currency.USD, |
exchange: 'Other', |
// grossPerformance: 0,
// grossPerformancePercent: 0,
investment: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
), |
// marketPrice: 57973.008,
name: 'Ethereum USD', |
platforms: { |
Other: { |
/*current: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
),*/ |
original: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
} |
}, |
quantity: 0.2, |
shareCurrent: 1, |
shareInvestment: 1, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: 'Cryptocurrency' |
} |
}); |
expect(portfolio.getFees()).toEqual(0); |
/*const performance = await portfolio.getPerformance('max'); |
expect(performance).toEqual({ |
currentGrossPerformance: 0, |
currentGrossPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentNetPerformance: 0, |
currentNetPerformancePercent: 0, |
currentValue: 0 |
});*/ |
expect(portfolio.getPositions(getYesterday())).toMatchObject({ |
averagePrice: 991.49, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
firstBuyDate: '2018-01-05T00:00:00.000Z', |
investment: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
), |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: 0.2 * 991.49, |
// marketPrice: 0,
quantity: 0.2 |
} |
}); |
expect(portfolio.getSymbols(getYesterday())).toEqual(['ETHUSD']); |
}); |
it('should return ["ETHUSD"]', async () => { |
await portfolio.setOrders([ |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 0, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2018-01-05')), |
id: '4a5a5c6e-659d-45cc-9fd4-fd6c873b50fb', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.2, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 991.49, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
}, |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 0, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2018-01-28')), |
id: '4a5a5c6e-659d-45cc-9fd4-fd6c873b50fc', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.3, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 1050, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
} |
]); |
expect(portfolio.getCommittedFunds()).toEqual( |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) + |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.3 * 1050, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
); |
expect(portfolio.getFees()).toEqual(0); |
expect(portfolio.getPositions(getYesterday())).toMatchObject({ |
averagePrice: (0.2 * 991.49 + 0.3 * 1050) / (0.2 + 0.3), |
currency: Currency.USD, |
firstBuyDate: '2018-01-05T00:00:00.000Z', |
investment: |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) + |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.3 * 1050, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
), |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: 0.2 * 991.49 + 0.3 * 1050, |
// marketPrice: 0,
quantity: 0.5 |
} |
}); |
expect(portfolio.getSymbols(getYesterday())).toEqual(['ETHUSD']); |
}); |
it('should return ["BTCUSD", "ETHUSD"]', async () => { |
await portfolio.setOrders([ |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.EUR, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2017-08-16')), |
fee: 2.99, |
id: 'd96795b2-6ae6-420e-aa21-fabe5e45d475', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.05614682, |
symbol: 'BTCUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 3562.089535970158, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
}, |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 2.99, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2018-01-05')), |
id: '4a5a5c6e-659d-45cc-9fd4-fd6c873b50fb', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.2, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 991.49, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
} |
]); |
expect(portfolio.getCommittedFunds()).toEqual( |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.05614682 * 3562.089535970158, |
Currency.EUR, |
baseCurrency |
) + |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
); |
expect(portfolio.getFees()).toEqual( |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency(2.99, Currency.EUR, baseCurrency) + |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency(2.99, Currency.USD, baseCurrency) |
); |
expect(portfolio.getPositions(getYesterday())).toMatchObject({ |
averagePrice: 3562.089535970158, |
currency: Currency.EUR, |
firstBuyDate: '2017-08-16T00:00:00.000Z', |
investment: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.05614682 * 3562.089535970158, |
Currency.EUR, |
baseCurrency |
), |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: 0.05614682 * 3562.089535970158, |
// marketPrice: 0,
quantity: 0.05614682 |
}, |
averagePrice: 991.49, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
firstBuyDate: '2018-01-05T00:00:00.000Z', |
investment: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
), |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: 0.2 * 991.49, |
// marketPrice: 0,
quantity: 0.2 |
} |
}); |
expect(portfolio.getSymbols(getYesterday())).toEqual([ |
]); |
}); |
it('should work with buy and sell', async () => { |
await portfolio.setOrders([ |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 1.0, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2018-01-05')), |
id: '4a5a5c6e-659d-45cc-9fd4-fd6c873b50fb', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.2, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 991.49, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
}, |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 1.0, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2018-01-28')), |
id: '4a5a5c6e-659d-45cc-9fd4-fd6c873b50fc', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.1, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: Type.SELL, |
unitPrice: 1050, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
}, |
{ |
createdAt: null, |
currency: Currency.USD, |
fee: 1.0, |
date: new Date(getUtc('2018-01-31')), |
id: '4a5a5c6e-659d-45cc-9fd4-fd6c873b50fc', |
platformId: null, |
quantity: 0.2, |
symbol: 'ETHUSD', |
type: Type.BUY, |
unitPrice: 1050, |
updatedAt: null, |
userId: null |
} |
]); |
// TODO: Fix
/*expect(portfolio.getCommittedFunds()).toEqual( |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) - |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.1 * 1050, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) + |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 1050, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
) |
);*/ |
expect(portfolio.getFees()).toEqual( |
exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency(3, Currency.USD, baseCurrency) |
); |
expect(portfolio.getPositions(getYesterday())).toMatchObject({ |
averagePrice: |
(0.2 * 991.49 - 0.1 * 1050 + 0.2 * 1050) / (0.2 - 0.1 + 0.2), |
currency: Currency.USD, |
firstBuyDate: '2018-01-05T00:00:00.000Z', |
// TODO: Fix
/*investment: exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
0.2 * 991.49 - 0.1 * 1050 + 0.2 * 1050, |
Currency.USD, |
baseCurrency |
),*/ |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: 0.2 * 991.49 - 0.1 * 1050 + 0.2 * 1050, |
// marketPrice: 0,
quantity: 0.2 - 0.1 + 0.2 |
} |
}); |
expect(portfolio.getSymbols(getYesterday())).toEqual(['ETHUSD']); |
}); |
}); |
afterAll(async () => { |
prismaService.$disconnect(); |
}); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,820 @@ |
import { |
PortfolioItem, |
Position |
} from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-item.interface'; |
import { |
add, |
format, |
getDate, |
getMonth, |
getYear, |
isAfter, |
isBefore, |
isSameDay, |
isToday, |
isYesterday, |
parseISO, |
setDate, |
setMonth, |
sub |
} from 'date-fns'; |
import { getToday, getYesterday, resetHours } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { cloneDeep, isEmpty } from 'lodash'; |
import * as roundTo from 'round-to'; |
import { UserWithSettings } from '../app/interfaces/user-with-settings'; |
import { OrderWithPlatform } from '../app/order/interfaces/order-with-platform.type'; |
import { DateRange } from '../app/portfolio/interfaces/date-range.type'; |
import { PortfolioPerformance } from '../app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-performance.interface'; |
import { PortfolioPosition } from '../app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { PortfolioReport } from '../app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-report.interface'; |
import { DataProviderService } from '../services/data-provider.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { IOrder } from '../services/interfaces/interfaces'; |
import { RulesService } from '../services/rules.service'; |
import { PortfolioInterface } from './interfaces/portfolio.interface'; |
import { Order } from './order'; |
import { CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyCurrentInvestment } from './rules/currency-cluster-risk/base-currency-current-investment'; |
import { CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyInitialInvestment } from './rules/currency-cluster-risk/base-currency-initial-investment'; |
import { CurrencyClusterRiskCurrentInvestment } from './rules/currency-cluster-risk/current-investment'; |
import { CurrencyClusterRiskInitialInvestment } from './rules/currency-cluster-risk/initial-investment'; |
import { FeeRatioInitialInvestment } from './rules/fees/fee-ratio-initial-investment'; |
import { PlatformClusterRiskCurrentInvestment } from './rules/platform-cluster-risk/current-investment'; |
import { PlatformClusterRiskInitialInvestment } from './rules/platform-cluster-risk/initial-investment'; |
import { PlatformClusterRiskSinglePlatform } from './rules/platform-cluster-risk/single-platform'; |
export class Portfolio implements PortfolioInterface { |
private orders: Order[] = []; |
private portfolioItems: PortfolioItem[] = []; |
private user: UserWithSettings; |
public constructor( |
private dataProviderService: DataProviderService, |
private exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, |
private rulesService: RulesService |
) {} |
public async addCurrentPortfolioItems() { |
const currentData = await this.dataProviderService.get(this.getSymbols()); |
let currentDate = new Date(); |
const year = getYear(currentDate); |
const month = getMonth(currentDate); |
const day = getDate(currentDate); |
const today = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day)); |
const yesterday = getYesterday(); |
const [portfolioItemsYesterday] = this.get(yesterday); |
let positions: { [symbol: string]: Position } = {}; |
this.getSymbols().forEach((symbol) => { |
positions[symbol] = { |
averagePrice: portfolioItemsYesterday?.positions[symbol]?.averagePrice, |
currency: portfolioItemsYesterday?.positions[symbol]?.currency, |
firstBuyDate: portfolioItemsYesterday?.positions[symbol]?.firstBuyDate, |
investment: portfolioItemsYesterday?.positions[symbol]?.investment, |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: |
portfolioItemsYesterday?.positions[symbol] |
?.investmentInOriginalCurrency, |
marketPrice: currentData[symbol]?.marketPrice, |
quantity: portfolioItemsYesterday?.positions[symbol]?.quantity |
}; |
}); |
if (portfolioItemsYesterday?.investment) { |
const portfolioItemsLength = this.portfolioItems.push( |
cloneDeep({ |
date: today.toISOString(), |
grossPerformancePercent: 0, |
investment: portfolioItemsYesterday?.investment, |
positions: positions, |
value: 0 |
}) |
); |
// Set value after pushing today's portfolio items
this.portfolioItems[portfolioItemsLength - 1].value = this.getValue( |
today |
); |
} |
return this; |
} |
public createFromData({ |
orders, |
portfolioItems, |
user |
}: { |
orders: IOrder[]; |
portfolioItems: PortfolioItem[]; |
user: UserWithSettings; |
}): Portfolio { |
orders.forEach( |
({ |
currency, |
fee, |
date, |
id, |
platform, |
quantity, |
symbol, |
type, |
unitPrice |
}) => { |
this.orders.push( |
new Order({ |
currency, |
fee, |
date, |
id, |
platform, |
quantity, |
symbol, |
type, |
unitPrice |
}) |
); |
} |
); |
portfolioItems.forEach( |
({ date, grossPerformancePercent, investment, positions, value }) => { |
this.portfolioItems.push({ |
date, |
grossPerformancePercent, |
investment, |
positions, |
value |
}); |
} |
); |
this.setUser(user); |
return this; |
} |
private convertDateRangeToDate(aDateRange: DateRange, aMinDate: Date) { |
let currentDate = new Date(); |
const normalizedMinDate = |
getDate(aMinDate) === 1 |
? aMinDate |
: add(setDate(aMinDate, 1), { months: 1 }); |
const year = getYear(currentDate); |
const month = getMonth(currentDate); |
const day = getDate(currentDate); |
currentDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, 0)); |
switch (aDateRange) { |
case '1d': |
return sub(currentDate, { |
days: 1 |
}); |
case 'ytd': |
currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); |
currentDate = setMonth(currentDate, 0); |
return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) |
? currentDate |
: undefined; |
case '1y': |
currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); |
currentDate = sub(currentDate, { |
years: 1 |
}); |
return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) |
? currentDate |
: undefined; |
case '5y': |
currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); |
currentDate = sub(currentDate, { |
years: 5 |
}); |
return isAfter(currentDate, normalizedMinDate) |
? currentDate |
: undefined; |
default: |
// Gets handled as all data
return undefined; |
} |
} |
public get(aDate?: Date): PortfolioItem[] { |
if (aDate) { |
const filteredPortfolio = this.portfolioItems.find((item) => { |
return isSameDay(aDate, new Date(item.date)); |
}); |
if (filteredPortfolio) { |
return [cloneDeep(filteredPortfolio)]; |
} |
} |
return cloneDeep(this.portfolioItems); |
} |
public getCommittedFunds() { |
return this.getTotalBuy() - this.getTotalSell(); |
} |
public async getDetails( |
aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' |
): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }> { |
const dateRangeDate = this.convertDateRangeToDate( |
aDateRange, |
this.getMinDate() |
); |
const [portfolioItemsBefore] = this.get(dateRangeDate); |
const [portfolioItemsNow] = await this.get(new Date()); |
const investment = this.getInvestment(new Date()); |
const portfolioItems = this.get(new Date()); |
const symbols = this.getSymbols(new Date()); |
const value = this.getValue(); |
const details: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition } = {}; |
const data = await this.dataProviderService.get(symbols); |
symbols.forEach((symbol) => { |
const platforms: PortfolioPosition['platforms'] = {}; |
const [portfolioItem] = portfolioItems; |
const ordersBySymbol = this.getOrders().filter((order) => { |
return order.getSymbol() === symbol; |
}); |
ordersBySymbol.forEach((orderOfSymbol) => { |
let currentValueOfSymbol = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
orderOfSymbol.getQuantity() * |
portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].marketPrice, |
orderOfSymbol.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
let originalValueOfSymbol = this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
orderOfSymbol.getQuantity() * orderOfSymbol.getUnitPrice(), |
orderOfSymbol.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
if (orderOfSymbol.getType() === 'SELL') { |
currentValueOfSymbol *= -1; |
originalValueOfSymbol *= -1; |
} |
if (platforms[orderOfSymbol.getPlatform()?.name || 'Other']?.current) { |
platforms[ |
orderOfSymbol.getPlatform()?.name || 'Other' |
].current += currentValueOfSymbol; |
platforms[ |
orderOfSymbol.getPlatform()?.name || 'Other' |
].original += originalValueOfSymbol; |
} else { |
platforms[orderOfSymbol.getPlatform()?.name || 'Other'] = { |
current: currentValueOfSymbol, |
original: originalValueOfSymbol |
}; |
} |
}); |
let now = portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].marketPrice; |
// 1d
let before = portfolioItemsBefore.positions[symbol].marketPrice; |
if (aDateRange === 'ytd') { |
before = |
portfolioItemsBefore.positions[symbol].marketPrice || |
portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].averagePrice; |
} else if ( |
aDateRange === '1y' || |
aDateRange === '5y' || |
aDateRange === 'max' |
) { |
before = portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].averagePrice; |
} |
if ( |
!isBefore( |
parseISO(portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].firstBuyDate), |
parseISO(portfolioItemsBefore.date) |
) |
) { |
// Trade was not before the date of portfolioItemsBefore, then override it with average price
// (e.g. on same day)
before = portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].averagePrice; |
} |
if (isToday(parseISO(portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].firstBuyDate))) { |
now = portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].averagePrice; |
} |
details[symbol] = { |
...data[symbol], |
platforms, |
symbol, |
grossPerformance: roundTo( |
portfolioItemsNow.positions[symbol].quantity * (now - before), |
2 |
), |
grossPerformancePercent: roundTo((now - before) / before, 4), |
investment: portfolioItem.positions[symbol].investment, |
quantity: portfolioItem.positions[symbol].quantity, |
shareCurrent: |
this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol].quantity * now, |
data[symbol]?.currency, |
this.user.Settings.currency |
) / value, |
shareInvestment: portfolioItem.positions[symbol].investment / investment |
}; |
}); |
return details; |
} |
public getFees(aDate = new Date(0)) { |
return this.orders |
.filter((order) => { |
// Filter out all orders before given date
return isBefore(aDate, new Date(order.getDate())); |
}) |
.map((order) => { |
return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
order.getFee(), |
order.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
}) |
.reduce((previous, current) => previous + current, 0); |
} |
public getInvestment(aDate: Date): number { |
return this.get(aDate)[0]?.investment || 0; |
} |
public getMinDate() { |
if (this.orders.length > 0) { |
return new Date(this.orders[0].getDate()); |
} |
return null; |
} |
public async getPerformance( |
aDateRange: DateRange = 'max' |
): Promise<PortfolioPerformance> { |
const dateRangeDate = this.convertDateRangeToDate( |
aDateRange, |
this.getMinDate() |
); |
const currentInvestment = this.getInvestment(new Date()); |
const currentValue = await this.getValue(); |
let originalInvestment = currentInvestment; |
let originalValue = this.getCommittedFunds(); |
if (dateRangeDate) { |
originalInvestment = this.getInvestment(dateRangeDate); |
originalValue = (await this.getValue(dateRangeDate)) || originalValue; |
} |
const fees = this.getFees(dateRangeDate); |
const currentGrossPerformance = |
currentValue - currentInvestment - (originalValue - originalInvestment); |
// https://www.skillsyouneed.com/num/percent-change.html
const currentGrossPerformancePercent = |
currentGrossPerformance / originalInvestment || 0; |
const currentNetPerformance = currentGrossPerformance - fees; |
// https://www.skillsyouneed.com/num/percent-change.html
const currentNetPerformancePercent = |
currentNetPerformance / originalInvestment || 0; |
return { |
currentGrossPerformance, |
currentGrossPerformancePercent, |
currentNetPerformance, |
currentNetPerformancePercent, |
currentValue |
}; |
} |
public getPositions(aDate: Date) { |
const [portfolioItem] = this.get(aDate); |
if (portfolioItem) { |
return portfolioItem.positions; |
} |
return {}; |
} |
public getPortfolioItems() { |
return this.portfolioItems; |
} |
public async getReport(): Promise<PortfolioReport> { |
const details = await this.getDetails(); |
if (isEmpty(details)) { |
return { |
rules: {} |
}; |
} |
return { |
rules: { |
currencyClusterRisk: await this.rulesService.evaluate( |
this, |
[ |
new CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyInitialInvestment( |
this.exchangeRateDataService |
), |
new CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyCurrentInvestment( |
this.exchangeRateDataService |
), |
new CurrencyClusterRiskInitialInvestment( |
this.exchangeRateDataService |
), |
new CurrencyClusterRiskCurrentInvestment( |
this.exchangeRateDataService |
) |
], |
{ baseCurrency: this.user.Settings.currency } |
), |
platformClusterRisk: await this.rulesService.evaluate( |
this, |
[ |
new PlatformClusterRiskSinglePlatform(this.exchangeRateDataService), |
new PlatformClusterRiskInitialInvestment( |
this.exchangeRateDataService |
), |
new PlatformClusterRiskCurrentInvestment( |
this.exchangeRateDataService |
) |
], |
{ baseCurrency: this.user.Settings.currency } |
), |
fees: await this.rulesService.evaluate( |
this, |
[new FeeRatioInitialInvestment(this.exchangeRateDataService)], |
{ baseCurrency: this.user.Settings.currency } |
) |
} |
}; |
} |
public getSymbols(aDate?: Date) { |
let symbols: string[] = []; |
if (aDate) { |
const positions = this.getPositions(aDate); |
for (const symbol in positions) { |
if (positions[symbol].quantity > 0) { |
symbols.push(symbol); |
} |
} |
} else { |
symbols = this.orders.map((order) => { |
return order.getSymbol(); |
}); |
} |
// unique values
return Array.from(new Set(symbols)); |
} |
public getTotalBuy() { |
return this.orders |
.filter((order) => order.getType() === 'BUY') |
.map((order) => { |
return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
order.getTotal(), |
order.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
}) |
.reduce((previous, current) => previous + current, 0); |
} |
public getTotalSell() { |
return this.orders |
.filter((order) => order.getType() === 'SELL') |
.map((order) => { |
return this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
order.getTotal(), |
order.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
}) |
.reduce((previous, current) => previous + current, 0); |
} |
public getOrders() { |
return this.orders; |
} |
private getOrdersByType(aFilter: string[]) { |
return this.orders.filter((order) => { |
return aFilter.includes(order.getType()); |
}); |
} |
public getValue(aDate = getToday()) { |
const positions = this.getPositions(aDate); |
let value = 0; |
const [portfolioItem] = this.get(aDate); |
for (const symbol in positions) { |
if (portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.quantity > 0) { |
if ( |
isBefore( |
aDate, |
parseISO(portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.firstBuyDate) |
) || |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.marketPrice === 0 |
) { |
value += this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.quantity * |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.averagePrice, |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.currency, |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
} else { |
value += this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.quantity * |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.marketPrice, |
portfolioItem.positions[symbol]?.currency, |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
} |
} |
} |
return isFinite(value) ? value : null; |
} |
public async setOrders(aOrders: OrderWithPlatform[]) { |
this.orders = []; |
// Map data
aOrders.forEach((order) => { |
this.orders.push( |
new Order({ |
currency: <any>order.currency, |
date: order.date.toISOString(), |
fee: order.fee, |
platform: order.Platform, |
quantity: order.quantity, |
symbol: order.symbol, |
type: <any>order.type, |
unitPrice: order.unitPrice |
}) |
); |
}); |
await this.update(); |
return this; |
} |
public setUser(aUser: UserWithSettings) { |
this.user = aUser; |
return this; |
} |
/** |
* TODO: Refactor |
*/ |
private async update() { |
this.portfolioItems = []; |
let currentDate = this.getMinDate(); |
if (!currentDate) { |
return; |
} |
// Set current date to first of month
currentDate = setDate(currentDate, 1); |
const historicalData = await this.dataProviderService.getHistorical( |
this.getSymbols(), |
'month', |
currentDate, |
new Date() |
); |
while (isBefore(currentDate, Date.now())) { |
const positions: { [symbol: string]: Position } = {}; |
this.getSymbols().forEach((symbol) => { |
positions[symbol] = { |
averagePrice: 0, |
currency: undefined, |
firstBuyDate: null, |
investment: 0, |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: 0, |
marketPrice: |
historicalData[symbol]?.[format(currentDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd')] |
?.marketPrice || 0, |
quantity: 0 |
}; |
}); |
if (!isYesterday(currentDate) && !isToday(currentDate)) { |
// Add to portfolio (ignore yesterday and today because they are added later)
this.portfolioItems.push( |
cloneDeep({ |
date: currentDate.toISOString(), |
grossPerformancePercent: 0, |
investment: 0, |
positions: positions, |
value: 0 |
}) |
); |
} |
const year = getYear(currentDate); |
const month = getMonth(currentDate); |
const day = getDate(currentDate); |
// Count month one up for iteration
currentDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month + 1, day, 0)); |
} |
const yesterday = getYesterday(); |
let positions: { [symbol: string]: Position } = {}; |
if (isAfter(yesterday, this.getMinDate())) { |
// Add yesterday
this.getSymbols().forEach((symbol) => { |
positions[symbol] = { |
averagePrice: 0, |
currency: undefined, |
firstBuyDate: null, |
investment: 0, |
investmentInOriginalCurrency: 0, |
marketPrice: |
historicalData[symbol]?.[format(yesterday, 'yyyy-MM-dd')] |
?.marketPrice || 0, |
quantity: 0 |
}; |
}); |
this.portfolioItems.push( |
cloneDeep({ |
date: yesterday.toISOString(), |
grossPerformancePercent: 0, |
investment: 0, |
positions: positions, |
value: 0 |
}) |
); |
} |
this.updatePortfolioItems(); |
} |
private updatePortfolioItems() { |
// console.time('update-portfolio-items');
let currentDate = new Date(); |
const year = getYear(currentDate); |
const month = getMonth(currentDate); |
const day = getDate(currentDate); |
currentDate = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, 0)); |
if (this.portfolioItems?.length === 1) { |
// At least one portfolio items is needed, keep it but change the date to today.
// This happens if there are only orders from today
this.portfolioItems[0].date = currentDate.toISOString(); |
} else { |
// Only keep entries which are not before first buy date
this.portfolioItems = this.portfolioItems.filter((portfolioItem) => { |
return ( |
isSameDay(parseISO(portfolioItem.date), this.getMinDate()) || |
isAfter(parseISO(portfolioItem.date), this.getMinDate()) |
); |
}); |
} |
this.orders.forEach((order) => { |
let index = this.portfolioItems.findIndex((item) => { |
const dateOfOrder = setDate(parseISO(order.getDate()), 1); |
return isSameDay(parseISO(item.date), dateOfOrder); |
}); |
if (index === -1) { |
// if not found, we only have one order, which means we do not loop below
index = 0; |
} |
for (let i = index; i < this.portfolioItems.length; i++) { |
// Set currency
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].currency = order.getCurrency(); |
if (order.getType() === 'BUY') { |
if ( |
!this.portfolioItems[i].positions[order.getSymbol()].firstBuyDate |
) { |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].firstBuyDate = resetHours( |
parseISO(order.getDate()) |
).toISOString(); |
} |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].quantity += order.getQuantity(); |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].investment += this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
order.getTotal(), |
order.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].investmentInOriginalCurrency += order.getTotal(); |
this.portfolioItems[ |
i |
].investment += this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
order.getTotal(), |
order.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
} else if (order.getType() === 'SELL') { |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].quantity -= order.getQuantity(); |
if ( |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[order.getSymbol()].quantity === 0 |
) { |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[order.getSymbol()].investment = 0; |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].investmentInOriginalCurrency = 0; |
} else { |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].investment -= this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
order.getTotal(), |
order.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[ |
order.getSymbol() |
].investmentInOriginalCurrency -= order.getTotal(); |
} |
this.portfolioItems[ |
i |
].investment -= this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
order.getTotal(), |
order.getCurrency(), |
this.user.Settings.currency |
); |
} |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[order.getSymbol()].averagePrice = |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[order.getSymbol()] |
.investmentInOriginalCurrency / |
this.portfolioItems[i].positions[order.getSymbol()].quantity; |
const currentValue = this.getValue( |
parseISO(this.portfolioItems[i].date) |
); |
this.portfolioItems[i].grossPerformancePercent = |
currentValue / this.portfolioItems[i].investment - 1 || 0; |
this.portfolioItems[i].value = currentValue; |
} |
}); |
// console.timeEnd('update-portfolio-items');
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
import { Currency } from '@prisma/client'; |
import { groupBy } from 'libs/helper/src'; |
import { PortfolioPosition } from '../app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '../services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { EvaluationResult } from './interfaces/evaluation-result.interface'; |
import { RuleInterface } from './interfaces/rule.interface'; |
export abstract class Rule implements RuleInterface { |
private name: string; |
public constructor( |
public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, |
{ |
name |
}: { |
name: string; |
} |
) { |
this.name = name; |
} |
public abstract evaluate( |
aPortfolioPositionMap: { |
[symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition; |
}, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
): EvaluationResult; |
public getName() { |
return this.name; |
} |
public groupPositionsByAttribute( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aAttribute: keyof PortfolioPosition, |
aBaseCurrency: Currency |
) { |
return Array.from( |
groupBy(aAttribute, Object.values(aPositions)).entries() |
).map(([attributeValue, objs]) => ({ |
groupKey: attributeValue, |
investment: objs.reduce( |
(previousValue, currentValue) => |
previousValue + currentValue.investment, |
0 |
), |
value: objs.reduce( |
(previousValue, currentValue) => |
previousValue + |
this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( |
currentValue.quantity * currentValue.marketPrice, |
currentValue.currency, |
aBaseCurrency |
), |
0 |
) |
})); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyCurrentInvestment extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Current Investment: Base Currency' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
) { |
const ruleSettings = |
aRuleSettingsMap[CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyCurrentInvestment.name]; |
const positionsGroupedByCurrency = this.groupPositionsByAttribute( |
aPositions, |
'currency', |
ruleSettings.baseCurrency |
); |
let maxItem = positionsGroupedByCurrency[0]; |
let totalValue = 0; |
positionsGroupedByCurrency.forEach((groupItem) => { |
// Calculate total value
totalValue += groupItem.value; |
// Find maximum
if (groupItem.investment > maxItem.investment) { |
maxItem = groupItem; |
} |
}); |
const baseCurrencyItem = positionsGroupedByCurrency.find((item) => { |
return item.groupKey === ruleSettings.baseCurrency; |
}); |
const baseCurrencyValueRatio = baseCurrencyItem?.value / totalValue || 0; |
if (maxItem.groupKey !== ruleSettings.baseCurrency) { |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your current investment is not in your base currency (${( |
baseCurrencyValueRatio * 100 |
).toPrecision(3)}% in ${ruleSettings.baseCurrency})`,
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your current investment is in your base currency (${( |
baseCurrencyValueRatio * 100 |
).toPrecision(3)}% in ${ruleSettings.baseCurrency})`,
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyInitialInvestment extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Initial Investment: Base Currency' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
) { |
const ruleSettings = |
aRuleSettingsMap[CurrencyClusterRiskBaseCurrencyInitialInvestment.name]; |
const positionsGroupedByCurrency = this.groupPositionsByAttribute( |
aPositions, |
'currency', |
ruleSettings.baseCurrency |
); |
let maxItem = positionsGroupedByCurrency[0]; |
let totalInvestment = 0; |
positionsGroupedByCurrency.forEach((groupItem) => { |
// Calculate total investment
totalInvestment += groupItem.investment; |
// Find maximum
if (groupItem.investment > maxItem.investment) { |
maxItem = groupItem; |
} |
}); |
const baseCurrencyItem = positionsGroupedByCurrency.find((item) => { |
return item.groupKey === ruleSettings.baseCurrency; |
}); |
const baseCurrencyInvestmentRatio = |
baseCurrencyItem?.investment / totalInvestment || 0; |
if (maxItem.groupKey !== ruleSettings.baseCurrency) { |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your initial investment is not in your base currency (${( |
baseCurrencyInvestmentRatio * 100 |
).toPrecision(3)}% in ${ruleSettings.baseCurrency})`,
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your initial investment is in your base currency (${( |
baseCurrencyInvestmentRatio * 100 |
).toPrecision(3)}% in ${ruleSettings.baseCurrency})`,
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class CurrencyClusterRiskCurrentInvestment extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Current Investment' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
) { |
const ruleSettings = |
aRuleSettingsMap[CurrencyClusterRiskCurrentInvestment.name]; |
const positionsGroupedByCurrency = this.groupPositionsByAttribute( |
aPositions, |
'currency', |
ruleSettings.baseCurrency |
); |
let maxItem = positionsGroupedByCurrency[0]; |
let totalValue = 0; |
positionsGroupedByCurrency.forEach((groupItem) => { |
// Calculate total value
totalValue += groupItem.value; |
// Find maximum
if (groupItem.value > maxItem.value) { |
maxItem = groupItem; |
} |
}); |
const maxValueRatio = maxItem.value / totalValue; |
if (maxValueRatio > ruleSettings.threshold) { |
return { |
evaluation: `Over ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
}% of your current investment is in ${maxItem.groupKey} (${( |
maxValueRatio * 100 |
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your current investment is in ${ |
maxItem.groupKey |
} (${(maxValueRatio * 100).toPrecision(3)}%) and does not exceed ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class CurrencyClusterRiskInitialInvestment extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Initial Investment' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
) { |
const ruleSettings = |
aRuleSettingsMap[CurrencyClusterRiskInitialInvestment.name]; |
const positionsGroupedByCurrency = this.groupPositionsByAttribute( |
aPositions, |
'currency', |
ruleSettings.baseCurrency |
); |
let maxItem = positionsGroupedByCurrency[0]; |
let totalInvestment = 0; |
positionsGroupedByCurrency.forEach((groupItem) => { |
// Calculate total investment
totalInvestment += groupItem.investment; |
// Find maximum
if (groupItem.investment > maxItem.investment) { |
maxItem = groupItem; |
} |
}); |
const maxInvestmentRatio = maxItem.investment / totalInvestment; |
if (maxInvestmentRatio > ruleSettings.threshold) { |
return { |
evaluation: `Over ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
}% of your initial investment is in ${maxItem.groupKey} (${( |
maxInvestmentRatio * 100 |
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your initial investment is in ${ |
maxItem.groupKey |
} (${(maxInvestmentRatio * 100).toPrecision(3)}%) and does not exceed ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class FeeRatioInitialInvestment extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Initial Investment' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
) { |
const ruleSettings = aRuleSettingsMap[FeeRatioInitialInvestment.name]; |
const positionsGroupedByCurrency = this.groupPositionsByAttribute( |
aPositions, |
'currency', |
ruleSettings.baseCurrency |
); |
let totalInvestment = 0; |
positionsGroupedByCurrency.forEach((groupItem) => { |
// Calculate total investment
totalInvestment += groupItem.investment; |
}); |
const feeRatio = aFees / totalInvestment; |
if (feeRatio > ruleSettings.threshold) { |
return { |
evaluation: `The fees do exceed ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
}% of your initial investment (${(feeRatio * 100).toPrecision(3)}%)`,
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `The fees do not exceed ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
}% of your initial investment (${(feeRatio * 100).toPrecision(3)}%)`,
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class PlatformClusterRiskCurrentInvestment extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Current Investment' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
) { |
const ruleSettings = |
aRuleSettingsMap[PlatformClusterRiskCurrentInvestment.name]; |
const platforms: { |
[symbol: string]: Pick<PortfolioPosition, 'name'> & { |
investment: number; |
}; |
} = {}; |
Object.values(aPositions).forEach((position) => { |
for (const [platform, { current }] of Object.entries( |
position.platforms |
)) { |
if (platforms[platform]?.investment) { |
platforms[platform].investment += current; |
} else { |
platforms[platform] = { |
investment: current, |
name: platform |
}; |
} |
} |
}); |
let maxItem; |
let totalInvestment = 0; |
Object.values(platforms).forEach((platform) => { |
if (!maxItem) { |
maxItem = platform; |
} |
// Calculate total investment
totalInvestment += platform.investment; |
// Find maximum
if (platform.investment > maxItem?.investment) { |
maxItem = platform; |
} |
}); |
const maxInvestmentRatio = maxItem.investment / totalInvestment; |
if (maxInvestmentRatio > ruleSettings.threshold) { |
return { |
evaluation: `Over ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
}% of your current investment is at ${maxItem.name} (${( |
maxInvestmentRatio * 100 |
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your current investment is at ${ |
maxItem.name |
} (${(maxInvestmentRatio * 100).toPrecision(3)}%) and does not exceed ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class PlatformClusterRiskInitialInvestment extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Initial Investment' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate( |
aPositions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }, |
aFees: number, |
aRuleSettingsMap?: { |
[key: string]: any; |
} |
) { |
const ruleSettings = |
aRuleSettingsMap[PlatformClusterRiskInitialInvestment.name]; |
const platforms: { |
[symbol: string]: Pick<PortfolioPosition, 'name'> & { |
investment: number; |
}; |
} = {}; |
Object.values(aPositions).forEach((position) => { |
for (const [platform, { original }] of Object.entries( |
position.platforms |
)) { |
if (platforms[platform]?.investment) { |
platforms[platform].investment += original; |
} else { |
platforms[platform] = { |
investment: original, |
name: platform |
}; |
} |
} |
}); |
let maxItem; |
let totalInvestment = 0; |
Object.values(platforms).forEach((platform) => { |
if (!maxItem) { |
maxItem = platform; |
} |
// Calculate total investment
totalInvestment += platform.investment; |
// Find maximum
if (platform.investment > maxItem?.investment) { |
maxItem = platform; |
} |
}); |
const maxInvestmentRatio = maxItem.investment / totalInvestment; |
if (maxInvestmentRatio > ruleSettings.threshold) { |
return { |
evaluation: `Over ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
}% of your initial investment is at ${maxItem.name} (${( |
maxInvestmentRatio * 100 |
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `The major part of your initial investment is at ${ |
maxItem.name |
} (${(maxInvestmentRatio * 100).toPrecision(3)}%) and does not exceed ${ |
ruleSettings.threshold * 100 |
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
import { PortfolioPosition } from 'apps/api/src/app/portfolio/interfaces/portfolio-position.interface'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from 'apps/api/src/services/exchange-rate-data.service'; |
import { Rule } from '../../rule'; |
export class PlatformClusterRiskSinglePlatform extends Rule { |
public constructor(public exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService) { |
super(exchangeRateDataService, { |
name: 'Single Platform' |
}); |
} |
public evaluate(positions: { [symbol: string]: PortfolioPosition }) { |
const platforms: string[] = []; |
Object.values(positions).forEach((position) => { |
for (const [platform] of Object.entries(position.platforms)) { |
if (!platforms.includes(platform)) { |
platforms.push(platform); |
} |
} |
}); |
if (platforms.length === 1) { |
return { |
evaluation: `All your investment is managed by a single platform`, |
value: false |
}; |
} |
return { |
evaluation: `Your investment is managed by ${platforms.length} platforms`, |
value: true |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; |
import { Cron, CronExpression } from '@nestjs/schedule'; |
import { DataGatheringService } from './data-gathering.service'; |
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from './exchange-rate-data.service'; |
@Injectable() |
export class CronService { |
public constructor( |
private readonly dataGatheringService: DataGatheringService, |
private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService |
) {} |
@Cron(CronExpression.EVERY_MINUTE) |
public async runEveryMinute() { |
await this.dataGatheringService.gather7Days(); |
} |
@Cron(CronExpression.EVERY_12_HOURS) |
public async runEveryTwelveHours() { |
await this.exchangeRateDataService.loadCurrencies(); |
} |
} |
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