#!/bin/sh ############################################################################### # # EPGscan.sh 1.02 vanhofen [NI-Team] (basiert auf einer Idee von SnowHead) # # Ziel: # Jeden ersten TV-Kanal eines Transponders in den Bouquets fuer EPG- # Aktualisierung anzappen. # Erster Aufruf des Skripts dauert lange, da die Datei EPGscan.dat erstellt # wird (mit einem Kanal pro Transponder). Die Datei kann danach auch manuell # bearbeitet werden. # Bei einem Durchlauf wird jeder Sender für 15 Sekunden eingeschaltet. # Das sollte für die EPG Daten ausreichen. # Bei laufenden Aufnahmen wird gewartet, bis die Aufnahme fertig ist. # # Parameter einstellbar in /var/tuxbox/config/EPGscan.conf: # * Wartezeit pro Sender in Sekunden (wait_period=) # * Löschen von gespeicherten EPG-Daten (del_epgstore=0|1) # * Standby-Modus nach dem Zappen erzwingen (force_standby=0|1) # * Zappen nur im Standby-Modus starten (need_standby=0|1) # * Shutdown nach dem Zappen erzwingen (force_shutdown=0|1|2) # * mit 'rcsim' zu den Favoriten zurück zappen (rezap_hack=0|1) # * pr-auto-timer nach Zappen starten (pr_auto_timer=0|1) # * Nur definierte Bouquets durchsuchen (my_bouquets="bouq1; bouq2") # ############################################################################### create_DATFILE() { console "creating $DATFILE" fbpopup "Erzeuge Kanalliste... Das kann etwas dauern." echo -e "# $DATFILE: data for automatic epg-scan\n#" > $DATFILE if [ -n "$my_bouquets" ] then rm -f /tmp/my_bouquets.xml IFS_SAVE=$IFS set -f IFS=';' for my_bouquet in $my_bouquets do my_bouquet=$(echo $my_bouquet | sed 's/^ *//g;s/ *$//g') sed -ne "/Bouquet name=\"$my_bouquet\"/,/\/Bouquet/p" $bouquets >> /tmp/my_bouquets.xml done IFS=$IFS_SAVE set +f bouquets="/tmp/my_bouquets.xml" fi while read tag line do case ${tag:1:1} in "T") # transponder tsid_f=$(echo $line | cut -d'"' -f2) tsid_s=$(echo $tsid_f | sed -e 's/^0*//') done= continue ;; "S") # service test $done && continue echo $line | grep -qE 't="1"|t="11"|t="16"|t="19"|t="d3"' 2>/dev/null || continue name=$(echo $line | cut -d'"' -f4) test $(echo "$name" | sed 's/[[:print:]]//g') && continue chid_f=$(echo $line | cut -d'"' -f2) chid_s=$(echo $chid_f | sed -e 's/^0*//') grep -qE "(i=\"$chid_f\".*t=\"$tsid_f\".*)" $bouquets 2>/dev/null || \ grep -qE "(i=\"$chid_s\".*t=\"$tsid_s\".*)" $bouquets 2>/dev/null || continue console "found on TS $tsid_f: $name" echo "$tsid_f" "$name" >> $DATFILE done=$tsid_f ;; esac done < $services fbpopup "Kanalliste erzeugt. Beginne Zapping..." console "$DATFILE created" } fbpopup() { wget -q -O /dev/null -Y off $hturl/control/message?popup="${0##*/}%0A${@}" } console() { echo -e "\033[40;0;33m[${0##*/}] ${@}\033[0m" } KILLFILE=/tmp/EPGscan.kill exist_KILLFILE() { abort=false ret=1 if [ -e $KILLFILE ] then fbpopup "Breche EPGscan ab." console "aborting scan" abort=true ret=0 fi return $ret } freemem() { sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches } cleanup() { rm -f $KILLFILE } eXit() { cleanup exit $1 } sig_handler() { console "Signal caught - will exiting asap" touch $KILLFILE } case "$1" in -b) console "go ahead" CONFIGDIR="/var/tuxbox/config" neutrino=${CONFIGDIR}"/neutrino.conf" services=${CONFIGDIR}"/zapit/services.xml" if [ -e ${CONFIGDIR}"/zapit/ubouquets.xml" ] then bouquets=${CONFIGDIR}"/zapit/ubouquets.xml" else bouquets=${CONFIGDIR}"/zapit/bouquets.xml" fi # ensure to get access to controlapi nhttpd=${CONFIGDIR}"/nhttpd.conf" htauth=$(grep "^mod_auth.authenticate" $nhttpd | cut -d"=" -f2) htuser=$(grep "^mod_auth.username" $nhttpd | cut -d"=" -f2) htpass=$(grep "^mod_auth.password" $nhttpd | cut -d"=" -f2) htport=$(grep "^WebsiteMain.port" $nhttpd | cut -d"=" -f2) if [ "$htauth" = "true" ]; then hturl="http://$htuser:$htpass@$htport" else hturl="$htport" fi DATFILE=${CONFIGDIR}"/EPGscan.dat" CONFIGFILE=${CONFIGDIR}"/EPGscan.conf" # read/parse keywords in .conf test -e $CONFIGFILE && . $CONFIGFILE 2> /dev/null # create .dat if necessary test -e $DATFILE || create_DATFILE case $wait_period in ''|*[!0-9]*) wait_period=15 ;; esac # wait until standby (or timeout) if desired if [ "$need_standby" = "1" ] then t=81 m=$t while [ $(wget -q -O - "$hturl/control/standby" | sed 's/\r$//') = "off" ] do if [ ${t:1:1} -eq ${t:0:1} ]; then console "timeout reached - exiting undone" eXit 1 fi t=$((t+1)) console "wait until standby (or timeout)" sleep 900 done test $t -ne $m && sleep 60 # a safety sleep fi # wait while recording while [ $(wget -q -O - "$hturl/control/setmode?status" | sed 's/\r$//') = "on" ] do fbpopup "Eine Aufnahme laeuft. Ich warte..." console "wait while recording" sleep 900 done # remember standby-mode standby=$(wget -q -O - "$hturl/control/standby" | sed 's/\r$//') # leave standby-mode if necessary if [ "$standby" = "on" ] then console "leave standby-mode" wget -q -O /dev/null "$hturl/control/standby?off&cec=off" sleep 10 fi # remove stored epg-data if desired and allowed epg_save=$(grep "^epg_save=" $neutrino | cut -d'=' -f2) if [ "$del_epgstore" = "1" -a "$epg_save" = "true" ] then console "remove stored epg-data" epg_dir=$(grep "^epg_dir=" $neutrino | cut -d'=' -f2) test $epg_dir && rm -f $epg_dir/*.* fi # catch some signals from here till end trap sig_handler INT TERM # remember volume-level and turn mute volume=$(wget -q -O - "$hturl/control/volume" | sed 's/\r$//') pzapit -vol 0 > /dev/null # remember current channel curr=$(pzapit -gi | cut -d' ' -f1) # get new epg-data while read tsid chan do test "${tsid:0:1}" = "#" && continue fbpopup "Verbleibe auf TS $tsid fuer $wait_period Sekunden." console "stay on TS $tsid ($chan) for $wait_period seconds" freemem pzapit -n "$chan" > /dev/null i=0 while [ $i -lt $wait_period ] do i=$((i+1)) sleep 1 exist_KILLFILE && break done test "$abort" = "true" && break done < $DATFILE freemem # rezap pzapit -zi $curr if [ "$rezap_hack" = "1" -a -x /bin/rcsim ] then keys="FAVORITES OK OK" for key in $keys do # a terrible solution :/ rcsim KEY_${key} && sleep 1 done fi # pump up the volume pzapit -vol $volume > /dev/null # enter standby-mode if necessary or desired if [ "$standby" = "on" -o "$force_standby" = "1" -o "$force_shutdown" != "0" ] then console "enter standby-mode" wget -q -O /dev/null "$hturl/control/standby?on" fi # start pr-auto-timer if desired and found if [ "$pr_auto_timer" = "1" -a -x /lib/tuxbox/plugins/pr-auto-timer ] then console "start pr-auto-timer" /lib/tuxbox/plugins/pr-auto-timer --menu & fi # reboot/halt if desired if [ "$force_shutdown" != "0" ] then console "prepare shutdown" while [ -e /var/run/pr-auto-timer.pid ] do console "wait for pr-auto-timer" sleep 60 done if [ "$epg_save" = "true" ] then sleep 120 # for safety fi case $force_shutdown in 1) (sleep 2; halt) & ;; 2) (sleep 2; reboot) & ;; esac fi console "done." eXit 0 ;; *) if ps -ef | grep '[E]PGscan.sh -b' > /dev/null then touch $KILLFILE else ($0 -b > /dev/console) & fi ;; esac exit 0