Browse Source
add/update libraries like OpenSSL, libusb, pcsc, zlib to/in oscam toolchains usage: ./s3 tcupdate {TOOLCHAIN}pull/8/head
5 years ago
2 changed files with 408 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ |
#list of ordered library list |
#only libraries in this list are available |
#SampleLib 0.2.9sl |
SAMPLE_LIB="0"; #Enable/Disable (1|0) |
SAMPLE_LIB_name="SampleLib"; #Displayname |
SAMPLE_LIB_version="0.2.9sl"; #Versionnumber |
SAMPLE_LIB_check="samplelib.pc"; #Filename to check in pkgconfig folder for an existing library to get version information |
SAMPLE_LIB_url=""; #Valid URL for downloading sources of library |
#List of build commands below. Pay attention to the SEMICOLON at the end of EACH |
#command and the correct quoting (\' or ") for or to avoid expansion of variables. |
#Tokens @TOOLCHAIN@, @CC@, @RANLIB@, @PREFIX@ are replaced automatically. |
SAMPLE_LIB_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); #build command1 |
SAMPLE_LIB_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); #build command2 |
SAMPLE_LIB_tasks+=("export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;"); #build command3 |
SAMPLE_LIB_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); #build command4 |
SAMPLE_LIB_tasks+=("./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;"); #build command5 |
SAMPLE_LIB_tasks+=("make;"); #build command6 |
SAMPLE_LIB_tasks+=("make install;"); #build command7 |
#OpenSSL 1.1.1d |
SSL_111="1"; |
SSL_111_name="OpenSSL"; |
SSL_111_version="1.1.1d"; |
SSL_111_check="openssl.pc"; |
SSL_111_url=""; |
SSL_111_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
SSL_111_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
SSL_111_tasks+=("export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;"); |
SSL_111_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
SSL_111_tasks+=("./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;"); |
SSL_111_tasks+=("make;"); |
SSL_111_tasks+=("make install;"); |
#OpenSSL 1.1.0l |
SSL_110="1"; |
SSL_110_name="OpenSSL"; |
SSL_110_version="1.1.0l"; |
SSL_110_check="openssl.pc"; |
SSL_110_url=""; |
SSL_110_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
SSL_110_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
SSL_110_tasks+=("export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;"); |
SSL_110_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
SSL_110_tasks+=("./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;"); |
SSL_110_tasks+=("make;"); |
SSL_110_tasks+=("make install;"); |
#OpenSSL 1.0.2u |
SSL_102="1"; |
SSL_102_name="OpenSSL"; |
SSL_102_version="1.0.2u"; |
SSL_102_check="openssl.pc"; |
SSL_102_url=""; |
SSL_102_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
SSL_102_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
SSL_102_tasks+=("export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;"); |
SSL_102_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
SSL_102_tasks+=("./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;"); |
SSL_102_tasks+=("make;"); |
SSL_102_tasks+=("make install SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER=1.0.2 SHLIB_MINOR=0.2;"); |
#OpenSSL 1.0.0t |
SSL_100="1"; |
SSL_100_name="OpenSSL"; |
SSL_100_version="1.0.0t"; |
SSL_100_check="openssl.pc"; |
SSL_100_url=""; |
SSL_100_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
SSL_100_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
SSL_100_tasks+=("export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;"); |
SSL_100_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
SSL_100_tasks+=("./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;"); |
SSL_100_tasks+=("make;"); |
SSL_100_tasks+=("make install;"); |
#OpenSSL 0.9.8zf |
SSL_098="1"; |
SSL_098_name="OpenSSL"; |
SSL_098_version="0.9.8zf"; |
SSL_098_check="openssl.pc"; |
SSL_098_url=""; |
SSL_098_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
SSL_098_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
SSL_098_tasks+=("export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;"); |
SSL_098_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
SSL_098_tasks+=("./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;"); |
SSL_098_tasks+=("make;"); |
SSL_098_tasks+=("make install;"); |
#libusb 1.0.23 |
LIB_USB="1"; |
LIB_USB_name="libusb"; |
LIB_USB_version="1.0.23"; |
LIB_USB_check="libusb-1.0.pc"; |
LIB_USB_url=""; |
LIB_USB_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
LIB_USB_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
LIB_USB_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
LIB_USB_tasks+=("./;"); |
LIB_USB_tasks+=("./configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ --host=@HOST@ --disable-udev;"); |
LIB_USB_tasks+=("make;"); |
LIB_USB_tasks+=("make install;"); |
#PCSC-Lite 1.8.26 |
LIB_PCSC="1"; |
LIB_PCSC_name="PCSC-Lite"; |
LIB_PCSC_version="1.8.26"; |
LIB_PCSC_check="libpcsclite.pc"; |
LIB_PCSC_url=""; |
LIB_PCSC_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
LIB_PCSC_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
LIB_PCSC_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
LIB_PCSC_tasks+=("./configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ --host=@HOST@ --disable-libudev --disable-libsystemd LIBUSB_LIBS=\"-L@PREFIX@/lib -lusb-1.0 -lrt\" LIBUSB_CFLAGS=\"-I@PREFIX@/include/libusb-1.0\";"); |
LIB_PCSC_tasks+=("make;"); |
LIB_PCSC_tasks+=("make install;"); |
#zlib 1.2.11 |
LIB_ZLIB="1"; |
LIB_ZLIB_name="zlib"; |
LIB_ZLIB_version="1.2.11"; |
LIB_ZLIB_check="zlib.pc"; |
LIB_ZLIB_url=""; |
LIB_ZLIB_tasks=("export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;"); |
LIB_ZLIB_tasks+=("export CC=@CC@;"); |
LIB_ZLIB_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";'); |
LIB_ZLIB_tasks+=("./configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/;"); |
LIB_ZLIB_tasks+=("make;"); |
LIB_ZLIB_tasks+=("make install;"); |
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
#simplebuild_plugin tcupdate 0.1.7 |
tcupdate(){ |
clear; |
#toolchain native not supported |
if [ "$1" == "native" ];then |
echo -e "$r_l $txt_error:$y_l $1$w_l Toolchain library update not supported!""$rs_"; |
_nl; |
exit; |
fi; |
#toolchain exists check |
[ -f "$tccfgdir/$1" ] && source "$tccfgdir/$1"; |
if [ -d "$tcdir/$1/bin" ];then |
cd "$tcdir/$1/bin"; |
else |
echo -e "$r_l $txt_error:$y_l $1$w_l Toolchain $txt_n_installed""$rs_"; |
_nl; |
exit; |
fi; |
#create/load config |
configname="$configdir/plugin_update_toolchain.config"; |
if [ ! -f "$configname" ];then |
echo -e "$r_l$txt_error: config file $configdir/libs not found!\n" \ |
"$g_l""Creating new config file...\n" \ |
"$y_l""You can extend them to fit your needs.""$re_"; |
_create_config; |
sleep 2; |
fi; |
source "$configname"; |
#autodetect toolchain's sysroot, prefix and pkgconfig folder |
compilername="$_compiler""gcc";compilername=$(realpath $compilername); |
ranlibname="$_compiler""ranlib";ranlibname=$(realpath $ranlibname); |
hostname=${_compiler%?}; |
sr=$("$compilername" -print-sysroot 2>/dev/null); |
if [ ${#sr} -gt ${#tcdir} ];then |
[ -d "$sr/include" ] && cd "$sr" |
[ -d "$sr/usr/include" ] && cd "$sr/usr" |
else |
cd "$tcdir/$1/$_sysroot" |
fi; |
prefixdir="$PWD" |
pkg=$(find * | grep -m1 "/pkgconfig") && pkgdir="$prefixdir/$pkg"; |
#build menu items from config file |
unset MENU_OPTIONS;COUNT=0;unset libs; |
for i in "${LIBS[@]}" |
do |
[ "${!i}" == "0" ] && continue; |
libkey=$i; |
libname="$i"_name;libname=${!libname}; |
libdesc="$i"_desc;libdesc=${!libdesc}; |
libversion="$i"_version;libversion=${!libversion}; |
libcheck="$i"_check;libcheck=${!libcheck}; |
liburl="$i"_url;liburl=${!liburl}; |
libversioncheck=$(echo $libversion | sed -e 's/[a-zA-Z]//g'); |
libversioncurrent=$(_get_version "$pkgdir/$libcheck" "$libversioncheck"); |
libversioncompare=$(_compare_version $libversion $(echo $libversioncurrent | sed -e 's/^$/0.0.0/g') | sed -e 's/>//g'); |
libtasks="$i"_tasks[@];libtasks=("${!libtasks}"); |
libexports="$i"_exports[@];libexports=("${!libexports}"); |
libconfigure="$i"_configure[@];libconfigure=("${!libconfigure}"); |
libmake="$i"_make[@];libmake=("${!libmake}"); |
MENU_OPTIONS+=("$i" "$libname $libversion $libversioncompare $(echo $libversioncurrent | sed -e 's/^$/ ---/g')" "$([ $libversioncurrent ] && echo "on" || echo "off")" "$([ $libname ] && echo "$libname $libversion: $liburl")");counter; |
# 0 key 1 desc 2 version 3 checkversion 4 checkfile 5 current version 6 url 7 tasks array |
lib=("$libkey" "$libname" "$libversion" "$libversioncheck" "$libcheck" "$libversioncurrent" "$liburl" "(${libtasks[*]@Q})"); |
libs+=("(${lib[*]@Q})"); |
done; |
opts=$("$gui" "--item-help" "$st_" "$bt_" "$title_" --title "-[ Library Update for Toolchain $1 ]-" "$cl_" \ |
"\nSelect all libraries to update in toolchain's SYSROOT folder:\n$prefixdir\n\n library version NEW CURRENT" \ |
"${COUNT+12}" 70 0 "${MENU_OPTIONS[@]}"); |
[ $(echo $opts | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -c "SSL_") -gt 1 ] && echo -e $r_l"\n\nPlease select only one SSL version!"$re_ && sleep 3 && tcupdate $1; |
icount=$(echo $opts | wc -w);i=0; |
for o in $opts;do |
unset buildtasks; |
for l in "${libs[@]}";do |
declare -a lib="${l[*]}"; #populate libs array element |
[ ! "$o" == "${lib[0]}" ] && continue || ((i++)); |
logfile="$ldir/$(date +%F)_$(date +%T)_update_toolchain_"$_toolchainname"_"${lib[1]}"_"${lib[2]}".log" |
#generate build command list |
declare -a libtasks="${lib[7]}"; #populate tasks array element |
for task in "${libtasks[@]}";do #replace tokens |
task=$(echo $task | sed -e "s#@TOOLCHAIN@#$tcdir/$1#g; \ |
s#@CC@#$compilername#g; \ |
s#@RANLIB@#$ranlibname#g; \ |
s#@PREFIX@#$prefixdir#g; \ |
s#@HOST@#$hostname#g" \ |
); |
buildtasks+=("$task"); |
done |
_build "($i/$icount) ${lib[1]}" $(_extract $(_dl "${lib[6]}")) "$logfile" "${buildtasks[@]}"; |
done; |
done; |
#Reopen update menu |
[ ${#opts} -gt 0 ] && tcupdate $1; |
clear; |
echo -e "$w_l"; |
s3logo; |
exit; |
}; |
_build(){ |
_sz; # Prepare DIALOG settings |
local desc="$1"; # Save 1. argument in a variable |
local libsrcdir="$2"; # Save 2. argument in a variable |
local lf="$3"; # Save 3. argument in a variable |
shift && shift && shift;# Shift all 3. arguments to the left (original $1,$2,$3 gets lost) |
local tasks=("$@"); # Rebuild the array with rest of arguments |
( |
bcl=$(printf '%s\n' "${tasks[@]}"); |
sp=$(printf '%*s' 100 | tr ' ' '=') |
echo -e "$sp\nbuild command list for $desc:\n$sp\ncd "$libsrcdir"\n$bcl\n$sp" | tee -a "$lf"; |
sleep 2; |
cd "$libsrcdir"; |
( eval "${tasks[@]}" ) 2>&1 | tee -a "$lf" |
) | "$gui" "$st_" --colors --title " -[ Build $desc ... ]- " "$pb_" "$_lines" "$_cols";sleep 2; |
#build error message |
error_on_build=$(grep -cw1 Error "$lf"); |
if [ "$error_on_build" -gt "0" ]; then |
echo -e ""$r_l"ERRORS on build found, details:\n$b_l $lf\n$y_l" >$(tty); |
read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue"; |
echo -e "$re_$w_l"; |
fi; |
}; |
_dl(){ |
fname=$(basename "${1%..*}") |
if [ ! -f "$dldir/$fname" ];then |
cd "$dldir"; |
wget "$1" 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | "$gui" "$st_" "$bt_" "$title_" --title " -[ download ]- " --gauge " $txt_loading $fname $txt_wait" 6 74; |
fi; |
[ -f "$dldir/$fname" ] && echo "$dldir/$fname"; |
exit; |
}; |
_extract(){ |
local c e i; |
(($#)) || return; |
edir=/tmp/lib_source; |
[ -d "$edir" ] && rm -r "$edir"; |
mkdir "$edir"; |
for i; do |
c=''; |
e=1; |
if [[ ! -r $i ]]; then |
echo "$0: file is unreadable: \`$i'" >&2; |
continue; |
fi |
case $i in |
*.tgz|*.tlz|*.txz|*.tb2|*.tbz|*.tbz2|*.taz|*.tar|*.tar.Z|*|*.tar.bz2|*.tar.gz|*.tar.lzma|*.tar.xz) |
c=(tar -xvf);; |
*.7z) c=(7z -x);; |
*.Z) c=(uncompress);; |
*.bz2) c=(bunzip2);; |
*.exe) c=(cabextract);; |
*.gz) c=(gunzip);; |
*.rar) c=(unrar -x);; |
*.xz) c=(unxz);; |
*.zip) c=(unzip -o);; |
*) echo "$0: unrecognized file extension: \`$i'" >&2; |
continue;; |
esac |
cd "$edir"; |
BEFORE=(.*/ */); |
command "${c[@]}" "$i" |"$gui" "$st_" --title " -[ $txt_extracting ]- " "$pb_" 20 74; |
((e = e || $?)); |
AFTER=(.*/ */); |
for (( j = 0; j < "${#BEFORE[@]}"; j++ )); do |
[ "${BEFORE[j]}" == "${AFTER[j]}" ] || break; |
done |
printf "$edir/${AFTER[j]}"; |
done |
exit; |
}; |
_get_version(){ |
r=""; |
if [ -f "$1" ];then |
content=$(cat "$1"); |
ver=$(echo "$content" | grep 'Version:' | sed -e "s/Version: //g"); |
(echo "$ver" | grep -qc "$2") && r="$ver"; |
fi; |
echo $r; |
[ ${#r} -gt 0 ] && exit 0 || exit 1; |
}; |
_compare_version(){ |
min=$(printf "$1\n$2\n" | sort -V | head -n1); |
max=$(printf "$1\n$2\n" | sort -V | tail -n1); |
[ $min == $max ] && printf '=' && exit; |
[ $1 == $max ] && printf '>' && exit; |
[ $1 == $min ] && printf '<' && exit; |
}; |
_create_config(){ |
sample_comments=( "#Enable/Disable (1|0)" \ |
"#Displayname" \ |
"#Versionnumber" \ |
"#Filename to check in pkgconfig folder for an existing library to get version information" \ |
"#Valid URL for downloading sources of library\n#List of build commands below. Pay attention to the SEMICOLON at the end of EACH\n#command and the correct quoting (\' or \") for or to avoid expansion of variables.\n#Tokens @TOOLCHAIN@, @CC@, @RANLIB@, @PREFIX@ are replaced automatically." \ |
"#build command" |
); |
sample_settings=( "" name version check url tasks ); |
sample_keys=( SAMPLE_LIB SSL_111 SSL_110 SSL_102 SSL_100 SSL_098 LIB_USB LIB_PCSC LIB_ZLIB ); |
sample_names=( "SampleLib" "OpenSSL" "OpenSSL" "OpenSSL" "OpenSSL" "OpenSSL" "libusb" "PCSC-Lite" "zlib" ); |
sample_versions=( "0.2.9sl" "1.1.1d" "1.1.0l" "1.0.2u" "1.0.0t" "0.9.8zf" "1.0.23" "1.8.26" "1.2.11" ); |
sample_checks=( "samplelib.pc" "openssl.pc" "openssl.pc" "openssl.pc" "openssl.pc" "openssl.pc" "libusb-1.0.pc" "libpcsclite.pc" "zlib.pc" ); |
sample_urls=( "" \ |
"" \ |
"" \ |
"" \ |
"" \ |
"" \ |
"" \ |
"" \ |
"" \ |
); |
sample_tasks=( '( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "(\"export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "(\"export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "(\"export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "(\"export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER=1.0.2 SHLIB_MINOR=0.2;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "(\"export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "(\"export RANLIB=@RANLIB@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./Configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ linux-generic32 shared;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./;\")" "(\"./configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ --host=@HOST@ --disable-udev;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/ --host=@HOST@ --disable-libudev --disable-libsystemd LIBUSB_LIBS=\\\"-L@PREFIX@/lib -lusb-1.0 -lrt\\\" LIBUSB_CFLAGS=\\\"-I@PREFIX@/include/libusb-1.0\\\";\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
'( "(\"export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;\")" "(\"export CC=@CC@;\")" "('"'"'export PATH=\"\$TOOLCHAIN/bin:\$PATH\";'"'"')" "(\"./configure --prefix=@PREFIX@/;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"make install;\")" )' \ |
); |
echo '#list of ordered library list' >"$configname"; |
echo '#only libraries in this list are available' >>"$configname"; |
echo "LIBS=(${sample_keys[@]});" >>"$configname"; |
i=0; |
for key in "${sample_keys[@]}"; |
do |
for setting in "${sample_settings[@]}"; |
do |
case "$setting" in |
"") if [ -z $setting ];then |
echo -e "\n#"${sample_names[$i]}" "${sample_versions[$i]}"" >>"$configname"; |
fi; |
echo -e "$key"$([ ! -z $setting ] && echo "_")"$setting""=\"$([ "$key" == "SAMPLE_LIB" ] && echo '0' || echo '1')\";$([ "$i" -eq "0" ] && echo " ${sample_comments[0]}")" >>"$configname";; |
"name") echo -e "$key"$([ ! -z $setting ] && echo "_")"$setting""=\"${sample_names[$i]}\";$([ "$i" -eq "0" ] && echo " ${sample_comments[1]}")" >>"$configname";; |
"version") echo -e "$key"$([ ! -z $setting ] && echo "_")"$setting""=\"${sample_versions[$i]}\";$([ "$i" -eq "0" ] && echo " ${sample_comments[2]}")" >>"$configname";; |
"check") echo -e "$key"$([ ! -z $setting ] && echo "_")"$setting""=\"${sample_checks[$i]}\";$([ "$i" -eq "0" ] && echo " ${sample_comments[3]}")" >>"$configname";; |
"url") echo -e "$key"$([ ! -z $setting ] && echo "_")"$setting""=\"${sample_urls[$i]}\";$([ "$i" -eq "0" ] && echo " ${sample_comments[4]}")" >>"$configname";; |
"tasks") unset tasks;j=0; |
declare -a tasks="${sample_tasks[$i]}" |
for t in "${tasks[@]}"; |
do |
echo -e "$key"$([ ! -z $setting ] && echo "_")"$setting"$([ "$j" -gt "0" ] && echo "+")"=$t; $([ "$i" -eq "0" ] && echo "${sample_comments[5]}$(($j+1))")" >>"$configname"; |
((j++)); |
done;; |
esac; |
done; |
((i++)) |
done; |
}; |
Reference in new issue