# /etc/protocols:	This file describes the various protocols that are
#			available from the TCP/IP subsystem.  It should be
#			consulted instead of using the numbers in the ARPA
#			include files, or, worse, just guessing them.

# Internet (IP) protocols
ip		0	IP		# internet protocol v4
icmp		1	ICMP		# internet control message protocol
igmp		2	IGMP		# internet group multicast protocol
ggp		3	GGP		# gateway-gateway protocol
tcp		6	TCP		# transmission control protocol
egp		8	EGP		# exterior gateway protocol
pup		12	PUP		# PARC universal packet protocol
udp		17	UDP		# user datagram protocol
hmp		20	HMP		# host monitoring protocol
idp		22	IDP		# WhatsThis?
rdp		27	RDP		# "reliable datagram" protocol
iso-tp4		29	ISO-TP4		# ISO Transport Protocol Class 4

# Internet (IPv6) extension headers
hopopt		0	HOPOPT		# Hop-by-hop optons for IPv6
ipv6		41	IPv6		# IPv6
ipv6-route	43	IPv6-Route	# Routing Header for IPv6
ipv6-frag	44	IPv6-Frag	# Fragment Header for IPv6
ipv6-crypt	50	IPv6-Crypt	# Encryption Header for IPv6
ipv6-auth	51	IPv6-Auth	# Authentication Header for IPv6
icmpv6		58	IPv6-ICMP ICMPV6 ipv6-icmp icmp6 # ICMP for IPv6
ipv6-nonxt	59	IPv6-NoNxt	# No Next Header for IPv6
ipv6-opts	60	IPv6-Opts	# Destination Options for IPv6
iso-ip		80	ISO-IP		# ISO Internet Protocol
encap		98	ENCAP		# RFC1241 encapsulation
raw		255	RAW		# RAW IP interface