You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
83 lines
3.2 KiB
83 lines
3.2 KiB
const findInFiles = require("find-in-files");
const _ = require("lodash");
const fs = require("fs/promises");
const JSON5 = require("json5");
// Extract translations from $t() functions in the source code and add the missing translations to all language files in src/languages/*.js
async function extractTranslations() {
// Load all es6 module translation files into a commonJS process
const languageList = {};
const filesNames = await fs.readdir("src/languages");
for (let fileName of filesNames) {
if (fileName.endsWith("js") && fileName !== "index.js") {
const content = (await fs.readFile("src/languages/" + fileName)).toString("utf-8");
const json = content.replace("export default {", "{").replace("};", "}");
languageList[fileName.split(".")[0]] = JSON5.parse(json);
const en = languageList.en;
// Search the source code for usages of $t()
const results = await findInFiles.find({
term: "\\$t\\(([^)]+?)\\)",
flags: "g",
}, "./src", "\\.(vue|js)");
const englishExtracted = [];
// Make a list of all the found strings
const warnings = [];
Object.values(results).map(result => {
result.matches.map(match => {
const functionParams = match.substring(3, match.length - 1).trim();
const firstChar = functionParams[0];
if (!["\"", "'"].includes(firstChar)) {
// Variable => cannot extract => output warning
warnings.push("Cannot extract non string values in " + match);
} else {
// Actual string
const content = _.trim(functionParams.split(firstChar)[1], "\"' ");
// Update all languages with the missing strings
for (let extractedTranslation of englishExtracted) {
for (let langDict of Object.values(languageList)) {
if (!Object.keys(langDict).includes(extractedTranslation)) {
langDict[extractedTranslation] = extractedTranslation;
// Check for translations in other language files that are not in the English file and output warnings for them
const englishKeys = Object.keys(en);
for (let langName of Object.keys(languageList)) {
if (langName !== "en") {
const langKeys = Object.keys(languageList[langName]);
const unusedKeys = _.without(langKeys, ...englishKeys);
if (unusedKeys.length) {
warnings.push(`Language file ${langName} contains keys that are not used: ["${unusedKeys.join("\", \"")}"]`);
for (let langName of Object.keys(languageList)) {
const translationsString = JSON5.stringify(languageList[langName], {
quote: "\"",
space: 4,
.replace(/"$/m, "\","); // Add comma to the last line
await fs.writeFile(`./src/languages/${_.kebabCase(langName)}.js`, `export default ${translationsString};\n`);
if (warnings.length) {
console.log("Extraction successful with warnings: \n\t" + warnings.join("\n\t"));
} else {
console.log("Extraction successful");