#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include //#include "md5.h" #include #include "connect.h" //#include "base64.h" #define BASENAME "FCM" #include class CurledClass { public: static int writer(char *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, string *buffer_in) { // Is there anything in the buffer? if (buffer_in != NULL) { // Append the data to the buffer buffer_in->append(data, size * nmemb); // How much did we write? return size * nmemb; } return 0; } }; CConnect* CConnect::getInstance() { static CConnect* instance = NULL; if(!instance) instance = new CConnect(); return instance; } CConnect::CConnect() { //sockfb=0; } CConnect::~CConnect() { // } #if 0 /****************************************************************************** * functions ******************************************************************************/ #endif int CConnect::connect2Host(const char *adr, int port) { //IPv4 or IPv6 int sockfd, rv; struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p; ostringstream s_port; s_port << port; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; // use AF_INET6 to force IPv6 hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if ((rv = getaddrinfo(adr, s_port.str().c_str(), &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s] - getaddrinfo: %s\n", BASENAME, gai_strerror(rv)); return(-1); } //loop through all the results and connect to the first we can for(p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) { if (debug) printf("[%s] - Try to connect to %s on port %i\n", BASENAME, adr, port); if ((sockfd = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype,p->ai_protocol)) == -1) { perror("socket"); continue; } if (connect(sockfd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(sockfd); perror("connect"); continue; } break; //if we get here, we must have connected successfully } if (p == NULL) { //looped off the end of the list with no connection fprintf(stderr, "[%s] - failed to connect\n", BASENAME); return(-1); } freeaddrinfo(servinfo); //all done with this structure return(sockfd); } string CConnect::post2fritz(const char* url, int port, const string data, const string curlOutFile) { CURL *curl; CURLcode result; // Create our curl handle curl = curl_easy_init(); //errors char errorBuffer[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; // Write all expected data in here string buffer; if(!curl){ cerr << "Error init Curl!" << endl; return string(); } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, errorBuffer); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, debug?1:0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PORT, port); if(!data.empty()) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, data.c_str()); // print CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS if(debug > 1 && !data.empty()) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS: " << data << endl;} } FILE *tmpFile = fopen(curlOutFile.c_str(), "w"); if (tmpFile) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, tmpFile); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CurledClass::writer); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &buffer); } // Attempt to retrieve the remote page result = curl_easy_perform(curl); // Always cleanup curl_easy_cleanup(curl); if (tmpFile) fclose(tmpFile); if(debug > 1){ if(curlOutFile.empty()) cout << "DEBUG-OUT" << ">>" << buffer << "<<" << "DEBUG-OUT END" << endl; else cout << "DEBUG-OUT" << ">>" << curlOutFile << "<<" << "DEBUG-OUT END" << endl; } if(result == CURLE_OK) return(buffer); return string(); } int CConnect::get2box(const char* host, int port, const char* msg, const char* upwd, const char* msgtype, int msgtimeout) { ostringstream url; if(debug) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << endl;} url << host << "/control/message?" << msgtype << "=" << msg << "&timeout=" << msgtimeout; string s = post2fritz(url.str().c_str(), port); return(1); } int CConnect::get_challenge() { ostringstream url; if(debug) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << endl;} //if(mysockfb <= 0){ // printf("[%s] - CConnect::get_challenge(): ERR connect2Host\n", BASENAME); // return 0; //} //url << "/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/login_sid.xml"; // Firmwareversion xx.04.74 url << FritzAdr << "/login_sid.lua"; // OS 5.50 string s = post2fritz(url.str().c_str()); //search string s1 = ""; string s2 = ""; string token; size_t pos = 0; if((pos = s.find(s1)) != string::npos) { s.erase(0, pos + s1.length()); pos = 0; if((pos = s.find(s2)) != string::npos) { s.erase(pos, s.length()); if(!s.empty()) { strncpy(challenge,s.c_str(),sizeof(challenge)); if(debug) {printf("[%s] - CHALLENGE %s \n", BASENAME, challenge);} return 1; } } } printf("[%s] - failed to get CHALLENGE\n", BASENAME); return 0; } int CConnect::get_md5(const char *challenge, char *fritzPW) { //convert to utf16 //http://www.avm.de/de/Extern/Technical_Note_Session_ID.pdf unsigned int i; int y = 0; string utf8_str = (string) challenge + "-" + (string) UTF8toISO(fritzPW); string utf16_str = (""); if(debug > 1) printf("[%s] - Challenge-Password = \"%s-%s\"\n",BASENAME, challenge, UTF8toISO(fritzPW)); if(debug) printf("[%s] - Binary for hash = ", BASENAME); for (i=0; i < utf8_str.length(); i++) { y = i*2; // change UNICODE > 255 in 46 (".") if (utf8_str[i] > 0xAD) { utf16_str += '\x2E'; utf16_str += '\x00'; } else { utf16_str += utf8_str[i]; utf16_str += '\x00'; } if (debug) printf("%02x%02x",utf16_str[y],utf16_str[y+1]); } if (debug) printf("\n"); //get md5sum from utf16 binary hash MD5_CTX ctx; //struct MD5Context ctx; /*md5.h"*/ MD5_Init(&ctx); MD5_Update(&ctx, utf16_str.c_str(), strlen(utf8_str.c_str())*2)/*size*/; MD5_Final(digest, &ctx); strcpy((char *)md5sum,""); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { char fdigest[5]; sprintf(fdigest,"%02x", digest[i]); strcat((char *)md5sum, fdigest); } if(debug) cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - MD5 hash = " << md5sum << " (" << strlen((char *)md5sum) << ')' << endl; return(strlen((char *)md5sum)); } int CConnect::get_sid(const char *challenge, const unsigned char *md5) { ostringstream command; command << "login:command/response=" << challenge << '-' << md5 << "&getpage=../html/login_sid.xml"; if(debug) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << endl;} string s = post2fritz(FritzAdr,80, command.str()); if(debug) {cout << s << endl;} //search string s1 = ""; string s2 = ""; string token; size_t pos = 0; if((pos = s.find(s1)) != string::npos) { s.erase(0, pos + s1.length()); pos = 0; if((pos = s.find(s2)) != string::npos) { s.erase(pos, s.length()); if(s != "0000000000000000" && !s.empty()) { strncpy(sid,s.c_str(),sizeof(sid)); if(debug) {printf("[%s] - SID %s \n", BASENAME, sid);} return 1; } } } printf("[%s] - failed to get SID\n", BASENAME); return(0); } int CConnect::get_sid_LUA(const char *challenge, const unsigned char *md5) { ostringstream url, command; url << FritzAdr << "/login_sid.lua"; command << "response=" << challenge << '-' << md5; if(debug) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << endl;} string s = post2fritz(url.str().c_str(),80, command.str()); //search string s1 = ""; string s2 = ""; string token; size_t pos = 0; if((pos = s.find(s1)) != string::npos) { s.erase(0, pos + s1.length()); pos = 0; if((pos = s.find(s2)) != string::npos) { s.erase(pos, s.length()); if(s != "0000000000000000" && !s.empty()) { strncpy(sid,s.c_str(),sizeof(sid)); if(debug) {printf("[%s] - SID %s \n", BASENAME, sid);} return 1; } } } /* //split into line string delimiter = "\n"; string token; size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = s.find(delimiter)) != string::npos) { i++; token = s.substr(0, pos); if(debug) {cout << "rec[" << i << "]" << token << endl;} s.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length()); } */ printf("[%s] - failed to get SID\n", BASENAME); return(0); } #if 0 /****************************************************************************** * tools ******************************************************************************/ #endif char *CConnect::trim(char *txt) { register int l; register char *p1, *p2; if (*txt==' ') { for (p1=p2=txt; (*p1==' ') || (*p1=='\t') || (*p1=='\n') || (*p1=='\r'); p1++); while (*p1) *p2++=*p1++; *p2='\0'; } if ((l=strlen(txt))>0) for (p1=txt+l-1; (*p1==' ') || (*p1=='\t') || (*p1=='\n') || (*p1=='\r'); *p1--='\0'); return(txt); } char *CConnect::UTF8toISO(char *txt) { //'ä','ö','ü','Ä','Ö','Ü','ß' const char iso[7]={'\xe4','\xf6','\xfc','\xc4','\xd6','\xdc','\xdf'}, //ISO-8859-1 ö = 0xf6 utf[7]={'\xa4','\xb6','\xbc','\x84','\x96','\x9c','\x9f'}; //UTF-8 ö = 0xc3 0xb6 int i,found,quota=0; char *rptr=txt,*tptr=txt; while(*rptr != '\0') { if(*rptr=='\'') { quota^=1; } if (!quota && *rptr=='\xc3' && *(rptr+1)) { found=0; for(i=0; i<(int)sizeof(utf) && !found; i++) { if(*(rptr+1)==utf[i]) { found=1; *tptr=iso[i]; ++rptr; } } if(!found) { *tptr=*rptr; } } else { *tptr=*rptr; } tptr++; rptr++; } *tptr=0; return(txt); } int CConnect::ExistFile(const char *fname) { FILE *efh; if((efh=fopen(fname,"r"))==NULL) { return(0); } fclose(efh); return(1); } int CConnect::TouchFile(const char *fname) { FILE *tfh; if((tfh=fopen(fname,"w"))==NULL) { return(0); } fclose(tfh); return(1); } string CConnect::timestamp() { ostringstream txt; time_t timestamp; tm *now; timestamp = time(0); now = localtime(×tamp); txt << '[' << setfill('0') << setw (2) << static_cast(now->tm_hour) << ':' << setfill('0') << setw (2) << static_cast(now->tm_min) << ':' << setfill('0') << setw (2) << static_cast(now->tm_sec) << ']'; return txt.str(); } void CConnect::get_time(int *wday,int *hour,int *min) { time_t timestamp; tm *now; timestamp = time(0); now = localtime(×tamp); *wday=now->tm_wday; *hour=now->tm_hour; *min=now->tm_min; } int CConnect::my_atoi(const string text) { //atoi c++ way int val; stringstream s(text); s >> val; return(val); } string CConnect::itoString (int& i) { stringstream temp; temp << i; return temp.str(); } void CConnect::StringReplace(string &str, const string search, const string rstr) { stringstream f(search); // stringstream f("string1;string2;stringX"); string s; while (getline(f, s, ';')) { string::size_type ptr = 0; string::size_type pos = 0; while((ptr = str.find(s,pos)) != string::npos) { str.replace(ptr,s.length(),rstr); pos = ptr + rstr.length(); } } } string CConnect::parseString(const char* var, string& string_to_serarch) { string res=""; size_t pos1, pos2; if((pos1 = string_to_serarch.find(var)) != string::npos) { // "ver":"84.05.50" pos1 += strlen(var)+3; string tmp = string_to_serarch.substr(pos1); if((pos2 = tmp.find('"')) != string::npos) { res = tmp.substr(0,pos2); //cout << " result: " << var << " = " << res << endl; } } else cout << " no result for " << '"' << var << '"' << res << endl; return(res); } string CConnect::parseString(string search1, string search2, string str) { string ret, search; size_t pos_wildcard, pos_firstline, pos_search1, pos_search2; pos_wildcard = pos_firstline = pos_search1 = pos_search2 = string::npos; if((pos_wildcard = search1.find('*')) != string::npos) { search = search1.substr(0, pos_wildcard); //cout << "wildcard detected" << '\t' << "= " << search << "[*]" << search1.substr(pos_wildcard+1) << endl; } else search = search1; //cout << "search1" << "\t\t\t" << "= " << '"' << search << '"' << endl; if((pos_search1 = str.find(search)) != string::npos) { //cout << "search1 found" << "\t\t" << "= " << '"' << search << '"' << " at pos "<< (int)(pos_search1) << " => " << str << endl; pos_search1 += search.length(); if(pos_wildcard != string::npos) { size_t pos_wildcard_ext; string wildcard_ext = search1.substr(pos_wildcard+1); //cout << "wildcard_ext" << "\t\t" << "= " << '"' << wildcard_ext << '"' << endl; if((pos_wildcard_ext = str.find(wildcard_ext,pos_wildcard+1)) != string::npos) { //cout << "wildcard_ext found" << "\t" << "= " << '"' << wildcard_ext << '"' << " at pos "<< (int)(pos_wildcard_ext) << " => " << str << endl; pos_search1 = pos_wildcard_ext + wildcard_ext.length(); } else { //cout << "wildcard_ext not found in line " << acc << " - exit" << endl; return(""); } } } else { //cout << "search1 not found in line " << acc << " - exit" << endl; return(""); } if(pos_search1 != string::npos) { //cout << "search2 " << "\t\t" << "= " << '"' << search2 << '"' << endl; if(search2 == "\n") { ret = str.substr(pos_search1, str.length() - pos_search1); return(ret); } if((pos_search2 = str.find(search2, pos_search1)) != string::npos) { if(search2.empty()) pos_search2 = str.length(); //cout << "search2" << "\t\t\t" << "= " << '"' << search2 << '"' << " found at "<< (int)(pos_search2) << " => " << str << endl; ret = str.substr(pos_search1, pos_search2 - pos_search1); } //else //cout << "search2 not found in line " << acc << " - exit" << endl; } return(ret); } #if 0 /****************************************************************************** * get login to Fritz!Box ******************************************************************************/ #endif int CConnect::get_login(const char* fritzPW) { if (!get_challenge()) { printf("[%s] - ERROR get Challenge\n", BASENAME); return(0); } get_md5(challenge,(char*)fritzPW); if(!get_sid_LUA(challenge,md5sum)) //after 5.5x { printf("[%s] - login_sid.lua not found\n", BASENAME); if(!get_sid(challenge,md5sum)) //before 5.5x { printf("[%s] - ERROR get SID\n", BASENAME); return 0; } } return(1); } #if 0 /****************************************************************************** * send logout to Fritz!Box ******************************************************************************/ #endif int CConnect::send_logout(const char *sid) { ostringstream url, command; url << FritzAdr << "/cgi-bin/webcm"; command << "sid=" << sid << "&security:command/logout=&getpage=../html/confirm_logout.htlm"; if(debug) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << endl;} //(w_fritz, "GET /home/home.lua?sid=%s&logout=1 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n", sid); string s = post2fritz(url.str().c_str(),80, command.str().c_str()); return(1); } #if 0 /****************************************************************************** * send query's to Fritz!Box ******************************************************************************/ #endif int CConnect::send_refresh(const char *sid) { ostringstream url, command; url << FritzAdr << "/cgi-bin/webcm"; command << "getpage=../html/query.txt" << "&var:n[0]=telcfg:settings/RefreshJournal" << "&var:n[1]=telcfg:settings/Journal/count" << "&sid=" << sid; if(debug) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << endl;} string s = post2fritz(url.str().c_str(),80, command.str().c_str());; return(0); } void CConnect::parseXML(const string text) { device d; int tag=0, val=0; string tagname, value; char* t= (char*) text.c_str(); d.tist = -1; d.tsoll = -1; d.absenk = -1; d.komfort = -1; while (*t!=0) { if(*t=='<') { tag=1; val=0; if(!value.empty()) { if(tagname=="name") d.name = value; if(tagname=="mode") d.mode = value; if(tagname=="present") d.present = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="state") d.state = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="lock") d.lock = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="power") d.power = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="energy") d.energy = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="celsius") d.celsius = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="offset") d.offset = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="tist") d.tist = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="tsoll") d.tsoll = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="absenk") d.absenk = my_atoi(value); if(tagname=="komfort") d.komfort = my_atoi(value); } value=""; tagname=""; } if(*t!='>' && *t!='<') { if(tag==1) tagname += *t; if(val==1) value += *t; } if(*t=='>') { tag=0; val=1; if(strstr(tagname.c_str(),"identifier=")) { string s = parseString("identifier=\"","\"",tagname); StringReplace(s," ",""); d.identifier = s; } if(strstr(tagname.c_str(),"productname=")) { string s = parseString("productname=\"","\"",tagname); StringReplace(s," ",""); d.productname = s; } if(!strcmp(tagname.c_str(),"/device") || !strcmp(tagname.c_str(),"/group")) devices.push_back(d); } t++; } } void CConnect::send2actor(const unsigned int& inx, int& t_soll) { int state_soll = -1; int temperature = 0; if(devices[inx].productname=="FRITZ!DECT200") { cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\tTemperature: Plan(" << t_soll << ")/Now(" << devices[inx].celsius << "); state: " << (devices[inx].state == 1 ? "ON":"OFF") << endl; // convert special temperature switch(t_soll) { case 1: state_soll = 1; // switch on break; case 0: state_soll = 0; // switch off break; } if(state_soll == -1) { if(t_soll <= devices[inx].celsius) { //temperature okay cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\tTemperature okay"<< endl; state_soll = 0; } else if(t_soll > devices[inx].celsius) { //temperature to low cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\tTemperature to low"<< endl; state_soll = 1; } } if(state_soll >= 0 && state_soll != devices[inx].state) { cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\t" << "\033[0;32m" << "sending Deviceswitch "<<(state_soll == 0? "OFF":"ON") << "\033[0m" << endl; if(state_soll == 0) smartHome(sid, "setswitchoff", devices[inx].identifier); else smartHome(sid, "setswitchon", devices[inx].identifier); } else cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\t" << "\033[0;31m" << "send nothing to actor, state is equal" << "\033[0m" << endl; // set flagfile string flag="/var/etc/.device_" + devices[inx].identifier; setFlag(flag.c_str(),state_soll); } else if(devices[inx].productname=="CometDECT" || devices[inx].productname=="FRITZ!DECT300") { cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\tTemperature: Plan " << t_soll << " (" << (t_soll > 1 ? t_soll * 0.2 : t_soll) << "), tist(" << devices[inx].tist << "); tsoll(" << devices[inx].tsoll << ')' << endl; // convert temperature switch(t_soll) { case -1: temperature = -1; // do nothing break; case 0: temperature = 253; // switch off break; default: temperature = t_soll * 0.2; // temperature step up to 0.5°, 43 = 21,5° break; } if(devices[inx].tsoll != temperature) // check if plan temperature stored in actor { if(temperature == -1) cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\t" << "\033[0;31m" << "send nothing to actor while Plan value is (-1)" << "\033[0m" << endl; else { cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\t" << "\033[0;32m" << "send new tsoll temperature (" << temperature << ") to actor" << "\033[0m" << endl; string command = "sethkrtsoll¶m=" + itoString(temperature); smartHome(sid, command.c_str(), devices[inx].identifier); } } else cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\t" << "\033[0;31m" << "send nothing to actor, storred tsoll temperature is equal" << "\033[0m" << endl; } else cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\t" << "\033[0;32m" << "productname \"" << devices[inx].productname << "\" not found" << "\033[0m" << endl; } int CConnect::checkdevice(map >& w, map >& t) { int wday,hour,min,ret=-1; get_time(&wday,&hour,&min); // for building device index unsigned int dev_inx = 0; for(vector::iterator dev = devices.begin(); dev != devices.end(); ++dev, ++dev_inx) { // find cdw map key by device id map >::iterator dev_search = w.find((*dev).identifier); if(dev_search != w.end()) { // check config table syntax if(dev_search->second.size() != 7) { cout << "[ERROR] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): WP table syntax error, we must have 7 values per line\n"; return(ret); } // get map value for weekday string w_value = dev_search->second[wday]; cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): device[" << (*dev).identifier << "] weekday = " << wday << ", value = " << w_value << ", name = " << (*dev).name << endl; // find cdt map key by cdw value map >::iterator search = t.find(w_value); if(search != t.end()) { // check config table syntax if( search->second.size() % 3 != 0 ) { // 3 because HH MM are 2 values cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): DP table syntax error, we must have time and temperature pair (HH:MM,TTT)\n"; return(ret); } // read every time and temperature pair for cdt key for (unsigned int i=0; i second.size(); ++i) { // check time and temperature after reading 3 values (1=HH, 2=MM, 3=temperature) unsigned int delim = 3; if( (i+1) % delim == 0) { int now = hour *60 + min; int ev = my_atoi(search->second[i-2]) * 60 + my_atoi(search->second[i-1]); int next_ev = ev; int temperature = my_atoi(search->second[i]); // check for existing next time event if( i+1 != search->second.size() ) next_ev = my_atoi(search->second[i+1]) * 60 + my_atoi(search->second[i+2]); if((now >= ev && now <= next_ev) || (i+1 == search->second.size())) // last event was earlier than now { // time event cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\tTime event = " << ev/60.0 << " temperature = " << temperature << endl; send2actor(dev_inx, temperature); break; } } } } else cout << '[' << BASENAME << "]\t\tvalue not found in DP map" << endl; } else cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << ": device[" << (*dev).identifier << "] not found in table WP" << endl; } return(ret); } int CConnect::inTime(int index, vector >& week, vector >& day) { int wday,hour,min,ret=-1; get_time(&wday,&hour,&min); int pos = my_atoi(week[index][wday]); cout<<'['<1Fritz!Dect Rep 100200-241WZ Stehlampe0manuell004282190-271WZ Freiheitsstatue0auto002167190-170Bananen-Haus1RaspiServer1manuell0436053683210-351Wohnmobil0manuell0012620136-251Testgruppe0manuell017,21"; parseXML(s); //cout <<"identifier;present;name;state;mode;lock;power;energy;celsius;offset;" <::iterator it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it, ++x) { if(!ain.empty()) { if((*it).identifier==ain) { cout<<'['<1) printf("line[%d]: %s", i, line); if(i==7) { if(strlen(line)>10) { printf("ERROR\n"); break; } else if(atoi(trim(line))==0) { printf("res=%s =>disable flag\n",trim(line)); remove(flag); break; } else { printf("res=%s =>enable flag\n",trim(line)); if(!TouchFile(flag)) printf("ERROR writing flag %s\n",flag); break; } } } if(line) free(line); quitfritz(); return(0); } #endif int CConnect::get_callerlist(const char *sid, const char *file) { ostringstream url, command; if(debug) {cout << '[' << BASENAME << "] - " << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << endl;} url << FritzAdr << "/fon_num/foncalls_list.lua?csv="; command << "refresh=&sid=" << sid; string s = post2fritz(url.str().c_str(),80, command.str().c_str(), file); return(0); }