mod accounts ;
mod ciphers ;
mod folders ;
mod organizations ;
pub ( crate ) mod two_factor ;
pub fn routes ( ) -> Vec < Route > {
let mut mod_routes = routes ! [
clear_device_token ,
put_device_token ,
get_eq_domains ,
post_eq_domains ,
put_eq_domains ,
hibp_breach ,
] ;
let mut routes = Vec ::new ( ) ;
routes . append ( & mut accounts ::routes ( ) ) ;
routes . append ( & mut ciphers ::routes ( ) ) ;
routes . append ( & mut folders ::routes ( ) ) ;
routes . append ( & mut organizations ::routes ( ) ) ;
routes . append ( & mut two_factor ::routes ( ) ) ;
routes . append ( & mut mod_routes ) ;
// Move this somewhere else
use rocket ::Route ;
use rocket_contrib ::json ::Json ;
use serde_json ::Value ;
use crate ::api ::{ EmptyResult , JsonResult , JsonUpcase } ;
use crate ::auth ::Headers ;
use crate ::db ::DbConn ;
use crate ::error ::Error ;
#[ put( " /devices/identifier/<uuid>/clear-token " ) ]
fn clear_device_token ( uuid : String ) -> EmptyResult {
// This endpoint doesn't have auth header
let _ = uuid ;
// uuid is not related to deviceId
// This only clears push token
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ put( " /devices/identifier/<uuid>/token " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn put_device_token ( uuid : String , data : JsonUpcase < Value > , headers : Headers ) -> JsonResult {
let _data : Value = data . into_inner ( ) . data ;
// Data has a single string value "PushToken"
let _ = uuid ;
// uuid is not related to deviceId
// TODO: This should save the push token, but we don't have push functionality
Ok ( Json ( json ! ( {
"Id" : headers . device . uuid ,
"Name" : headers . device . name ,
"Type" : headers . device . atype ,
"Identifier" : headers . device . uuid ,
"CreationDate" : crate ::util ::format_date ( & headers . device . created_at ) ,
} ) ) )
#[ derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug) ]
#[ allow(non_snake_case) ]
struct GlobalDomain {
Type : i32 ,
Domains : Vec < String > ,
Excluded : bool ,
const GLOBAL_DOMAINS : & str = include_str ! ( "../../static/global_domains.json" ) ;
#[ get( " /settings/domains " ) ]
fn get_eq_domains ( headers : Headers ) -> JsonResult {
_get_eq_domains ( headers , false )
fn _get_eq_domains ( headers : Headers , no_excluded : bool ) -> JsonResult {
let user = headers . user ;
use serde_json ::from_str ;
let equivalent_domains : Vec < Vec < String > > = from_str ( & user . equivalent_domains ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let excluded_globals : Vec < i32 > = from_str ( & user . excluded_globals ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut globals : Vec < GlobalDomain > = from_str ( GLOBAL_DOMAINS ) . unwrap ( ) ;
for global in & mut globals {
global . Excluded = excluded_globals . contains ( & global . Type ) ;
if no_excluded {
globals . retain ( | g | ! g . Excluded ) ;
Ok ( Json ( json ! ( {
"EquivalentDomains" : equivalent_domains ,
"GlobalEquivalentDomains" : globals ,
"Object" : "domains" ,
} ) ) )
#[ derive(Deserialize, Debug) ]
#[ allow(non_snake_case) ]
struct EquivDomainData {
ExcludedGlobalEquivalentDomains : Option < Vec < i32 > > ,
EquivalentDomains : Option < Vec < Vec < String > > > ,
#[ post( " /settings/domains " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn post_eq_domains ( data : JsonUpcase < EquivDomainData > , headers : Headers , conn : DbConn ) -> JsonResult {
let data : EquivDomainData = data . into_inner ( ) . data ;
let excluded_globals = data . ExcludedGlobalEquivalentDomains . unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
let equivalent_domains = data . EquivalentDomains . unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
let mut user = headers . user ;
use serde_json ::to_string ;
user . excluded_globals = to_string ( & excluded_globals ) . unwrap_or_else ( | _ | "[]" . to_string ( ) ) ;
user . equivalent_domains = to_string ( & equivalent_domains ) . unwrap_or_else ( | _ | "[]" . to_string ( ) ) ;
user . save ( & conn ) ? ;
Ok ( Json ( json ! ( { } ) ) )
#[ put( " /settings/domains " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn put_eq_domains ( data : JsonUpcase < EquivDomainData > , headers : Headers , conn : DbConn ) -> JsonResult {
post_eq_domains ( data , headers , conn )
#[ get( " /hibp/breach?<username> " ) ]
fn hibp_breach ( username : String ) -> JsonResult {
let user_agent = "Bitwarden_RS" ;
let url = format ! (
"{}?truncateResponse=false&includeUnverified=false" ,
) ;
use reqwest ::{ header ::USER_AGENT , blocking ::Client } ;
if let Some ( api_key ) = crate ::CONFIG . hibp_api_key ( ) {
let hibp_client = Client ::builder ( ) . build ( ) ? ;
let res = hibp_client
. get ( & url )
. header ( USER_AGENT , user_agent )
. header ( "hibp-api-key" , api_key )
. send ( ) ? ;
// If we get a 404, return a 404, it means no breached accounts
if res . status ( ) = = 404 {
return Err ( Error ::empty ( ) . with_code ( 404 ) ) ;
let value : Value = res . error_for_status ( ) ? . json ( ) ? ;
Ok ( Json ( value ) )
} else {
Ok ( Json ( json ! ( [ {
"Name" : "HaveIBeenPwned" ,
"Title" : "Manual HIBP Check" ,
"Domain" : "" ,
"BreachDate" : "2019-08-18T00:00:00Z" ,
"AddedDate" : "2019-08-18T00:00:00Z" ,
"Description" : format ! ( "Go to: <a href=\"{account}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">{account}</a> for a manual check.<br/><br/>HaveIBeenPwned API key not set!<br/>Go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"></a> to purchase an API key from HaveIBeenPwned.<br/><br/>" , account = username ) ,
"LogoPath" : "bwrs_static/hibp.png" ,
"PwnCount" : 0 ,
"DataClasses" : [
"Error - No API key set!"
} ] ) ) )