#!/bin/bash _cmd_build(){ [ ! -d "$svndir" ] || [ -f "$workdir/NEED-CHECKOUT" ] && checkout if [ "$_toolchainname" == "native" ] then log_name="$(date +%F).$(date +%X).$(hostname).log" else log_name="$(date +%F).$(date +%X).$_toolchainname.log" fi source "$tccfgdir/$_toolchainname" _reset_config printf $WH ologo >"$ldir/$log_name" #set build defaults CROSS="$tcdir/$_toolchainname/bin/$_compiler" [ "$_stagingdir" == "1" ] && export STAGING_DIR="$tcdir/$_toolchainname" [ "$_androidndkdir" == "1" ] && export ANDROID_NDK="$tcdir/$_toolchainname" [ -f "$configdir/compiler_option" ] && co=$(cat "$configdir/compiler_option") || co="-O2" #toolchain defaults for defa in $default_use do USE_vars[$defa]="$defa=1" done #disable by cmd for e in ${USE_vars[*]} do for d in ${USE_vars_disable[*]} do [ "$e" == "$d" ] && USE_vars[${e:0: -2}]=; done done cd "$svndir" #make clean make distclean > /dev/null 2>&1; #do enable and disable modules for am in "${all_cc[@]}" do chose="false" if [ "${am:${#am} - 3}" == "_on" ] then e="${am:0: -3}" "$svndir/config.sh" -E "$e" |awk '{printf "\033[1;37m"} {printf " | %s : ", $1} {printf "\033[1;32m"} {printf "%s\n", $2}' fi if [ "${am:${#am} - 4}" == "_off" ] then d="${am:0: -4}" "$svndir/config.sh" -D "$d" |awk '{printf "\033[1;37m"} {printf " | %s : ", $1} {printf "\033[1;31m"} {printf "%s\n", $2}' fi done #fix smargo case if [ "$(./config.sh -e CARDREADER_SMARGO)" == "Y" ] || [ "${USE_vars[$e]}" == "USE_LIBUSB=1" ] then silent=$(./config.sh -E CARDREADER_SMARGO) check_smargo else silent=$(./config.sh -D CARDREADER_SMARGO) check_smargo fi #fill use variables and set name addons USESTRING=; EXTRA_USE=; _usb=; _pcsc=; _stapi=; _stapi5=; _do_patch="0" for e in "${!USE_vars[@]}" do for e1 in $_block do USE_vars[$e1]=; done uv=${USE_vars[$e]} if [ ! "$e" == "USE_CONFDIR" ] then USESTRING="$uv $USESTRING" if [ "${#USE_vars[$e]}" -gt "5" ] then printf "\n$y_l | set : ${USE_vars[$e]}" fi fi case "$uv" in "USE_LIBUSB=1") _usb="-libusb";; # set libusb suffix to name "USE_PCSC=1") _pcsc_on _pcsc="-pcsc";; # set pcsc suffix to name "USE_PATCH=1") _do_patch="1";; # enable patching "USE_TARGZ=1") s3cfg_vars[TARGZ]=1;; # overwrite global "USE_COMPRESS=1") s3cfg_vars[COMPRESS]=1;;# overwrite global "USE_STAPI=1") _stapi="-stapi" [ -z "$stapi_lib_custom" ] && STAPI_LIB="STAPI_LIB=$sdir/stapi/liboscam_stapi.a" || STAPI_LIB="STAPI_LIB=$sdir/stapi/${stapi_lib_custom}" printf "$w_l | LIB : ${c_l}$(basename "$STAPI_LIB")${w_l}";; "USE_STAPI5=1") _stapi5="-stapi5" [ "$OPENBOX" == "1" ] && STAPI_LIB="STAPI5_LIB=$sdir/stapi/liboscam_stapi5_OPENBOX.a" && printf "$w_l| LIB : "$c_l"liboscam_stapi5_OPENBOX.a"$w_l [ "$UFS916003" == "1" ] && STAPI_LIB="STAPI5_LIB=$sdir/stapi/liboscam_stapi5_UFS916_0.03.a" && printf "$w_l| LIB : "$c_l"liboscam_stapi5_UFS916_0.03.a"$w_l [ "$UFS916003" == "0" ] && [ "$OPENBOX" == "0" ] && STAPI_LIB="STAPI5_LIB=$sdir/stapi/liboscam_stapi5_UFS916.a" && printf "$w_l| LIB : "$c_l"liboscam_stapi5_UFS916.a"$w_l;; esac done #change default oscam CONF_DIR if [ ! "$CUSTOM_CONFDIR" == "not_set" ] then CONFDIR="$CUSTOM_CONFDIR" cdtag="$r_lcustom CONF_DIR=$CONFDIR (via commandline)" else oc_size=${#_oscamconfdir_custom} if [ "$oc_size" -gt "4" ] then CONFDIR="$_oscamconfdir_custom" cdtag="$r_lcustom CONF_DIR=$CONFDIR (via toolchain.cfg)" else CONFDIR="$_oscamconfdir_default" cdtag="CONF_DIR=$CONFDIR" fi fi printf "$y_l\n | set : ${cdtag}$w_l" #patching if [ "$_do_patch" == "1" ] then if [ -f "$workdir/SVN-IS-PATCHED" ] then printf "$y_l\n | $r_l WARNING : patch upon patch" printf "$y_l\n | $r_l UNCLEAN $y_l: restore SVN $G$txt_wait" quicksvnrestore $_toolchainname _apply_consolepatch else _apply_consolepatch fi fi #if build with profile [ ! "$pf" == "empty" ] && printf "\n$y_l | PROFILE : $pf_name" #IF SVN is Patched [ -f "$workdir/SVN-IS-PATCHED" ] && printf $y_l"\n | ISPATCHED :$P YES" #max cpu usage if [ -f "$configdir/max_cpus" ] then cpus="$(< "$configdir/max_cpus")" [ ! "$cpus" -gt "1" ] && cpus="1" [ "$cpus" -gt "$(CPUS)" ] && cpus="$(CPUS)" printf "$y_l\n | MAX_CPUS : $txt_use $cpus $txt_of $(CPUS) CPU(s)" else cpus="$(CPUS)" fi [ "${s3cfg_vars[USE_VERBOSE]}" == "1" ] && _verbose="V=1" #killstapi for nonsh4 # if [ ! "$_toolchainname" == "sh4" ] || [ ! "$_toolchainname" == "sh_4" ] # then # silent=$("$svndir/config.sh" --disable CARDREADER_STAPI CARDREADER_STAPI5) # fi #build timer_start _generate_oscam_name "$_toolchainname" _nl USESTRING=${USE_vars[@]} EXTRA_USE=$extra_use make -j"$cpus" $_verbose \ "CONF_DIR=$CONFDIR" \ "OSCAM_BIN=$bdir/$oscam_name" \ "CC_OPTS=$co $cc_opts $extra_cc" \ "CC_WARN=$cc_warn" \ $EXTRA_USE \ "CROSS=$CROSS" $STAPI_LIB $USESTRING 2>&1 \ |tee -a "$ldir/$log_name" \ |grep --line-buffered -v 'BFD\|^/' \ |grep --line-buffered '^CC\|^GEN\|UseFlags\| CONF_DIR =\|Binary\|LINK\|STRIP\|BUILD\|Addons\|Protocols\|Readers\|CardRdrs\|^/' \ |sed -e "s/^|/"$Y" |/g;s/^LINK/"$P" LINK ------->$W/g;s/^STRIP/"$P" STRIP ------>$W/g;s/^CC\|^BUILD/"$G" BUILD ------>$W/g;s/^GEN/"$C" GEN -------->/g; s/WEBIF_//g;s/WITH_//g;s/MODULE_//g;s/CS_//g;s/HAVE_//g;s/_CHARSETS//g;s/CW_CYCLE_CHECK/CWCC/g;s/SUPPORT//g;s/= /: /g;" #calc buildtime timer_stop timer_calc bt="[ $txt_buildtime $((Tcalc / 60)) min(s) $((Tcalc % 60)) secs ]" #save list_smargo cd "$svndir/Distribution" lsmn="$(ls list_smargo* 2> /dev/null)" if [ "${s3cfg_vars[SAVE_LISTSMARGO]}" == "1" ] && [ -f "$svndir/Distribution/$lsmn" ] then if [ "$_toolchainname" == "native" ] then printf "$g_n"" SAVE -------> $w_l$lsmn$g_l $txt_as$y_l oscam-svn$(REVISION)-$(hostname)-list_smargo" mv -f "$lsmn" "$bdir/oscam-svn$(REVISION)-$(hostname)-list_smargo" tartmp="oscam-svn$(REVISION)-$(hostname)-list_smargo" else printf "$g_n"" SAVE -------> $w_l$lsmn$g_l $txt_as$y_l oscam-svn$(REVISION)-$_toolchainname-list_smargo" mv -f "$lsmn" "$bdir/oscam-svn$(REVISION)-$_toolchainname-list_smargo" tartmp="oscam-svn$(REVISION)-$_toolchainname-list_smargo" fi fi #remove debug binary if [ "${s3cfg_vars[delete_oscamdebugbinary]}" == "1" ] && [ -f "$bdir/$oscam_name.debug" ] then printf "$r_l"" REMOVE -----> $w_l$bdir/$oscam_name.debug" rm "$bdir/$oscam_name.debug" fi #show build time printf "$g_n""\n TIME -------> $bt$re_\n\n" #compress cam if [ "${s3cfg_vars[COMPRESS]}" == "1" ] then printf "$w_l"" ENABLE -----> COMPRESSION:$y_l $txt_wait" compress_cam "$oscam_name" fi; if [ "${s3cfg_vars[TARGZ]}" == "1" ] then printf "$w_l"" ENABLE -----> TARGZ:$y_l $txt_wait\n" tar_cam "$oscam_name" "$tartmp" fi #link lastlog ln -sf "$ldir/$log_name" "$workdir/lastbuild.log" #build error message error_on_build=$(grep -c1 error "$ldir/$log_name") [ "$error_on_build" -gt "0" ] && printf "$r_l\terrors on build found$w_l" printf "$re_$w_l" exit }