# makefile for basic prerequisites

TOOLCHECK  = find-git find-svn find-gzip find-bzip2 find-patch find-gawk
TOOLCHECK += find-makeinfo find-automake find-gcc find-libtool find-bison
TOOLCHECK += find-yacc find-flex find-tic find-pkg-config find-help2man
TOOLCHECK += find-cmake find-ccache find-autopoint find-python find-curl
TOOLCHECK += find-lzma find-gperf find-gettext find-bc

preqs: download neutrino-hd-source ni-git tuxbox-git

	@echo "ccache package on host missing."
	@echo "==============================="

	@echo "Download directory missing:"
	@echo "==========================="
	@echo "You need to make a directory named 'download' by executing 'mkdir download'"
	@echo "or create a symlink to the directory where you keep your sources, e.g. by"
	@echo "typing 'ln -s /path/to/my/Archive download'."

	@echo ' ============================================================================== '
	@echo "                          Cloning ni-neutrino-hd git repo"
	@echo "                 	and creating remote repo '$(TUXBOX_REMOTE_REPO)'"
	@echo ' ============================================================================== '
	mkdir -p $(SOURCE_DIR)
	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(NI_GIT)/$(NI_NEUTRINO).git $(FLAVOUR)
	pushd $@ && \
		git remote add $(TUXBOX_REMOTE_REPO) $(TUXBOX_GIT)/$(TUXBOX_NEUTRINO).git && \
		git fetch $(TUXBOX_REMOTE_REPO)


	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(TUXBOX_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git
	cd $@ && \
		git checkout coolstream_hdx

	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone --recursive $(TUXBOX_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git

	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(NI_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git
	cd $@ && \
		git remote add $(TUXBOX_REMOTE_REPO) $(TUXBOX_GIT)/$(TUXBOX_TUXWETTER).git && \
		git fetch $(TUXBOX_REMOTE_REPO)

	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(NI_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git
	cd $@ && \
		git remote add $(TUXBOX_REMOTE_REPO) $(TUXBOX_GIT)/$(TUXBOX_LIBSTB-HAL).git && \
		git fetch $(TUXBOX_REMOTE_REPO)

ifeq ($(HAS_LIBCS), yes)
	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(NI_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git
	cd $@ && \

# upstream for rebase
	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(NI_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git
	cd $@ && \
		git remote add upstream https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git && \
		git fetch --all

# upstream for rebase
# torvalds for cherry-picking
	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(NI_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git
	cd $@ && \
		git remote add upstream https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git && \
		git remote add torvalds https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git && \
		git fetch --all

	cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \
		git clone $(NI_GIT)/$(shell basename $@).git

	@rm -f $(BUILD_TMP)/$@
	@make -qp | grep --only-matching '^\$(ARCHIVE).*:' | sed "s|:||g" > $(BUILD_TMP)/$@

archives-info: archives-list
	@echo "[ ** ] Unused targets in make/archives.mk"
	@grep --only-matching '^\$$(ARCHIVE).*:' make/archives.mk | sed "s|:||g" | \
	while read target; do \
		found=false; \
		for makefile in make/*.mk; do \
			if [ "$${makefile##*/}" = "archives.mk" ]; then \
				continue; \
			fi; \
			if [ "$${makefile: -9}" = "-extra.mk" ]; then \
				continue; \
			fi; \
			if grep -q "$$target" $$makefile; then \
				found=true; \
			fi; \
			if [ "$$found" = "true" ]; then \
				continue; \
			fi; \
		done; \
		if [ "$$found" = "false" ]; then \
			echo -e "[$(TERM_RED) !! $(TERM_NORMAL)] $$target"; \
		fi; \
	@echo "[ ** ] Unused archives"
	@find $(ARCHIVE)/ -type f | \
	while read archive; do \
		if ! grep -q $$archive $(BUILD_TMP)/archives-list; then \
			echo -e "[$(TERM_YELLOW) rm $(TERM_NORMAL)] $$archive"; \
			if [ "$(DOCLEANUP)" = "yes" ]; then \
				rm $$archive; \
			fi; \
		fi; \
	@echo "[ ** ] Missing archives"
	@cat $(BUILD_TMP)/archives-list | \
	while read archive; do \
		if [ -e $$archive ]; then \
			#echo -e "[$(TERM_GREEN) ok $(TERM_NORMAL)] $$archive"; \
			true; \
		else \
			echo -e "[$(TERM_YELLOW) -- $(TERM_NORMAL)] $$archive"; \
			if [ "$(GETMISSING)" = "yes" ]; then \
				make $$archive; \
			fi; \
		fi; \

# FIXME - how to resolve variables while grepping makefiles?
	@echo "[ ** ] Unused patches"
	@for patch in $(PATCHES)/*; do \
		if [ ! -f $$patch ]; then \
			continue; \
		fi; \
		patch=$${patch##*/}; \
		found=false; \
		for makefile in make/*.mk; do \
			if grep -q "$$patch" $$makefile; then \
				found=true; \
			fi; \
			if [ "$$found" = "true" ]; then \
				continue; \
			fi; \
		done; \
		if [ "$$found" = "false" ]; then \
			echo -e "[$(TERM_RED) !! $(TERM_NORMAL)] $$patch"; \
		fi; \

	@TOOL=$(patsubst find-%,%,$@); \
		type -p $$TOOL >/dev/null || \
		{ echo "required tool $$TOOL missing."; false; }

toolcheck: $(TOOLCHECK)
	@echo "All required tools seem to be installed."

neutrino-hd-source: $(N_HD_SOURCE)

tuxbox-git: \

ni-git: \