const dayjs = require ( "dayjs" ) ;
const utc = require ( 'dayjs/plugin/utc' )
var timezone = require ( 'dayjs/plugin/timezone' )
dayjs . extend ( utc )
dayjs . extend ( timezone )
const axios = require ( "axios" ) ;
const { tcping , ping } = require ( "../util-server" ) ;
const { R } = require ( "redbean-node" ) ;
const { BeanModel } = require ( "redbean-node/dist/bean-model" ) ;
const { Notification } = require ( "../notification" )
/ * *
* status :
* 0 = DOWN
* 1 = UP
* /
class Monitor extends BeanModel {
async toJSON ( ) {
let notificationIDList = { } ;
let list = await R . find ( "monitor_notification" , " monitor_id = ? " , [
this . id
] )
for ( let bean of list ) {
notificationIDList [ bean . notification_id ] = true ;
return {
id : this . id ,
name : this . name ,
url : this . url ,
hostname : this . hostname ,
port : this . port ,
weight : this . weight ,
active : this . active ,
type : this . type ,
interval : this . interval ,
keyword : this . keyword ,
} ;
start ( io ) {
let previousBeat = null ;
const beat = async ( ) => {
console . log ( ` Monitor ${ this . id } : Heartbeat ` )
if ( ! previousBeat ) {
previousBeat = await R . findOne ( "heartbeat" , " monitor_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC" , [
this . id
] )
let bean = R . dispense ( "heartbeat" )
bean . monitor_id = this . id ;
bean . time = R . isoDateTime ( dayjs . utc ( ) ) ;
bean . status = 0 ;
// Duration
if ( previousBeat ) {
bean . duration = dayjs ( bean . time ) . diff ( dayjs ( previousBeat . time ) , 'second' ) ;
} else {
bean . duration = 0 ;
try {
if ( this . type === "http" || this . type === "keyword" ) {
let startTime = dayjs ( ) . valueOf ( ) ;
let res = await axios . get ( this . url )
bean . msg = ` ${ res . status } - ${ res . statusText } `
bean . ping = dayjs ( ) . valueOf ( ) - startTime ;
if ( this . type === "http" ) {
bean . status = 1 ;
} else {
if ( res . data . includes ( this . keyword ) ) {
bean . msg += ", keyword is found"
bean . status = 1 ;
} else {
throw new Error ( bean . msg + ", but keyword is not found" )
} else if ( this . type === "port" ) {
bean . ping = await tcping ( this . hostname , this . port ) ;
bean . msg = ""
bean . status = 1 ;
} else if ( this . type === "ping" ) {
bean . ping = await ping ( this . hostname ) ;
bean . msg = ""
bean . status = 1 ;
} catch ( error ) {
bean . msg = error . message ;
// Mark as important if status changed
if ( ! previousBeat || previousBeat . status !== bean . status ) {
bean . important = true ;
// Do not send if first beat is UP
if ( previousBeat || bean . status !== 1 ) {
let notificationList = await R . getAll ( ` SELECT notification.* FROM notification, monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? AND monitor_notification.notification_id = ` , [
this . id
] )
let promiseList = [ ] ;
let text ;
if ( bean . status === 1 ) {
text = "✅ Up"
} else {
text = "🔴 Down"
let msg = ` [ ${ this . name } ] [ ${ text } ] ${ bean . msg } ` ;
for ( let notification of notificationList ) {
promiseList . push ( Notification . send ( JSON . parse ( notification . config ) , msg , await this . toJSON ( ) , bean . toJSON ( ) ) ) ;
await Promise . all ( promiseList ) ;
} else {
bean . important = false ;
io . to ( this . user_id ) . emit ( "heartbeat" , bean . toJSON ( ) ) ;
await R . store ( bean )
Monitor . sendStats ( io , this . id , this . user_id )
previousBeat = bean ;
beat ( ) ;
this . heartbeatInterval = setInterval ( beat , this . interval * 1000 ) ;
stop ( ) {
clearInterval ( this . heartbeatInterval )
static async sendStats ( io , monitorID , userID ) {
Monitor . sendAvgPing ( 24 , io , monitorID , userID ) ;
Monitor . sendUptime ( 24 , io , monitorID , userID ) ;
Monitor . sendUptime ( 24 * 30 , io , monitorID , userID ) ;
/ * *
* @ param duration : int Hours
* /
static async sendAvgPing ( duration , io , monitorID , userID ) {
let avgPing = parseInt ( await R . getCell ( `
SELECT AVG ( ping )
FROM heartbeat
WHERE time > DATETIME ( 'now' , ? || ' hours' )
AND monitor_id = ? ` , [
- duration ,
] ) ) ;
io . to ( userID ) . emit ( "avgPing" , monitorID , avgPing ) ;
/ * *
* Uptime with calculation
* Calculation based on :
* https : //
* @ param duration : int Hours
* /
static async sendUptime ( duration , io , monitorID , userID ) {
let sec = duration * 3600 ;
let downtimeList = await R . getAll ( `
SELECT duration , time , status
FROM heartbeat
WHERE time > DATETIME ( 'now' , ? || ' hours' )
AND monitor_id = ? ` , [
- duration ,
] ) ;
let downtime = 0 ;
let total = 0 ;
let uptime ;
for ( let row of downtimeList ) {
let value = parseInt ( row . duration )
let time = row . time
// Handle if heartbeat duration longer than the target duration
// e.g. Heartbeat duration = 28hrs, but target duration = 24hrs
if ( value > sec ) {
let trim = dayjs . utc ( ) . diff ( dayjs ( time ) , 'second' ) ;
value = sec - trim ;
if ( value < 0 ) {
value = 0 ;
total += value ;
if ( row . status === 0 ) {
downtime += value ;
uptime = ( total - downtime ) / total ;
if ( uptime < 0 ) {
uptime = 0 ;
io . to ( userID ) . emit ( "uptime" , monitorID , duration , uptime ) ;
module . exports = Monitor ;