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# activate the following setting to record all new movies from SKY Cinema
# or
# The maximum time an EPG might "move" to still be considered the same event
# How many tuners are available in this box (or how many are you willing to use with the autotimer?)
# Notes:
# * Setting this to more than available might break some recordings if more timers are set in a timespan, than real tuners are available
# * If something is to be recorded, but there are already timers blocking this time span, the new timer will not be added.
# Hence, make sure, that the more important shows are listed earlier in the rules-file.
# How many parallel recordings are allowed. The default ist 8, which is also the maximum the CS supports.
# In case your box is to slow, or you experience some problems when there are many parallel recordings, try reducing this number.
# Note: This is different from MAX_TUNERS, since multiple recordings on the same transponder require only a single tuner.
# Automatically generate/update the show history file.
# When this is set to 1, pr-auto-timer will collect all recorded shows from all paths given in MYRECORDPATHS and update the show history file.
# More precisely, it will search through these paths for *.xml files from recordings and extract from there the information necessary
# to detect if the same show was already recorded at some other time. Note that already existing entries in $ME.show_history will *not* be removed.
# Therefore, you can delete some recordings or add manually shows to this file and they will be kept until you delete them manually or you delete the entire file.
# With a big collection of recordings it might take some time, when pr-auto-timer first generates this (on the first occurrence of a rule with the D-flag)
# This time can be avoided by setting the following setting to 0 and calling pr-auto-timer with the command line option "--gen_show_history" before running
# pr-auto-timer without options. Default is 1, i.e. automatically generate this info.
# The following setting controls the behavior of pr-auto-timer with respect to records, which went wrong. This only applies if pr-auto-timer automatically
# generates the show history (i.e. AUTOGEN_SHOW_HISTORY=1). Currently only two types of "broken records" can be handled:
# - Only the *.xml-file of some event exist and no *.ts file can be found (this could also be used to manually indicate to pr-auto-timer, that you want a event
# to be recorded again; to do so, simply delete ONLY the *.ts file, and leave the *.xml file intact.
# - The *.ts files exists but it's size is under 2k. This is a common situation, when a record goes wrong - a file of ~1k remains there, but contains nothing.
# Possible options:
# 0: Feature deactivated - no handling of broken records
# 1: Detect broken records and remove them from the history index. Hence, they will be recorded again if encountered. [default]
# 2: Detect and REMOVE broken records. Like 1, but also **DELETE** the broken files (xml and ts) from your disk. (Files will be deleted irreversible.)
# Set the following to activate/deactivate saving information about manually deleted timers
# 0: feature is activated (saves timer info) and manually deleted timers will not be added again
# 1: feature is activated (saves timer info), but manually deleted timers will be added again
# 2: feature is deactivated, i.e. timers will not be stored [default]
# The maximum number of timers to remember, in order to not set it again after it has been manually deleted
# This setting is only relevant if the above DEL_TIMER_REFRESH is 0 or 1
# This setting limits the size of your $ME.show_history file. The feature is activated by setting the value to something else than 0, e.g. 1000 [default].
# pr-auto-timer will then try to remove n entries, so that the maximum entries given in MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES is not violated. Hereby the oldest
# entries, determined by the timestamp, will be removed. However, only entries, to which no recorded file exists on your disk will be removed.
# A setting of MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES=0 deactivates the size check. If there are more physically available files, than entries allowed, then MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES
# will be ignored and a warning is issued in the logfile.
# What should be done, after pr-auto-timer is done?
#0: Nothing. The box remains in its previous state. [default]
#1: Put the box in standby.
#2: Put the box in DeepStandBy
#3: Power off the box
#4: Reboot the box
# During which time, the should the above END-action be done?
#0: Do the SHUT_DOWN only from 00:00 to 06:00. [default]
#1: Do the SHUT_DOWN at any time.
# Activate the following to execute an arbitrary script/program before starting
# Default is no action
#PRE_ACTION="echo 'Pre-action 1';echo 'Pre-action 2'"
# Activate the following to execute an arbitrary script/program after finishing but before exiting.
# Default is no action
#POST_ACTION="echo 'Post-action'"
# Change the following to determine where pr-auto-timer searches for recordings on your disk
# You can provide more than one path and each path will be searched recursively. Use "std::neutrino" to indicate the standard recording
# directory from neutrino. If this is not set or invalid, the standard neutrino recording directory is used.
# Separate multiple paths with a ';', i.e. MYRECORDPATHS="path[;path]... " (Note the quotes!)
# Activate the following to change the path of the rule files
# Activate the following to change the default place for the show history
# Deactivate the logfile (default is ON)
# Activate the following to change the default location of the log-file
#LOG_FILE=/tmp/${ME}_$(date +'%F').log