You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

254 lines
14 KiB

txt_create='crée dans';
txt_bmenu_user="Utilisateur ";
txt_bmenu_comp="Compilateur ";
txt_bmenu_debu="Info Debug ";
txt_bmenu_acti="Options Actives";
txt_wait="Veuillez patienter...";
txt_lang_select="Change langue";
txt_force="Forcer une MAJ rapide";
txt_back="Retour au choix de la toolchain";
txt_end="Quitter Simplebuild";
txt_offline="Hors Ligne";
txt_DOWNLOAD="Téléchargment en cours";
txt_found_in="trouvé dans";
txt_found_in_archiv="localisé dans archiv";
txt_buildtime="Temps de Compilation";
txt_nosvn="Pas de version SVN trouvée";
txt_no_stapi="pas de STAPI SH4 disponible !!!";
txt_help1="démarrer avec";
txt_help2="les paramètres de lignes de commande possibles sont";
txt_help3="touche [ENTER] pour continuer..."
txt_compressor1="Choisissez le compresseur de binaires\n pour votre systeme de compilation";
txt_compressor2="résultat : ";
txt_compressor4="non détecté";
txt_packok="est compressé dans archiv";
txt_packfail="n'a pu compresser";
txt_rcheckout="Structure SVN manquante ... Mise à jour, Veuillez Patienter !\n";
txt_extra1=" Choisissez les options :\n [*] = activer; [ ] = désactiver";
txt_extra2="Support des lecteurs USB";
txt_extra3="Support des lecteurs PCSC";
txt_extra4="Support de STAPI";
txt_extra5="Support de COOLAPI";
txt_extra6="Compiler les libs dans OScam";
txt_extra7="Compacter le binaire oscam en .tar.gz";
txt_extra8="Compresser le binaire oscam avec UPX";
txt_checksys1="\n vérification des fichiers\n -------------------------\n";
txt_checksys2="\n vérification des packages\n -------------------------\n";
txt_checksys3="est installé";
txt_checksys4="... nest pas installé";
txt_checksys5="installé ";
txt_checksys6="... nest pas installé";
txt_checksys7=" trouvé dans ";
txt_cfg_path1="valeur par défaut";
txt_cfg_path2="valeur actuelle";
txt_cfg_path3="répertoire de configuration";
txt_lib_path1="répertoire de librairies";
txt_custom_suffix="laissez vide pour utiliser les valeurs par défaut";
txt_online_update1="version locale";
txt_online_update2="version en ligne";
txt_online_update3="Voulez-vous mettre à jour SIMPLEBUILD ?";
txt_conf_update1="version locale";
txt_conf_update2="version en ligne";
txt_conf_update3="Voulez-vous mettre à jour le fichier de CONFIG ?";
txt_patch="utiliser patch";
txt_patch_off1="patche(s) trouvé(s) pour suppression\n------------------------------------";
txt_patch_off2="supprimer patch";
txt_patch_off4="fichier de la source";
txt_patch_on1="patche(s) trouvé(s) pour application\n------------------------------------";
txt_patch_on2="appliquer patch";
txt_con_check1="Téléchargement manquant";
txt_con_check2="taille de toolchain incorrecte. Supprimez et recommencez !";
txt_con_check3="Téléchargement impossible";
txt_configure_title="[ CONFIGURATION ]";
txt_configure_menu1="Add-ons, Protocoles, Systèmes CA, Lecteurs de Cartes";
txt_configure_menu2="Autres Réglages (USB/PCSC/STAPI/COOL/PACK/PATCH/COMPRESS)";
txt_configure_menu3="Changer le répertoire de config par défaut";
txt_configure_menu4="Changer le répertoire des librairies par défaut";
txt_configure_menu5="Choisir le Compresseur Binaire";
txt_configure_menu6="Choisir un suffixe personnalisé pour le binaire OSCAM";
txt_configure_menu7="Retour au MENU DE COMPILATION";
txt_cmdline1="Checkout Revision";
txt_cmdline2="Checkout trunk";
txt_cmdline3="prise en compte du profil par défaut";
txt_cmdline4="prise en compte du profil custom";
txt_cmdline5="prise en compte du profil saved";
txt_cmdline6="profil custom absent\n profil par défaut pris en compte";
txt_cmdline7="profil saved absent\n profile par défaut pris en compte";
txt_cmd_build1="pas de SVN correct trouvé\n supprimez oscam-svn !!\n ----------------------";
txt_cmd_build2="SVN effacé\n redemarrez simplebuild !!\n --------------------------------------";
txt_cmd_build3="appliquer le(s) patche(s)\n -------------------------";
txt_cmd_build4="patches trouvé(s) pour être appliqué(s)";
txt_cmd_build5="appliquer le patch";
txt_cmd_build6="Nettoyer le SVN d'OSCam local";
txt_cmd_build7="Taille du binaire avant compression";
txt_cmd_build8="Taille du binaire après compression";
txt_cmd_build9="Taille du binaire réduite à";
txt_cmd_build10="supprimer les patches\n ---------------------";
txt_cmd_build11="patche(s) trouvé(s) pour être appliqués";
txt_cmd_build12="échec de compilation";
txt_cmd_build13="voir le fichier build.log";
txt_cmd_build14="supprimer patch";
txt_cmd_build_title="[ INFO Compression ]";
txt_b_menu_title="[ Options de compilation ]";
txt_b_menu_options1="pas d'options actives";
txt_b_menu1="[ MENU DE COMPILATION ]";
txt_b_menu3="Réglages Actuels";
txt_b_menu4="Configuration et Réglages d'OSCam";
txt_b_menu5="Compiler OSCam";
txt_b_menu6="Voir build.log";
txt_b_menu7="Voir la configuration d'OSCam";
txt_upload_cam1="le fichier de configuration n'existe pas";
txt_upload_cam2="le fichier de config existe";
txt_t_menu1="\n La révision actuelle d'OSCam SVN est : r";
txt_rem_chains1="Veuillez choisir la toolchain à supprimer";
txt_add_chains1="AJOUTER Toolchain";
txt_add_chains2="Veuillez choisir la toolchain à ajouter";
txt_menu_builder1="Quitter Simplebuild";
txt_menu_builder2="Nouvelle Toolchain";
txt_menu_builder3="Toolchain installées";
txt_menu_builder4="Native pour";
txt_menu_back="Retour à la sélection de Toolchain";
txt_cedit1="Supprimer le binaire de debug";
txt_cedit2="Verifier les Toolchains installées";
txt_cedit3="Activer le système de Patches Automatique";
txt_cedit4="Activer la vérification de Mises à jour";
txt_cedit5="Informations detaillées sur la compilation";
txt_revcheck2="Vérification de la version d'OSCam SVN en ligne\n\t\b";
txt_revcheck3="Révision disponible:";
txt_revcheck4="Entrer le numéro de Révision...";
txt_revcheck5="impossible. SVN hors ligne !";
txt_revcheck6="Vérification de la version d'OSCam SVN locale\n\t\b";
txt_revsel1="avec locale:";
txt_revsel2="Effacer la";
txt_revsel3="et tous les fichiers de configuration";
txt_revsel4="Editeur de configuration";
txt_revsel6="Mettre à jour vers la dernière Révision";
txt_options1="Editer Options :";
txt_options4="OK rédemarre Simplebuild";
txt_options_title="Editeur de Configuration";
txt_disksvn="révision locale est maintenant "
# _plugin_update_toolchain #############################################
txt_s3tup_msg_syscheck1="Please wait while performing checks of required tools and dependencies..."
txt_s3tup_msg_syscheck2="You need to manually install the following packages to use this plugin properly:"
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config1="Moving existing config file..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config2="config file backup="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_toolchain_exists="${txt_tc} already exists!"
txt_s3tup_msg_choose_ssl="Please select only one SSL version!"
txt_s3tup_msg_library_not_found="${txt_lib} not found in config file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_log="creating cross ${txt_tc} log"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_commandlist="command list for cross ${txt_tc} creation"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_detection="The following libraries were detected in the existing ${txt_tc}:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_integration="The following libraries will now be integrated into the ${txt_tc}:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_renamed="was renamed to"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_remove="Remove ${txt_tc}"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_build_library_log="updating ${txt_lib} log"
txt_s3tup_msg_build_library_commandlist="build command list for"
txt_s3tup_msg_build_library_error="ERRORS on build found, details:"
txt_s3tup_msg_ctng_setup_log="installing crosstool-NG log"
txt_s3tup_msg_ctng_setup_commandlist="build command list for"
txt_s3tup_msg_ctng_setup_cleanup="Cleanup source directory"
txt_s3tup_msg_fng_setup_log="installing freetz-ng log"
txt_s3tup_msg_fng_setup_commandlist="build command list for"
txt_s3tup_msg_fng_setup_cleanup="Cleanup source directory"
txt_s3tup_msg_extract_file_unreadable="file is unreadable:"
txt_s3tup_msg_extract_extension_unknown="unrecognized file extension:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_missing="missing description"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable changed to:"
txt_s3tup_msg_create_config_jq_not_found="Without the package 'jq' automatic config file generation is not possible. Please install it first:"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_title="${txt_tc} Menu"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_text1="Select one of the"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_text2="installed cross ${txt_tc}s that you want to update:"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_notfound="no ${txt_tc}s found"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_folder="$txt_tc folder:"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_config="config file:"
txt_s3tup_menu_library_title="${txt_lib} Update Menu"
txt_s3tup_menu_library_text1="Select all libraries to update in ${txt_tc}'s SYSROOT folder:"
txt_s3tup_menu_library_text2=" ${txt_lib} version NEW CURRENT" #56 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_library_notfound="no libraries found"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_title="Cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl} Menu"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text1="Select one of the"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl}s to create the cross ${txt_tc} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc} from a ${txt_tpl} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_menu_template_notfound="no ${txt_tpl}s found"
txt_s3tup_menu_info_toolchain="${txt_tc}: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_compiler="Compiler: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_sysroot="Sysroot: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_prefix="Prefix: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_include="Include: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_build="command list:"
txt_s3tup_menu_edit_title="Save Cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}"
txt_s3tup_menu_edit_text="Would you like to \ZrSAVE\ZR this ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl} \Zrnow\ZR?"
txt_s3tup_menu_compress_title="Compress cross ${txt_tc}"