170 lines
4.9 KiB
170 lines
4.9 KiB
# makefile for basic prerequisites
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
init: preqs crosstool bootstrap
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOOLCHECK += find-automake
TOOLCHECK += find-autopoint
TOOLCHECK += find-bc
TOOLCHECK += find-bison
TOOLCHECK += find-bzip2
TOOLCHECK += find-ccache
TOOLCHECK += find-cmake
TOOLCHECK += find-curl
TOOLCHECK += find-flex
TOOLCHECK += find-gawk
TOOLCHECK += find-gcc
TOOLCHECK += find-gettext
TOOLCHECK += find-git
TOOLCHECK += find-gperf
TOOLCHECK += find-gzip
TOOLCHECK += find-help2man
TOOLCHECK += find-libtool
TOOLCHECK += find-lzma
TOOLCHECK += find-makeinfo
TOOLCHECK += find-patch
TOOLCHECK += find-pkg-config
TOOLCHECK += find-python
TOOLCHECK += find-svn
TOOLCHECK += find-tic
TOOLCHECK += find-yacc
@TOOL=$(patsubst find-%,%,$(@)); \
type -p $$TOOL >/dev/null || { echo "required tool $$TOOL missing."; false; }
toolcheck: $(TOOLCHECK)
@echo "All required tools seem to be installed."
@make bashcheck
@if test "$(subst /bin/,,$(shell readlink /bin/sh))" != "bash"; then \
echo -e "$(TERM_YELLOW)WARNING$(TERM_NORMAL): /bin/sh is not linked to bash."; \
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
preqs: download ni-sources
$(call draw_line);
@echo "ccache package on host missing."
$(call draw_line);
$(call draw_line);
@echo "Download directory missing."
@echo "You need to make a directory named 'download' by executing 'mkdir download' or create a symlink to the directory where you keep your sources, e.g. by typing 'ln -s /path/to/my/Archive download'."
$(call draw_line);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p $(@)
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PUBLIC)/$(@F).git
$(CD) $(@); \
git remote add tuxbox $(GITHUB)/tuxbox-neutrino/gui-neutrino.git; \
git remote add seife $(GITHUB)/neutrino-mp/neutrino-mp.git; \
git remote add ddt $(GITHUB)/duckbox-developers/neutrino-mp-ddt.git; \
git remote add tango $(GITHUB)/tangocash/neutrino-mp-tangos.git; \
git remote add max $(GITHUB)/maxwiesel/neutrino-mp-max.git; \
git fetch --all
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PUBLIC)/$(@F).git
$(CD) $(@); \
git remote add tuxbox $(GITHUB)/tuxbox-neutrino/library-stb-hal.git; \
git remote add seife $(GITHUB)/neutrino-mp/libstb-hal.git; \
git remote add ddt $(GITHUB)/duckbox-developers/libstb-hal-ddt.git; \
git remote add tango $(GITHUB)/tangocash/libstb-hal-tangos.git; \
git remote add max $(GITHUB)/maxwiesel/libstb-hal-max.git; \
git fetch --all
ifeq ($(HAS_LIBCS), yes)
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PRIVATE)/$(@F).git
$(CD) $(@); \
# upstream for rebase
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PUBLIC)/$(@F).git
$(CD) $(@); \
git remote add upstream https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git; \
git fetch --all
# upstream for rebase
# torvalds for cherry-picking
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PUBLIC)/$(@F).git
$(CD) $(@); \
git remote add upstream https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git; \
git remote add torvalds https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git; \
git fetch --all
# upstream for rebase
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PUBLIC)/$(@F).git
$(CD) $(@) && \
git remote add upstream $(GITHUB)/oe-alliance/ofgwrite.git; \
git fetch --all
# upstream for rebase
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PUBLIC)/$(@F).git
$(CD) $(@) && \
git remote add upstream git://git.ffmpeg.org/rtmpdump; \
git fetch --all
$(CD) $(SOURCE_DIR); \
git clone $(NI-PUBLIC)/$(@F).git
ni-sources: $(SOURCE_DIR) \
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PHONY += init
PHONY += find-%
PHONY += toolcheck
PHONY += bashcheck
PHONY += preqs
PHONY += ni-sources