# --- PEARL Display (PX-1184, 320x240) -------------------------------------- # Display Pearl_standard { driver 'DPF' port 'usb0' font '16x34' size '320x240' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' backlight file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) } Display Pearl_radio { driver 'DPF' port 'usb0' font '16x34' size '320x240' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' backlight file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) } Display Pearl_large { driver 'DPF' port 'usb0' font '20x48' size '320x240' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' backlight file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) } Display Pearl_small { driver 'DPF' port 'usb0' font '10x16' size '320x240' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' backlight file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) } Display Pearl_d-box2 { driver 'DPF' port 'usb0' font '16x34' size '320x240' basecolor DBOX2COL foreground DBOX2COL background '00000000' backlight file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) } Display Pearl_xcam { driver 'DPF' port 'usb0' font '6x9' size '320x240' basecolor '000000' foreground 'e0e0e0' backlight file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) } Display Pearl_standby { driver 'DPF' port 'usb0' font '16x30' size '320x240' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' backlight file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness_standby', 1) } # --- general widgets (partly postfixed with _layout) ----------------------- # Widget Pearl_LOGO { class 'Image' file file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? ICONS . 'menu.png' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/logo', 1) update 3300 visible file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 1 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) reload 1 center 55 scale 100 width 320 height 55 } Widget Pearl_SERVICE { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1)) align 'PC' width 20 update 3300 } Widget Pearl_SERVICE_large { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1)) align 'PC' width 16 update 3300 } Widget Pearl_SERVICE_small { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1)) align 'PC' width 32 update 3300 } Widget Pearl_SERVICE_d-box2 { class 'Text' #expression file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1) expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1)) align 'PC' width 20 update 3300 } Widget Pearl_EVENT { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1) align 'PC' width 20 update 250 speed 325 foreground 'fd6d13' } Widget Pearl_EVENT_large { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1) align 'PC' width 16 update 250 speed 325 foreground 'fd6d13' } Widget Pearl_EVENT_small { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1) align 'PC' width 32 update 250 speed 325 foreground 'fd6d13' } Widget Pearl_EVENT_d-box2 { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1) align 'PC' width 20 update 250 speed 325 } Widget Pearl_PROGRESS { class 'Bar' expression 0 expression2 file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1) min 0 max 100 length 18 update 2600 foreground 'fd6d13aa' barcolor0 '00000000' } Widget Pearl_PROGRESS_large { class 'Bar' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1) min 0 max 100 length 14 update 2600 foreground '000000aa' } Widget Pearl_PROGRESS_small { class 'Bar' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1) min 0 max 100 length 30 update 2600 foreground 'fd6d13aa' } Widget Pearl_PROGRESS_d-box2 { class 'Bar' expression 0 expression2 file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1) min 0 max 100 length 10 update 2600 barcolor0 '00000000' } Widget Pearl_DURATION { class 'Text' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 1) align 'R' width 13 update 500 foreground 'fd6d13' } Widget Pearl_VOLUME_d-box2 { class 'Bar' expression file::readline('/tmp/lcd/volume', 1) expression2 0 min 0 max 100 length 10 update 1000 barcolor1 '00000000' } Widget Pearl_TIME { class 'Text' expression strftime('%H:%M', time()) align 'L' width 5 update 5000 foreground '9E9E9E' } Widget Pearl_TIME_d-box2 { class 'Text' expression strftime('%H:%M', time()) align 'L' width 5 update 5000 } # --- system-info ----------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Pearl_CPU { class 'Text' prefix 'CPU: ' expression proc_stat::cpu('busy', 500) postfix '%' precision 1 align 'R' width 11 update 1000 foreground '9E9E9E' } Widget Pearl_CPU_BAR { class 'Bar' expression proc_stat::cpu('busy', 500) min 0 max 100 length 17 style 'H' update 500 foreground '9E9E9E' } Widget Pearl_RAM { class 'Text' prefix 'RAM: ' expression 100 - ((meminfo('MemFree') * 100) / meminfo('MemTotal')) postfix '%' precision 1 align 'R' width 11 update 1000 foreground '9E9E9E' } Widget Pearl_MTD { class 'Text' prefix 'MTD: ' expression 100 - (statfs('/', 'bfree') * 100) / statfs('/', 'blocks') postfix '%' precision 1 align 'R' width 11 update 1000 foreground '9E9E9E' } # --- general mode-icons ---------------------------------------------------- # Widget Pearl_ICON_ECM { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/ecm_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_ecm', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_ICON_S_CAMDD { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/camd_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_camd', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' } Widget Pearl_ICON_S_CI { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/ci_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_cam', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' } Widget Pearl_ICON_S_CAMD { class 'Image' file file::exist(DOSCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_doscam.png' : ( file::exist(OSCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_oscam.png' : ( file::exist(OSMOD) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_osmod.png' : ( file::exist(GBOX) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_gbox.png' : ( file::exist(CCCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_cccam.png' : ( file::exist(MGCAMD) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_mgcamd.png' : ( file::exist(NCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_ncam.png' : ICONS . 'mode/camd_off.png' ) ) ) ) ) ) update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' } Widget Pearl_ICON_TIMER { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/timer_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_timer', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_ICON_REC { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/rec_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_rec', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_ICON_TS { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/ts_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_tshift', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } # --- d-box2 mode-icons ----------------------------------------------------- # Widget Pearl_ICON_ECM_d-box2 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/ecm_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_ecm', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_ICON_TIMER_d-box2 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/timer_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_timer', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_ICON_REC_d-box2 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/rec_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_rec', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_ICON_TS_d-box2 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/ts_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_tshift', 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } # --- the background -------------------------------------------------------- # Widget Pearl_BACKGROUND { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 } Widget Pearl_XCAM { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } # --- the clocks for standby-mode ------------------------------------------- # # --- the digital clock ----------------------------------------------------- # Widget Pearl_HOUR1_ { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 0, 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_HOUR_1 { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_DP { class 'Image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/dp.png' update 0 } Widget Pearl_MIN1_ { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 0, 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_MIN_1 { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } # --- the analog clock ------------------------------------------------------ # Widget Pearl_DIAL_A { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/dial.png' update 0 } Widget Pearl_HOUR_A { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/h' . ( ( (strftime('%I', time()) == 12 ? 0 : strftime('%I', time())) *5) + substr((strftime('%M', time()) / 12), 0, 1) ). '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget Pearl_MIN_A { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/m' . strftime('%M', time()) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 } # --- the weather ----------------------------------------------------------- # Widget ICON_WEATHER { class 'Image' file file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'mode/weather_off.png' : ICONS . 'mode/weather_on.png' update 10000 reload 1 } Widget ICON_WEATHER1 { class 'Image' file file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'mode/weather_off.png' : ICONS . 'mode/weather_on.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 300 } Widget ICON_WEATHER2 { class 'Image' file file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'mode/weather_off.png' : ICONS . 'mode/weather_on.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 200 } Widget S_WIND { class 'Image' file file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : (VAR0=file::readline(W . 'wind', 1); VAR1=substr(VAR0, strstr(VAR0, '|') + 1); VAR2=substr(VAR1, strstr(VAR1,'|') + 1); W_ICON . VAR2 . '.png') update 4000 reload 1 align 'L' } Widget S1_WIND { class 'Image' file file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : (VAR1=file::readline(W . 'wind', 1); VAR2=substr(VAR1, strstr(VAR1, '|') + 1); W_ICON . (VAR2 < 22.5 ? 'N' : (VAR2 < 67.5 ? 'NO' : (VAR2 < 112.5 ? 'O' : (VAR2 < 157.5 ? 'SO' : (VAR2 < 202.5 ? 'S' : (VAR2 < 247.5 ? 'SW' : (VAR2 < 292.5 ? 'W' : (VAR2 > 292 ? 'NW' : 'Variable')))))))) . '.png') update 4000 reload 1 align 'L' scale 20 } Widget SS_WIND { class 'Truetype' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca00' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau width 90 height 35 align 'L' expression file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : round(substr(file::readline(W . 'wind', 1), 0, strstr(file::readline(W . 'wind', 1), '|'))). ' m/s' update 10000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget SS_WIND1 { class 'Truetype' font '/usr/share/fonts/ubuntu-l-webfont.ttf' fcolor 'c4caca00' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau width 100 height 40 align 'L' expression file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : round(substr(file::readline(W . 'wind', 1), 0, strstr(file::readline(W . 'wind', 1), '|'))*3.6). ' km/h' update 10000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget WEATHER_CITY1 { class 'Truetype' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca00' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau width 300 height 50 align 'C' expression file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weather_city', 1) update 10000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget WEATHERICON_CURRENT { class 'image' file file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weather_icon', 1) update 10000 reload 1 scale 100 } Widget WEATHERICON_LATER { class 'image' file file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weather_icon', strftime('%H', time()) < 16 ? 2 : 3) update 10000 reload 1 scale 100 } Widget TEMPERATURE_CURRENT { class 'Text' expression file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weather_temp', 1) align 'L' width 3 update 10000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1 { class 'Truetype' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca00' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau width 64 height 35 align 'C' expression file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weather_temp', 1) . '°' update 10000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget TEMPERATURE_LATER { class 'Text' expression file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : (TEMP=file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weather_temp', strftime('%H', time()) < 16 ? 2 : 3); substr(TEMP, (strstr(TEMP, '|') + 1))) align 'R' width 3 update 10000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget TEMPERATURE_LATER1 { class 'Truetype' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca00' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau width 64 height 35 align 'C' expression file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : (TEMP=file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weather_temp', strftime('%H', time()) < 16 ? 2 : 3); substr(TEMP, (strstr(TEMP, '|') + 1))) . '°' update 10000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } # --- OS/N/DOScam ----------------------------------------------------------- # Widget XCAMLINE01 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 1) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 foreground 'f5f5f5' } Widget XCAMLINE02 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 2) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 foreground 'f5f5f5' } Widget XCAMLINE03 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 3) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 foreground 'f5f5f5' } Widget XCAMLINE04 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 4) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 foreground 'f5f5f5' } Widget XCAMLINE05 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 5) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 foreground 'f5f5f5' } Widget XCAMLINE06 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 6) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE07 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 7) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE08 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 8) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE09 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 9) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE10 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 10) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE11 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 11) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE12 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 12) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE13 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 13) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE14 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 14) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE15 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 15) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE16 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 16) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE17 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 17) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE18 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 18) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE19 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 19) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE20 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 20) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE21 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 21) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE22 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 22) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE23 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 23) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE24 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 24) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE25 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 25) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE26 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 26) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE27 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 27) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE28 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 28) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE29 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 29) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } Widget XCAMLINE30 { class 'Text' width 53 align 'L' expression file::exist(FXCAM) == 1 ? file::readline(file::readline(FXCAM, 1), 30) : 'Noob! :)' update 10000 } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Layout Pearl_standard { layer 0 { row02.col01 'Pearl_SERVICE' row04.col01 'Pearl_EVENT' row05.col02 'Pearl_PROGRESS' row07 { col07 'Pearl_DURATION' col02 'Pearl_TIME' } } layer 1 { x008.y073 'Pearl_ICON_ECM' x008.y105 'Pearl_ICON_S_CAMD' x008.y150 'Pearl_ICON_S_CI' x008.y217 'Pearl_ICON_TIMER' x008.y258 'Pearl_ICON_REC' x008.y289 'Pearl_ICON_TS' x021.y001 'Pearl_LOGO' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'Pearl_BACKGROUND' } } Layout Pearl_radio { layer 0 { row02.col01 'Pearl_SERVICE' row04.col01 'Pearl_EVENT' row05.col02 'Pearl_PROGRESS' row07 { col07 'Pearl_DURATION' col02 'Pearl_TIME' } } layer 1 { x008.y073 'Pearl_ICON_ECM' x008.y105 'Pearl_ICON_S_CAMD' x008.y150 'Pearl_ICON_S_CI' x008.y217 'Pearl_ICON_TIMER' x008.y258 'Pearl_ICON_REC' x008.y289 'Pearl_ICON_TS' x021.y001 'Pearl_LOGO' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'Pearl_BACKGROUND' } } Layout Pearl_large { layer 0 { row02.col01 'Pearl_SERVICE_large' row04.col01 'Pearl_EVENT_large' row05.col02 'Pearl_PROGRESS_large' } layer 1 { x008.y073 'Pearl_ICON_ECM' x008.y105 'Pearl_ICON_S_CAMD' x008.y150 'Pearl_ICON_S_CI' x008.y217 'Pearl_ICON_TIMER' x008.y258 'Pearl_ICON_REC' x008.y289 'Pearl_ICON_TS' x044.y001 'Pearl_LOGO' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'Pearl_BACKGROUND' } } Layout Pearl_small { layer 0 { row04.col01 'Pearl_SERVICE_small' row06.col01 'Pearl_EVENT_small' row08.col02 'Pearl_PROGRESS_small' row12 { col02 'Pearl_CPU' col15 'Pearl_CPU_BAR' } row13.col02 'Pearl_RAM' row14 { col02 'Pearl_MTD' col27 'Pearl_TIME' } } layer 1 { x008.y073 'Pearl_ICON_ECM' x008.y105 'Pearl_ICON_S_CAMD' x008.y150 'Pearl_ICON_S_CI' x008.y217 'Pearl_ICON_TIMER' x008.y258 'Pearl_ICON_REC' x008.y289 'Pearl_ICON_TS' x021.y001 'Pearl_LOGO' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'Pearl_BACKGROUND' } } Layout Pearl_d-box2 { layer 0 { row01.col04 'Pearl_PROGRESS_d-box2' row03.col01 'Pearl_SERVICE_d-box2' row05.col01 'Pearl_EVENT_d-box2' row07 { col04 'Pearl_VOLUME_d-box2' col15 'Pearl_TIME_d-box2' } } layer 1 { x045.y073 'Pearl_ICON_ECM_d-box2' x045.y217 'Pearl_ICON_TIMER_d-box2' x045.y258 'Pearl_ICON_REC_d-box2' x045.y289 'Pearl_ICON_TS_d-box2' x060.y001 'Pearl_LOGO' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'Pearl_BACKGROUND' } } Layout Pearl_xcam { layer 0 { row01.col01 'XCAMLINE02' row02.col01 'XCAMLINE03' row03.col01 'XCAMLINE06' row04.col01 'XCAMLINE07' row05.col01 'XCAMLINE08' row06.col01 'XCAMLINE09' row07.col01 'XCAMLINE10' row08.col01 'XCAMLINE11' row09.col01 'XCAMLINE12' row10.col01 'XCAMLINE13' row11.col01 'XCAMLINE14' row12.col01 'XCAMLINE15' row13.col01 'XCAMLINE16' row14.col01 'XCAMLINE17' row15.col01 'XCAMLINE18' row16.col01 'XCAMLINE19' row17.col01 'XCAMLINE20' row18.col01 'XCAMLINE21' row19.col01 'XCAMLINE22' row20.col01 'XCAMLINE23' row21.col01 'XCAMLINE24' row22.col01 'XCAMLINE25' row23.col01 'XCAMLINE26' row24.col01 'XCAMLINE27' row25.col01 'XCAMLINE28' } layer 1 { x001.y001 'Pearl_XCAM' } } Layout Pearl_standby { layer 0 { x020.y085 'Pearl_MIN_A' X034.Y025 'Pearl_HOUR1_' X034.Y085 'Pearl_HOUR_1' X034.Y145 'Pearl_DP' X034.Y175 'Pearl_MIN1_' X034.Y235 'Pearl_MIN_1' x225.y132 'ICON_WEATHER' X168.Y010 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X168.Y245 'WEATHERICON_LATER' row07.col07 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT' row07.col12 'TEMPERATURE_LATER' } layer 1 { x020.y085 'Pearl_HOUR_A' x008.y073 'Pearl_ICON_ECM' x008.y105 'Pearl_ICON_S_CAMD' x008.y150 'Pearl_ICON_S_CI' x008.y217 'Pearl_ICON_TIMER' x008.y258 'Pearl_ICON_REC' x008.y289 'Pearl_ICON_TS' } layer 2 { x020.y000 'Pearl_DIAL_A' x001.y001 'Pearl_BACKGROUND' } } # --- Samsung SPF-Auto --------------------------------------------- # Display Samsung800x600_standard { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '800x600' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung800x480_standard { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '800x480' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung1024x600_standard { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '1024x600' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung800x600_radio { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '800x600' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung800x480_radio { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '800x480' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung1024x600_radio { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '1024x600' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung800x600_xcam { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '15x24' size '800x600' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung800x480_xcam { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '15x19' size '800x480' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung1024x600_xcam { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '19x24' size '1024x600' basecolor 'dddddd' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung800x600_standby { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '800x600' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung800x480_standby { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '800x480' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } Display Samsung1024x600_standby { driver 'SamsungSPF' model 'SPF-Auto' port 'usb0' font '20x40' size '1024x600' basecolor '000000' foreground 'ffffff' background '00000000' orientation 1 } # 800x600 ----------------------------------------------------# Widget S800x600_STB { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } Widget S800x600_BG { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } Widget S800x600_BG1 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) . '.png' update 3000 reload 1 } Widget S800x600_STB1 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness_standby', 1) . '.png' update 5000 reload 1 } Widget S800x600_XCAM { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } # 800x480 ----------------------------------------------------# Widget S800x480_STB { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x480/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } Widget S800x480_BG { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x480/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } Widget S800x480_BG1 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x480/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) . '.png' update 3000 reload 1 } Widget S800x480_STB1 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x480/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness_standby', 1) . '.png' update 5000 reload 1 } Widget S800x480_XCAM { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/800x480/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } # 1024x600 ----------------------------------------------------# Widget S1024x600_STB { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/1024x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } Widget S1024x600_BG { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/1024x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } Widget S1024x600_BG1 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/1024x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) . '.png' update 3000 reload 1 } Widget S1024x600_STB1 { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/1024x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness_standby', 1) . '.png' update 5000 reload 1 } Widget S1024x600_XCAM { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'background/1024x600/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png' update 0 reload 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------# Widget S_TIMER { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/timer_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_timer', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 300 } Widget S_VFORMAT { class 'Image' file file::readline('/tmp/lcd/resolution', 1) eq '1920x1080' ? SYSICONS . 'res_hd.png' : ( file::readline('/tmp/lcd/resolution', 1) eq '1280x720' ? SYSICONS . 'res_hd.png' : ( file::readline('/tmp/lcd/resolution', 1) eq '1440x1080' ? SYSICONS . 'res_hd.png' : ( file::readline('/tmp/lcd/resolution', 1) eq '3840x2160' ? SYSICONS . 'res_uhd.png' : SYSICONS . 'res_sd.png' ) ) update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 150 } Widget S_ASPECTRATIO { class 'Image' file file::readline('/tmp/lcd/aspectratio', 1) eq '16:9' ? SYSICONS . '16_9.png' : SYSICONS . '16_9_gray.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 150 } Widget S_DOLBY { class 'Image' file file::readline('/tmp/lcd/dolbydigital', 1) eq 'yes' ? SYSICONS . 'dd.png' : SYSICONS . 'dd_gray.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 150 } Widget S_TXT { class 'Image' file file::readline('/tmp/lcd/videotext', 1) eq 'yes' ? SYSICONS . 'vtxt.png' : SYSICONS . 'vtxt_gray.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 150 } Widget S_TUNERTXT { class 'Truetype' expression 'Tuner:' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau #update 3000 reload 1 inverted 0 size 0 width 90 height 25 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TUNER { class 'Image' file SYSICONS . 'tuner_0' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/tuner', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 150 } Widget S_TUNER1 { class 'Image' file SYSICONS . 'tuner_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/tuner', 1) .'.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 200 } Widget S_TUNERTXT1 { class 'Truetype' expression 'SIG:' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau #update 3000 reload 1 inverted 0 size 0 width 60 height 25 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TUNER_SIG { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/tuner_sig', 1) . '%' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'ffffff00' #RAL 9010 Reinweiß update 3000 reload 1 width 80 height 30 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TUNERTXT2 { class 'Truetype' expression 'SNR:' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau #update 3000 reload 1 inverted 0 size 0 width 60 height 25 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TUNER_SNR { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/tuner_snr', 1) . '%' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'ffffff00' #RAL 9010 Reinweiß update 3000 reload 1 width 80 height 30 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_REC { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/rec_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_rec', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 inverted 0 align 'R' scale 300 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TS { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/ts_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_tshift', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 300 } Widget S_ECM { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/ecm_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_ecm', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 300 } Widget S_CAMDD { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/cam_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_camd', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 300 } Widget S_CI { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'mode/ci_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_cam', 1) . '.png' update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 300 } Widget S_CAMD { class 'Image' file file::exist(DOSCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_doscam.png' : ( file::exist(OSCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_oscam.png' : ( file::exist(OSMOD) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_osmod.png' : ( file::exist(GBOX) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_gbox.png' : ( file::exist(CCCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_cccam.png' : ( file::exist(MGCAMD) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_mgcamd.png' : ( file::exist(NCAM) == 1 ? ICONS . 'mode/camd_ncam.png' : ICONS . 'mode/camd_off.png' ) ) ) ) ) ) update 4000 reload 1 align 'R' scale 300 } Widget S_LOGO { class 'Image' file file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? ICONS . 'menu.png' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/logo', 1) update 3000 reload 1 center 108 width 800 height 108 #scale 270 } Widget S_LOGO1 { class 'Image' file file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? ICONS . 'menu.png' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/logo', 1) update 3000 reload 1 center 108 width 1024 height 108 #scale 270 } Widget S_TTF-CHANNEL { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau update 3000 reload 1 width 800 height 108 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TTF-CHANNEL1 { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau update 3000 reload 1 width 1024 height 108 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_START { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 | file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1) le '' ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/start', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'fd6d1300' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red size 0 width 200 height 50 align 'C' update 3000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_END { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 | file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 2) le '' ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/end', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau size 0 width 200 height 50 align 'C' update 3000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TTF-EPG-NOW { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1) le '' ? '' : substr(file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1), 0, 30) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'fd6d1300' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red update 3000 reload 1 inverted 0 size 0 width 595 height 50 align 'L' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TTF-EPG-NOW1 { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1) le '' ? '' : substr(file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1), 0, 35) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'fd6d1300' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red update 3000 reload 1 width 819 height 50 align 'L' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TTF-EPG-NEXT { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 2) le '' ? '' : substr(file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 2), 0, 30) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau update 3000 reload 1 inverted 0 size 0 width 595 height 50 align 'L' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_TTF-EPG-NEXT1 { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 2) le '' ? '' : substr(file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 2), 0, 35) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau update 3000 reload 1 width 819 height 50 align 'L' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'fd6d1300' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red update 3000 reload 1 inverted 0 size 0 width 160 height 50 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION1 { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'fd6d1300' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red update 3000 reload 1 width 160 height 50 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION_BJ { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 2) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'f7000000' #RAL 3024 Leuchtrot update 3000 reload 1 width 60 height 30 align 'R' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION_BE { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 3) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '00f70000' #RAL 6038 Leuchtgrün update 3000 reload 1 width 60 height 30 align 'L' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION_KPL { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 4) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'fd6d1300' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red update 3000 reload 1 width 60 height 30 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_LEFT { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : '>' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau update 5000 reload 1 width 20 height 30 align 'R' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_RIGHT { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : '<' font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau update 5000 reload 1 width 20 height 30 align 'L' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION_BJ1 { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 2) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'f7000000' #RAL 3024 Leuchtrot update 3000 reload 1 width 90 height 40 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION_BE1 { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 3) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '00f70000'#RAL 6038 Leuchtgrün update 3000 reload 1 width 90 height 40 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_DURATION_KPL1 { class 'Truetype' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 4) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'fd6d1300' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red update 3000 reload 1 width 90 height 40 align 'C' DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget S_EPGBAR { class 'Bar' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1) min 0 max 100 length 36 update 3000 direction 'E' foreground 'fd6d13aa' } Widget S_EPGBAR2 { class 'Bar' expression file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1) min 0 max 100 length 46 update 3000 direction 'E' foreground 'fd6d13aa' #RAL 050 60 80 Gerbera red } Widget HST { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau width 30 height 20 align 'L' update 4000 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget HST_STB { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/tmp/lcd/brightness_standby', 1) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau width 30 height 20 align 'L' update 0 reload 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget RES320x240 { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/usr/share/lcd/icons/spf.txt', 11) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau width 120 height 20 align 'R' update 0 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget RES800x480 { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/usr/share/lcd/icons/spf.txt', 8) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau width 90 height 20 align 'R' update 0 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget RES800x600 { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/usr/share/lcd/icons/spf.txt', 9) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau width 90 height 20 align 'R' update 0 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget RES1024x600 { class 'Truetype' expression file::readline('/usr/share/lcd/icons/spf.txt', 10) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor '484b5200' #RAL 7024 Graphitgrau width 100 height 20 align 'R' update 0 DEBUGBORDER D_B } # --- the digital clock ----------------------------------------------------- # Widget S_HOUR1_ { class 'image' file ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 0, 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 50 } Widget S_HOUR_1 { class 'image' file ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 50 } Widget S_DP { class 'Image' file ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/dp.png' update 0 scale 50 } Widget S_MIN1_ { class 'image' file ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 0, 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 50 } Widget S_MIN_1 { class 'image' file ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 50 } Widget S_STANDBY_HOUR1_ { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 0, 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 130 } Widget S_STANDBY_HOUR_1 { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 130 } Widget S_STANDBY_DP { class 'Image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/dp.png' update 0 scale 130 } Widget S_STANDBY_MIN1_ { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 0, 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 130 } Widget S_STANDBY_MIN_1 { class 'image' file file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital_white_129px/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 1) . '.png' update 10000 reload 1 scale 130 } # --- Tag Datum ----------------------------------------------------- # Widget TAGDATUM-TTF { class 'truetype' expression (strftime('%u', time()) == 1 ? 'Montag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 2 ? 'Dienstag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 3 ? 'Mittwoch' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 4 ? 'Donnerstag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 5 ? 'Freitag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 6 ? 'Samstag' : 'Sonntag')))))) . ', ' . strftime('%d.%m.%Y', time()) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca00' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau align 'C' width 800 height 75 update 30000 reload 1 visible 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } Widget TAGDATUM-TTF1 { class 'truetype' expression (strftime('%u', time()) == 1 ? 'Montag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 2 ? 'Dienstag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 3 ? 'Mittwoch' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 4 ? 'Donnerstag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 5 ? 'Freitag' : (strftime('%u', time()) == 6 ? 'Samstag' : 'Sonntag')))))) . ', ' . strftime('%d.%m.%Y', time()) font file::readline('/tmp/lcd/font', 2) fcolor 'c4caca00' #RAL 7025 Lichtgrau align 'C' width 1024 height 75 update 30000 reload 1 visible 1 DEBUGBORDER D_B } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Layout Samsung800x600_standard { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x600_BG1' } Layer 1 { X17.Y200 'S_TIMER' X17.Y325 'S_REC' X17.Y415 'S_TS' X17.Y475 'S_CI' X17.Y560 'S_CAMD' X17.Y710 'S_ECM' X70.Y001 'S_LOGO' X220.Y155 'S_TUNERTXT' X220.Y250 'S_TUNER' X220.Y300 'S_TUNERTXT1' X220.Y360 'S_TUNER_SIG' X220.Y450 'S_TUNERTXT2' X220.Y510 'S_TUNER_SNR' X222.Y600 'S_VFORMAT' X222.Y645 'S_ASPECTRATIO' X222.Y705 'S_DOLBY' X222.Y750 'S_TXT' X260.Y001 'S_START' X260.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NOW' X320.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NEXT' X320.Y001 'S_END' X480.Y310 'ICON_WEATHER1' X480.Y240 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X550.Y240 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X505.Y320 'S_WIND' X532.Y410 'SS_WIND1' X480.Y500 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X550.Y510 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X510.Y010 'S_HOUR1_' X510.Y060 'S_HOUR_1' X510.Y110 'S_DP' X510.Y125 'S_MIN1_' X510.Y175 'S_MIN_1' X530.Y580 'S_DURATION_BJ' X530.Y640 'S_LEFT' X530.Y660 'S_DURATION_KPL' X530.Y720 'S_RIGHT' X530.Y740 'S_DURATION_BE' X580.Y001 'HST' X580.Y710 'RES800x600' } Layer 2 { X070.Y001 'S_TTF-CHANNEL' Row11.Col03 'S_EPGBAR' } Layer 3 { X001.Y001 'S800x600_BG' } } Layout Samsung800x480_standard { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x480_BG1' } Layer 1 { X010.Y200 'S_TIMER' X012.Y325 'S_REC' X010.Y415 'S_TS' X010.Y475 'S_CI' X010.Y560 'S_CAMD' X010.Y710 'S_ECM' X040.Y001 'S_LOGO' X177.Y155 'S_TUNERTXT' X174.Y250 'S_TUNER' X177.Y300 'S_TUNERTXT1' X174.Y360 'S_TUNER_SIG' X177.Y450 'S_TUNERTXT2' X174.Y510 'S_TUNER_SNR' X174.Y600 'S_VFORMAT' X174.Y645 'S_ASPECTRATIO' X174.Y705 'S_DOLBY' X174.Y750 'S_TXT' X205.Y001 'S_START' X205.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NOW' X260.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NEXT' X260.Y001 'S_END' X380.Y340 'ICON_WEATHER2' X380.Y250 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X445.Y250 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X398.Y345 'S_WIND' X425.Y435 'SS_WIND1' X380.Y550 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X445.Y550 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X400.Y001 'S_HOUR1_' X400.Y055 'S_HOUR_1' X400.Y105 'S_DP' X400.Y120 'S_MIN1_' X400.Y170 'S_MIN_1' X410.Y640 'S_DURATION' X460.Y001 'HST' X460.Y710 'RES800x480' } Layer 2 { X060.Y001 'S_TTF-CHANNEL' Row09.Col03 'S_EPGBAR' } Layer 3 { X001.Y001 'S800x480_BG' } } Layout Samsung1024x600_standard { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S1024x600_BG1' } Layer 1 { X013.Y330 'S_TIMER' X013.Y475 'S_REC' X013.Y585 'S_TS' X013.Y665 'S_CI' X013.Y770 'S_CAMD' X013.Y930 'S_ECM' X060.Y001 'S_LOGO1' X225.Y330 'S_TUNERTXT' X225.Y430 'S_TUNER' X225.Y480 'S_TUNERTXT1' X225.Y545 'S_TUNER_SIG' X225.Y640 'S_TUNERTXT2' X225.Y705 'S_TUNER_SNR' X225.Y820 'S_VFORMAT' X225.Y865 'S_ASPECTRATIO' X225.Y925 'S_DOLBY' X225.Y970 'S_TXT' X260.Y001 'S_START' X260.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NOW1' X320.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NEXT1' X320.Y001 'S_END' X480.Y425 'ICON_WEATHER1' X480.Y320 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X550.Y320 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X505.Y425 'S_WIND' X532.Y515 'SS_WIND1' X480.Y640 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X550.Y640 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X510.Y025 'S_HOUR1_' X510.Y075 'S_HOUR_1' X510.Y125 'S_DP' X510.Y140 'S_MIN1_' X510.Y190 'S_MIN_1' X520.Y710 'S_DURATION_BJ1' X520.Y800 'S_LEFT' X520.Y820 'S_DURATION_KPL1' X520.Y910 'S_RIGHT' X520.Y930 'S_DURATION_BE1' X580.Y001 'HST' X580.Y924 'RES1024x600' } Layer 2 { X060.Y001 'S_TTF-CHANNEL1' Row11.Col03 'S_EPGBAR2' } Layer 3 { X001.Y001 'S1024x600_BG' } } Layout Samsung800x600_radio { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x600_BG1' } Layer 1 { X17.Y200 'S_TIMER' X17.Y325 'S_REC' X17.Y415 'S_TS' X17.Y475 'S_CI' X17.Y560 'S_CAMD' X17.Y710 'S_ECM' X70.Y001 'S_LOGO' X220.Y155 'S_TUNERTXT' X220.Y250 'S_TUNER' X220.Y300 'S_TUNERTXT1' X220.Y360 'S_TUNER_SIG' X220.Y450 'S_TUNERTXT2' X220.Y510 'S_TUNER_SNR' X222.Y600 'S_VFORMAT' X222.Y645 'S_ASPECTRATIO' X222.Y705 'S_DOLBY' X222.Y750 'S_TXT' X260.Y001 'S_START' X260.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NOW' X320.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NEXT' X320.Y001 'S_END' X480.Y310 'ICON_WEATHER1' X480.Y240 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X550.Y240 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X505.Y320 'S_WIND' X532.Y410 'SS_WIND1' X480.Y500 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X550.Y510 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X510.Y010 'S_HOUR1_' X510.Y060 'S_HOUR_1' X510.Y110 'S_DP' X510.Y125 'S_MIN1_' X510.Y175 'S_MIN_1' X530.Y580 'S_DURATION_BJ' X530.Y640 'S_LEFT' X530.Y660 'S_DURATION_KPL' X530.Y720 'S_RIGHT' X530.Y740 'S_DURATION_BE' X580.Y001 'HST' X580.Y710 'RES800x600' } Layer 2 { X070.Y001 'S_TTF-CHANNEL' Row11.Col03 'S_EPGBAR' } Layer 3 { X001.Y001 'S800x600_BG' } } Layout Samsung800x480_radio { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x480_BG1' } Layer 1 { X010.Y200 'S_TIMER' X012.Y325 'S_REC' X010.Y415 'S_TS' X010.Y475 'S_CI' X010.Y560 'S_CAMD' X010.Y710 'S_ECM' X040.Y001 'S_LOGO' X177.Y155 'S_TUNERTXT' X174.Y250 'S_TUNER' X177.Y300 'S_TUNERTXT1' X174.Y360 'S_TUNER_SIG' X177.Y450 'S_TUNERTXT2' X174.Y510 'S_TUNER_SNR' X174.Y600 'S_VFORMAT' X174.Y645 'S_ASPECTRATIO' X174.Y705 'S_DOLBY' X174.Y750 'S_TXT' X205.Y001 'S_START' X205.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NOW' X260.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NEXT' X260.Y001 'S_END' X380.Y340 'ICON_WEATHER2' X380.Y250 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X445.Y250 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X398.Y345 'S_WIND' X425.Y435 'SS_WIND1' X380.Y550 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X445.Y550 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X400.Y001 'S_HOUR1_' X400.Y055 'S_HOUR_1' X400.Y105 'S_DP' X400.Y120 'S_MIN1_' X400.Y170 'S_MIN_1' X410.Y640 'S_DURATION' X460.Y001 'HST' X460.Y710 'RES800x480' } Layer 2 { X060.Y001 'S_TTF-CHANNEL' Row09.Col03 'S_EPGBAR' } Layer 3 { X001.Y001 'S800x480_BG' } } Layout Samsung1024x600_radio { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S1024x600_BG1' } Layer 1 { X013.Y330 'S_TIMER' X013.Y475 'S_REC' X013.Y585 'S_TS' X013.Y665 'S_CI' X013.Y770 'S_CAMD' X013.Y930 'S_ECM' X060.Y001 'S_LOGO1' X225.Y330 'S_TUNERTXT' X225.Y430 'S_TUNER' X225.Y480 'S_TUNERTXT1' X225.Y545 'S_TUNER_SIG' X225.Y640 'S_TUNERTXT2' X225.Y705 'S_TUNER_SNR' X225.Y820 'S_VFORMAT' X225.Y865 'S_ASPECTRATIO' X225.Y925 'S_DOLBY' X225.Y970 'S_TXT' X260.Y001 'S_START' X260.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NOW1' X320.Y205 'S_TTF-EPG-NEXT1' X320.Y001 'S_END' X480.Y425 'ICON_WEATHER1' X480.Y320 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X550.Y320 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X505.Y425 'S_WIND' X532.Y515 'SS_WIND1' X480.Y640 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X550.Y640 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X510.Y025 'S_HOUR1_' X510.Y075 'S_HOUR_1' X510.Y125 'S_DP' X510.Y140 'S_MIN1_' X510.Y190 'S_MIN_1' X520.Y710 'S_DURATION_BJ1' X520.Y800 'S_LEFT' X520.Y820 'S_DURATION_KPL1' X520.Y910 'S_RIGHT' X520.Y930 'S_DURATION_BE1' X580.Y001 'HST' X580.Y924 'RES1024x600' } Layer 2 { X060.Y001 'S_TTF-CHANNEL1' Row11.Col03 'S_EPGBAR2' } Layer 3 { X001.Y001 'S1024x600_BG' } } Layout Samsung800x600_xcam { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x600_BG1' } layer 1 { row01.col01 'XCAMLINE02' row02.col01 'XCAMLINE03' row03.col01 'XCAMLINE06' row04.col01 'XCAMLINE07' row05.col01 'XCAMLINE08' row06.col01 'XCAMLINE09' row07.col01 'XCAMLINE10' row08.col01 'XCAMLINE11' row09.col01 'XCAMLINE12' row10.col01 'XCAMLINE13' row11.col01 'XCAMLINE14' row12.col01 'XCAMLINE15' row13.col01 'XCAMLINE16' row14.col01 'XCAMLINE17' row15.col01 'XCAMLINE18' row16.col01 'XCAMLINE19' row17.col01 'XCAMLINE20' row18.col01 'XCAMLINE21' row19.col01 'XCAMLINE22' row20.col01 'XCAMLINE23' row21.col01 'XCAMLINE24' row22.col01 'XCAMLINE25' row23.col01 'XCAMLINE26' row24.col01 'XCAMLINE27' row25.col01 'XCAMLINE28' X580.Y001 'HST' X580.Y700 'RES800x600' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'S800x600_XCAM' } } Layout Samsung800x480_xcam { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x480_BG1' } layer 1 { row01.col01 'XCAMLINE02' row02.col01 'XCAMLINE03' row03.col01 'XCAMLINE06' row04.col01 'XCAMLINE07' row05.col01 'XCAMLINE08' row06.col01 'XCAMLINE09' row07.col01 'XCAMLINE10' row08.col01 'XCAMLINE11' row09.col01 'XCAMLINE12' row10.col01 'XCAMLINE13' row11.col01 'XCAMLINE14' row12.col01 'XCAMLINE15' row13.col01 'XCAMLINE16' row14.col01 'XCAMLINE17' row15.col01 'XCAMLINE18' row16.col01 'XCAMLINE19' row17.col01 'XCAMLINE20' row18.col01 'XCAMLINE21' row19.col01 'XCAMLINE22' row20.col01 'XCAMLINE23' row21.col01 'XCAMLINE24' row22.col01 'XCAMLINE25' row23.col01 'XCAMLINE26' row24.col01 'XCAMLINE27' row25.col01 'XCAMLINE28' X460.Y5 'HST' X460.Y700 'RES800x480' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'S800x480_XCAM' } } Layout Samsung1024x600_xcam { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S1024x600_BG1' } layer 1 { row01.col01 'XCAMLINE02' row02.col01 'XCAMLINE03' row03.col01 'XCAMLINE06' row04.col01 'XCAMLINE07' row05.col01 'XCAMLINE08' row06.col01 'XCAMLINE09' row07.col01 'XCAMLINE10' row08.col01 'XCAMLINE11' row09.col01 'XCAMLINE12' row10.col01 'XCAMLINE13' row11.col01 'XCAMLINE14' row12.col01 'XCAMLINE15' row13.col01 'XCAMLINE16' row14.col01 'XCAMLINE17' row15.col01 'XCAMLINE18' row16.col01 'XCAMLINE19' row17.col01 'XCAMLINE20' row18.col01 'XCAMLINE21' row19.col01 'XCAMLINE22' row20.col01 'XCAMLINE23' row21.col01 'XCAMLINE24' row22.col01 'XCAMLINE25' row23.col01 'XCAMLINE26' row24.col01 'XCAMLINE27' row25.col01 'XCAMLINE28' X580.Y001 'HST' X580.Y924 'RES1024x600' } layer 2 { x001.y001 'S1024x600_XCAM' } } Layout Samsung800x600_standby { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x600_STB1' } layer 1 { X017.Y200 'S_TIMER' X017.Y325 'S_REC' X017.Y415 'S_TS' X017.Y475 'S_CI' X017.Y560 'S_CAMD' X017.Y710 'S_ECM' X070.Y001 'TAGDATUM-TTF' X160.Y120 'S_STANDBY_HOUR1_' X160.Y250 'S_STANDBY_HOUR_1' X160.Y372 'S_STANDBY_DP' X160.Y410 'S_STANDBY_MIN1_' X160.Y540 'S_STANDBY_MIN_1' X400.Y310 'ICON_WEATHER1' X505.Y325 'S_WIND' X530.Y415 'SS_WIND' X500.Y050 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X500.Y700 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X430.Y250 'WEATHER_CITY1' X510.Y140 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X510.Y590 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X580.Y001 'HST_STB' X580.Y700 'RES800x600' } layer 2 { X001.Y001 'S800x600_STB' } } Layout Samsung800x480_standby { Layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S800x480_STB1' } layer 1 { X010.Y200 'S_TIMER' X010.Y325 'S_REC' X010.Y415 'S_TS' X010.Y475 'S_CI' X010.Y560 'S_CAMD' X010.Y710 'S_ECM' X070.Y001 'TAGDATUM-TTF' X160.Y123 'S_STANDBY_HOUR1_' X160.Y244 'S_STANDBY_HOUR_1' X160.Y376 'S_STANDBY_DP' X160.Y427 'S_STANDBY_MIN1_' X160.Y548 'S_STANDBY_MIN_1' X395.Y140 'WEATHER_CITY1' X385.Y460 'S_WIND' X410.Y560 'SS_WIND' X395.Y010 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X405.Y070 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X395.Y730 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X405.Y670 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X460.Y001 'HST_STB' X460.Y700 'RES800x480' } layer 2 { X001.Y001 'S800x480_STB' } } Layout Samsung1024x600_standby { layer 0 { X001.Y001 'S1024x600_STB1' } layer 1 { X013.Y330 'S_TIMER' X013.Y475 'S_REC' X013.Y585 'S_TS' X013.Y665 'S_CI' X013.Y770 'S_CAMD' X013.Y930 'S_ECM' X070.Y001 'TAGDATUM-TTF1' X160.Y230 'S_STANDBY_HOUR1_' X160.Y354 'S_STANDBY_HOUR_1' X160.Y490 'S_STANDBY_DP' X160.Y538 'S_STANDBY_MIN1_' X160.Y661 'S_STANDBY_MIN_1' X400.Y425 'ICON_WEATHER1' X495.Y425 'S_WIND' X520.Y515 'SS_WIND' X500.Y050 'WEATHERICON_CURRENT' X500.Y900 'WEATHERICON_LATER' X430.Y365 'WEATHER_CITY1' X510.Y140 'TEMPERATURE_CURRENT1' X510.Y790 'TEMPERATURE_LATER1' X580.Y001 'HST_STB' X580.Y924 'RES1024x600' } layer 2 { X001.Y001 'S1024x600_STB' } } # --- General Settings ------------------------------------------------------ # Variables { D_B1 'ffff0000' #DEBUGBORDER ein D_B 'ffff00ff' #DEBUGBORDER aus W '/tmp/lcd/weather_' W_ICON '/share/lcd/icons/wind/' ICONS '/share/lcd/icons/' SYSICONS '/share/tuxbox/neutrino/icons/' FWEATHER '/var/etc/.lcd-weather' FCLOCK '/var/etc/.lcd-clock_a' FXCAM '/var/etc/.lcd-xcam' OSCAM '/var/etc/.oscam' DOSCAM '/var/etc/.doscam' OSMOD '/var/etc/.osmod' CCCAM '/var/etc/.cccam' MGCAMD '/var/etc/.mgcamd' GBOX '/var/etc/.gbox' NCAM '/var/etc/.ncam' # color for layout "d-box2" { #DBOX2COL 'F44336' # red #DBOX2COL '4CAF50' # green #DBOX2COL '3F51B5' # blue DBOX2COL 'F5F5F5' # white #DBOX2COL 'FFEB3B' # yellow #DBOX2COL 'E91E63' # pink # } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) Layout file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #