- integrate s3 language support (+en, +de; bg, es, fr, it, nl, pl, pt, tr needs further translation)
- remove annoying startup bug (Error: Expected 4 arguments, found only 3. - loop) when no toolchains or templates are installed
- some menu auto sizing optimization
CTNG_ROOT_BUILD_ERROR="\nERROR -> The cross toolchain build process was aborted because it must not run as root!\n\n""$sp""If you are aware of the danger of building toolchains as root and you\n""$sp""know what you are doing, you can force it with the following command:\n\n";
"\nSelect one of the $COUNT templates to create the cross toolchain you want:\n\n\Z1NOTE: \ZbIf you create a cross toolchain from a template with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!\ZB Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the template is higher than the existing toolchain. An update could make sense.\Zn" \
[ "${#libkeys}" -gt 0 -a "$LIBS_AUTO_INTEGRATE" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${y_l}\nThe following libraries were detected in the existing toolchain:\n${b_l}$(echo "$libkeys" | tr ',' '\n' | sort -hr)${re_}" | tee -a "$logfile";
[ "${#libkeys}" -gt 0 -a "$LIBS_AUTO_INTEGRATE" -eq 1 ] && echo -e "${y_l}\n${txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_detection}\n${b_l}$(echo "$libkeys" | tr ',' '\n' | sort -hr)${re_}" | tee -a "$logfile";
if [ "${#libkeys}" -gt 0 -a "$LIBS_AUTO_INTEGRATE" -eq 1 ];then
echo -e "${y_l}\nThe following libraries will now be integrated into the toolchain:\n${b_l}$(echo "$libkeys" | tr ',' '\n' | sort -hr)${re_}" | tee -a "$logfile";
echo -e "${y_l}\n${txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_integration}\n${b_l}$(echo "$libkeys" | tr ',' '\n' | sort -hr)${re_}" | tee -a "$logfile";
echo -e "You can still use the ${y_l}old cross toolchains${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross toolchain templates${re_} to get future template updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross toolchains${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
"PCSC") #Create symlink to the PCSC header files, if the last include path of the compiler don't point to it
echo -e "\nCheck for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location...";
[ "${#headerdir}" -gt 0 ] && echo "Symlink $includedir/PCSC -> $headerdir created, to point to the PCSC header files." || "No PCSC header files found in $prefixdir and it's sub directories!";
[ "${#includedir}" -gt 0 ] && echo "PCSC header files are in the correct location: $includedir/PCSC" || echo "Compiler returns no include directories!";
if syscheck "" "" "${pkgs[*]}" "${headers[*]}" "${libs[*]}";then
echo -e "${r_l}\nSYSCHECK -> You need to manually install the following packages to use this plugin properly:\n${y_l}${prefix} install${packages}\n${re_}" && _paktc_timer 10;
echo -e "${y_l}NOTE -> Please wait until ${g_l}${reset_time}${y_l} to reset your configuration file."\
"The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API."\
"Exceeding the rate limit on Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file."\
"Your Github API rate limit will be reset soon on $reset_time."\
"\nFor ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows for ${b_l}up to ${limit} requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."\
echo -e "${r_l}\nCHECK -> Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:\n${y_l}${conf}\n${r_l}Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:\n${y_l}./s3 tcupdate -r\n${re_}";
echo -e "${r_l}\nCHECK -> Without the tool 'jq' automatic config file generation is not possible. Please install it first:\n${y_l}apt install jq\n${re_}" && _paktc_timer 10;
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="Die Datei kann an die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst und erweitert werden."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="Der Cross ${txt_tc} Erstellungsprozess wurde abgebrochen, da er nicht als Root ausgeführt werden darf!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="Wenn Sie sich der Gefahren bewusst sind, die beim Erstellen von ${txt_tc}s als Root auftreten können\n und wissen was Sie tun, dann können Sie dies mit dem folgenden Befehl erzwingen:"
txt_s3tup_msg_toolchain_exists="${txt_tc} bereits vorhanden!"
txt_s3tup_msg_choose_ssl="Bitte eine einzelne SSL-Version auswählen!"
txt_s3tup_msg_library_not_found="${txt_lib} in der Konfigurationsdatei nicht gefunden!"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_log="Erstellen des Cross ${txt_tc} Log"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_commandlist="Befehlszeilen für die Cross ${txt_tc} Erstellung"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_detection="Die folgenden ${txt_lib}en wurden in der vorhandenen ${txt_tc} erkannt:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_integration="Die folgenden ${txt_lib}en werden nun in die ${txt_tc} integriert:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="Die folgenden Cross ${txt_tc}s sind aufgrund der Umbenennung von Cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}n veraltet:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="Die ${y_l}alten Cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} von oben können weiterhin verwendet verwenden. Es ist jedoch besser, aktuelle Cross ${txt_tc}s basierend auf den ${p_l}neuen Cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}n${re_} zu erstellen, um zukünftige Aktualisierungen nachverfolgen zu können.\nDie ${y_l}alten Cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} können wie folgt manuell entfernt werden:"
txt_s3tup_msg_extract_gtp_info="\Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR ausführen, um Details anzuzeigen"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste, um fortzufahren"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} nicht gesetzt!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} Aktualisierung nicht unterstützt!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Überprüfen der PCSC-Header-Dateien und Erstellen einer Verknüpfung zu den korrekten Header-Dateien, wenn der letzte Compiler Pfad auf den falschen Speicherort verweist..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Verknüpfung zu den korrekten PCSC-Header-Dateien erstellt."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="Keine PCSC-Header-Dateien im folgenden Ordner und seinen Unterverzeichnissen gefunden:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC-Header-Dateien befinden sich am richtigen Speicherort:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Der Compiler gibt keine Include-Verzeichnisse zurück!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Ihr ${r_l}Github-API-Limit wurde überschritten${y_l} und wird zum folgenden Zeitpunkt zurückgesetzt:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Bitte warten Sie solange, bis Sie Ihre Konfigurationsdatei zurücksetzen. Die neuesten Versionen und Download-Links für die ${txt_lib} werden dynamisch über die Github-API ermittelt. Das Überschreiten des Limits der Github-API führt zu Fehlern beim Erstellen der Konfigurationsdatei. Für ${b_l}nicht authentifizierte Anfragen${y_l} beträgt das Limit ${b_l}bis zu 60 Anfragen pro Stunde${y_l}. Nicht authentifizierte Anfragen werden der ursprünglichen IP-Adresse zugeordnet und nicht dem anfragenden Benutzer."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="ist nicht richtig installiert. Es wird versucht, es automatisch zu korrigieren..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Die Konfigurationsdatei scheint veraltet zu sein. Folgende Einstellungen fehlen:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Bitte starten Sie s3 wie folgt, um eine aktualisierte Konfigurationsdatei zu erstellen:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="Variable wurde nicht in der Konfigurationsdatei gefunden!"
txt_s3tup_msg_create_config_jq_not_found="Ohne das Paket 'jq' ist eine automatische Erstellung der Konfigurationsdatei nicht möglich. Bitte installieren Sie es manuell:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text1="Wählen Sie eine der"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}n zum Erstellen der gewünschten Cross ${txt_tc}:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="Wenn Sie eine Cross ${txt_tc} aus einer ${txt_tpl} mit einer roten Beschreibung erstellen, wird eine vorhandene ${txt_tc} mit demselben Namen ohne Aufforderung überschrieben!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dunkelrote Beschreibungen zeigen an, dass die Version der ${txt_tpl} höher als die vorhandene ${txt_tc} ist. Ein Update könnte sinnvoll sein."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc,,} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc,,}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc,,}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc,,} ${txt_tpl,,}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc,,}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc,,} ${txt_tpl,,}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl,,} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc,,}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib,,} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl,,}s to create the cross ${txt_tc,,} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc,,} from a ${txt_tpl,,} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl,,} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc,,}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."