182 lines
5.4 KiB

# Master makefile
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
UID := $(shell id -u)
ifeq ($(UID), 0)
@echo "You are running as root. Don't do this, it's dangerous."
@echo "Refusing to build. Good bye."
# first target is default ...
default: all
local-files: config.local Makefile.local
@mkdir -p local/{root,scripts}
# workaround unset variables at first start
config.local: $(eval BOXMODEL=hd51)
@echo ""
@echo " ### ### ###"
@echo " ### ## ##"
@echo " #### ## ##"
@echo " ## ## ## ##"
@echo " ## #### ##"
@echo " ## ### ##"
@echo " ## ## ## http://www.neutrino-images.de"
@echo " #"
@echo ""
$(call draw_line);
@echo ""
@echo " 1) Coolstream Nevis (HD1, BSE, Neo, Neo², Zee)"
@echo " 2) Coolstream Apollo (Tank)"
@echo " 3) Coolstream Shiner (Trinity)"
@echo " 4) Coolstream Kronos (Zee², Trinity V2)"
@echo " 5) Coolstream Kronos V2 (Link, Trinity Duo)"
@echo " 11) WWIO BRE2ZE4K"
@echo " 21) AX/Mutant HD51"
@echo ""
@read -p "Select your boxmodel? [default: 21] " boxmodel; \
boxmodel=$${boxmodel:-21}; \
case "$$boxmodel" in \
1) boxmodel=nevis;; \
2) boxmodel=apollo;; \
3) boxmodel=shiner;; \
4) boxmodel=kronos;; \
5) boxmodel=kronos_v2;; \
11) boxmodel=bre2ze4k;; \
21|*) boxmodel=hd51;; \
esac; \
cp config.example $@; \
sed -i -e "s|^#BOXMODEL = $$boxmodel|BOXMODEL = $$boxmodel|" $@
@echo ""
@cp Makefile.example $@
-include config.local
include make/environment-build.mk
include make/environment-image.mk
include make/environment-target.mk
include make/environment-update.mk
$(call draw_line);
@echo "Build Environment Varibles:"
@echo "TARGET: $(TARGET)"
@echo "BASE_DIR: $(BASE_DIR)"
@echo "BUILD: $(BUILD)"
@echo "PATH: `type -p fmt>/dev/null&&echo $(PATH)|sed 's/:/ /g' |fmt -65|sed 's/ /:/g; 2,$$s/^/ /;'||echo $(PATH)`"
$(call draw_line);
@echo ""
@echo "'make help' lists useful targets."
@echo ""
@make --no-print-directory toolcheck
@make -i -s $(TARGET_DIR)
@PATH=$(PATH):$(CROSS_DIR)/bin && \
if type -p $(TARGET)-gcc >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo "$(TARGET)-gcc found in PATH or in \$$CROSS_DIR/bin."; \
else \
echo "$(TARGET)-gcc not found in PATH or \$$CROSS_DIR/bin"; \
echo "=> please check your setup. Maybe you need to 'make crosstool'."; \
@if ! LANG=C make -n preqs|grep -q "Nothing to be done"; then \
echo; \
echo "Your next target to do is probably 'make preqs'"; \
@if ! test -e $(BASE_DIR)/config.local; then \
echo; \
echo "If you want to change the configuration, then run 'make local-files'"; \
echo "and edit config.local to fit your needs. See the comments in there."; \
echo; \
$(call draw_line);
@echo "A few helpful make targets:"
@echo " * make preqs - Downloads necessary stuff"
@echo " * make crosstool - Build cross toolchain"
@echo " * make bootstrap - Prepares for building"
@echo " * make neutrino - Builds Neutrino"
@echo " * make image - Builds our beautiful NI-Image"
@echo ""
@echo "Later, you might find those useful:"
@echo " * make update-all - Update buildsystem and all sources"
@echo ""
@echo "Cleanup:"
@echo " * make clean - Clean up from previous build an prepare for a new one"
@echo ""
@echo "Total renew:"
@echo " * make all-clean - Reset buildsystem to delivery state"
@echo " but doesn't touch your local stuff"
$(call draw_line);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-include internal/internal.mk
include make/bootstrap.mk
include make/clean.mk
include make/crosstool.mk
include make/helpers.mk
include make/image-updates.mk
include make/images.mk
include make/linux-kernel.mk
include make/linux-drivers.mk
include make/neutrino.mk
include make/neutrino-plugins.mk
include make/prerequisites.mk
include make/target-development.mk
include make/target-ffmpeg-$(BOXTYPE).mk
include make/target-gstreamer-unused.mk
include make/target-libs.mk
include make/target-libs-static.mk
include make/target-libs-unused.mk
include make/target-lua.mk
include make/target-rootfs.mk
include make/target-scripts.mk
include make/target-tools.mk
include make/target-tools-unused.mk
include make/host-tools.mk
include make/update.mk
include make/ni.mk
# for your local extensions, e.g. special plugins or similar ...
# put them into $(BASE_DIR)/local since that is ignored in .gitignore
-include ./Makefile.local
@echo "'make all' is not a valid target. Please read the documentation."
$(call draw_line);
@echo -e "$(TERM_GREEN)Done$(TERM_NORMAL)"
$(call draw_line);
# target for testing only. not useful otherwise
everything: $(shell sed -n 's/^\$$.D.\/\(.*\):.*/\1/p' make/*.mk)
@echo $(PHONY)
PHONY += local-files
PHONY += printenv help done all everything
PHONY += .print-phony
# this makes sure we do not build top-level dependencies in parallel
# (which would not be too helpful anyway, running many configure and
# downloads in parallel...), but the sub-targets are still built in
# parallel, which is useful on multi-processor / multi-core machines