<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="new"> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated"> Ich stimme zu, meinen <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> an einem sicheren Ort hinterlegt zu haben. Sollte ich diesen verlieren, kann ich mein Konto nicht wiederherstellen. </target>
<source>Please keep your security token safe. If you lose it, you will not be able to recover your account.</source>
<target state="translated">Bitte bewahre dein Sicherheits-Token sicher auf. Wenn du es verlierst, kannst du dein Benutzerkonto nicht wiederherstellen.</target>
<source>I understand that if I lose my security token, I cannot recover my account.</source>
<target state="translated">Ich nehme zur Kenntnis, dass ich mein Benutzerkonto nicht wiederherstellen kann, wenn ich mein Sicherheits-Token verliere.</target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated">Confirmo haber guardado mi <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Token de seguridad<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> mostrado arriba en un lugar seguro. Si lo pierdo, no podré recuperar mi cuenta.</target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated"> Je certifie avoir sauvé mon <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Jeton de Sécurité<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> ci-dessus dans un endroit sûr. Si je le perds, je ne pourrai pas récupérer mon compte. </target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated">Accetto di aver memorizzato il mio <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Token di sicurezza<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> sopra citato in un luogo sicuro. Se lo perdo, non posso recuperare il mio account. </target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated">Ik ga ermee akkoord dat ik mijn <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> van hierboven op een veilige plaats heb opgeslagen. Als ik het verlies, kan ik mijn account niet terug krijgen. </target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated"> Wyrażam zgodę na przechowywanie mojego <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Tokenu zabezpieczającego<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> w bezpiecznym miejscu. Jego utrata nie pozwoli odzyskać konta! </target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated"> Concordo em como guardei o meu <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Token de Segurança<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> acima num local seguro. Se o perder, não conseguirei recuperar a minha conta.</target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="new"> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<target state="translated"> Я погоджуюся зберігати свій <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Секретний Токен<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> у безпечному місці. Якщо я його втрачу, я не зможу відновити свій акаунт. </target>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>
<source> I agree to have stored my <x id="START_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="<i>"/>Security Token<x id="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT" ctype="x-i" equiv-text="</i>"/> from above in a secure place. If I lose it, I cannot get my account back. </source>