--[[ LocalTV Plugin Copyright (C) 2015, Jacek Jendrzej 'satbaby', Janus, flk Slovak translate: EnoSat Czech translate: marecek29 License: GPL This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]] local conf = {} local g = {} local ListeTab = {} local n = neutrino() local u="ubouquets" local b="bouquets" local localtv_version="LocalTV 0.22" function __LINE__() return debug.getinfo(2, 'l').currentline end locale = {} locale["deutsch"] = { create_error = "Liste konnte nicht erstellt werden.", patient = "Bitte warten ...", Error = "Fehler", fover = "Favoriten durch erstellte Bouquets ersetzen", fno = "Favoriten nicht ändern", fadd = "Erstellte Bouquets zu deiner Favoritenliste hinzufügen ", on = "ein", off = "aus", favoption = "Erstellte Bouquets zu den Favoriten hinzufügen, überschreiben oder unverändert lassen", dirnotwrit = "Verzeichnis nicht beschreibbar", saved = " wurde gespeichert", notdef = "Nicht definiert", askoverwrit = "Die existierende Datei überschreiben ?", isavailable = " ist vorhanden", list = "Liste ", info = "Information", savelist = "Speichere Liste", savelisthint = "Speichert die Liste unter ", keyboardhint = "Unter welchem Namen soll die Liste gespeichert werden", listsaveto = "In welchem Verzeichnis soll die Liste gespeichert werden ?", directory = "Verzeichnis", directory_hint = "Verzeichnis wählen, in dem das Favoriten bin-Paket erstellt werden soll", createlist = "Erstelle Liste", createlisthint = "Die Liste erstellen", onoffhint = "Erstelle Auswahlliste mit 'ein' oder 'aus'", provhint = "Liste aus Favoriten- oder Anbieterbouquets", select = "Auswahl vorbelegen mit", saveonoff = " speichern ? Ein/Aus", deflinkpath = "Symlinks im Var-Bereich", deflinkpathhint="Sollen alle Logo links zu /var/tuxbox/icons/logo führen ?" } locale["english"] = { create_error = "List could not be created.", patient = "Please be patient.", Error = "Error", fover = "Replace favorites by created bouquets", fno = "Favorites do not change", fadd = "Created bouquets Add to My Favorites List ", on = "on", off = "off", favoption = "Created Bouquets bookmark, overwrite or leave unchanged", dirnotwrit = "Directory not writable", saved = " has been saved", notdef = "Not defined", askoverwrit = "Overwrite existing file ?", isavailable = " is available", list = "List ", info = "Information", savelist = "Save list", savelisthint = "Saves the list under ", keyboardhint = "Under what name the list is to be saved", listsaveto = "In which directory list to be saved ?", directory = "Directory", createlist = "Create List", directory_hint = "Choose directory where the Favorites bin-package should be created", createlisthint = "Create List", onoffhint = "Creating selection list with 'on' or 'off'", provhint = "List of Favorites or Provider Bouquets", select = "Selection Preassign with", saveonoff = " save ? on/off", deflinkpath = "Symlinks in the VAR-area", deflinkpathhint="If all logo links lead to /var/tuxbox/icons/logo logo ?" } locale["slovak"] = { create_error = "Zoznam nemohol byť vytvorený.", patient = "Prosím čakajte...", Error = "Chyba", on = "áno", off = "nie", dirnotwrit = "Do adresára nemožno zapisovať", saved = " bolo uložené", notdef = "Nedefinované", askoverwrit = "Prepísať existujúcí súbor ?", isavailable = " je dostupné", list = "Zoznam ", info = "Informácie", savelist = "Uložit zoznam", savelisthint = "Uloženie zoznamu pod ", name = "Názov", keyboardhint = "Pod akým názvom uložiť zoznam", ip = "IP názov boxu", boxhint = "IP adresa boxu alebo Url", ub="Zoznam z:", provhint = "Zoznam obľúbených alebo Buket poskytovateľov", directory = "adresár", listsaveto = "V ktorom adresári uložiť zoznam ?", select = "Výber s priradením", onoffhint = "Vytvorenie vybraného zoznamu s 'áno' alebo 'nie'", fno = "Nemeniť obľúbené", fadd = "Vytvorené bukety pridať do zoznamu obľúbených ", fover = "Nahradenie obľúbených vytvorenými buketami", favoption = "Vytvorenie záložky obľúbených, prepísanie alebo ponechanie bez zmeny", directory_hint = "Vyberte adresár v ktorom balíky Obľúbených budú vytvorené", deflinkpath = "Symlinky vo VAR-oblasti", deflinkpathhint="Ak všetky odkazy na logá smerujú do /var/tuxbox/icons/logo ?", createlist = "Vytvoriť zoznam", createlisthint = "Vytvorenie zoznamu", saveonoff = " uložiť ? áno/nie" } locale["czech"] = { create_error = "Seznam nemohl byt nahrán.", patient = "Prosím čekejte ...", Error = "Chyba", fover = "Nahradit oblíbené vytvořeným buketem ", fno = "Oblíbené neměnit", fadd = "Vytvořit buket a přidat do oblíbených ", on = "ano", off = "ne", favoption = "Vytvořit Buket,přepsat nebo opustit beze změn", dirnotwrit = "Adresář není zapisovatelný", saved = " uloženo", notdef = "Nedefinováno", askoverwrit = "Prepsat existující soubor ?", isavailable = " je přístupný", list = "seznam ", info = "Informace", savelist = "Uložit seznam", savelisthint = "Ukládání seznamu pod ", keyboardhint = "Pod jakým jménem uložit", listsaveto = "V jakém adresáři uložit ?", directory = "Adresář", directory_hint = "Vyberte adresář ve kterém Oblíbené budou vytvořeny", createlist = "Vytvořit seznam", createlisthint = "Vytvořit seznam", onoffhint = "Vtvoření seznamu s ano nebo ne'", provhint = "Seznam Oblíbených nebo Bukety Poskytovatelů", select = "Výběr s přiřazenímt", saveonoff = " uloži ? Ano/Ne", deflinkpath = "Symlinks ve Var-oblasti", deflinkpathhint="Jestliže linky vedou do /var/tuxbox/icons/logo logo ?" } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gethttpdata(host,link) local p = require "posix" local b = bit32 or require "bit" p.signal(p.SIGPIPE, function() print("pipe") end) local httpreq = "GET /" .. link .. " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " ..host .. "\r\n\r\n" local res, err = p.getaddrinfo(host, "http", { family = p.AF_INET, socktype = p.SOCK_STREAM }) if not res then info(locale[conf.lang].Error .. ":", err) return end local fd = p.socket(p.AF_INET, p.SOCK_STREAM, 0) local ok, err, e = p.connect(fd, res[1]) if err then info(locale[conf.lang].Error .. ":", err) return end p.send(fd, httpreq) local data = {} while true do local b = p.recv(fd, 1024) if not b or #b == 0 then break end table.insert(data, b) end p.close(fd) data = table.concat(data) return data end function getDomainandLink(url) local f = string.find(url, '//') local patern = '([^/]+)/(.*)' if f then patern = "^%w+://"..patern end local host,link = url:match(patern) return host,link end function getdatafromurl(url) local data = nil local nBeginn, nEnde local host,link = getDomainandLink(url) data = gethttpdata(host,link) if data == nil then print("DEBUG ".. __LINE__()) else nBeginn, nEnde, data = string.find(data, "^.-\r\n\r\n(.*)") -- skip header end if data == nil then print("DEBUG ".. __LINE__()) end return data end function to_chid(satpos, frq, t, on, i) local transport_stream_id=tonumber (t, 16); local original_network_id=tonumber (on, 16); local service_id=tonumber(i, 16); return (string.format('%04x', satpos+frq*4) .. string.format('%04x', transport_stream_id) .. string.format('%04x', original_network_id) .. string.format('%04x', service_id)) end function add_channels(t,b_name,logolist) local BListeTab = {} local ok = false if t and b_name then for k, v in ipairs(t) do if v.tag == "S" then -- print(v.tag) if v.attr.u then -- print(v.attr.u) elseif v.attr.i then -- print(v.attr.i , v.attr.t , v.attr.on , v.attr.s , v.attr.frq, v.attr.n ) local chid = to_chid(v.attr.s, v.attr.frq, v.attr.t, v.attr.on, v.attr.i) if v.attr.n == nil then if logolist ~= nil then v.attr.n = logolist:match(chid .. ";(.-);") end if v.attr.n == nil then v.attr.n = locale[conf.lang].notdef .. " " .. k end end local url='http://' .. conf.ip .. ':31339/id='.. chid local _epgid = chid:sub(#chid-11,#chid) _epgid = _epgid:gsub("^0+(.-)", "%1") table.insert(BListeTab, { tv=url, n=v.attr.n, l=v.attr.l, un=v.attr.un, epgid= _epgid }) ok=true end end end end if ok then return BListeTab else return nil end end function make_list(value) local boxurl ="http://" .. conf.ip .. "/control/get" .. conf.bouquet .."xml" local h = hintbox.new{caption=locale[conf.lang].info, text=locale[conf.lang].patient} h:paint() local data = getdatafromurl(boxurl) if data == nil then return end -- error local logolist = getdatafromurl("http://" .. conf.ip .. "/control/logolist") local lom = require("lxp.lom") local tab = lom.parse(data) if tab == nil then h:hide() info(locale[conf.lang].Error, locale[conf.lang].create_error) return end ListeTab = {} for i, v in ipairs(tab) do if v.tag == "Bouquet" then local blt = add_channels(v,v.attr.name,logolist) if blt then table.insert(ListeTab, { name=v.attr.name, epg=v.attr.epg, hidden=v.attr.hidden, locked=v.attr.locked ,bqID=v.attr.bqID , bt=blt, enabled=conf.enabled}) end end end h:hide() if ListeTab then gen_menu(ListeTab) end end function file_exists(file) local f = io.open(file, "rb") if f then f:close() end return f ~= nil end function is_dir(path) local f = io.open(path, "r") local ok, err, code = false, false, false if f then ok, err, code = f:read(1) f:close() end return code == 21 end function make_fav_back() os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav") os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst") os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/inst") os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/inst/var") os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/inst/var/tuxbox") os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/inst/var/tuxbox/config") os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/inst/var/tuxbox/config/zapit") os.execute("mkdir /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/ctrl") local postins = "/tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/ctrl/postinstall.sh" local fileout = io.open(postins, 'w') fileout:write("pzapit -c \n") fileout:write('wget -q -O /dev/null "http://localhost/control/message?popup=Favoriten-Bouquet%20wurde%20installiert."') fileout:close() os.execute("chmod 755 " .. postins) os.execute("cp " .. conf.ubouquets_xml .. " /tmp/tmpfav/temp_inst/inst/var/tuxbox/config/zapit/" ) os.execute("cd /tmp/tmpfav && tar -czvf " .. conf.backuppath .."/last_ubouquets_xml.bin temp_inst" ) os.execute("rm -rf /tmp/tmpfav/") end function toUcode(str) local ustr=str:gsub("&","&") ustr=ustr:gsub("'","'") return ustr end function changeFav() if is_dir(conf.backuppath) then make_fav_back() end local force = true local fileout = nil if conf.fav == "add" then local lines = read_ubouquets_xml(conf.ubouquets_xml) if lines then fileout = io.open(conf.ubouquets_xml, 'w+') if fileout then for k,v in pairs(lines) do local f = string.find(v, "</zapit>") if not f then fileout:write(v .. "\n") force = false end end end end end if force then fileout = io.open(conf.ubouquets_xml, 'w+') if fileout == nil then return end fileout:write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<zapit>\n') end for _, v in ipairs(ListeTab) do if v.enabled then if v.bt then local locked = "" local hidden = "" local epg = "" local bqID = "" if v.bqID then bqID=' bqID="' .. v.bqID .. '"' end if v.locked then locked=' locked="' .. v.locked .. '"' end if v.hidden then hidden=' hidden="' .. v.hidden .. '"' end if v.epg then epg=' epg="' .. "0" .. '"' -- v.epg disable epg scan end local bname =toUcode(v.name) fileout:write('\t<Bouquet name="' .. bname .. " (".. conf.name .. ')"' .. bqID .. hidden .. locked .. epg ..' >\n') for __, b in ipairs(v.bt) do local un = "" local l = "" if b.l then l=' l="' .. b.l .. '"' end if b.un then un=' un="' .. b.un .. '"' un=toUcode(un) end local name =toUcode(b.n) fileout:write('\t\t<S u="' .. b.tv..'" n="' ..name.. '"' .. un .. l ..' />\n') end fileout:write('\t</Bouquet>\n') end end end fileout:write('</zapit>\n') fileout:close() end function read_ubouquets_xml(file) if not file_exists(file) then return {} end lines = {} for line in io.lines(file) do lines[#lines + 1] = line end return lines end function saveliste() if ListeTab then local filename = conf.path .. "/" .. conf.name .. ".xml" if is_dir(conf.path) then if file_exists(filename) then local res = messagebox.exec{title=conf.name .. locale[conf.lang].isavailable, text=locale[conf.lang].askoverwrit, buttons={ "yes", "no" } } if (res == "no") then return end end local localtv = io.open(filename,'w+') if localtv then localtv:write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<webtvs>\n') else return end local deflogopth = "/var/tuxbox/icons/logo" for _, v in ipairs(ListeTab) do if v.enabled then if v.bt then for __, b in ipairs(v.bt) do localtv:write('\t<webtv title="' .. toUcode(b.n) .. '" url="' .. b.tv .. '" epgid="' .. b.epgid.. '" description="' .. toUcode(v.name) .. '" genre="' .. toUcode(conf.name) ..'" />\n') if conf.logo_dir ~= "#" then local logo={} logo[1] = deflogopth .."/" logo[2] = "/share/tuxbox/neutrino/icons/logo" logo[3] = conf.logo_dir for j,l in pairs(logo) do if l and is_dir(l) then local logopath = l .."/" ..b.epgid local jpg = false local png = file_exists(logopath..".png") local picformat = ".png" if png == false then jpg = file_exists(logopath..".jpg") picformat = ".jpg" end if png or jpg then local webtvid = n:createChannelIDfromUrl(b.tv) webtvid = webtvid:sub(#webtvid-11,#webtvid) local defvar ="" if conf.varonoff == true and is_dir(deflogopth) then defvar = deflogopth .. "/" end local logo_symlink = defvar .. webtvid .. picformat if conf.varonoff == true then os.execute("ln -fs " .. l .."/".. b.epgid.. picformat .. " " .. logo_symlink) else os.execute("cd " .. l .. "/ && ln -fs " .. b.epgid.. picformat .. " " .. logo_symlink) end end end end end end end end end localtv:write("</webtvs>\n") localtv:close() if conf.fav ~= "no" then changeFav() end os.execute( 'pzapit -c') info(locale[conf.lang].info, locale[conf.lang].list.. conf.name .. ".xml" .. locale[conf.lang].saved) end else info(locale[conf.lang].Error, locale[conf.lang].dirnotwrit) return end end function get_confFile() local confFile = "/var/tuxbox/config/localtv.conf" return confFile end function saveConfig() if conf.changed then local config = configfile.new() config:setString("path", conf.path) config:setString("backuppath", conf.backuppath) config:setString("name",conf.name) config:setString("bouquet",conf.bouquet) config:setString("ip",conf.ip) config:setBool ("enabled",conf.enabled) config:setBool ("varonoff",conf.varonoff) config:setString("fav",conf.fav) config:saveConfig(get_confFile()) conf.changed = false end end function loadConfig() local config = configfile.new() config:loadConfig(get_confFile()) conf.path = config:getString("path", "/var/tuxbox/config") conf.backuppath = config:getString("backuppath", "/media/sda1") conf.name = config:getString("name", "BoxName") conf.ip = config:getString("ip", "") conf.bouquet = config:getString("bouquet", "ubouquets") conf.enabled = config:getBool("enabled", true) conf.varonoff = config:getBool("varonoff", false) conf.fav = config:getString("fav", "no") conf.changed = false local Nconfig = configfile.new() Nconfig:loadConfig("/var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.conf") if APIVERSION.MAJOR > 1 or ( APIVERSION.MAJOR == 1 and APIVERSION.MINOR > 5 ) then conf.logo_dir = Nconfig:getString("logo_hdd_dir", "#") else conf.logo_dir = "#" end conf.lang = Nconfig:getString("language", "english") if locale[conf.lang] == nil then conf.lang = "english" end conf.ubouquets_xml = "/var/tuxbox/config/zapit/ubouquets.xml" end function setvar(k, v) conf[k]=v conf.changed = true end function bool2onoff(a) if a then return locale[conf.lang].on end return locale[conf.lang].off end function favoption(a) if a == "on" then return locale[conf.lang].fon end if a == "overwrite" then return locale[conf.lang].fover end if a == "add" then return locale[conf.lang].fadd end end function setub(a,b) conf.bouquet = b conf.changed = true return b end function setabc(a,b) local aktiv = true if b == locale[conf.lang].fno then conf.fav = "no" aktiv = false elseif b == locale[conf.lang].fover then conf.fav = "overwrite" elseif b == locale[conf.lang].fadd then conf.fav = "add" end conf.changed = true g.main:setActive{item=g.item1, activ=aktiv} return b end function set_path(value) conf.path=value conf.changed = true end function set_backup_path(value) conf.backuppath=value conf.changed = true end function info(captxt,infotxt) if captxt == localtv_version and infotxt==nil then infotxt=captxt captxt=locale[conf.lang].info end local h = hintbox.new{caption=captxt, text=infotxt} h:paint() repeat msg, data = n:GetInput(500) until msg == RC.ok or msg == RC.home h:hide() end function set_bool_in_liste(k, v) local i = tonumber(k) if v == locale[conf.lang].on then ListeTab[i].enabled=true else ListeTab[i].enabled=false end end function set_option(k, v) if v == locale[conf.lang].on then conf[k]=true else conf[k]=false end conf.changed = true end function gen_menu(table) if table == nil then return end g.main:hide() local m = menu.new{name=locale[conf.lang].list .. conf.name .. ": ".. conf.ip, icon="icon_blue"} m:addItem{type="separator"} m:addItem{type="back"} m:addItem{type="separatorline"} m:addItem{type="forwarder", name=locale[conf.lang].savelist, action="saveliste",enabled=true,id="" ,directkey=RC["red"],hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].savelisthint .. conf.path .. "/" .. conf.name .. ".xml" } m:addItem{type="separatorline"} for i, v in ipairs(table) do local name=v.name:gsub("&","%&") name=name:gsub("'","'") m:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_bool_in_liste", options={ locale[conf.lang].on, locale[conf.lang].off }, id=i, value=bool2onoff(v.enabled), name=name,hint_icon="hint_service",hint="Bouquet ".. name .. locale[conf.lang].saveonoff} end m:exec() m:hide() return MENU_RETURN.EXIT end function main_menu() g.main = menu.new{name="LocalTV", icon="icon_red"} m=g.main m:addKey{directkey=RC["info"], id=localtv_version, action="info"} m:addItem{type="back"} m:addItem{type="separatorline"} m:addItem{type="keyboardinput", action="setvar", id="name", name=locale[conf.lang].name, value=conf.name,directkey=RC["1"],hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].keyboardhint} m:addItem{type="keyboardinput", action="setvar", id="ip", value=conf.ip, name=locale[conf.lang].ip,directkey=RC["2"],hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].boxhint} m:addItem{type="chooser", action="setub", options={ u, b }, id="ub", value=conf.bouquet, name=locale[conf.lang].ub,directkey=RC["3"],hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].provhint} m:addItem{ type="filebrowser", dir_mode="1", id="path", name="WebTV ".. locale[conf.lang].directory .. ": ", action="set_path", enabled=true,value=conf.path,directkey=RC["4"], hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].listsaveto } m:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options={ locale[conf.lang].on, locale[conf.lang].off }, id="enabled", value=bool2onoff(conf.enabled), directkey=RC["5"], name=locale[conf.lang].select,hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].onoffhint} m:addItem{type="chooser", action="setabc", options={ locale[conf.lang].fno, locale[conf.lang].fadd, locale[conf.lang].fover }, id="boxub", value=favoption(conf.fav), name="",directkey=RC["6"],hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].favoption} g.item1 = m:addItem{type="filebrowser",dir_mode="1",name="Fav " .. locale[conf.lang].directory .. ":",action="set_backup_path",enabled=file_exists(conf.ubouquets_xml), value=conf.backuppath,directkey=RC["7"] ,hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].directory_hint} m:addItem{type="chooser", action="set_option", options={ locale[conf.lang].on, locale[conf.lang].off }, id="varonoff", value=bool2onoff(conf.varonoff), directkey=RC["8"], enabled=is_dir("/var/tuxbox/icons/logo"), name=locale[conf.lang].deflinkpath,hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].deflinkpathhint} m:addItem{type="separatorline"} m:addItem{type="forwarder", name=locale[conf.lang].createlist, action="make_list",enabled=true,id="",directkey=RC["red"],hint_icon="hint_service",hint=locale[conf.lang].createlisthint } m:setActive{item=g.item1, activ=conf.fav ~= "no"} m:exec() m:hide() end function main() loadConfig() main_menu() saveConfig() end main()