function startup() startup_options={, locale.server, locale.client, locale.ext } end function split(s) -- split s at first space if not s then return nil end local space = s:find("%s") or (#s + 1) return s:sub(1, space-1), s:sub(space+1) end function get_filename(s) -- split s at last / if not s then return nil end local slash = s:find("/[^/]*$") return s:sub(slash+1) end function get_pathname(s) -- split s at last / if not s then return nil end local slash = s:find("/[^/]*$") return s:sub(1, slash-1) end function load(config, T) if not helpers.fileExist(config) then save(config, T) end local f =, "r") if f then for line in f:lines() do local key, val = split(line:match("^([^=#]+)([^\n]*)")) if key then if val == nil then val = "" end T[helpers.trim(key)] = helpers.trim(val) end end f:close() end end function save(config, T) restart_on_exit = true local f =, "w") if f then f:write("# Created by OpenVPN-Setup - Don't change this file manually.\n") for k, v in pairs(T) do if (k == "comp-lzo" and v == "n/a") then goto continue end f:write(k .. " " .. v .. "\n") ::continue:: end f:close() end end function key_home(a) return MENU_RETURN.EXIT end function key_setup(a) return MENU_RETURN.EXIT_ALL end function get_upscript() local f = nil local cmd = "#!/bin/sh\n" route = "" -- "ip route add via" if not helpers.fileExist(scriptup) then f =, "w") f:write(string.lower(cmd)) f:close() os.execute("chmod +x " .. scriptup) return end local f =, "r") if f then for line in f:lines() do if string.find(line, "#") then goto continue elseif string.find(line, scriptup_cmd) then route = line f:close() break end ::continue:: end end end function set_upscript(id, value) local cmd = "#!/bin/sh\n" if value ~= "" and value ~= " " then cmd = cmd .. " " .. value .. "\n" end --print(cmd) local f =, "w") if f then f:write(string.lower(cmd)) f:close() end end function get_startup() local f =, "r") if f then local c = f:read() f:close() if c == nil then c = "" end for k, v in ipairs(startup_options) do if string.lower(v) == c then return v end end end return end function set_startup(id, value) activate_items(value) restart_on_exit = true if value == then os.remove(flagfile) return end local f =, "w") if f then f:write(string.lower(value)) f:close() end return end function activate_items(item) setup_server_active = false setup_client_active = false setup_server_client_active = false if item == locale.server then setup_server_active = true elseif item == locale.client then setup_client_active = true end if item ~= then setup_server_client_active = true end if m then m:setActive{item=m_ss, activ=setup_server_active} m:setActive{item=m_sc, activ=setup_client_active} m:setActive{item=m_sr, activ=setup_server_client_active} end end function set_string_server(k, v) S[k] = v end function set_string_client(k, v) C[k] = v end function action(cmd, caption) local caption = caption or locale.caption local h ={caption=caption, text=locale.wait} h:paint() print("action: " .. cmd) os.execute(cmd) local i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 msg, data = n:GetInput(500) until msg == RC.ok or msg == RC.home or i == 2 h:hide() end function secret_file_create(cmd, firstrun) --print(firstrun) if (((not helpers.fileExist(secret_file)) and (firstrun == true)) or ((firstrun == nil) and helpers.fileExist(secret_file))) then local ret = messagebox.exec{ title=locale.secret, text=locale.secret_new_ask , buttons={ "yes", "no" } }; if ret == "yes" then action(cmd, locale.secret) end end end function secret_file_push(k, v) if not v then v = k end secret_dest = v action("cp -f " .. secret_file .. " " .. secret_dest, locale.secret_push) if (not helpers.fileExist(secret_dest .. secret_file)) then --TODO hintbox Fehler else --TODO hintbox Erfolg end end function secret_file_pull(k, v) if not v then v = k end action("cp -f " .. v .. " ".. secret_file, locale.secret_pull) if (not helpers.fileExist(secret_file)) then --TODO hintbox Fehler else --TODO hintbox Erfolg end end function logging() m:hide() local fact = 0.8 --80% local scr_x = SCREEN['X_RES'] local scr_y = SCREEN['Y_RES'] local dx = scr_x*fact local x = (scr_x-dx)/2 local dy = scr_y*fact local y = (scr_y-dy)/2 local offset = n:scale2Res(10) local scroll = true w ={x=x, y=y, dx=dx, dy=dy, title=locale.logging, icon="hint_network", has_shadow=true, show_footer=false } local tmp_h = w:headerHeight() local log=readlog() ct ={parent=w, x=offset, y=offset, dx=dx-offset, dy=dy-tmp_h-offset, text=log, mode = "ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_SCROLL"} ct:scroll{dir="down", pages=-1} w:paint{do_save_bg=true}; local i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 msg, data = n:GetInput(500) if i==20 then log=readlog() ct:setText{text=log} if scroll == true then ct:scroll{dir="down", pages=-1} end ct:paint() i = 0 end if (msg == RC['up'] or msg == RC['page_up']) then scroll = false ct:scroll{dir="up"} elseif (msg == RC['down'] or msg == RC['page_down']) then ct:scroll{dir="down"} scroll = true end until msg == RC.ok or msg == RC.home w:hide{no_restore=true} end function readlog() local ret="no log available" local logfile local mode=string.lower(get_startup()) if (mode == "server" or mode == "client" or mode == "extern") then logfile="/tmp/openvpn_" .. mode.. ".log" local f =, "r") if f then ret = f:read("*a") f:close() end end return ret end function search_conf(directory) if not directory then return nil end local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen for filename in popen('ls -a "''"'):lines() do i = i + 1 if filename:find(".conf") or filename:find(".ovpn") then return filename end end end function write_path(s) if not helpers.fileExist(s) then print("file not found") end local cd = "cd%s" local dir = get_pathname(s) print(dir) local f =, "r+") if f then for line in f:lines() do print(line) if line:find(cd) then print("FOUND") return end end f:write("\n", "cd " .. dir, "\n") f:close() end end function get_extern(k, v) if not v then v = k end if not v then return end local E = {"*.crt", "*.key", "*.conf", "*.ovpn"} local dir = get_filename(v) local destdir = conf_base .. "/" .. dir os.execute("mkdir -p " .. destdir) for i, ext in pairs(E) do os.execute("cp -pf " .. v .. "/" .. ext .. " " .. destdir) end local cfg = search_conf(destdir) if not cfg then os.execute("rm -rf " .. destdir) print("config not found") return end local destpath = destdir .. "/" .. cfg os.execute("ln -s " .. destpath .. " " .. conf_base .. "/extern.conf") write_path(destpath) end