const https = require("https"); const dayjs = require("dayjs"); const utc = require("dayjs/plugin/utc") let timezone = require("dayjs/plugin/timezone") dayjs.extend(utc) dayjs.extend(timezone) const axios = require("axios"); const { Prometheus } = require("../prometheus"); const { debug, UP, DOWN, PENDING, flipStatus, TimeLogger } = require("../../src/util"); const { tcping, ping, dnsResolve, checkCertificate, checkStatusCode, getTotalClientInRoom } = require("../util-server"); const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model"); const { Notification } = require("../notification") const version = require("../../package.json").version; /** * status: * 0 = DOWN * 1 = UP * 2 = PENDING */ class Monitor extends BeanModel { async toJSON() { let notificationIDList = {}; let list = await R.find("monitor_notification", " monitor_id = ? ", [, ]) for (let bean of list) { notificationIDList[bean.notification_id] = true; } return { id:, name:, url: this.url, hostname: this.hostname, port: this.port, maxretries: this.maxretries, weight: this.weight, active:, type: this.type, interval: this.interval, retryInterval: this.retryInterval, keyword: this.keyword, ignoreTls: this.getIgnoreTls(), upsideDown: this.isUpsideDown(), maxredirects: this.maxredirects, accepted_statuscodes: this.getAcceptedStatuscodes(), dns_resolve_type: this.dns_resolve_type, dns_resolve_server: this.dns_resolve_server, dns_last_result: this.dns_last_result, notificationIDList, }; } /** * Parse to boolean * @returns {boolean} */ getIgnoreTls() { return Boolean(this.ignoreTls) } /** * Parse to boolean * @returns {boolean} */ isUpsideDown() { return Boolean(this.upsideDown); } getAcceptedStatuscodes() { return JSON.parse(this.accepted_statuscodes_json); } start(io) { let previousBeat = null; let retries = 0; let prometheus = new Prometheus(this); const beat = async () => { // Expose here for prometheus update // undefined if not https let tlsInfo = undefined; if (! previousBeat) { previousBeat = await R.findOne("heartbeat", " monitor_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC", [, ]) } const isFirstBeat = !previousBeat; let bean = R.dispense("heartbeat") bean.monitor_id =; bean.time = R.isoDateTime(dayjs.utc()); bean.status = DOWN; if (this.isUpsideDown()) { bean.status = flipStatus(bean.status); } // Duration if (! isFirstBeat) { bean.duration = dayjs(bean.time).diff(dayjs(previousBeat.time), "second"); } else { bean.duration = 0; } try { if (this.type === "http" || this.type === "keyword") { // Do not do any queries/high loading things before the "" let startTime = dayjs().valueOf(); let res = await axios.get(this.url, { timeout: this.interval * 1000 * 0.8, headers: { "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "Uptime-Kuma/" + version, }, httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ maxCachedSessions: 0, // Use Custom agent to disable session reuse ( rejectUnauthorized: ! this.getIgnoreTls(), }), maxRedirects: this.maxredirects, validateStatus: (status) => { return checkStatusCode(status, this.getAcceptedStatuscodes()); }, }); bean.msg = `${res.status} - ${res.statusText}` = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime; // Check certificate if https is used let certInfoStartTime = dayjs().valueOf(); if (this.getUrl()?.protocol === "https:") { try { tlsInfo = await this.updateTlsInfo(checkCertificate(res)); } catch (e) { if (e.message !== "No TLS certificate in response") { console.error(e.message) } } } debug("Cert Info Query Time: " + (dayjs().valueOf() - certInfoStartTime) + "ms") if (this.type === "http") { bean.status = UP; } else { let data =; // Convert to string for object/array if (typeof data !== "string") { data = JSON.stringify(data) } if (data.includes(this.keyword)) { bean.msg += ", keyword is found" bean.status = UP; } else { throw new Error(bean.msg + ", but keyword is not found") } } } else if (this.type === "port") { = await tcping(this.hostname, this.port); bean.msg = "" bean.status = UP; } else if (this.type === "ping") { = await ping(this.hostname); bean.msg = "" bean.status = UP; } else if (this.type === "dns") { let startTime = dayjs().valueOf(); let dnsMessage = ""; let dnsRes = await dnsResolve(this.hostname, this.dns_resolve_server, this.dns_resolve_type); = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime; if (this.dns_resolve_type == "A" || this.dns_resolve_type == "AAAA" || this.dns_resolve_type == "TXT") { dnsMessage += "Records: "; dnsMessage += dnsRes.join(" | "); } else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "CNAME" || this.dns_resolve_type == "PTR") { dnsMessage = dnsRes[0]; } else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "CAA") { dnsMessage = dnsRes[0].issue; } else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "MX") { dnsRes.forEach(record => { dnsMessage += `Hostname: ${} - Priority: ${record.priority} | `; }); dnsMessage = dnsMessage.slice(0, -2) } else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "NS") { dnsMessage += "Servers: "; dnsMessage += dnsRes.join(" | "); } else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "SOA") { dnsMessage += `NS-Name: ${dnsRes.nsname} | Hostmaster: ${dnsRes.hostmaster} | Serial: ${dnsRes.serial} | Refresh: ${dnsRes.refresh} | Retry: ${dnsRes.retry} | Expire: ${dnsRes.expire} | MinTTL: ${dnsRes.minttl}`; } else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "SRV") { dnsRes.forEach(record => { dnsMessage += `Name: ${} | Port: ${record.port} | Priority: ${record.priority} | Weight: ${record.weight} | `; }); dnsMessage = dnsMessage.slice(0, -2) } if (this.dnsLastResult !== dnsMessage) { R.exec("UPDATE `monitor` SET dns_last_result = ? WHERE id = ? ", [ dnsMessage, ]); } bean.msg = dnsMessage; bean.status = UP; } if (this.isUpsideDown()) { bean.status = flipStatus(bean.status); if (bean.status === DOWN) { throw new Error("Flip UP to DOWN"); } } retries = 0; } catch (error) { bean.msg = error.message; // If UP come in here, it must be upside down mode // Just reset the retries if (this.isUpsideDown() && bean.status === UP) { retries = 0; } else if ((this.maxretries > 0) && (retries < this.maxretries)) { retries++; bean.status = PENDING; } } // * ? -> ANY STATUS = important [isFirstBeat] // UP -> PENDING = not important // * UP -> DOWN = important // UP -> UP = not important // PENDING -> PENDING = not important // * PENDING -> DOWN = important // PENDING -> UP = not important // DOWN -> PENDING = this case not exists // DOWN -> DOWN = not important // * DOWN -> UP = important let isImportant = isFirstBeat || (previousBeat.status === UP && bean.status === DOWN) || (previousBeat.status === DOWN && bean.status === UP) || (previousBeat.status === PENDING && bean.status === DOWN); // Mark as important if status changed, ignore pending pings, // Don't notify if disrupted changes to up if (isImportant) { bean.important = true; // Send only if the first beat is DOWN if (!isFirstBeat || bean.status === DOWN) { let notificationList = await R.getAll("SELECT notification.* FROM notification, monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? AND monitor_notification.notification_id = ", [, ]) let text; if (bean.status === UP) { text = "✅ Up" } else { text = "🔴 Down" } let msg = `[${}] [${text}] ${bean.msg}`; for (let notification of notificationList) { try { await Notification.send(JSON.parse(notification.config), msg, await this.toJSON(), bean.toJSON()) } catch (e) { console.error("Cannot send notification to " +; console.log(e); } } } } else { bean.important = false; } let beatInterval = this.interval; if (bean.status === UP) {`Monitor #${} '${}': Successful Response: ${} ms | Interval: ${beatInterval} seconds | Type: ${this.type}`) } else if (bean.status === PENDING) { if (this.retryInterval > 0) { beatInterval = this.retryInterval; } console.warn(`Monitor #${} '${}': Pending: ${bean.msg} | Max retries: ${this.maxretries} | Retry: ${retries} | Retry Interval: ${beatInterval} seconds | Type: ${this.type}`) } else { console.warn(`Monitor #${} '${}': Failing: ${bean.msg} | Interval: ${beatInterval} seconds | Type: ${this.type}`) }"heartbeat", bean.toJSON()); Monitor.sendStats(io,, this.user_id) await; prometheus.update(bean, tlsInfo); previousBeat = bean; if (! this.isStop) { this.heartbeatInterval = setTimeout(beat, beatInterval * 1000); } } beat(); } stop() { clearTimeout(this.heartbeatInterval); this.isStop = true; } /** * Helper Method: * returns URL object for further usage * returns null if url is invalid * @returns {null|URL} */ getUrl() { try { return new URL(this.url); } catch (_) { return null; } } /** * Store TLS info to database * @param checkCertificateResult * @returns {Promise} */ async updateTlsInfo(checkCertificateResult) { let tls_info_bean = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [, ]); if (tls_info_bean == null) { tls_info_bean = R.dispense("monitor_tls_info"); tls_info_bean.monitor_id =; } tls_info_bean.info_json = JSON.stringify(checkCertificateResult); await; return checkCertificateResult; } static async sendStats(io, monitorID, userID) { const hasClients = getTotalClientInRoom(io, userID) > 0; if (hasClients) { await Monitor.sendAvgPing(24, io, monitorID, userID); await Monitor.sendUptime(24, io, monitorID, userID); await Monitor.sendUptime(24 * 30, io, monitorID, userID); await Monitor.sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID); } else { debug("No clients in the room, no need to send stats"); } } /** * * @param duration : int Hours */ static async sendAvgPing(duration, io, monitorID, userID) { const timeLogger = new TimeLogger(); let avgPing = parseInt(await R.getCell(` SELECT AVG(ping) FROM heartbeat WHERE time > DATETIME('now', ? || ' hours') AND ping IS NOT NULL AND monitor_id = ? `, [ -duration, monitorID, ])); timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}] avgPing`);"avgPing", monitorID, avgPing); } static async sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID) { let tls_info = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [ monitorID, ]); if (tls_info != null) {"certInfo", monitorID, tls_info.info_json); } } /** * Uptime with calculation * Calculation based on: * * @param duration : int Hours */ static async sendUptime(duration, io, monitorID, userID) { const timeLogger = new TimeLogger(); const startTime = R.isoDateTime(dayjs.utc().subtract(duration, "hour")); // Handle if heartbeat duration longer than the target duration // e.g. If the last beat's duration is bigger that the 24hrs window, it will use the duration between the (beat time - window margin) (THEN case in SQL) let result = await R.getRow(` SELECT -- SUM all duration, also trim off the beat out of time window SUM( CASE WHEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400 < duration THEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400 ELSE duration END ) AS total_duration, -- SUM all uptime duration, also trim off the beat out of time window SUM( CASE WHEN (status = 1) THEN CASE WHEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400 < duration THEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400 ELSE duration END END ) AS uptime_duration FROM heartbeat WHERE time > ? AND monitor_id = ? `, [ startTime, startTime, startTime, startTime, startTime, monitorID, ]); timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}][${duration}] sendUptime`); let totalDuration = result.total_duration; let uptimeDuration = result.uptime_duration; let uptime = 0; if (totalDuration > 0) { uptime = uptimeDuration / totalDuration; if (uptime < 0) { uptime = 0; } } else { // Handle new monitor with only one beat, because the beat's duration = 0 let status = parseInt(await R.getCell("SELECT `status` FROM heartbeat WHERE monitor_id = ?", [ monitorID ])); console.log("here???" + status); if (status === UP) { uptime = 1; } }"uptime", monitorID, duration, uptime); } } module.exports = Monitor;