You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

273 lines
15 KiB

txt_create='criar em';
txt_bmenu_user="Utilizador ";
txt_bmenu_comp="Compilador ";
txt_bmenu_debu="Informacao do Debug ";
txt_bmenu_acti="Opcoes Ativadas";
txt_wait="Por favor Aguarde...";
txt_lang_select="Mudar de Lingua";
txt_force="Forcar um MAJ rapido";
txt_back="Voltar para o menu de escolhas da toolchain";
txt_end="Sair do Simplebuild";
txt_DOWNLOAD="Descarregando ...";
txt_found_in="Encontrar em";
txt_found_in_archiv="Localizar no arquivo";
txt_buildtime="Tempo de Compilacao";
txt_nosvn="Nenhuma Versao SVN encontrada";
txt_no_stapi="sem STAPI SH4 disponivel !!!";
txt_help1="iniciar com";
txt_help2="os parametros das linhas de comando disponiveis sao";
txt_help3="prime [ENTER] para continuar..."
txt_compressor1="Escolhe o meio de compressao de binarios\n para o seu sistema de compilacao";
txt_compressor2="resultado : ";
txt_compressor4="nao detectado";
txt_packok="esta compressado no arquivo";
txt_packfail="nao conseguiu compressar";
txt_rcheckout="Estructura do SVN nao encontrada ... A actualizar, Por Favor Aguarde !\n";
txt_extra1=" Escolha as opcoes :\n [*] = Activar; [ ] = Desactivar";
txt_extra2="Suporte dos leitores USB";
txt_extra3="Suporte dos leitores PCSC";
txt_extra4="Suporte do STAPI";
txt_extra5="Suporte do COOLAPI";
txt_extra6="Compilar as Librarias dentro do OScam";
txt_extra7="Compactar o binario do OScam em .tar.gz";
txt_extra8="Compressar o binario OScam com UPX";
txt_checksys1="\n Verificacao dos ficheiros \n -------------------------\n";
txt_checksys2="\n Verificacao dos pacotes\n -------------------------\n";
txt_checksys3="esta instalado";
txt_checksys4="... nao esta instalado";
txt_checksys5="instalado ";
txt_checksys6="... nao esta instalado";
txt_checksys7=" encotrado em ";
txt_cfg_path1="valor por defeito";
txt_cfg_path2="valor actual";
txt_cfg_path3="directorio de configuracoes";
txt_lib_path1="directorio de librarias";
txt_custom_suffix="deixar vazio para os valores por defeito";
txt_online_update1="versao local";
txt_online_update2="versao online";
txt_online_update3="Deseja actualizar o seu SIMPLEBUILD ?";
txt_conf_update1="versao local";
txt_conf_update2="versao online";
txt_conf_update3="Deseja actualizar o ficheiro CONFIG ?";
txt_patch="utilizar o patch";
txt_patch_off1="patch(s) encontrado(s) para supressao\n------------------------------------";
txt_patch_off2="apagar o patch";
txt_patch_off4="ficheiro da fonte";
txt_patch_on1="patch(s) encontrado(s) para aplicacao\n------------------------------------\n------------------------------------";
txt_patch_on2="aplicar patch";
txt_con_check1="Transferencia nao encontrada";
txt_con_check2="tamanho da toolchain incorrecto. Apague e comece de novo !";
txt_con_check3="Impossivel transferir";
txt_configure_title="[ CONFIGURACAO ]";
txt_configure_menu1="Add-ons, Protocolos, Sistemas CA, Leitores de Cartoes";
txt_configure_menu2="Outros Parametros (USB/PCSC/STAPI/COOL/PACK/PATCH/COMPRESS)";
txt_configure_menu3="Mudar o directorio das configs por defeito";
txt_configure_menu4="Mudar o directorio das librarias por defeito";
txt_configure_menu5="Escolher o compressor do bianario";
txt_configure_menu6="Escolher um suffixo personalizado para o binario do OSCAM";
txt_configure_menu7="Voltar para o MENU DE COMPILACAO";
txt_cmdline1="Verificacao da Revision ";
txt_cmdline2="Verificacao do trunk";
txt_cmdline3="consideracao do perfil por defeito";
txt_cmdline4="consideracao do perfil modificado";
txt_cmdline5="consideracao do perfil guardado";
txt_cmdline6="perfil modificado ausente\n perfil por defeito tomado em conta (Selecionado)";
txt_cmdline7="perfil guardado ausente\n perfil por defeito tomado em conta (Selecionado) ";
txt_cmd_build1="nenhum SVN correcto encontrado\n apague oscam-svn !!\n ----------------------";
txt_cmd_build2="SVN apagado\n re-inicie o simplebuild !!\n --------------------------------------";
txt_cmd_build3="aplicar o(s) patch(s) \n -------------------------";
txt_cmd_build4="patch(s) encontrado(s) para serem aplicado(s)";
txt_cmd_build5="aplicar o patch";
txt_cmd_build6="Limpar SVN do OSCam local";
txt_cmd_build7="Tamanho do bianario antes da compressao";
txt_cmd_build8="Tamanho do bianario depois da compressao";
txt_cmd_build9="Tamanho do bianario reduzido a";
txt_cmd_build10="apagar patch\n ---------------------";
txt_cmd_build11="patch(s) encontrado(s) para serem aplicado(s)";
txt_cmd_build12="falha de compilacao";
txt_cmd_build13="visionar o ficheiro build.log";
txt_cmd_build14="apagar patch";
txt_cmd_build_title="[ INFO Compressao ]";
txt_b_menu_title="[ Opcoes de compilacao ]";
txt_b_menu_options1="nenhuma Opcao activa";
txt_b_menu1="[ MENU DE COMPILACAO ]";
txt_b_menu3="Configuracoes Actuais";
txt_b_menu4="Configuracoes et Parametros do OSCam";
txt_b_menu5="Compilar OSCam";
txt_b_menu6="Visionar build.log";
txt_b_menu7="Ver a configuracao do OSCam";
txt_upload_cam1="o ficheiro de configuracao nao existe";
txt_upload_cam2="o ficheiro config existe";
txt_t_menu1="\n A Revisao actual do OSCam SVN é : r";
txt_rem_chains1="Por favor escolhe a Toolchain a ser apagada";
txt_add_chains1="ADICIONAR Toolchain";
txt_add_chains2="Por favor escolhe a Toolchain a adicionar";
txt_menu_builder1="Sair do Simplebuild";
txt_menu_builder2="Nova Toolchain";
txt_menu_builder3="Toolchain Instaladas";
txt_menu_builder4="Nativo para";
txt_menu_back="Voltar á seleccao da(s) Toolchain(s)";
txt_cedit1="Apagar o binario de debug";
txt_cedit2="Verificar as Toolchain(s) instaladas";
txt_cedit3="Activar o sistema de Patch Automatico";
txt_cedit4="Activar a verificacao de Actualizacoes";
txt_cedit5="Informacoes detalhadas sobre a compilacao";
txt_revcheck2="Verificacao da versao do OSCam SVN online\n\t\b";
txt_revcheck3="Revisao disponivel:";
txt_revcheck4="Insira o numero da Revisao...";
txt_revcheck5="impossivel. SVN offline !";
txt_revcheck6="Verificacao da versao do OSCam SVN local\n\t\b";
txt_revsel1="com local:";
txt_revsel2="Apagar a";
txt_revsel3="e todos os ficheiros de configuracao";
txt_revsel4="Editor de configuracao";
txt_revsel6="Actualizar para a ultima Revisao";
txt_options1="Editar Opcoes :";
txt_options4="OK reinicie o Simplebuild";
txt_options_title="Editor de Configuracoes";
txt_disksvn="revisao local esta agora "
# _plugin_update_toolchain #############################################
txt_s3tup_msg_update_hint="is being updated..."
txt_s3tup_msg_update_current="is up to date"
txt_s3tup_msg_update_s3update_required="Please update your simplebuild3 installation first!"
txt_s3tup_msg_update_directory_unversioned="Update not possible because the installation directory is not SVN or GIT versioned!"
txt_s3tup_msg_update_pending="update pending"
txt_s3tup_msg_update_not_required="no update required"
txt_s3tup_msg_update_finished="Update completed to version:"
txt_s3tup_msg_update_log="updating plugin log"
txt_s3tup_msg_syscheck1="Please wait while performing checks of required tools and dependencies..."
txt_s3tup_msg_syscheck2="You need to manually install the following packages to use this plugin properly:"
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config1="Moving existing config file..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config2="config file backup="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config3="Creating new config file. Please wait..."
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config4="config file="
txt_s3tup_msg_reset_config5="You can change/extend them to fit your needs."
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error1="The cross ${txt_tc,,} build process was aborted because it must not run as root!"
txt_s3tup_msg_buildasroot_error2="If you are aware of the danger of building ${txt_tc,,}s as root and you know what you are doing,\n you can force it with the following command:"
txt_s3tup_msg_toolchain_exists="${txt_tc} already exists!"
txt_s3tup_msg_library_not_found="${txt_lib} not found in config file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_log="creating cross ${txt_tc,,} log"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_commandlist="command list for cross ${txt_tc,,} creation"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_detection="The following libraries were detected in the existing ${txt_tc,,}:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_toolchain_library_integration="The following libraries will now be integrated into the ${txt_tc,,}:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_renamed="was renamed to"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_remove="Remove ${txt_tc}"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated="The following cross ${txt_tc,,}s are out of date due to the renaming of cross ${txt_tc,,} ${txt_tpl,,}s:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_outdated2="The following ${txt_tc,,} ${txt_conf}s are out of date due to the correction of some parameters and are corrected automatically:"
txt_s3tup_msg_cross_migrations_hint="You can still use the ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc,,}s${re_} from above, but it's better to create new ones based on the ${p_l}new cross ${txt_tc,,} ${txt_tpl,,}s${re_} to get future ${txt_tpl,,} updates.\nThe ${y_l}old cross ${txt_tc,,}s${re_} can be removed manually as follows:"
txt_s3tup_msg_build_library_log="updating ${txt_lib,,} log"
txt_s3tup_msg_build_library_commandlist="build command list for"
txt_s3tup_msg_build_library_error="ERRORS on build found, details:"
txt_s3tup_msg_ctng_setup_log="installing crosstool-NG log"
txt_s3tup_msg_ctng_setup_commandlist="build command list for"
txt_s3tup_msg_ctng_setup_cleanup="Cleanup source directory"
txt_s3tup_msg_fng_setup_log="installing freetz-NG log"
txt_s3tup_msg_andk_setup_log="installing Android NDK log"
txt_s3tup_msg_extract_file_unreadable="file is unreadable:"
txt_s3tup_msg_extract_extension_unknown="unrecognized file extension:"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_missing="missing description"
txt_s3tup_msg_gtp_info="run \Zr<${txt_s3tup_menu_command_label_setup}>\ZR to show details"
txt_s3tup_msg_paktc="Press any key to continue"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_empty="Parameter${w_l} ${txt_tc} not set!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_toolchain_not_supported="${txt_tc} ${txt_lib,,} update not supported!"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info1="Check for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2a="Symlink to the correct PCSC header files created."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info2b="No PCSC header files found in following folder and it's sub directories:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3a="PCSC header files are in the correct location:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable changed to:"
txt_s3tup_msg_create_config_template_not_found="Template file not found. Please make a clean checkout of simplebuild 3!"
txt_s3tup_msg_create_config_jq_not_found="Without the package 'jq' automatic config file generation is not possible. Please install it first:"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_title="${txt_tc} Menu"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_text1="Select one of the"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_text2="installed cross ${txt_tc,,}s that you want to update:"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_notfound="no ${txt_tc,,}s found"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_folder="$txt_tc folder:"
txt_s3tup_menu_toolchain_config="config file:"
txt_s3tup_menu_library_title="${txt_lib} Update Menu"
txt_s3tup_menu_library_text1="Select all libraries to update in ${txt_tc,,}'s SYSROOT folder:"
txt_s3tup_menu_library_text2=" ${txt_lib,,} version NEW CURRENT" #56 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_library_notfound="no libraries found"
txt_s3tup_menu_library_wrong_selection="Don't integrate the same library with different versions!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_title="Cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl} Menu"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text1="Select one of the"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text2="${txt_tpl,,}s to create the cross ${txt_tc,,} you want:"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text4="If you create a cross ${txt_tc,,} from a ${txt_tpl,,} with a red colored description, an existing one with the same name will be replaced without asking!"
txt_s3tup_menu_template_text5="Dark red colored descriptions indicates that the version of the ${txt_tpl,,} is higher than the existing ${txt_tc,,}. An update could make sense."
txt_s3tup_menu_template_notfound="no ${txt_tpl,,}s found"
txt_s3tup_menu_info_toolchain="${txt_tc}: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_compiler="Compiler: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_sysroot="Sysroot: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_prefix="Prefix: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_include="Include: " #11 chars
txt_s3tup_menu_info_build="command list:"
txt_s3tup_menu_edit_title="Save Cross ${txt_tc} ${txt_tpl}"
txt_s3tup_menu_edit_text="Would you like to \ZrSAVE\ZR this ${txt_tc,,} ${txt_tpl,,} \Zrnow\ZR?"
txt_s3tup_menu_compress_title="Compress cross ${txt_tc,,}"