|Grafische Statistik-Auswertungen
- printf("ACTION=*&%s %s,%s ; %s '\''TXTHTML=Details %s,%s|Stati|'\''\n",fahrername,$6,libcurl,tuxwetter,fahrername,$3)
- #printf("COMMENT=*%s %s\n",$6,typ)
- }
- END {
- print "ENDMENU"
- }' $tempfile >>$menustatdetail
-#---------------------------------- Main ------------------------------
-case "$1" in
- teaminfo) teaminfo $2 "$3" ;;
- makemainmenu) makemainmenu ;;
- teamkurzinfo) teamkurzinfo $2 ;;
- streckeninfo) streckeninfo $2 ;;
- streckendetail) streckendetail $2 "$3" ;;
- fahrerwertung) fahrerwertung $2 ;;
- fahrerinfo) fahrerinfo $2 "$3" ;;
- teamwertung) teamwertung $2 ;;
- ergmain) ergmain $2 ;;
- ergdetail) ergdetail $2 "$3" ;;
- sounds) sounds $2 ;;
- play) play $2 ;;
- rekorde) rekorde $2 ;;
- sprueche) sprueche $2 ;;
- picactwe) picactwe $2 ;;
- regel) regel $2 ;;
- tv) tv $2 ;;
- statmain) statmain "$2" "$3" ;;
- statdetail) statdetail "$2" "$3" "$4" ;;
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1info/flex_entry.conf b/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1info/flex_entry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef058b6..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1info/flex_entry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ACTION=&Formel-1-Info,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/f1info.sh makemainmenu ; if [ -f /tmp/f1info_main.inc ] ; then /bin/shellexec /tmp/f1info_main.inc ; rm /tmp/f1info* ; else msgbox popup='Fehler bei der Erstellung des Menues' timeout=5 ; fi
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/f1kalender_data b/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/f1kalender_data
deleted file mode 100644
index 15c5d633..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/f1kalender_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-~T026020.03.2016~T040006:00~T0500GP von Australien~T0740Melbourne
-~T026003.04.2016~T040017:00~T0500GP von Bahrain~T0740Sachir
-~T026017.04.2016~T040008:00~T0500GP von China~T0740Schanghai
-~T026001.05.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Russland~T0740Sotschi
-~T026015.05.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Spanien~T0740Barcelona
-~T026029.05.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Monaco~T0740Monte Carlo
-~T026012.06.2016~T040020:00~T0500GP von Kanada~T0740Montreal
-~T026019.06.2016~T040015:00~T0500GP von Europa~T0740Baku
-~T026003.07.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Österreich~T0740Spielberg
-~T026010.07.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Großbritannien~T0740Silverstone
-~T026024.07.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Ungarn~T0740Budapest
-~T026031.07.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Deutschland~T0740Hockenheim
-~T026028.08.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Belgien~T0740Spa-Francorchamps
-~T026004.09.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Italien~T0740Monza
-~T026018.09.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von Singapur~T0740Singapur
-~T026002.10.2016~T040009:00~T0500GP von Malaysia~T0740Sepang
-~T026009.10.2016~T040007:00~T0500GP von Japan~T0740Suzuka
-~T026023.10.2016~T040021:00~T0500GP der USA~T0740Austin
-~T026030.10.2016~T040020:00~T0500GP von Mexiko~T0740Mexiko-Stadt
-~T026013.11.2016~T040017:00~T0500GP von Brasilien~T0740Sao Paulo
-~T026027.11.2016~T040014:00~T0500GP von VAE~T0740Abu Dhabi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/flex_entry.conf b/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/flex_entry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index b44b7178..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/flex_entry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ACTION=&Formel-1 WM-Tabelle,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/formel1wmtab
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/formel1wmtab b/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/formel1wmtab
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bc5458..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/formel1wmtab/formel1wmtab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Aktuelle Fahrer-, Team- und Saisontabelle der Formel 1 inkl. Rennkalender anzeigen.
-# based on a idee of rvk and thanks to theobald123 and bazi98 and Don de Deckelwech
-# Version: Beta 0.72 Coolstream
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion zum erstellen des Formel 1 - Rennkalender *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Rennkalender ()
- #Daten ausgeben (Framebuffer)
- msgbox title="Formel 1 WM Kalender" size=22 timeout=600 popup=/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/f1kalender_data
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion zum erstellen der Formel 1 - Fahrerwertung *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Fahrerwertung ()
- #Datenmuell entfernen
- #sed -n -e '/ | /tmp/formel1mwtab_01.txt
- sed -n -e '/span class=\"text\"/ p;/span class=\"first-name\"/ p;/td class=\"points\"/ p' /tmp/formel1mwtab_00.txt > /tmp/formel1mwtab_01.txt
- sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e 's/ä/ae/g' -e 's/ö/oe/g' -e 's/ü/ue/g' -e 's/ü/ue/g' -e 's/ß/ss/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/\&.*;//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' /tmp/formel1mwtab_01.txt > /tmp/formel1mwtab_02.txt
- sed -n -e "1,33 p" /tmp/formel1mwtab_02.txt > /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_01.txt
- sed -n -e "34,150 p" /tmp/formel1mwtab_02.txt > /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_02.txt
- #Daten und Ergebnisse auslesen
- echo ~T0182Platz ~T0244Fahrer ~T0454Punkte ~T0672Platz ~T0734Fahrer ~T0944Punkte > /tmp/formel1mwtab_04.txt
- echo "~s" >> /tmp/formel1mwtab_04.txt
- count=1 ; tab1=1; tab2=2 ; tab3=3 ; step=3
- while [ $count -le 15 ]; do
- echo ~T0188`sed -n "$tab1"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_01.txt` ~T0240`sed -n "$tab2"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_01.txt` ~T0460`sed -n "$tab3"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_01.txt` ~T0678`sed -n "$tab1"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_02.txt` ~T0730`sed -n "$tab2"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_02.txt` ~T0950`sed -n "$tab3"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_02_02.txt` >> /tmp/formel1mwtab_04.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1` ; tab1=`expr "$tab1" + $step` ; tab2=`expr "$tab2" + $step` ; tab3=`expr "$tab3" + $step`
- done
- #Daten ausgeben (Framebuffer)
- msgbox title="Formel 1 WM Fahrer-Tabelle" size=22 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/formel1mwtab_04.txt
- #TMP-Dateien loeschen
- rm /tmp/formel1*.txt;
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion zum erstellen der Formel 1 - Teamwertung *
-# *************************************************************************************
- #Datenmuell entfernen
- #sed -n -e '/ | /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_01.txt
- sed -n -e '/span class=\"text\"/ p;/td class=\"name\"/ p;/td class=\"points\"/ p' /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_00.txt > /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_01.txt
- sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e 's/ä/ae/g' -e 's/ö/oe/g' -e 's/ü/ue/g' -e 's/ü/ue/g' -e 's/ß/ss/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/\&.*;//g' -e 's/^[ \t]*//' /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_01.txt > /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_02.txt
- #Daten und Ergebnisse auslesen
- echo ~T0400Platz ~T0464Team ~T0714Punkte > /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_04.txt
- echo "~s" >> /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_04.txt
- count=1 ; tab1=1; tab2=2 ; tab3=3 ; step=3
- while [ $count -le 15 ]; do
- echo ~T0408`sed -n "$tab1"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_02.txt` ~T0460`sed -n "$tab2"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_02.txt` ~T0720`sed -n "$tab3"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_02.txt` >> /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_04.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1` ; tab1=`expr "$tab1" + $step` ; tab2=`expr "$tab2" + $step` ; tab3=`expr "$tab3" + $step`
- done
- #Daten ausgeben (Framebuffer)
- msgbox title="Formel 1 WM Teamwertung" size=22 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/formel1mwtab_team_04.txt
- #TMP-Dateien loeschen
- rm /tmp/formel1*.txt;
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion zum erstellen der Formel 1 - Saisonwertung *
-# *************************************************************************************
- #Datenmuell entfernen
- sed -n -e '/ | /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_01.txt
- sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e 's/ä/ae/g' -e 's/ö/oe/g' -e 's/ü/ue/g' -e 's/ü/ue/g' -e 's/ß/ss/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/\&.*;//g' /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_01.txt > /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_02.txt
- #Daten und Ergebnisse auslesen
- echo ~T0124Grand Prix ~T0305Datum ~T0425Gewinner ~T0665Team ~T0864Runden ~T0980Zeit > /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_04.txt
- echo "~s" >> /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_04.txt
- count=1 ; tab1=1; tab2=2 ; tab3=3 ; tab4=4; tab5=5 ; tab6=6 ; step=6
- while [ $count -le 24 ]; do
- echo ~T0120`sed -n "$tab1"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_02.txt` ~T0280`sed -n "$tab2"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_02.txt` ~T0420`sed -n "$tab3"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_02.txt` ~T0660`sed -n "$tab4"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_02.txt` ~T0880`sed -n "$tab5"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_02.txt` ~T0950`sed -n "$tab6"p /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_02.txt` >> /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_04.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1` ; tab1=`expr "$tab1" + $step` ; tab2=`expr "$tab2" + $step` ; tab3=`expr "$tab3" + $step` ; tab4=`expr "$tab4" + $step` ; tab5=`expr "$tab5" + $step` ; tab6=`expr "$tab6" + $step`
- done
- #Daten ausgeben (Framebuffer)
- msgbox title="Formel 1 WM Saisonwertung" size=22 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/formel1mwtab_season_04.txt
- #TMP-Dateien loeschen
- rm /tmp/formel1*.txt;
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion ausw~ahlen und Daten aus Internet in eine lokale Datei einlesen *
-# *************************************************************************************
-while [ 1 -eq 1 ]; do
- /bin/msgbox title="Formel 1" refresh=3 size=24 order=1 msg="~cBitte eine Funktion ausw~ahlen!" select=" Rennkalender, Fahrerwertung , Teamwertung, Saisonwertung"
- auswahl=$?
- case $auswahl in
- 1)
- /bin/msgbox title="Hinweis" popup="Die Formel 1 - Rennkalender wird ausgelesen" timeout=2
- Rennkalender
- ;;
- 2)
- /bin/msgbox title="Hinweis" popup="Die Formel 1 - Fahrerwertung wird ausgelesen" timeout=2
- wget -O /tmp/formel1mwtab_00.txt http://www.formula1.com/content/fom-website/en/championship/results/2016-driver-standings.html #http://www.formula1.com/results/driver/
- Fahrerwertung
- ;;
- 3)
- /bin/msgbox title="Hinweis" popup="Die Formel 1 - Teamwertung wird ausgelesen" timeout=2
- wget -O /tmp/formel1mwtab_team_00.txt http://www.formula1.com/content/fom-website/en/championship/results/2016-constructor-standings.html #http://www.formula1.com/results/team/
- Teamwertung
- ;;
- 4)
- /bin/msgbox title="Hinweis" popup="Die Formel 1 - Saisonwertung wird ausgelesen" timeout=2
- wget -O /tmp/formel1mwtab_season_00.txt http://www.formula1.com/results/season/
- Saisonwertung
- ;;
- *)
- rm /tmp/formel1*.txt; exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/handball/flex_entry.conf b/archive-sources/flex-menu/handball/flex_entry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 84f38421..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/handball/flex_entry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ACTION=&Handball - Ergebnisse und Tabellen,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/handball.sh
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/handball/handball.sh b/archive-sources/flex-menu/handball/handball.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c278b8d..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/handball/handball.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Handball-Ergebnisse und Tabellen in Messagebox anzeigen
-# by theobald123
-# Version: 1.2 Coolstream HD1
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Datenzeile in einzelne Parameter aufteilen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Datenzeile *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Parameter ()
-{ pn=$#;p1=$1;p2=$2;p3=$3;p4=$4;p5=$5;p6=$6;p7=$7;p8=$8;p9=$9;p10=$10; }
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Zeichen ersetzen, HTML-Tags entfernen, Leerzeilen entfernen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Eingabedatei Ausgabedatei *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Substitution ()
-sed -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' \
- -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' \
- -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' \
- -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' \
- -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' \
- -e 's/Ãœ/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' \
- -e 's/à/a/g' -e 's/á/a/g' -e 's/â/a/g' -e 's/ã/a/g' -e 's/å/a/g' -e 's/æ/ae/g' \
- -e 's/à/a/g' -e 's/á/a/g' -e 's/â/a/g' -e 's/ã/a/g' -e 's/å/a/g' -e 's/æ/ae/g' \
- -e 's/À/A/g' -e 's/Á/A/g' -e 's/Â/A/g' -e 's/Ã/A/g' -e 's/Å/A/g' -e 's/Æ/AE/g' \
- -e 's/À/A/g' -e 's/Á/A/g' -e 's/Â/A/g' -e 's/Ã/A/g' -e 's/Å/A/g' -e 's/Æ/AE/g' \
- -e 's/ç/c/g' -e 's/ç/c/g' \
- -e 's/Ç/C/g' -e 's/Ç/C/g' \
- -e 's/è/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/ê/e/g' -e 's/ë/e/g' \
- -e 's/è/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/ê/e/g' -e 's/ë/e/g' \
- -e 's/È/E/g' -e 's/É/E/g' -e 's/Ê/E/g' -e 's/Ë/E/g' \
- -e 's/È/E/g' -e 's/É/E/g' -e 's/Ê/E/g' -e 's/Ë/E/g' \
- -e 's/ì/i/g' -e 's/í/i/g' -e 's/î/i/g' -e 's/ï/i/g' \
- -e 's/ì/i/g' -e 's/í/i/g' -e 's/î/i/g' -e 's/ï/i/g' \
- -e 's/Ì/I/g' -e 's/Í/I/g' -e 's/Î/I/g' -e 's/Ï/I/g' \
- -e 's/Ì/I/g' -e 's/Í/I/g' -e 's/Î/I/g' -e 's/Ï/I/g' \
- -e 's/ñ/n/g' -e 's/ñ/n/g' \
- -e 's/Ñ/N/g' -e 's/Ñ/N/g' \
- -e 's/ò/o/g' -e 's/ó/o/g' -e 's/ô/o/g' -e 's/õ/o/g' -e 's/ø/o/g' \
- -e 's/ò/o/g' -e 's/ó/o/g' -e 's/ô/o/g' -e 's/õ/o/g' -e 's/ø/o/g' \
- -e 's/Ò/O/g' -e 's/Ó/O/g' -e 's/Ô/O/g' -e 's/Õ/O/g' -e 's/Ø/O/g' \
- -e 's/Ò/O/g' -e 's/Ó/O/g' -e 's/Ô/O/g' -e 's/Õ/O/g' -e 's/×/O/g' \
- -e 's/ù/u/g' -e 's/ú/u/g' -e 's/û/u/g' \
- -e 's/ù/u/g' -e 's/ú/u/g' -e 's/û/u/g' \
- -e 's/ý/y/g' -e 's/ý/y/g' \
- -e 's/Ù/U/g' -e 's/Ú/U/g' -e 's/Û/U/g' \
- -e 's/Ø/U/g' -e 's/Ù/U/g' -e 's/Ú/U/g' \
- -e 's/Ü/Y/g' -e 's/Ý/Y/g' \
- -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' \
- -e 's/ss¡/+/g' -e 's/„//g' -e 's/“//g' \
- -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/É/E/g' -e 's/á/a/g' -e 's/î/i/g' -e 's/ñ/n/g' \
- -e 's/0/0/g' -e 's/1/1/g' -e 's/2/2/g' -e 's/3/3/g' -e 's/4/4/g' -e 's/5/5/g' -e 's/6/6/g' -e 's/7/7/g' -e 's/8/8/g' -e 's/9/9/g' \
- -e 's/A/A/g' -e 's/B/B/g' -e 's/C/C/g' -e 's/D/D/g' -e 's/E/E/g' -e 's/F/F/g' -e 's/G/G/g' -e 's/H/H/g' -e 's/I/I/g' -e 's/J/J/g' -e 's/K/K/g' -e 's/L/L/g' -e 's/M/M/g' -e 's/N/N/g' -e 's/O/O/g' -e 's/P/P/g' -e 's/Q/Q/g' -e 's/R/R/g' -e 's/S/S/g' -e 's/T/T/g' -e 's/U/U/g' -e 's/V/V/g' -e 's/W/W/g' -e 's/X/X/g' -e 's/Y/Y/g' -e 's/Z/Z/g' \
- -e 's/a/a/g' -e 's/b/b/g' -e 's/c/c/g' -e 's/d/d/g' -e 's/e/e/g' -e 's/f/f/g' -e 's/g/g/g' -e 's/h/h/g' -e 's/i/i/g' -e 's/j/j/g' -e 's/k/k/g' -e 's/l/l/g' -e 's/m/m/g' -e 's/n/n/g' -e 's/o/o/g' -e 's/p/p/g' -e 's/q/q/g' -e 's/r/r/g' -e 's/s/s/g' -e 's/t/t/g' -e 's/u/u/g' -e 's/v/v/g' -e 's/w/w/g' -e 's/x/x/g' -e 's/y/y/g' -e 's/z/z/g' \
- -e 's/°/°/g' -e 's/°/°/g' -e 's/°/°/g' \
- -e 's/&/\&/g' \
- -e 's/"/\"/g' -e 's/„/\"/g' -e 's/“/\"/g' -e "s/'/\"/g" -e 's/'/\"/g' \
- -e 's/>/>/g' \
- -e 's/<// /g' \
- -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' \
- -e '/^[^0-9a-zA-Z!-\/]*$/d' \
- $1 > $2
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion zur Anzeige der Ergebnisse (copyright PauleFoul) *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter 1: Anzeigedateiname *
-# * Übergabeparameter 2: Fontgröße für Anzeige *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Ergebnisse ()
- cp $1 /tmp/anzeige_neu.txt
- if [ $msg_on -eq 0 ]; then
- if [ $aktu -eq 1 ]; then
- msgbox title="$Head" size=$2 timeout=-1 popup=/tmp/anzeige_neu.txt &
- else
- msgbox title="$Head" size=$2 msg=/tmp/anzeige_neu.txt
- rm /tmp/anzeige_*.txt; rm /tmp/test*.txt
- ende=1
- wait=0
- fi
- fi
- #Wartezeit bis zum Refresh
- if [ $ende -eq 0 ]; then
- while [ $timer -le $wait ]; do
- if pidof msgbox > /dev/null; then #Messagebox aktiv?
- msg_on=1
- else
- rm /tmp/anzeige_*.txt; rm /tmp/test*.txt
- ende=1
- wait=0
- fi
- sleep 1
- timer=`expr "$timer" + 1`
- done
- fi
- timer=0
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion zum Erstellen der Tabelle für die Ligen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter 1: Internet-Adresse *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Tabelle ()
- rm /tmp/test*.txt
- wget -q -O /tmp/test1.txt $1
- sed -n '/Gesamt-Tabelle/,/Letzte Aktualisierung/ p' /tmp/test1.txt > /tmp/test2.txt
- Substitution /tmp/test2.txt /tmp/test3.txt
- sed -e '/-->/d' /tmp/test3.txt > /tmp/test4.txt
- schluss=`sed -ne "$ =" /tmp/test4.txt`
- echo "~T0200Pl.~T0250Team~T0550Sp.~T0600Punkte~T0700Tore~T0820Diff." >> /tmp/test5.txt
- tab1=13; tab2=14; tab3=15; tab4=19; tab5=20; tab6=21; tab7=22; step=11
- while [ $tab7 -le $schluss ]; do
- a1=`sed -n "$tab1"p /tmp/test4.txt`;a1=`echo $a1` # Platz
- a2=`sed -n "$tab2"p /tmp/test4.txt`;a2=`echo $a2` # Team
- a3=`sed -n "$tab3"p /tmp/test4.txt`;a3=`echo $a3` # Spiele
- a4=`sed -n "$tab4"p /tmp/test4.txt|sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/:/~T0630:~T0650/g'`;a4=`echo $a4` # Punkte
- a5=`sed -n "$tab5"p /tmp/test4.txt`;a5=`echo $a5` # +
- a6=`sed -n "$tab6"p /tmp/test4.txt`;a6=`echo $a6` # -
- a7=`sed -n "$tab7"p /tmp/test4.txt`;a7=`echo $a7` # Tordifferenz
- echo "~T0200$a1~T0250$a2~T0550$a3~T0600$a4~T0700$a5~T0740:~T0760$a6~T0820$a7" >> /tmp/test5.txt
- tab1=`expr "$tab1" + $step`; tab2=`expr "$tab2" + $step`; tab3=`expr "$tab3" + $step`; tab4=`expr "$tab4" + $step`; tab5=`expr "$tab5" + $step`; tab6=`expr "$tab6" + $step`; tab7=`expr "$tab7" + $step`
- done
- msgbox title="Tabelle der $2" size=22 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/test5.txt #Tabelle anzeigen
- #TMP-Dateien loeschen
- rm /tmp/test*.txt
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * 1. Position der Spieldaten pro Abschnitt ermitteln *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Suchstring *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Anfang ()
-while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
- a1=$1
- shift
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Spielpaarungen auslesen *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Paarungen ()
-rm /tmp/test5*.txt
-tab1=`expr "$1" + 1`; tab2=`expr "$1" + 2`; tab3=`expr "$1" + 3`; tab4=`expr "$1" + 4`; step=4; count=1
-while [ $tab4 -le $stop ]; do
- a1=`sed -n "$tab1"p /tmp/test4.txt` # Heimmannschaft
- a2=`sed -n "$tab2"p /tmp/test4.txt|sed -e 's/:/~T0930:~T0950/g'` # Spielstand
- a3=`sed -n "$tab3"p /tmp/test4.txt` # Gastmannschaft
- a4=`sed -n "$tab4"p /tmp/test4.txt` # Termin
- Rest=`expr "$count" % 2`
- if [ $Rest -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "~T0190$a4~T0350$a1~T0620-~T0630$a3~T0900$a2" >> /tmp/test5R.txt
- else
- echo "~T0190$a4~T0350$a1~T0620-~T0630$a3~T0900$a2" >> /tmp/test5L.txt
- fi
- tab1=`expr "$tab1" + $step`; tab2=`expr "$tab2" + $step`; tab3=`expr "$tab3" + $step`; tab4=`expr "$tab4" + $step`; count=`expr "$count" + 1`
-cat /tmp/test5L.txt /tmp/test5R.txt >> /tmp/test6.txt
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Funktion zum Erstellen der Ergebnisse für die Ligen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter 1: Internet-Adresse *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Spiele ()
-rm /tmp/test*.txt
-while [ $ende -eq 0 ]; do
- wget -q -O /tmp/test1.txt $1
- sed -n '/LIVETICKER/,$ p' /tmp/test1.txt > /tmp/test2.txt
- sed -ne '3p' \
- -ne '/LIVE/ p' \
- -ne '/COMING/ p' \
- -ne '/OVER/ p' \
- -ne '/class=\"inhalt bold/ p' /tmp/test2.txt > /tmp/test3.txt
- Substitution /tmp/test3.txt /tmp/test4.txt
- Head=`sed -n '2p' /tmp/test4.txt`
- LIVE=`sed -ne "/^LIVE$/ =" /tmp/test4.txt`
- Anfang $LIVE
- LIVE=$a1
- COMING=`sed -ne "/^COMING$/ =" /tmp/test4.txt`
- Anfang $COMING
- COMING=$a1
- OVER=`sed -ne "/^OVER$/ =" /tmp/test4.txt`
- Anfang $OVER
- OVER=$a1
- schluss=`sed -ne "$ =" /tmp/test4.txt`
- rm /tmp/test6.txt
-# LIVE-Spiele
- p1=$LIVE
- if [ "$COMING" != "" ]; then
- p2=$COMING
- elif [ "$OVER" != "" ]; then
- p2=$OVER
- else
- p2=$schluss
- fi
- if [ "$p1" != "" ]; then
- echo ~cLIVE >> /tmp/test6.txt
- Paarungen $p1 $p2
- fi
-# nächste Spiele
- p1=$COMING
- if [ "$OVER" != "" ]; then
- p2=$OVER
- else
- p2=$schluss
- fi
- echo "COMING:" $p1 $p2
- if [ "$p1" != "" ]; then
- echo ~cn~achste Spiele >> /tmp/test6.txt
- Paarungen $p1 $p2
- fi
-# letzte Spiele
- p1=$OVER
- p2=$schluss
- echo "OVER:" $p1 $p2
- if [ "$p1" != "" ]; then
- echo ~cletzte Spiele >> /tmp/test6.txt
- Paarungen $p1 $p2
- fi
- Ergebnisse /tmp/test6.txt 22
-rm /tmp/test*.txt
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Liga ausw~ahlen und Daten aus Internet in eine lokale Datei einlesen *
-# *************************************************************************************
-while true; do
- msg_on=0
- timer=0
- wait=20
- aktu=1 #Bei 1 ist automatische Aktualisierung ein
- msgbox title="Handball Live-Ergebnisse" size=28 order=2 msg="~cBitte eine Liga ausw~ahlen!" select="1.Liga,Tabelle,2.Liga,Tabelle" default=$auswahl
- auswahl=$?
- case $auswahl in
- 1)
- Spiele "http://liveticker.dkb-handball-bundesliga.de/uebersicht_erste.html"
- ;;
- 2)
- Tabelle "http://www.dkb-handball-bundesliga.de/handball/tabelle.php?liga=1" "DKB Handball-Bundesliga"
- ;;
- 3)
- Spiele "http://liveticker.dkb-handball-bundesliga.de/uebersicht_zweite.html"
- ;;
- 4)
- Tabelle "http://www.dkb-handball-bundesliga.de/handball/tabelle.php?liga=2" "2. Handball-Bundesliga"
- ;;
- *)
- rm /tmp/test*.txt;
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/liga_nat/flex_entry.conf b/archive-sources/flex-menu/liga_nat/flex_entry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d8acc148..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/liga_nat/flex_entry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ACTION=&Fu~zball - Ergebnisse und Tabellen,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/liga_nat,Bitte warten.
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/liga_nat/liga_nat b/archive-sources/flex-menu/liga_nat/liga_nat
deleted file mode 100644
index 321cb4d7..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/liga_nat/liga_nat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-#* Liga-Ergebnisse und Tabellen in Messagebox anzeigen *
-#* (c)Bazi98 & theobald123 *
-#* Lizenz: GPL 2 *
-#* Version: 3.2 CST Neutrino HD *
-#* Stand: 20.09.2014 *
-#* Speicherort: /var/plugins chmod 755 *
-#* ben~otigt ggf. shellexc und msgbox unter /bin/ chmod jeweils 755 *
-#* f~ur Aufruf via Flex-Men~u in der shellexc.conf die folgende Zeile *
-#* ohne vorgestellte Raute einf~ugen: *
-#* ACTION=&Fu~zball Ergebnisse und Tabellen,var/plugins/liga_nat,Bitte warten. *
-teampfad="/var/liga_nat" #Verzeichnis für die Vereinsnamen
-url="http://ilt21.ticker.comon.ergebnis-dienst.de/" #Datenquelle
-tabellenselect="~GSpiele~S,BL 1,BL 2,3. Liga,RL N,,~GFAV~S,RL NO,RL W,RL SW, RL Bay" #Select-Angabe für Tabellenanzeige
-#* Spieltag ermitteln *
-get_matchday ()
- wget -q -O - "$url/$1" | \
- sed -n -e /\"competition_id\":/p -e /\"season_id\":/p -e /\"matchday\":/p | \
- sed -e 's/^.*://g' -e 's/,.*$//g' -e 's/\"//g' > /tmp/test.txt
- co=`sed -n 1p /tmp/test.txt`;co=`echo $co`;co=`echo "co"$co`
- se=`sed -n 2p /tmp/test.txt`;se=`echo $se`;se=`echo "se"$se`
- md=`sed -n 3p /tmp/test.txt`;md=`echo $md`
- if [ "$typ" == "ergebnisse" ]; then
- if [ "$gd" == "prev" ]; then
- md=`expr "$md" - 1`
- fi
- fi
-#* Auftrennen der Ergebniszeile in Einzelwerte *
-ergebniszeile ()
- pn=$#
- anstosstag=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/-//g'`; anstosstag=`echo $anstosstag`
- anstosszeit=`echo $2 | sed -e 's/://g'`; anstosszeit=`echo $anstosszeit`
- if [ "$anstosstag" -lt "$jetzttag" ]; then
- spiel_gestartet="yes"
- elif [ "$anstosstag" -eq "$jetzttag" -a "$anstosszeit" -lt "$jetztzeit" ]; then
- spiel_gestartet="yes"
- else
- spiel_gestartet="no"
- fi
- spiel_beendet=$3
- team_home=`cat $teampfad/$co/$se/$4.txt`; team_home=`echo $team_home`
- result_home=$5
- team_away=`cat $teampfad/$co/$se/$6.txt`; team_away=`echo $team_away`
- result_away=$7
-#* Auftrennen der Tabellenzeile in Einzelwerte *
-tabellenzeile ()
- pn=$#
- team_name=`cat $teampfad/$co/$se/$1.txt`; team_name=`echo $team_name`
- spiele=$2
- punkte=$3
- tore=$4
- g=$5
- u=$6
- n=$7
- diff=$8
-#* Einmaliges Laden der Vereinsnamen *
-vereinsnamen ()
- msgbox size=22 timeout=10 popup="Vereinsnamen werden geladen"
- rm -rf $teampfad/$co
- mkdir -p $teampfad/$co/$se
- wget -q -O - "$url/json_team/$co/$se" | \
- sed -e 's/},/},\n/g' | \
- sed -n '/\"short\"/p' | \
- sed -e 's/\",\"short.*$//g' | \
- sed -e 's/\":{\"name\":\"/|/g' | \
- sed -e 's/^.*\"//g' -e 's/}//g' \
- -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' \
- -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' \
- -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' \
- -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' \
- -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' \
- -e 's/Ãœ/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' \
- -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' \
- > /tmp/test.txt
- teams=`sed -n '$=' /tmp/test.txt`
- count=1
- while [ $count -le $teams ]; do
- team_nummer=`sed -n "$count"p /tmp/test.txt | sed -e 's/|.*$//g`; team_nummer=`echo $team_nummer`
- team_name=`sed -n "$count"p /tmp/test.txt | sed -e 's/^.*|//g`; team_name=`echo $team_name`
- echo $team_name > $teampfad/$co/$se/$team_nummer.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1`
- done
-# ******************************************
-# * Funktion zum Erstellen der Ergebnisse *
-# * ~Ubergabeparameter 1: Internet-Adresse *
-# ******************************************
-liga ()
- get_matchday $2
- if [ ! -d /$teampfad/$co/$se ]; then
- vereinsnamen
- fi
- Head="$md. Spieltag der $1"
- spieldaten $2
- paarungsaufbau
-#* Daten zu den Spielen extrahieren *
-spieldaten ()
- jetzt=`date -Iseconds`
- jetzttag=`echo $jetzt | sed -e 's/-//g' -e 's/T.*$//g'`
- jetztzeit=`echo $jetzt | sed -e 's/^.*T//g' -e 's/://g' -e 's/+.*$//g'`
- wget -q -O - "$url/json_live/$co/$se/md$md" | \
- sed -n -e /\"event\"/p | \
- sed -e 's/},/},\n/g' | \
- sed -e 's/^.*\"date\":\"//g' \
- -e 's/\",\"match_time_known.*finished\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"incident.*home\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"home_score\":\[/ /g' \
- -e 's/\],\"home_color.*away\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"away_score\":\[/ /g' \
- -e 's/\],\"away_color.*$//g' > /tmp/test.txt
- paarungen=`sed -n '$=' /tmp/test.txt`
-#* Aufbau der Spielpaarungen *
-paarungsaufbau ()
- rm /tmp/test2.txt
- count=1
- while [ $count -le $paarungen ]; do
- paarung=`sed -n "$count"p /tmp/test.txt`
- ergebniszeile $paarung
- ergebnisaufbau
- a3=$ergebnis
- echo "~T0230$team_home~T0525-~T0545$team_away~T0850$a3" >> /tmp/test2.txt
- echo $ergebnis >> /tmp/tore_neu.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1`
- done
- echo ~T0230~BQuelle: www.heimspiel.de~S >> /tmp/test2.txt
- typ="ergebnisse"
- last_auswahl=$auswahl
- msgbox title="$Head" order=6 absolute=1 default=$auswahl select="$ergebnisselect" size=22 timeout=-1 msg=/tmp/test2.txt refresh=1
- auswahl=$?
- auswahloption
-#* Ergebnis zusammensetzen *
-ergebnisaufbau ()
- echo "$result_home" | sed -e 's/,/\n/g' > /tmp/tore.txt
- h=`sed -n '$=' /tmp/tore.txt`; h=`echo $h`
- if [ $h -eq 2 ]; then
- hg=`sed -n "1"p /tmp/tore.txt`;hg=`echo $hg`
- h1=`sed -n "2"p /tmp/tore.txt`;h1=`echo $h1`
- else
- hg=`echo "-"`
- h1=`sed -n "1"p /tmp/tore.txt`;h1=`echo $h1`
- fi
- echo "$result_away" | sed -e 's/,/\n/g' > /tmp/tore.txt
- a=`sed -n '$=' /tmp/tore.txt`; a=`echo $a`
- if [ $a -eq 2 ]; then
- ag=`sed -n "1"p /tmp/tore.txt`;ag=`echo $ag`
- a1=`sed -n "2"p /tmp/tore.txt`;a1=`echo $a1`
- else
- ag=`echo "-"`
- a1=`sed -n "1"p /tmp/tore.txt`;a1=`echo $a1`
- fi
- ergebnis=`echo $hg:$ag "("$h1:$a1")"`
- if [ "$spiel_beendet" == "yes" ]; then
- :
- elif [ "$spiel_gestartet" == "no" ]; then
- ergebnis=`echo "-:- (-:-)"`
- else
- ergebnis=`echo ~R$ergebnis~S`
- fi
-# **************************************
-# * Funktion zum Erstellen der Tabelle *
-# **************************************
-tabelle ()
- get_matchday $2
- if [ ! -d /$teampfad/$co/$se ]; then
- vereinsnamen
- fi
- Head="Tabelle der $1"
- tabellendaten $2
- echo ~T0250Pl~T0300Verein~T0625Sp~T0680Tore~T0755S~T0795U~T0835N~T0885Diff~T0965Pkt > /tmp/test4.txt
- count=1
- while [ $count -le $teams ]; do
- platz=$count; platz=`echo $platz`
- if [ $count -lt 10 ];
- then
- platz=~T0260$platz
- else
- platz=~T0250$platz
- fi
- zeile=`sed -n "$count"p /tmp/test.txt`;
- tabellenzeile $zeile
- echo $platz~T0300$team_name~T0625$spiele~T0680$tore~T0755$g~T0795$u~T0835$n~T0885$diff~T0965$punkte >> /tmp/test4.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1`
- done
- echo ~T0250~BQuelle: www.heimspiel.de~S >> /tmp/test4.txt
- typ="tabelle"
- last_auswahl=$auswahl
- msgbox title="$Head" order=5 absolute=1 default=$auswahl select="$tabellenselect" size=24 timeout=-1 msg=/tmp/test4.txt refresh=1
- auswahl=$?
- auswahloption
-#* Daten zur Tabelle extrahieren *
-tabellendaten ()
- wget -q -O - "$url/json_live/$co/$se/$md" | \
- sed -n -e /\"ranking\"/p | \
- sed -e 's/},/},\n/g' | \
- sed -e 's/^.*\id\":\"//g' \
- -e 's/\",\"ga.*ed\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"points\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"score\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"score_against\":\"/:/g' \
- -e 's/\",\"win\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"draw\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"lost\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"difference\":\"/ /g' \
- -e 's/\",\"rank.*$//g' > /tmp/test.txt
- teams=`sed -n '$=' /tmp/test.txt`
-# ***********************************************************************
-# *Liga ausw~ahlen und Daten aus Internet in eine lokale Datei einlesen *
-# ***********************************************************************
-auswahloption ()
- case $auswahl in
- 1)
- switch
- ;;
- 2)
- if [ "$competition" == "co12" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="1. Bundesliga"
- competition="co12"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 3)
- if [ "$competition" == "co3" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="2. Bundesliga"
- competition="co3"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 4)
- if [ "$competition" == "co4" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="3. Liga"
- competition="co4"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 5)
- if [ "$competition" == "co107" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="Regionalliga Nord"
- competition="co107"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 6)
- if [ "$gd" == "next" ]; then
- gd="prev"
- prevnext="next"
- else
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 7)
- echo $titel > $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg
- echo $competition >> $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg
- echo $typ >> $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg
- echo $last_auswahl >> $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg
- msgbox size=22 timeout=10 popup="Seite wurde als Startseite festgelegt"
- ;;
- 8)
- if [ "$competition" == "co2255" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="Regionalliga Nordost"
- competition="co2255"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 9)
- if [ "$competition" == "co564" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="Regionalliga West"
- competition="co564"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 10)
- if [ "$competition" == "co2256" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="Regionalliga S~udwest"
- competition="co2256"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 11)
- if [ "$competition" == "co2257" ]; then
- switch
- else
- titel="Regionalliga Bayern"
- competition="co2257"
- gd="next"
- prevnext="prev"
- fi
- ;;
- 12)
- :
- ;;
- *)
- rm /tmp/test*.txt
- rm /tmp/tore*.txt
- exit
- ;;
- esac
- ergebnisselect="~GTabelle~S,BL 1,BL 2,3. Liga,RL N,~R$prevnext~S,~GFAV~S,RL NO,RL W,RL SW, RL Bay,~Rrefresh~S" #Select-Angabe für Tabellenanzeige
- if [ "$typ" == "tabelle" ]; then
- tabelle "$titel" "$competition"
- else
- liga "$titel" "$competition"
- fi
-#* Umschalten zwischen Tabelle und Ergebnissen *
-switch ()
- if [ "$typ" == "tabelle" ]; then
- typ="ergebnisse"
- else
- typ="tabelle"
- fi
-ergebnisselect="~GTabelle~S,BL 1,BL 2,3. Liga,RL N,~R$prevnext~S,~GFAV~S,RL NO,RL W,RL SW, RL Bay,~Rrefresh~S" #Select-Angabe für Tabellenanzeige
-if [ -e $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg ]; then
- titel=`sed -n 1p $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg`; titel=`echo $titel`
- competition=`sed -n 2p $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg`; competition=`echo $competition`
- typ=`sed -n 3p $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg`; typ=`echo $typ`
- auswahl=`sed -n 4p $teampfad/liga_nat.cfg`; auswahl=`echo $auswahl`
- if [ "$typ" == "tabelle" ]; then
- tabelle "$titel" "$competition"
- else
- liga "$titel" "$competition"
- fi
- auswahl=2
- titel="1.Bundesliga"
- competition="co12"
- liga "$titel" "$competition"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/lotto/flex_entry.conf b/archive-sources/flex-menu/lotto/flex_entry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index b53a8c24..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/lotto/flex_entry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/lotto/lotto b/archive-sources/flex-menu/lotto/lotto
deleted file mode 100644
index 1587ac50..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/lotto/lotto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Glückszahlen in Messagebox anzeigen
-# by theobald123
-# Version: 3.0 Coolstream
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Datenzeile in einzelne Parameter aufteilen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Datenzeile *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Parameter ()
-{ pn=$#
- a1=$1;a2=$2;a3=$3;a4=$4;a5=$5;a6=$6;a7=$7;a8=$8;a9=$9;a10=$10
- a11=$11;a12=$12;a13=$13;a14=$14;a15=$15;a16=$16;a17=$17;a18=$18;a19=$19;a20=$20; }
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Zeichen ersetzen, HTML-Tags entfernen, Leerzeilen entfernen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Bedeutung der einzelnen sed-Zeilen: *
-# * Zeile 1-8: Umsetzen der Zeichen, für die Snowhead Sonderzeichen hat *
-# * Zeile 9: Umsetzen Ziffern 0-9 *
-# * Zeile 10-11: Umsetzen A-Z und a-z *
-# * Zeile 12: Umsetzen HTML-Sonderzeichen (bei Bedarf zu ergänzen) *
-# * Zeile 13: HTML-Tags entfernen *
-# * Zeile 14: Leerzeilen entfernen *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Substitution ()
-sed -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' \
- -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' \
- -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' \
- -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' \
- -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' \
- -e 's/Ãœ/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' \
- -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' \
- -e 's/°/°/g' -e 's/°/°/g' \
- -e 's/0/0/g' -e 's/1/1/g' -e 's/2/2/g' -e 's/3/3/g' -e 's/4/4/g' -e 's/5/5/g' -e 's/6/6/g' -e 's/7/7/g' -e 's/8/8/g' -e 's/9/9/g' \
- -e 's/A/A/g' -e 's/B/B/g' -e 's/C/C/g' -e 's/D/D/g' -e 's/E/E/g' -e 's/F/F/g' -e 's/G/G/g' -e 's/H/H/g' -e 's/I/I/g' -e 's/J/J/g' -e 's/K/K/g' -e 's/L/L/g' -e 's/M/M/g' -e 's/N/N/g' -e 's/O/O/g' -e 's/P/P/g' -e 's/Q/Q/g' -e 's/R/R/g' -e 's/S/S/g' -e 's/T/T/g' -e 's/U/U/g' -e 's/V/V/g' -e 's/W/W/g' -e 's/X/X/g' -e 's/Y/Y/g' -e 's/Z/Z/g' \
- -e 's/a/a/g' -e 's/b/b/g' -e 's/c/c/g' -e 's/d/d/g' -e 's/e/e/g' -e 's/f/f/g' -e 's/g/g/g' -e 's/h/h/g' -e 's/i/i/g' -e 's/j/j/g' -e 's/k/k/g' -e 's/l/l/g' -e 's/m/m/g' -e 's/n/n/g' -e 's/o/o/g' -e 's/p/p/g' -e 's/q/q/g' -e 's/r/r/g' -e 's/s/s/g' -e 's/t/t/g' -e 's/u/u/g' -e 's/v/v/g' -e 's/w/w/g' -e 's/x/x/g' -e 's/y/y/g' -e 's/z/z/g' \
- -e 's/&/\&/g' -e 's/>/>/g' -e 's/</]*>//g' \
- -e '/^[^0-9a-zA-Z!-\/]*$/d' \
- $1 > $2
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Lotto *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Lotto ()
- curl -k "https://www.lotto-hh.de/infos/zahlen_quoten/zuq_lotto/zahlen_quoten_lotto.jsp" > /tmp/lotto.txt
- sed -n '/div\ class="logo"/,/div\ class="slct"/p' /tmp/lotto.txt > /tmp/lotto1.txt
- sed -e 's/.$//g' /tmp/lotto1.txt > /tmp/lotto2.txt
- Substitution /tmp/lotto2.txt /tmp/lotto3.txt
- Ziehung=`sed -n 1p /tmp/lotto3.txt | sed -e 's/(.*$//g'`;Ziehung=`echo $Ziehung`
-# Lottozahlen
- a1=`sed -n 3p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a1=`echo $a1`
- a2=`sed -n 4p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a2=`echo $a2`
- a3=`sed -n 5p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a3=`echo $a3`
- a4=`sed -n 6p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a4=`echo $a4`
- a5=`sed -n 7p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a5=`echo $a5`
- a6=`sed -n 8p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a6=`echo $a6`
- sz=`sed -n 9p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;sz=`echo $sz`
-# Spiel 77
- s77=`sed -n 10p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;s77=`echo $s77`
-# Super 6
- s6=`sed -n 11p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;s6=`echo $s6`
- echo ~T0200Lottozahlen:~T0350$a1~T0390$a2~T0430$a3~T0470$a4~T0510$a5~T0550$a6 > /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0200Superzahl:~T0350$sz >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo " " >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0200Spiel 77:~T0350$s77~T0550Super6:~T0700$s6 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
-# Lottoquoten
- echo " " >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0200Quoten: >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- sed -n '/div\ class="lotto"/,/div\ class="jackpot"/p' /tmp/lotto.txt > /tmp/lotto1.txt
- sed -e '/x/d' /tmp/lotto1.txt > /tmp/lotto2.txt
- sed -e 's/.$//g' /tmp/lotto2.txt > /tmp/lotto3.txt
- Substitution /tmp/lotto3.txt /tmp/lotto4.txt
- Quote=`sed -n /Spieleinsatz:\ liegt\ nicht\ vor/p /tmp/lotto4.txt`;Quote=`echo $Quote`
- if [ "$Quote" == "Spieleinsatz: liegt nicht vor." ]; then
- echo '~T0200die Quoten liegen noch nicht vor' >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- else
- Lottoquoten
- fi
- echo ~T0440alle Angaben ohne Gew~ahr >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- msgbox title="Lotto $Ziehung" size=30 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/lottop.txt
-# TMP-Dateien löschen
- rm /tmp/lotto*.txt
-Lottoquoten ()
- q1=`sed -n 4p /tmp/lotto4.txt`;q1=`echo $q1`
- q2=`sed -n 5p /tmp/lotto4.txt`;q2=`echo $q2`
- q3=`sed -n 6p /tmp/lotto4.txt`;q3=`echo $q3`
- echo ~T0200$q1~T0440$q2~T0700$q3 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- count=1
- z1=8
- z2=9
- z3=10
- while [ $count -le 9 ]; do
- q1=`sed -n "$z1"p /tmp/lotto4.txt`;q1=`echo $q1`
- q2=`sed -n "$z2"p /tmp/lotto4.txt`;q2=`echo $q2`
- q3=`sed -n "$z3"p /tmp/lotto4.txt`;q3=`echo $q3`
- z1=`expr "$z1" + 4`
- z2=`expr "$z2" + 4`
- z3=`expr "$z3" + 4`
- echo ~T0200$q1~T0440$q2~T0700$q3 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1`
- done
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Keno *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Keno ()
- curl -k "https://www.lotto-hh.de/keno/zahlen_quoten_keno/zahlen_quoten_keno.jsp" > /tmp/lotto.txt
- sed -n '/div\ class="logo"/,/div\ class="slct"/p' /tmp/lotto.txt > /tmp/lotto1.txt
- sed -e 's/.$//g' /tmp/lotto1.txt > /tmp/lotto2.txt
- Substitution /tmp/lotto2.txt /tmp/lotto3.txt
- Ziehung=`sed -n 1p /tmp/lotto3.txt | sed -e 's/(.*$//g'`;Ziehung=`echo $Ziehung`
-# Keno
- a1=`sed -n 3p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a1=`echo $a1`
- a2=`sed -n 4p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a2=`echo $a2`
- a3=`sed -n 5p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a3=`echo $a3`
- a4=`sed -n 6p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a4=`echo $a4`
- a5=`sed -n 7p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a5=`echo $a5`
- a6=`sed -n 8p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a6=`echo $a6`
- a7=`sed -n 9p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a7=`echo $a7`
- a8=`sed -n 10p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a8=`echo $a8`
- a9=`sed -n 11p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a9=`echo $a9`
- a10=`sed -n 12p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a10=`echo $a10`
- a11=`sed -n 13p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a11=`echo $a11`
- a12=`sed -n 14p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a12=`echo $a12`
- a13=`sed -n 15p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a13=`echo $a13`
- a14=`sed -n 16p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a14=`echo $a14`
- a15=`sed -n 17p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a15=`echo $a15`
- a16=`sed -n 18p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a16=`echo $a16`
- a17=`sed -n 19p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a17=`echo $a17`
- a18=`sed -n 20p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a18=`echo $a18`
- a19=`sed -n 21p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a19=`echo $a19`
- a20=`sed -n 22p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a20=`echo $a20`
- #
-# plus 5
- plus5=`sed -n 23p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;plus5=`echo $plus5`
- echo ~T0300Keno:~T0400$a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $a5 $a6 $a7 $a8 $a9 $a10 > /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0400$a11 $a12 $a13 $a14 $a15 $a16 $a17 $a18 $a19 $a20 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo " " >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0300plus 5:~T0400$plus5 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0710alle Angaben ohne Gew~ahr >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- msgbox title="Keno $Ziehung" size=30 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/lottop.txt
-# TMP-Dateien loeschen
- rm /tmp/lotto*.txt
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Toto *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Toto ()
-# Auswahlwette
- curl -k "https://www.lotto-hh.de/infos/zahlen_quoten/zuq_toto_auswahlwette/zahlen_quoten_toto_auswahlwette.jsp" > /tmp/lotto.txt
- sed -n '/div\ class="logo"/,/div\ class="slct"/p' /tmp/lotto.txt > /tmp/lotto1.txt
- sed -e 's/.$//g' /tmp/lotto1.txt > /tmp/lotto2.txt
- Substitution /tmp/lotto2.txt /tmp/lotto3.txt
- Ziehung=`sed -n 1p /tmp/lotto3.txt | sed -e 's/(.*$//g'`;Ziehung=`echo $Ziehung`
- a1=`sed -n 3p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a1=`echo $a1`
- a2=`sed -n 4p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a2=`echo $a2`
- a3=`sed -n 5p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a3=`echo $a3`
- a4=`sed -n 6p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a4=`echo $a4`
- a5=`sed -n 7p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a5=`echo $a5`
- a6=`sed -n 8p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a6=`echo $a6`
- az=`sed -n 9p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;az=`echo $az`
-# Ergebniswette
- curl -k "https://www.lotto-hh.de/infos/zahlen_quoten/zuq_toto_ergebniswette/zahlen_quoten_toto_ergebniswette.jsp" > /tmp/lotto.txt
- sed -n '/div\ class="logo"/,/div\ class="slct"/p' /tmp/lotto.txt > /tmp/lotto1.txt
- sed -e 's/.$//g' /tmp/lotto1.txt > /tmp/lotto2.txt
- Substitution /tmp/lotto2.txt /tmp/lotto3.txt
- e1=`sed -n 3p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e1=`echo $e1`
- e2=`sed -n 4p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e2=`echo $e2`
- e3=`sed -n 5p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e3=`echo $e3`
- e4=`sed -n 6p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e4=`echo $e4`
- e5=`sed -n 7p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e5=`echo $e5`
- e6=`sed -n 8p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e6=`echo $e6`
- e7=`sed -n 9p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e7=`echo $e7`
- e8=`sed -n 10p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e8=`echo $e8`
- e9=`sed -n 11p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e9=`echo $e9`
- e10=`sed -n 12p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e10=`echo $e10`
- e11=`sed -n 13p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e11=`echo $e11`
- e12=`sed -n 14p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e12=`echo $e12`
- e13=`sed -n 15p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;e13=`echo $e13`
- echo Auswahlwette:~T0420$a1 " " $a2 " " $a3 " " $a4 " " $a5 " " $a6 > /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo Zusatzspiel:~T0420$az >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo " " >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo Ergebniswette:~T0420$e1 " " $e2 " " $e3 " " $e4 " " $e5 " " $e6 " " $e7 " " $e8 " " $e9 " " $e10 " " $e11 " " $e12 " " $e13 " " >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0420alle Angaben ohne Gew~ahr >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- msgbox title="TOTO $Ziehung" size=30 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/lottop.txt
-# TMP-Dateien loeschen
- rm /tmp/lotto*.txt
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Glücksspirale *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Glueck ()
- curl -k "https://www.lotto-hh.de/gluecksspirale/zahlen_quoten_gluecksspirale/zahlen_quoten_gluecksspirale.jsp" > /tmp/lotto.txt
- sed -n '/div\ class="logo"/,/div\ class="slct"/p' /tmp/lotto.txt > /tmp/lotto1.txt
- sed -e 's/.$//g' /tmp/lotto1.txt > /tmp/lotto2.txt
- Substitution /tmp/lotto2.txt /tmp/lotto3.txt
- Ziehung=`sed -n 1p /tmp/lotto3.txt | sed -e 's/(.*$//g'`;Ziehung=`echo $Ziehung`
- sed -n '/!--\ GluecksSpirale\ --/,/div\ class="jackpot"/p' /tmp/lotto.txt > /tmp/lotto1.txt
- sed -e 's/.$//g' /tmp/lotto1.txt > /tmp/lotto2.txt
- Substitution /tmp/lotto2.txt /tmp/lotto3.txt
-# Glücksspirale
- a1=`sed -n 8p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;a1=`echo $a1`
- z1=`sed -n 13p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 14p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- a2=`echo $z1$z2`
- z1=`sed -n 19p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 20p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- z3=`sed -n 21p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z3=`echo $z3`
- a3=`echo $z1$z2$z3`
- z1=`sed -n 26p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 27p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- z3=`sed -n 28p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z3=`echo $z3`
- z4=`sed -n 29p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z4=`echo $z4`
- a4=`echo $z1$z2$z3$z4`
- z1=`sed -n 34p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 35p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- z3=`sed -n 36p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z3=`echo $z3`
- z4=`sed -n 37p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z4=`echo $z4`
- z5=`sed -n 38p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z5=`echo $z5`
- a5=`echo $z1$z2$z3$z4$z5`
- z1=`sed -n 43p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 44p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- z3=`sed -n 45p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z3=`echo $z3`
- z4=`sed -n 46p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z4=`echo $z4`
- z5=`sed -n 47p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z5=`echo $z5`
- z6=`sed -n 48p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z6=`echo $z6`
- a6a=`echo $z1$z2$z3$z4$z5$z6`
- z1=`sed -n 49p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 50p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- z3=`sed -n 51p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z3=`echo $z3`
- z4=`sed -n 52p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z4=`echo $z4`
- z5=`sed -n 53p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z5=`echo $z5`
- z6=`sed -n 54p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z6=`echo $z6`
- a6b=`echo $z1$z2$z3$z4$z5$z6`
- z1=`sed -n 59p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 60p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- z3=`sed -n 61p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z3=`echo $z3`
- z4=`sed -n 62p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z4=`echo $z4`
- z5=`sed -n 63p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z5=`echo $z5`
- z6=`sed -n 64p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z6=`echo $z6`
- z7=`sed -n 65p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z7=`echo $z7`
- a7a=`echo $z1$z2$z3$z4$z5$z6$z7`
- z1=`sed -n 66p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z1=`echo $z1`
- z2=`sed -n 67p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z2=`echo $z2`
- z3=`sed -n 68p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z3=`echo $z3`
- z4=`sed -n 69p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z4=`echo $z4`
- z5=`sed -n 70p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z5=`echo $z5`
- z6=`sed -n 71p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z6=`echo $z6`
- z7=`sed -n 72p /tmp/lotto3.txt`;z7=`echo $z7`
- a7b=`echo $z1$z2$z3$z4$z5$z6$z7`
- echo Klasse~T0400Gewinnzahl > /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo I~T0400$a1 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo II~T0400$a2 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo III~T0400$a3 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo IV~T0400$a4 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo V~T0400$a5 >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo VI~T0400$a6a >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0400$a6b >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo VII~T0400$a7a >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0400$a7b >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- echo ~T0400alle Angaben ohne Gew~ahr >> /tmp/lottop.txt
- msgbox title="Gl~ucksspirale $Ziehung" size=30 timeout=600 popup=/tmp/lottop.txt
-# TMP-Dateien loeschen
- rm /tmp/lotto*.txt
-while [ 1 -eq 1 ]; do
- msgbox title="Gewinnzahlen" size=30 order=1 msg="~cBitte ausw~ahlen!" select="Lotto,Keno,Toto,Gl~ucksspirale" default=$auswahl
- auswahl=$?
- case $auswahl in
- 1)
- Lotto
- ;;
- 2)
- Keno
- ;;
- 3)
- Toto
- ;;
- 4)
- Glueck
- ;;
- *)
- rm /tmp/lotto*.txt
- exit
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/rssnews/flex_entry.conf b/archive-sources/flex-menu/rssnews/flex_entry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 56035a9d..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/rssnews/flex_entry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- ACTION=&SZ-Politik,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.sueddeutsche.de/app/service/rss/ressort/politik/rss.xml"
- ACTION=&SZ-Wirtschaft,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.sueddeutsche.de/app/service/rss/ressort/wirtschaft/rss.xml"
- ACTION=&SZ-Geld,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.sueddeutsche.de/app/service/rss/ressort/finanzen/rss.xml"
- ACTION=&SZ-Sport,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.sueddeutsche.de/app/service/rss/ressort/sport/rss.xml"
- ACTION=&SZ-Kultur,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.sueddeutsche.de/app/service/rss/ressort/kultur/rss.xml"
- ACTION=&SPON-Topmeldungen,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/tops/index.rss"
- ACTION=&SPON-Eilmeldungen,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/eilmeldungen/index.rss"
- ACTION=&Sparbote,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://feeds.feedburner.com/sparbote-schnaeppchen?format=xml"
- ACTION=&Discountfan,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.discountfan.de/rss.xml"
- ACTION=&Ebay (Coolstream),/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://shop.ebay.de/i.html?_nkw=coolstream&_rss=1"
- ACTION=&Infosat-Kabelnews,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.infosat.de/News-Feeds/RSS/0.91/kabel.xml"
- ACTION=&Infosat-Sat-News,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.infosat.de/News-Feeds/RSS/0.91/satellit.xml"
- ACTION=&auto motor und sport,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/685/f/434712/index.rss"
- ACTION=&Formel-1-News,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.motorsport-total.com/rss_f1.xml"
- ACTION=&Ralley-News,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.motorsport-total.com/rss_rallye.xml"
- ACTION=&Motorrad-News,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.motorsport-total.com/rss_motorrad.xml"
- ACTION=&golem.de,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://rss.golem.de/rss.php?feed=RSS0.91"
- ACTION=&ComputerBase,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.computerbase.de/rss/news.xml"
- ACTION=&GameStar,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/370/f/5299/index.rss"
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/rssnews/rssnews.sh b/archive-sources/flex-menu/rssnews/rssnews.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a0bc1bd4..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/rssnews/rssnews.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-# RSS-Feeds
-# by theobald123 , mod by bazi98
-# Version: 2.1 Coolstream HD1
-# alte Version by musicus
-# rssnews.sh mit Rechten 755 nach /var/plugins/ kopieren
-# benötigt shellexec
-# Eintragsbeispiel in shellexec.conf vom Flexmenü ohne (#)!
-# ACTION=&Discountfan,/var/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.discountfan.de/rss.xml"
-# ACTION=&Sport,/var/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://feeds.feedburner.com/SportTelegramm.xml"
-# ACTION=&News,/var/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://www.morgenweb.de/rss/newsticker.xml"
-# ACTION=&Ebay,/var/plugins/rssnews.sh "http://shop.ebay.de/i.html?_nkw=coolstream&_rss=1"
-# für weitere Feeds die http-Adresse und die Beschreibung zwischen "&" und "," ändern
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Datenzeile in einzelne Parameter aufteilen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Datenzeile *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Parameter ()
-{ pn=$#;p1=$1;p2=$2;p3=$3;p4=$4;p5=$5;p6=$6;p7=$7;p8=$8;p9=$9;p10=$10; }
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Zeichen ersetzen, HTML-Tags entfernen, Leerzeilen entfernen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Eingabedatei Ausgabedatei *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Substitution ()
-sed -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/$#xe4;/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' \
- -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' \
- -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' \
- -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' \
- -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' \
- -e 's/Ãœ/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' \
- -e 's/à/a/g' -e 's/á/a/g' -e 's/â/a/g' -e 's/ã/a/g' -e 's/å/a/g' -e 's/æ/ae/g' \
- -e 's/à/a/g' -e 's/á/a/g' -e 's/â/a/g' -e 's/ã/a/g' -e 's/å/a/g' -e 's/æ/ae/g' \
- -e 's/À/A/g' -e 's/Á/A/g' -e 's/Â/A/g' -e 's/Ã/A/g' -e 's/Å/A/g' -e 's/Æ/AE/g' \
- -e 's/À/A/g' -e 's/Á/A/g' -e 's/Â/A/g' -e 's/Ã/A/g' -e 's/Å/A/g' -e 's/Æ/AE/g' \
- -e 's/ç/c/g' -e 's/ç/c/g' \
- -e 's/Ç/C/g' -e 's/Ç/C/g' \
- -e 's/è/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/ê/e/g' -e 's/ë/e/g' \
- -e 's/è/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/ê/e/g' -e 's/ë/e/g' \
- -e 's/È/E/g' -e 's/É/E/g' -e 's/Ê/E/g' -e 's/Ë/E/g' \
- -e 's/È/E/g' -e 's/É/E/g' -e 's/Ê/E/g' -e 's/Ë/E/g' \
- -e 's/ì/i/g' -e 's/í/i/g' -e 's/î/i/g' -e 's/ï/i/g' \
- -e 's/ì/i/g' -e 's/í/i/g' -e 's/î/i/g' -e 's/ï/i/g' \
- -e 's/Ì/I/g' -e 's/Í/I/g' -e 's/Î/I/g' -e 's/Ï/I/g' \
- -e 's/Ì/I/g' -e 's/Í/I/g' -e 's/Î/I/g' -e 's/Ï/I/g' \
- -e 's/ñ/n/g' -e 's/ñ/n/g' \
- -e 's/Ñ/N/g' -e 's/Ñ/N/g' \
- -e 's/ò/o/g' -e 's/ó/o/g' -e 's/ô/o/g' -e 's/õ/o/g' -e 's/ø/o/g' \
- -e 's/ò/o/g' -e 's/ó/o/g' -e 's/ô/o/g' -e 's/õ/o/g' -e 's/ø/o/g' \
- -e 's/Ò/O/g' -e 's/Ó/O/g' -e 's/Ô/O/g' -e 's/Õ/O/g' -e 's/Ø/O/g' \
- -e 's/Ò/O/g' -e 's/Ó/O/g' -e 's/Ô/O/g' -e 's/Õ/O/g' -e 's/×/O/g' \
- -e 's/ù/u/g' -e 's/ú/u/g' -e 's/û/u/g' \
- -e 's/ù/u/g' -e 's/ú/u/g' -e 's/û/u/g' \
- -e 's/ý/y/g' -e 's/ý/y/g' \
- -e 's/Ù/U/g' -e 's/Ú/U/g' -e 's/Û/U/g' \
- -e 's/Ø/U/g' -e 's/Ù/U/g' -e 's/Ú/U/g' \
- -e 's/Ü/Y/g' -e 's/Ý/Y/g' \
- -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' \
- -e 's/ss¡/+/g' -e 's/„//g' -e 's/“//g' \
- -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/é/e/g' -e 's/É/E/g' -e 's/á/a/g' -e 's/î/i/g' -e 's/ñ/n/g' \
- -e 's/0/0/g' -e 's/1/1/g' -e 's/2/2/g' -e 's/3/3/g' -e 's/4/4/g' -e 's/5/5/g' -e 's/6/6/g' -e 's/7/7/g' -e 's/8/8/g' -e 's/9/9/g' \
- -e 's/A/A/g' -e 's/B/B/g' -e 's/C/C/g' -e 's/D/D/g' -e 's/E/E/g' -e 's/F/F/g' -e 's/G/G/g' -e 's/H/H/g' -e 's/I/I/g' -e 's/J/J/g' -e 's/K/K/g' -e 's/L/L/g' -e 's/M/M/g' -e 's/N/N/g' -e 's/O/O/g' -e 's/P/P/g' -e 's/Q/Q/g' -e 's/R/R/g' -e 's/S/S/g' -e 's/T/T/g' -e 's/U/U/g' -e 's/V/V/g' -e 's/W/W/g' -e 's/X/X/g' -e 's/Y/Y/g' -e 's/Z/Z/g' \
- -e 's/a/a/g' -e 's/b/b/g' -e 's/c/c/g' -e 's/d/d/g' -e 's/e/e/g' -e 's/f/f/g' -e 's/g/g/g' -e 's/h/h/g' -e 's/i/i/g' -e 's/j/j/g' -e 's/k/k/g' -e 's/l/l/g' -e 's/m/m/g' -e 's/n/n/g' -e 's/o/o/g' -e 's/p/p/g' -e 's/q/q/g' -e 's/r/r/g' -e 's/s/s/g' -e 's/t/t/g' -e 's/u/u/g' -e 's/v/v/g' -e 's/w/w/g' -e 's/x/x/g' -e 's/y/y/g' -e 's/z/z/g' \
- -e 's/°/°/g' -e 's/°/°/g' -e 's/°/°/g' \
- -e 's/&/\&/g' \
- -e 's/"/\"/g' -e 's/„/\"/g' -e 's/“/\"/g' -e "s/'/\"/g" -e 's/'/ /g' \
- -e 's/>/>/g' -e 's/â€//g' -e 's/Â//g' \
- -e 's/<// /g' \
- -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' \
- -e '/^[^0-9a-zA-Z!-\/]*$/d' \
- $1 > $2
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * RSS-Feed anfordern *
-# *************************************************************************************
-wget -O /tmp/rss.txt "$1"
-echo $(cat /tmp/rss.txt) > /tmp/rss0.txt
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Feed-Inhalt extrahieren und Anzahl Items ermitteln *
-# *************************************************************************************
-sed -e 's/<\/channel>/\n<\/channel>\n/g' -e 's//\n\n/g' \
- -e 's/<\/image>/\n<\/image>\n/g' -e 's//\n\n/g' \
- -e 's/<\/item>/\n<\/item>\n/g' -e 's/- /\n
- \n/g' \
- -e 's/<\!\[CDATA\[//g' -e 's/\]\]>//g' /tmp/rss0.txt > /tmp/rss1.txt
-sed -n -e "//,/<\/channel>/ p" /tmp/rss1.txt > /tmp/rss2.txt
-sed -e "//,/<\/image>/ d" /tmp/rss2.txt > /tmp/rss3.txt
-sed -e 's/<\/description>/<\/description>\n/g' \
- -e 's//\n|description| /g' \
- -e 's/<\/title>/<\/title>\n/g' \
- -e 's/\"//g' \
- -e 's//\n|title| /g' /tmp/rss3.txt > /tmp/rss4.txt
-Substitution /tmp/rss4.txt /tmp/rss5.txt
-sed -n -e "/^|description|/ p" -n -e "/^|title|/ p" /tmp/rss5.txt > /tmp/rss6.txt
-Zeilen=`sed -n -e "/^|title|/ =" /tmp/rss6.txt`
-Parameter $Zeilen
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Script für Zeilenumbruch und Newsausgabe *
-# * Eigene Formatierung für Ebay-Artikel enthalten *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo \$2 > /tmp/wrap.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "ebay=\`sed -n -e \"/| Zur Liste der beobachteten Artikel hinzufügen/ =\" /tmp/wrap.txt\`" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "astra1=\`sed -n -e \"/Service-Typ:/ =\" /tmp/wrap.txt\`" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "astra2=\`sed -n -e \"/Orbitalposition:/ =\" /tmp/wrap.txt\`" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "astra3=\`sed -n -e \"/Transponder-Nummer:/ =\" /tmp/wrap.txt\`" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "if [ -n \$astra1 -a -n \$astra2 -a -n \$astra3 ]; then" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " sed -e 's/Standard:/\nStandard:/g' -e 's/Sprache:/\nSprache:/g' -e 's/Orbitalposition:/\nOrbitalposition:/g' -e 's/Transponder-Nummer:/\nTransponder-Nummer:/g' -e 's/Frequenz (MHz):/\nFrequenz (MHz):/g' -e 's/Service Website:/\nService Website:/g' /tmp/wrap.txt > /tmp/wrap3.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "else" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " if [ \"\$ebay\" != \"\" ]; then" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " sed -e 's/Angebotsende:/\nAngebotsende:/g' -e 's/Sofort-Kaufen/\nSofort-Kaufen/g' -e 's/Jetzt bieten/\nJetzt bieten/g' /tmp/wrap.txt > /tmp/wrap1.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " sed -e \"/Jetzt bieten |/ d\" /tmp/wrap1.txt > /tmp/wrap2.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " sed -e \"/Sofort-Kaufen |/ d\" /tmp/wrap2.txt > /tmp/wrap3.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " else" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " sed -e 's/.\{55\} /&\n/g' /tmp/wrap.txt > /tmp/wrap3.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo " fi" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "fi" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo FONT=/share/fonts/neutrino.ttf > /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo FONTSIZE=28 >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo HIGHT=480 >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo WIDTH=800 >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo LINESPP=15 >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo MENU= >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo COMMENT=\$1 >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo COMMENT=* >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "sed -e 's/^/COMMENT= /g' /tmp/wrap3.txt >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "echo ENDMENU >> /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "shellexec /tmp/wrap4.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "rm /tmp/wrap*.txt" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-echo "exit 0;" >> /tmp/wrap.sh
-chmod 755 /tmp/wrap.sh
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Aufbau der Datei für Shellexec *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-title=`sed -n -e "1 s/|title| // p" /tmp/rss6.txt`
-echo FONT=/share/fonts/neutrino.ttf > /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-echo FONTSIZE=24 >> /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-echo HIGHT=480 >> /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-echo WIDTH=800 >> /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-echo LINESPP=15 >> /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-echo MENU=$title >> /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-while [ "$count" -le "$Zeilen" ]; do
- a1=`sed -n -e "$ind1 s/|title| // p" /tmp/rss6.txt`
- a2=`sed -n -e "$ind2 s/|description| // p" /tmp/rss6.txt`
- count=`expr "$count" + 1`; ind1=`expr "$ind1" + 2`; ind2=`expr "$ind2" + 2`;
- echo "ACTION=&'$a1',/tmp/wrap.sh '$a1' '$a2'" >> /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-echo "ENDMENU" >> /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Ausgabe auf Bildschirm *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-shellexec /tmp/rssconfig.conf
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * temporäre Dateien löschen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-rm /tmp/rss*
-rm /tmp/wrap.sh
-exit 0;
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/tanken/flex_entry.conf b/archive-sources/flex-menu/tanken/flex_entry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e837f5..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/tanken/flex_entry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ACTION=&aktuelle Benzinpreise,/share/tuxbox/neutrino/plugins/tanken
diff --git a/archive-sources/flex-menu/tanken/tanken b/archive-sources/flex-menu/tanken/tanken
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bdf2941..00000000
--- a/archive-sources/flex-menu/tanken/tanken
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# Tanken Plugin
-# by theobald123 for coolstream
-# VERSION=1.6
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Datenzeile in einzelne Parameter aufteilen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Datenzeile *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Parameter ()
-{ pn=$#;p1=$1;p2=$2;p3=$3;p4=$4;p5=$5;p6=$6;p7=$7;p8=$8;p9=$9;p10=$10; }
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * exit-Steuerung *
-# *************************************************************************************
-Beenden ()
-if [ $? = 0 ]; then
- break
-# *************************************************************************************
-# * Einlesen der Postleitzahl *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Übergabeparameter : Postleitzahlendatei *
-# *************************************************************************************
-getplz ()
-if [ -s $conf ] ; then
- Eingabe1=`cat "$conf"`
- Eingabe1="0"
-# Eingabemaske
-Eingabe=`input l="PLZ: #####max. Entf.: ##" o=45 c=14 d="$Eingabe1"`
-if [ "$Eingabe" = "" ] ; then
- exit
- echo "$Eingabe" > $conf
-PLZ=`cut -b 1-5 $conf`; PLZ=`echo $PLZ`
-if [ ${#PLZ} -lt 5 ] ; then
- msgbox size=22 timeout=5 popup="PLZ ungueltig"
-# wget -q -O -"PLZ ungueltig"
- rm $conf
- continue
-ENTF=`cut -b 6-7 $conf`; ENTF=`echo $ENTF`
-if [ "$ENTF" = "" ] ; then
- ENTF=5
-elif [ $ENTF -lt 1 ] ; then
- ENTF=5
-while :; do
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Kraftstoffauswahl und Tanken anfordern *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- getplz /var/tuxbox/config/Tanken.plz
- auswahl=1
- while :; do
- msgbox title="Kraftstoffauswahl" size=28 order=1 msg="~cBitte ausw~ahlen!" select="Diesel,Super E10,Super (E5),SuperPlus,Autogas (LPG),Erdgas (CNG),Biodiesel,LKW-Diesel" default=$auswahl
- auswahl=$?
- case $auswahl in
- 1)
- Typ=3; SPRIT="Diesel"
- ;;
- 2)
- Typ=5; SPRIT="Super E10"
- ;;
- 3)
- Typ=7; SPRIT="Super (E5)"
- ;;
- 4)
- Typ=6; SPRIT="SuperPlus"
- ;;
- 5)
- Typ=1; SPRIT="Autogas (LPG)"
- ;;
- 6)
- Typ=8; SPRIT="Erdgas (CNG)"
- ;;
- 7)
- Typ=9; SPRIT="Biodiesel"
- ;;
- 8)
- Typ=2; SPRIT="LKW-Diesel"
- ;;
- *)
- break
- ;;
- esac
- wget -O /tmp/tanken.txt -U Mozilla "http://www.clever-tanken.de/tankstelle_liste?spritsorte=$Typ&ort=$PLZ&r=$ENTF&sort=p"
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * #HTML-Tags entfernen; Sonderzeichen ersetzen; Leerzeilen entfernen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- sed -n -e "/main-content-fuel-station-list/,/Impressum/ p" /tmp/tanken.txt \
- -n -e "/Abfrage leider keine Tankstelle finden/ p" | \
- sed -n -e "// p" \
- -n -e "/Abfrage leider keine Tankstelle finden/ p" | \
- sed -n -e "/location-name/ p" \
- -n -e "/location-street/ p" \
- -n -e "/location-city/ p" \
- -n -e "/class=\"price\"/ p" \
- -n -e "/ffnet/ p" \
- -n -e "/Abfrage leider keine Tankstelle finden/ p" | \
- sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' \
- -e '/^[^0-9a-zA-Z!+-\/]*$/d' | \
- sed -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' -e 's/ä/ä/g' \
- -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' -e 's/ö/ö/g' \
- -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' -e 's/ü/ü/g' \
- -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' -e 's/Ä/Ä/g' \
- -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' -e 's/Ö/Ö/g' \
- -e 's/Ãœ/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' -e 's/Ü/Ü/g' \
- -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' -e 's/ß/ß/g' \
- > /tmp/tanken1.txt
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Daten auswählen und Liste aufbauen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- Head="Tankstellen im Postleitzahlenbereich $PLZ Kraftstoffart: $SPRIT"
- nostations=`sed -n -e "/Abfrage leider keine Tankstelle finden/ =" /tmp/tanken1.txt`
- if [ "$nostations" != "" ] ; then
- msgbox title="$Head" size=26 timeout=180 msg="Keine Tankstellen gefunden"
- continue
- fi
- zeilen=`sed -n -e "$ =" /tmp/tanken1.txt`
- tab1=1; tab2=2; tab3=3; tab4=4; step=4
- while [ "$tab4" -le "$zeilen" ]; do
- count=1
- echo ~T0250Tankstelle~T0800Preis > /tmp/tanken2.txt
- while [ $count -le 5 -a "$tab4" -le "$zeilen" ]; do
- a1=`sed -n -e "$tab1"p /tmp/tanken1.txt`; a1=`echo $a1` # Preis
- a2=`sed -n -e "$tab2"p /tmp/tanken1.txt`; a2=`echo $a2` # Marke
- a3=`sed -n -e "$tab3"p /tmp/tanken1.txt`; a3=`echo $a3` # Adresse
- a4=`sed -n -e "$tab4"p /tmp/tanken1.txt`; a4=`echo $a4` # Ort
- if [ "$a1" != "" ] ; then
- echo ~T0250~B$a2~T0800~R$a1 >> /tmp/tanken2.txt
- echo ~T0250$a3 >> /tmp/tanken2.txt
- echo ~T0250$a4 >> /tmp/tanken2.txt
- count=`expr "$count" + 1`
- fi
- tab1=`expr "$tab1" + $step`
- tab2=`expr "$tab2" + $step`
- tab3=`expr "$tab3" + $step`
- tab4=`expr "$tab4" + $step`
- done
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * Daten ausgeben (Framebuffer) *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- echo ~T0250~Galle Angaben ohne Gewähr >> /tmp/tanken2.txt
- if [ $tab4 -le $zeilen ] ; then
- msgbox title="$Head" size=26 timeout=180 msg=/tmp/tanken2.txt
- else
- msgbox title="$Head" size=26 timeout=180 popup=/tmp/tanken2.txt
- fi
- Beenden
- done
- done
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-# * TMP-Dateien loeschen *
-# *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-rm /tmp/tanken*.txt
diff --git a/make/plugins.mk b/make/plugins.mk
index 59c20e91..7973923d 100644
--- a/make/plugins.mk
+++ b/make/plugins.mk
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ plugins-all: $(D)/neutrino \
coolithek \
openvpn-setup \
oscammon \
- flex-menu \
lcd4linux-all \
doscam-webif-skin \
@@ -523,41 +522,3 @@ $(LIBPLUG)/shellexec.so: $(D)/freetype $(LIBPLUG) $(SHAREFLEX) $(VARCONF) $(BIN)
mv -f $(LIBPLUG)/shellexec.cfg $(LIBPLUG)/00_shellexec.cfg
mv -f $(LIBPLUG)/shellexec_hint.png $(LIBPLUG)/00_shellexec_hint.png
ln -sf /lib/tuxbox/plugins/00_shellexec.so $(BIN)/shellexec
- install -m644 $(SOURCES)/flex-menu/flex*.conf $(SHAREFLEX)/
-### flex-menu ###
-flex-menu: shellexec flex-content disable-FONT
-flex-content: \
- boerse \
- del \
- fahrplan \
- formel1info \
- formel1wmtab \
- handball \
- liga_nat \
- lotto \
- rssnews \
- tanken
-boerse \
-del \
-fahrplan \
-formel1info \
-formel1wmtab \
-handball \
-liga_nat \
-lotto \
-rssnews \
-tanken : $(SHAREPLUG)
- find $(SOURCES)/flex-menu/$@/ ! -name flex_entry.conf -type f -print0 | xargs -0 \
- install -m755 -t $(SHAREPLUG)/
- cat $(SOURCES)/flex-menu/$@/flex_entry.conf >> $(SHAREFLEX)/flex_plugins.conf
- for f in $(SHAREPLUG)/*; \
- do sed -i 's|FONT=|#FONT=|' $$f; \
- done