mirror of https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio
52 lines
1.5 KiB
52 lines
1.5 KiB
FROM node:14-alpine as builder
# Build application and add additional files
WORKDIR /ghostfolio
# Only add basic files without the application itself to avoid rebuilding
# layers when files (package.json etc.) have not changed
COPY ./package.json package.json
COPY ./yarn.lock yarn.lock
COPY ./prisma/schema.prisma prisma/schema.prisma
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 g++ make openssl
RUN yarn install
# See https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/6586 for further details
COPY ./decorate-angular-cli.js decorate-angular-cli.js
RUN node decorate-angular-cli.js
COPY ./angular.json angular.json
COPY ./nx.json nx.json
COPY ./replace.build.js replace.build.js
COPY ./jest.preset.js jest.preset.js
COPY ./jest.config.js jest.config.js
COPY ./tsconfig.base.json tsconfig.base.json
COPY ./libs libs
COPY ./apps apps
RUN yarn build:all
# Prepare the dist image with additional node_modules
WORKDIR /ghostfolio/dist/apps/api
# package.json was generated by the build process, however the original
# yarn.lock needs to be used to ensure the same versions
COPY ./yarn.lock /ghostfolio/dist/apps/api/yarn.lock
RUN yarn
COPY prisma /ghostfolio/dist/apps/api/prisma
# Overwrite the generated package.json with the original one to ensure having
# all the scripts
COPY package.json /ghostfolio/dist/apps/api
RUN yarn database:generate-typings
# Image to run, copy everything needed from builder
FROM node:14-alpine
COPY --from=builder /ghostfolio/dist/apps /ghostfolio/apps
WORKDIR /ghostfolio/apps/api
CMD [ "node", "main" ]