@ -126,57 +126,57 @@ export default {
backupDescription3 : "Følsom data, f.eks. underretnings-tokener, er inkluderet i eksportfilen. Gem den sikkert." ,
backupDescription3 : "Følsom data, f.eks. underretnings-tokener, er inkluderet i eksportfilen. Gem den sikkert." ,
alertNoFile : "Vælg en fil der skal importeres." ,
alertNoFile : "Vælg en fil der skal importeres." ,
alertWrongFileType : "Vælg venligst en JSON-fil." ,
alertWrongFileType : "Vælg venligst en JSON-fil." ,
twoFAVerifyLabel : "Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working " ,
twoFAVerifyLabel : "Indtast venligst dit token for at bekræfte, at 2FA fungerer " ,
tokenValidSettingsMsg : "Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings ." ,
tokenValidSettingsMsg : "Token er gyldigt! Du kan nu gemme 2FA -indstillingerne ." ,
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg : "Are you sure you want to enabl e 2FA?" ,
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg : "Er du sikker på at du vil aktiver e 2FA?" ,
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg : "Are you sure you want to disabl e 2FA?" ,
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg : "Er du sikker på at du vil deaktiver e 2FA?" ,
"Apply on all existing monitors" : "Apply on all existing monitors " ,
"Apply on all existing monitors" : "Anvend på alle eksisterende overvågere " ,
"Verify Token" : "Verify Token" ,
"Verify Token" : "Verificere Token" ,
"Setup 2FA" : "Setup 2FA" ,
"Setup 2FA" : "Opsæt 2FA" ,
"Enable 2FA" : "Enable 2FA" ,
"Enable 2FA" : "Aktiver 2FA" ,
"Disable 2FA" : "Disable 2FA" ,
"Disable 2FA" : "Deaktiver 2FA" ,
"2FA Settings" : "2FA Settings " ,
"2FA Settings" : "2FA Indstillinger " ,
"Two Factor Authentication" : "Two Factor Authentication " ,
"Two Factor Authentication" : "To-Faktor Autentificering " ,
Active : "Ac tive" ,
Active : "Ak tive" ,
Inactive : "Inac tive" ,
Inactive : "Inak tive" ,
Token : "Token" ,
Token : "Token" ,
"Show URI" : "Show URI" ,
"Show URI" : "Vis URI" ,
"Clear all statistics" : "Clear all Statistics " ,
"Clear all statistics" : "Ryd alle Statistikker " ,
retryCheckEverySecond : "Retry every {0} seconds ." ,
retryCheckEverySecond : "Prøv igen hvert {0} sekund ." ,
importHandleDescription : "Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification." ,
importHandleDescription : "Vælg 'Spring over eksisterende', hvis du vil springe over hver overvåger eller underretning med samme navn. 'Overskriv' sletter alle eksisterende overvågere og underretninger." ,
confirmImportMsg : "Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option ." ,
confirmImportMsg : "Er du sikker på at importere sikkerhedskopien? Sørg for, at du har valgt den rigtige importindstilling ." ,
"Heartbeat Retry Interval" : "Heartbeat Retry I nterval" ,
"Heartbeat Retry Interval" : "Heartbeat Gentagelsesi nterval" ,
"Import Backup" : "Import Backup" ,
"Import Backup" : "Importer Backup" ,
"Export Backup" : "Export Backup" ,
"Export Backup" : "Eksporter Backup" ,
"Skip existing" : "Skip existing " ,
"Skip existing" : "Spring over eksisterende " ,
Overwrite : "Overwrite " ,
Overwrite : "Overskriv " ,
Options : "Options " ,
Options : "Valgmuligheder " ,
"Keep both" : "Keep both " ,
"Keep both" : "Behold begge " ,
Tags : "Tags" ,
Tags : "Tags" ,
"Add New below or Select..." : "Add New below or Select ..." ,
"Add New below or Select..." : "Tilføj Nyt nedenfor eller Vælg ..." ,
"Tag with this name already exist." : "Tag with this name already exist ." ,
"Tag with this name already exist." : "Et Tag med dette navn findes allerede ." ,
"Tag with this value already exist." : "Tag with this value already exist ." ,
"Tag with this value already exist." : "Et Tag med denne værdi findes allerede ." ,
color : "color " ,
color : "farve " ,
"value (optional)" : "value (optional )" ,
"value (optional)" : "værdi (valgfri )" ,
Gray : "Gray " ,
Gray : "Grå " ,
Red : "Re d" ,
Red : "Rø d" ,
Orange : "Orange" ,
Orange : "Orange" ,
Green : "Gree n" ,
Green : "Grø n" ,
Blue : "Blue " ,
Blue : "Blå " ,
Indigo : "Indigo" ,
Indigo : "Indigo" ,
Purple : "Purple " ,
Purple : "Lilla " ,
Pink : "Pink" ,
Pink : "Pink" ,
"Search..." : "Search ..." ,
"Search..." : "Søg ..." ,
"Avg. Ping" : "Avg . Ping" ,
"Avg. Ping" : "Gns . Ping" ,
"Avg. Response" : "Avg. Response " ,
"Avg. Response" : "Gns. Respons " ,
"Entry Page" : "Entry Pag e" ,
"Entry Page" : "Entry Sid e" ,
"statusPageNothing" : "Nothing here, please add a group or a monito r." ,
"statusPageNothing" : "Intet her, tilføj venligst en Gruppe eller en Overvåge r." ,
"No Services" : "No Services " ,
"No Services" : "Ingen Tjenester " ,
"All Systems Operational" : "All Systems Operational " ,
"All Systems Operational" : "Alle Systemer i Drift " ,
"Partially Degraded Service" : "Partially Degraded Service" ,
"Partially Degraded Service" : "Delvist Forringet Service" ,
"Degraded Service" : "Degraded Service" ,
"Degraded Service" : "Forringet Service" ,
"Add Group" : "Add Group " ,
"Add Group" : "Tilføj Gruppe " ,
"Add a monitor" : "Add a monito r" ,
"Add a monitor" : "Tilføj en Overvåge r" ,
"Edit Status Page" : "Edit Status Pag e" ,
"Edit Status Page" : "Rediger Statussid e" ,
"Go to Dashboard" : "Go to Dashboard" ,
"Go to Dashboard" : "Gå til Dashboard" ,
} ;
} ;