@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
clear && _check_bin;
pversion="0.8.5 ";
pversion="0.9.0 ";
pdesc="Plugin $pname v$pversion";
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ tcupdate(){
[ $COUNT -eq 0 ] && MENU_OPTIONS+=("" "no toolchains found" "no toolchains found") && counter;
out=$("$gui" "$st_" "$bt_" "$title_ - \Z0$pdesc\Zn" "--colors" "--item-help" "--help-tags" "--default-item" "$3" "--ok-label" "Update" "--cancel-label" "Create" "--help-button" "--help-label" "Exit" "--extra-button" "--extra-label" "Copy" "--title" "-[ Toolchain Menu ]-" \
--menu "\nSelect one of the installed tool chains that you want to update:\n " \
"${COUNT+10}" 0 0 "${MENU_OPTIONS[@]}");
@ -244,30 +245,38 @@ _create_tc(){
sp=$(printf '%*s' 80 | tr ' ' '=')
echo -e "$sp\nbuild ($i/$icount): command list for cross toolchain $tpl (executed as user $CTNG_USER) :\n$sp" | tee -a "$logfile";
echo -e "$sp\nbuild ($i/$icount): command list for cross toolchain $tpl:\n$sp" | tee -a "$logfile";
#copy template and patching them
echo "rm "$ctsrcdir/.config*" 2>/dev/null;cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership -f "$cttpldir/$tpl" "$ctsrcdir/.config";" | tee -a "$logfile";
echo "rm \ "$ctsrcdir/.config*\ " 2>/dev/null;cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership -f \ "$cttpldir/$tpl\ " \ "$ctsrcdir/.config\ ";" | tee -a "$logfile";
rm "$ctsrcdir/.config*" 2>/dev/null;cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership -f "$cttpldir/$tpl" "$ctsrcdir/.config";
#CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR aka cache folder for downloads
echo "sed -i \"s#.*CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR=.*#CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR=\"$dldir\"#g\" "$ctsrcdir/.config";" | tee -a "$logfile";
echo "sed -i \"s#.*CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR=.*#CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR=\"$dldir\"#g\" \ "$ctsrcdir/.config\ ";" | tee -a "$logfile";
sed -i "s#.*CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR=.*#CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR=\"$dldir\"#g" "$ctsrcdir/.config";
#CT_PREFIX_DIR aka folder that contains the final toolchain
echo "sed -i \"s#.*CT_PREFIX_DIR=.*#CT_PREFIX_DIR=\"$tcdir/$tpl\"#g\" "$ctsrcdir/.config";" | tee -a "$logfile";
echo "sed -i \"s#.*CT_PREFIX_DIR=.*#CT_PREFIX_DIR=\"$tcdir/$tpl\"#g\" \ "$ctsrcdir/.config\ ";" | tee -a "$logfile";
sed -i "s#.*CT_PREFIX_DIR=.*#CT_PREFIX_DIR=\"$tcdir/$tpl\"#g" "$ctsrcdir/.config";
#CT_ALLOW_BUILD_AS_ROOT aka force build as root
_check_root && [ "$CTNG_BUILD_AS_ROOT" == "1" ] && echo "echo -e \"\nCT_EXPERIMENTAL=y\nCT_ALLOW_BUILD_AS_ROOT=y\nCT_ALLOW_BUILD_AS_ROOT_SURE=y\" >>\"$ctsrcdir/.config\";" | tee -a "$logfile";
_check_root && [ "$CTNG_BUILD_AS_ROOT" == "1" ] && echo -e "\nCT_EXPERIMENTAL=y\nCT_ALLOW_BUILD_AS_ROOT=y\nCT_ALLOW_BUILD_AS_ROOT_SURE=y" >>"$ctsrcdir/.config";
#run build as $CTNG_USER
#run build
bcl=$(printf '%s\n' "${CTNG_BUILD_tasks[@]}");
echo -e "cd "$ctsrcdir"; \n[ -d "$tcdir/$tpl" ] && chown -R "$CTNG_USER":"$CTNG_USER" "$tcdir/$tpl ";\n$(_replace_tokens "$bcl")\n$sp" | tee -a "$logfile";
echo -e "cd \ "$ctsrcdir\";\n$(_replace_tokens "$bcl")\n$sp" | tee -a "$logfile";
sleep 2;
cd "$ctsrcdir";
[ -d "$tcdir/$tpl" ] && chown -R "$CTNG_USER":"$CTNG_USER" "$tcdir/$tpl";
sudo -u "$CTNG_USER" -H -- sh -c "$(_replace_tokens "$cmd")" 2>&1;
#generate build command list
for task in "${CTNG_BUILD_tasks[@]}";do
task=$(_replace_tokens "$task"); #replace tokens
( eval "${buildtasks[@]}" ) 2>&1;
err=$(grep '\[ERROR\]' "$ctsrcdir/build.log" | wc -l)
#save build.log in logs
cat "$ctsrcdir/build.log" >>"$logfile";
cat "$ctsrcdir/build.log" >>"$logfile";
if [ ! $err -gt 0 ]; then
#get target from build.log
@ -297,29 +306,27 @@ _create_tc(){
bcl=$(printf '%s\n' "${CTNG_SETUP_tasks[@]}");
sp=$(printf '%*s' 80 | tr ' ' '=')
echo -e "$sp\nbuild command list for crosstool-NG (executed as user $CTNG_USER) :\n$sp\ncd "$ctsrcdir"\n$(_replace_tokens "$bcl")\n$sp";
echo -e "$sp\nbuild command list for crosstool-NG:\n$sp\ncd "$ctsrcdir"\n$(_replace_tokens "$bcl")\n$sp";
sleep 2;
#ct-ng must not run as root, so create and run as the low privileged user defined in config
id -u "$CTNG_USER" &>/dev/null;
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Creating low privileged user "$CTNG_USER", because crosstool-NG must not run as root..."
userdel -r "$CTNG_USER" 2>/dev/null
adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" "$CTNG_USER" 2>/dev/null;
#adjust folder permissions for low privileged user
echo "Adjust s3 folder permissions for user "$CTNG_USER"..."
chmod 755 "$sdir" && chmod 755 "$ctdir"; #s3 support, crosstool folder
chmod -R 777 "$tcdir" && chmod -R 777 "$dldir" && chmod -R 777 "$ldir"; #s3 toolchains, downloads, logs folder
# setup crosstool wc
echo "Cleanup source directory "$ctsrcdir/"..."
rm -r "$ctsrcdir" 2>/dev/null;
mkdir --parents "$ctsrcdir";
chown -R "$CTNG_USER":"$CTNG_USER" "$ctsrcdir"; #ct-ng source folder
cd "$ctsrcdir";
sudo -u "$CTNG_USER" -H -- sh -c "$(_replace_tokens "$cmd")" 2>&1;
#ct-ng must not be run as root unless you know what you are doing by forcing it
! _check_root && RUN_SETUP=1 || RUN_SETUP=0;
[ "$CTNG_BUILD_AS_ROOT" == "1" ] && RUN_SETUP=1;
if [ $RUN_SETUP -eq 1 ]; then
# setup crosstool wc
echo "Cleanup source directory "$ctsrcdir/"..."
rm -rf "$ctsrcdir" 2>/dev/null;
mkdir --parents "$ctsrcdir";
cd "$ctsrcdir";
#generate setup command list
for task in "${CTNG_SETUP_tasks[@]}";do
task=$(_replace_tokens "$task"); #replace tokens
( eval "${setuptasks[@]}" ) 2>&1;
echo -e "\nERROR -> The execution of crosstool-NG was aborted\n because it must not run as root!\n";
) | tee "$logfile" | "$gui" "$st_" "$bt_" "$title_ - \Z0$pdesc\Zn" "--colors" "--title" " -[ Setup crosstool-NG... ]- " "$pb_" "$_lines" "$_cols";
_paktc_timer 10;
@ -495,6 +502,9 @@ else
echo -e "\033[2K\r"; #remove characters from console
! ((${EUID:-0} || "$(id -u)"));
case "$1" in
"PCSC") #Create symlink to the PCSC header files, if the last include path of the compiler don't point to it
@ -528,7 +538,7 @@ _check_bin(){
[ -z ${CTNG_USER +x} ] && nok=1;
[ -z ${CTNG_BUILD_AS_ROOT +x} ] && nok=1;
[ -z ${LIBS+x} ] && nok=1;
if [ $nok -eq 1 ]; then
@ -604,15 +614,15 @@ _create_config(){
ctng_build_tasks=( "(\"./ct-ng upgradeconfig;\")" "(\"./ct-ng show-config;\")" "(\"./ct-ng build;\")" );
ctng_build_tasks_comment="#build command";
ctng_setup_tasks=( "(\"git clone --progress \"\$CTNG_REPO_URL\" \"@CTNGSOURCE@\";\")" "(\"./bootstrap;\")" "(\"./configure --enable-local;\")" "(\"make;\")" "(\"touch \"@CTNGSOURCE@/.config\";\")" );
ctng_setup_tasks=( "(\"git clone --progress \"\$CTNG_REPO_URL\" \"@CTNGSOURCE@\";\")" "(\"./bootstrap;\")" "(\"./configure --enable-local;\")" "(\"make;\")" );
ctng_setup_tasks_comment="#setup command";
echo '#CROSS toolchain build settings' >"$configname";
echo 'CTNG_USER="ctng"; #low privileged user that run ct-ng (will be created automatically, if not exists)' >>"$configname";
echo 'CTNG_REPO_URL="https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng"; #Repository to load ct-ng from' >>"$configname";
echo 'CTNG_BUILD_AS_ROOT="0"; #You normally do *not* need to be root to build a toolchain using crosstool-NG. In fact, it is *VERY* dangerous to run as root, as crosstool-NG will, as part of the build process, remove a few directories. If anything goes wrong, running as root can ruin your host distribution.' >>"$configname";
echo '#List of build and setup commands below. Pay attention to the SEMICOLON at the end of EACH' >>"$configname";
echo '#command and the correct quoting ('"'"' or ") for or to avoid expansion of variables.' >>"$configname";
echo '#Tokens @CTNGSOURCE@ are replaced automatically. The commands are executed in the context of the user CTNG_USER .' >>"$configname";
echo '#Tokens @CTNGSOURCE@ are replaced automatically. The commands are executed in the context of the current user.' >>"$configname";
for bt in "${ctng_build_tasks[@]}";