let express = require("express"); const { allowDevAllOrigin, getSettings, setting } = require("../util-server"); const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const server = require("../server"); const apicache = require("../modules/apicache"); const Monitor = require("../model/monitor"); const dayjs = require("dayjs"); const { UP, flipStatus, debug } = require("../../src/util"); let router = express.Router(); let cache = apicache.middleware; let io = server.io; router.get("/api/entry-page", async (_, response) => { allowDevAllOrigin(response); response.json(server.entryPage); }); router.get("/api/push/:pushToken", async (request, response) => { try { let pushToken = request.params.pushToken; let {msg, ping, ...requestTags} = request.query; msg = msg || "OK"; ping = ping || null; let monitor = await R.findOne("monitor", " push_token = ? AND active = 1 ", [ pushToken ]); if (! monitor) { throw new Error("Monitor not found or not active."); } const previousHeartbeat = await R.getRow(` SELECT status, time FROM heartbeat WHERE id = (select MAX(id) from heartbeat where monitor_id = ?) `, [ monitor.id ]); const tagKeys = Object.keys(requestTags) if (tagKeys.length > 0) { // Request has additional tags. Fetch all tags for this monitor. // For multiple tags with same name, get the oldest one. const monitorTags = await R.getAll("SELECT tag.name, MIN(monitor_tag.id) id FROM monitor_tag JOIN tag ON tag.id = monitor_tag.tag_id AND monitor_tag.monitor_id = ? GROUP BY tag.name ORDER BY 1", [monitor.id]); // Update monitor_tag, ignoring non-existing request tags. monitorTags .filter(mt => tagKeys.includes(mt.name)) .forEach(async mt => { const tagValue = requestTags[mt.name]; await R.exec("UPDATE monitor_tag SET value = ? WHERE id = ?", [ tagValue, mt.id ]); // FixMe: Not working. What to emit here? io.to(monitor.user_id).emit("addMonitorTag", mt.id, monitor.id, tagValue); }); } let status = UP; if (monitor.isUpsideDown()) { status = flipStatus(status); } let isFirstBeat = true; let previousStatus = status; let duration = 0; let bean = R.dispense("heartbeat"); bean.time = R.isoDateTime(dayjs.utc()); if (previousHeartbeat) { isFirstBeat = false; previousStatus = previousHeartbeat.status; duration = dayjs(bean.time).diff(dayjs(previousHeartbeat.time), "second"); } debug("PreviousStatus: " + previousStatus); debug("Current Status: " + status); bean.important = Monitor.isImportantBeat(isFirstBeat, previousStatus, status); bean.monitor_id = monitor.id; bean.status = status; bean.msg = msg; bean.ping = ping; bean.duration = duration; await trx.store(bean); io.to(monitor.user_id).emit("heartbeat", bean.toJSON()); Monitor.sendStats(io, monitor.id, monitor.user_id); await trx.commit(); response.json({ ok: true, }); if (bean.important) { await Monitor.sendNotification(isFirstBeat, monitor, bean); } } catch (e) { await trx.rollback(); response.json({ ok: false, msg: e.message }); } }); // Status Page Config router.get("/api/status-page/config", async (_request, response) => { allowDevAllOrigin(response); let config = await getSettings("statusPage"); if (! config.statusPageTheme) { config.statusPageTheme = "light"; } if (! config.statusPagePublished) { config.statusPagePublished = true; } if (! config.title) { config.title = "Uptime Kuma"; } response.json(config); }); // Status Page - Get the current Incident // Can fetch only if published router.get("/api/status-page/incident", async (_, response) => { allowDevAllOrigin(response); try { await checkPublished(); let incident = await R.findOne("incident", " pin = 1 AND active = 1"); if (incident) { incident = incident.toPublicJSON(); } response.json({ ok: true, incident, }); } catch (error) { send403(response, error.message); } }); // Status Page - Monitor List // Can fetch only if published router.get("/api/status-page/monitor-list", cache("5 minutes"), async (_request, response) => { allowDevAllOrigin(response); try { await checkPublished(); const publicGroupList = []; let list = await R.find("group", " public = 1 ORDER BY weight "); for (let groupBean of list) { publicGroupList.push(await groupBean.toPublicJSON()); } response.json(publicGroupList); } catch (error) { send403(response, error.message); } }); // Status Page Polling Data // Can fetch only if published router.get("/api/status-page/heartbeat", cache("5 minutes"), async (_request, response) => { allowDevAllOrigin(response); try { await checkPublished(); let heartbeatList = {}; let uptimeList = {}; let monitorIDList = await R.getCol(` SELECT monitor_group.monitor_id FROM monitor_group, \`group\` WHERE monitor_group.group_id = \`group\`.id AND public = 1 `); for (let monitorID of monitorIDList) { let list = await R.getAll(` SELECT * FROM heartbeat WHERE monitor_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 50 `, [ monitorID, ]); list = R.convertToBeans("heartbeat", list); heartbeatList[monitorID] = list.reverse().map(row => row.toPublicJSON()); const type = 24; uptimeList[`${monitorID}_${type}`] = await Monitor.calcUptime(type, monitorID); } response.json({ heartbeatList, uptimeList }); } catch (error) { send403(response, error.message); } }); async function checkPublished() { if (! await isPublished()) { throw new Error("The status page is not published"); } } /** * Default is published * @returns {Promise} */ async function isPublished() { const value = await setting("statusPagePublished"); if (value === null) { return true; } return value; } function send403(res, msg = "") { res.status(403).json({ "status": "fail", "msg": msg, }); } module.exports = router;