#!/bin/bash #usage: #to use colors start with initializeANSI first #example red color text #echo -e $r_n"red text"$re_"normal text" initializeANSI(){ nc='\033[0;' #nc normal color lc='\033[1;' #lc light color # normal r_n=$nc'31m' #red g_n=$nc'32m' #green y_n=$nc'33m' #yellow b_n=$nc'34m' #blue p_n=$nc'35m' #pink c_n=$nc'36m' #cyan w_n=$nc'37m' #white #light r_l=$lc'31m' #red g_l=$lc'32m' #green y_l=$lc'33m' #yellow b_l=$lc'34m' #blue p_l=$lc'35m' #pink c_l=$lc'36m' #cyan w_l=$lc'37m' #white #reset to normal re_='\033[0m' #resets all colors re_f='\033[39m' #resets only foreground color re_b='\033[49m' #resets only background color #sed replace W=$(echo -e '\033[0m') #normal Y=$(echo -e '\033[1;33m') #yellow R=$(echo -e '\033[1;31m') #red G=$(echo -e '\033[1;32m') #green P=$(echo -e '\033[1;35m') #pink C=$(echo -e '\033[1;36m') #cyan WH=$(echo -e '\033[1;37m') #lightgray }