20 changed files with 363 additions and 80 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
--- |
name: ⚠ Please go to "Discussions" Tab if you want to ask or share something |
title: '' |
labels: '' |
assignees: '' |
--- |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
--- |
name: Bug report |
about: Create a report to help us improve |
title: '' |
labels: bug |
assignees: '' |
--- |
**Describe the bug** |
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. |
**To Reproduce** |
Steps to reproduce the behavior: |
1. Go to '...' |
2. Click on '....' |
3. Scroll down to '....' |
4. See error |
**Expected behavior** |
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. |
**Screenshots** |
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. |
**Desktop (please complete the following information):** |
- Uptime Kuma Version: |
- Using Docker?: Yes/No |
- OS: |
- Browser: |
**Additional context** |
Add any other context about the problem here. |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db. |
-- Change Monitor.created_date from "TIMESTAMP" to "DATETIME" |
-- SQL Generated by Intellij Idea |
PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; |
create table monitor_dg_tmp |
( |
id INTEGER not null |
primary key autoincrement, |
name VARCHAR(150), |
active BOOLEAN default 1 not null, |
user_id INTEGER |
references user |
on update cascade on delete set null, |
interval INTEGER default 20 not null, |
url TEXT, |
type VARCHAR(20), |
weight INTEGER default 2000, |
hostname VARCHAR(255), |
port INTEGER, |
created_date DATETIME, |
keyword VARCHAR(255) |
); |
insert into monitor_dg_tmp(id, name, active, user_id, interval, url, type, weight, hostname, port, created_date, keyword) select id, name, active, user_id, interval, url, type, weight, hostname, port, created_date, keyword from monitor; |
drop table monitor; |
alter table monitor_dg_tmp rename to monitor; |
create index user_id on monitor (user_id); |
PRAGMA foreign_keys=on; |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
const fs = require("fs"); |
const {sleep} = require("./util"); |
const {R} = require("redbean-node"); |
const {setSetting, setting} = require("./util-server"); |
class Database { |
static templatePath = "./db/kuma.db" |
static path = './data/kuma.db'; |
static latestVersion = 1; |
static noReject = true; |
static async patch() { |
let version = parseInt(await setting("database_version")); |
if (! version) { |
version = 0; |
} |
console.info("Your database version: " + version); |
console.info("Latest database version: " + this.latestVersion); |
if (version === this.latestVersion) { |
console.info("Database no need to patch"); |
} else { |
console.info("Database patch is needed") |
console.info("Backup the db") |
const backupPath = "./data/kuma.db.bak" + version; |
fs.copyFileSync(Database.path, backupPath); |
// Try catch anything here, if gone wrong, restore the backup
try { |
for (let i = version + 1; i <= this.latestVersion; i++) { |
const sqlFile = `./db/patch${i}.sql`; |
console.info(`Patching ${sqlFile}`); |
await Database.importSQLFile(sqlFile); |
console.info(`Patched ${sqlFile}`); |
await setSetting("database_version", i); |
} |
console.log("Database Patched Successfully"); |
} catch (ex) { |
await Database.close(); |
console.error("Patch db failed!!! Restoring the backup") |
fs.copyFileSync(backupPath, Database.path); |
console.error(ex) |
console.error("Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to patch db failed") |
console.error("Please submit the bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues") |
process.exit(1); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* Sadly, multi sql statements is not supported by many sqlite libraries, I have to implement it myself |
* @param filename |
* @returns {Promise<void>} |
*/ |
static async importSQLFile(filename) { |
await R.getCell("SELECT 1"); |
let text = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString(); |
// Remove all comments (--)
let lines = text.split("\n"); |
lines = lines.filter((line) => { |
return ! line.startsWith("--") |
}); |
// Split statements by semicolon
// Filter out empty line
text = lines.join("\n") |
let statements = text.split(";") |
.map((statement) => { |
return statement.trim(); |
}) |
.filter((statement) => { |
return statement !== ""; |
}) |
for (let statement of statements) { |
await R.exec(statement); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Special handle, because tarn.js throw a promise reject that cannot be caught |
* @returns {Promise<void>} |
*/ |
static async close() { |
const listener = (reason, p) => { |
Database.noReject = false; |
}; |
process.addListener('unhandledRejection', listener); |
console.log("Closing DB") |
while (true) { |
Database.noReject = true; |
await R.close() |
await sleep(2000) |
if (Database.noReject) { |
break; |
} else { |
console.log("Waiting to close the db") |
} |
} |
console.log("SQLite closed") |
process.removeListener('unhandledRejection', listener); |
} |
} |
module.exports = Database; |
Reference in new issue