# pr-auto-timer.rules # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Syntax: CHANNELNAME;DAYOFWEEK[,TIMESPAN];REGEX[,MODIFIER][;FLAGS][;RECDIR] # # CHANNELNAME The (exact) channelname e.g. "Das Erste HD" or # a bouquet-nr prefixed with an asterisk e.g. "*1" # # DAYOFWEEK The day of week or an asterisk for all days of week e.g. # "Weekday" or "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri" # "Weekend" or "Sat", "Sun" # "*" # # TIMESPAN Defines a period in which the timer must start e.g. # "18:45-20:15" # "*" an asterisk for all times # TIMESPAN is optional; default is "*" # # REGEX The name of the show as a regular expression e.g. # "Tatort" # "*" find all shows; this is only usefull in conjunction with MODIFIER # NOTE: This regular expression is matched only against the epg title # # MODIFIER The modifier can be used to further refine the selection of the show # by searching the entire description for specified words. # Format is as follows: [+~!-]RegEx1 RegEx2 ... # +RegEx1 RegEx2 ...: INCLUDE ALL - All of these regular expressions must match for selecting the show # ~RegEx1 RegEx2 ...: INCLUDE ONE - One of these regular expressions must match for selecting the show # !RegEx1 RegEx2 ...: EXCLUDE ALL - All of these regular expressions must match for excluding the show # -RegEx1 RegEx2 ...: EXCLUDE ONE - One of these regular expressions must match for excluding the show # MODIFIER is optional; default is no modifier. # NOTE: When no modifier is given, this regular expression is matched only against the epg title # # FLAGS A coma-separated list of the following flags: # - "R": create a record timer [default] # - "Z": create a zap timer # - "I": ignore time additions to timer # - "F": during one run of pr-auto-timer only the first match will be added as a timer # - "O": the same as "F" but additionally deactivates the corresponding rule in the rules-file # - "D": prevent adding duplicate timers for the same show (at different times) # - "W": Always re-add manually removed timers if the show is found again; overrides the global option DEL_TIMER_REFRESH=0 # - "M": Allow empty info-fields when using duplicate detection # FLAGS is optional; default is a record timer. # # RECDIR An alternative recording directory # NOTE: flag-section can be empty, but MUST be defined! See examples below. # RECDIR is optional; default is the neutrino setting # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## Examples (remove leading # to activate): # ## Record all shows containing the word 'Tatort' ## on channel 'Das Erste HD' on sundays: #Das Erste HD;Sun;Tatort ## Record all shows containing the word 'Tagesschau' ## on channel 'Das Erste HD' on all days in a timespan between 11:55 and 12:05: #Das Erste HD;*,11:55-12:05;Tagesschau ## Record all shows containing the word 'Knollenblätterpilz' ## on channel 'Das Erste HD': #Das Erste HD;*;Knollenblätterpilz ## Record all shows containing the sentence 'Rumpsteak schmeckt lecker' ## on all channels of bouquet 1: #*1;*;Rumpsteak schmeckt lecker ## Zap to all shows containing the word 'Affenhaus' ## on channel 'Das Erste HD': #Das Erste HD;*;Affenhaus;Z ## Record first show found containing the word 'Tatort' ## on channel 'Das Erste HD' on sundays: #Das Erste HD;Sun;Tatort;F ## Record first show found containing the word 'Tatort' ## on channel 'Das Erste HD' on sundays. ## After creating timer the rule-line will be deactivated: #Das Erste HD;Sun;Tatort;O ## Record all shows containing the word 'Tatort' ## on channel 'Das Erste HD' on weekends. ## Using '/media/records/tatort' as recording directory #Das Erste HD;Weekend;Tatort;R;/media/records/tatort ## or with empty FLAGS section #Das Erste HD;Weekend;Tatort;;/media/records/tatort ## You don't need the special episodes of LOST, ## if you plan to view this great series in one run. ;) #FOX HD;*;LOST,!Special ## Records all Episodes of Traumschiff but not these ones: ## Oman Bali Malaysia Vegas Savannah Panama Singapur Bintan Perth Spezial #ZDF;*,00:00-18:15;Traumschiff,-Oman Bali Malaysia Vegas Savannah Panama Singapur Bintan Perth Spezial ## Records only Episodes of Traumschiff: ## Oman Bali Malaysia Vegas Savannah Panama Singapur Bintan Perth Spezial #ZDF;*,00:00-18:15;Traumschiff,~Oman Bali Malaysia Vegas Savannah Panama Singapur Bintan Perth Spezial ## Record only Episode "Mord mit der linken Hand" from Columbo once on any channel #*;*;Columbo,+Mord mit der linken Hand;O ## Record all episodes of "Unser Kosmos: Die Reise geht weiter" from NatGeo HD ## Avoid recording repetitions of the same episode. #NatGeo HD;*;Unser Kosmos;D ## Record all episodes from "The Big Bang Theory" for Season 7 ## The regular expression excludes all episodes with the string "x. Staffel", where x=1..6. #TNT Serie HD;*;The Big Bang Theory,![123456]\\.[[:blank:]]Staffel;D ## Record all episodes from The Walking Dead's season 5 ## The regular expression includes only episodes where the string "5. Staffel" was found in the description #Fox HD;*;Walking Dead,+5\\.[[:blank:]]Staffel;D # Don't forget the the newline after the last entry.