@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ |
console.log("Welcome to Uptime Kuma ") |
console.log("Importing libraries") |
const express = require('express'); |
const app = express(); |
const http = require('http'); |
const server = http.createServer(app); |
const { Server } = require("socket.io"); |
const io = new Server(server); |
const dayjs = require("dayjs"); |
const {R} = require("redbean-node"); |
const passwordHash = require('./password-hash'); |
@ -12,12 +11,20 @@ const Monitor = require("./model/monitor"); |
const fs = require("fs"); |
const {getSettings} = require("./util-server"); |
const {Notification} = require("./notification") |
const gracefulShutdown = require('http-graceful-shutdown'); |
const {sleep} = require("./util"); |
const args = require('args-parser')(process.argv); |
const version = require('../package.json').version; |
const hostname = args.host || "" |
const port = args.port || 3001 |
console.log("Version: " + version) |
console.log("Creating express and socket.io instance") |
const app = express(); |
const server = http.createServer(app); |
const io = new Server(server); |
app.use(express.json()) |
let totalClient = 0; |
@ -539,11 +546,11 @@ async function initDatabase() { |
const path = './data/kuma.db'; |
if (! fs.existsSync(path)) { |
console.log("Copy Database") |
console.log("Copying Database") |
fs.copyFileSync("./db/kuma.db", path); |
} |
console.log("Connect to Database") |
console.log("Connecting to Database") |
R.setup('sqlite', { |
filename: path |
@ -660,3 +667,72 @@ async function sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID) { |
socket.emit("importantHeartbeatList", monitorID, list) |
} |
const startGracefulShutdown = async () => { |
console.log('Shutdown requested'); |
await (new Promise((resolve) => { |
server.close(async function () { |
console.log('Stopped Express.'); |
process.exit(0) |
setTimeout(async () =>{ |
await R.close(); |
console.log("Stopped DB") |
resolve(); |
}, 5000) |
}); |
})); |
} |
let noReject = true; |
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { |
noReject = false; |
}); |
async function shutdownFunction(signal) { |
console.log('Called signal: ' + signal); |
console.log("Stopping all monitors") |
for (let id in monitorList) { |
let monitor = monitorList[id] |
monitor.stop() |
} |
await sleep(2000) |
console.log("Closing DB") |
// Special handle, because tarn.js throw a promise reject that cannot be caught
while (true) { |
noReject = true; |
await R.close() |
await sleep(2000) |
if (noReject) { |
break; |
} else { |
console.log("Waiting...") |
} |
} |
console.log("OK") |
} |
function finalFunction() { |
console.log('Graceful Shutdown') |
} |
gracefulShutdown(server, { |
signals: 'SIGINT SIGTERM', |
timeout: 30000, // timeout: 30 secs
development: false, // not in dev mode
forceExit: true, // triggers process.exit() at the end of shutdown process
onShutdown: shutdownFunction, // shutdown function (async) - e.g. for cleanup DB, ...
finally: finalFunction // finally function (sync) - e.g. for logging
}); |