use std ::env ::consts ::EXE_SUFFIX ;
use std ::process ::exit ;
use std ::sync ::RwLock ;
use job_scheduler_ng ::Schedule ;
use once_cell ::sync ::Lazy ;
use reqwest ::Url ;
use crate ::{
db ::DbConnType ,
error ::Error ,
util ::{ get_env , get_env_bool } ,
} ;
static CONFIG_FILE : Lazy < String > = Lazy ::new ( | | {
let data_folder = get_env ( "DATA_FOLDER" ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | String ::from ( "data" ) ) ;
get_env ( "CONFIG_FILE" ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | format ! ( "{data_folder}/config.json" ) )
} ) ;
pub static CONFIG : Lazy < Config > = Lazy ::new ( | | {
Config ::load ( ) . unwrap_or_else ( | e | {
println ! ( "Error loading config:\n {e:?}\n" ) ;
exit ( 12 )
} )
} ) ;
pub type Pass = String ;
macro_rules ! make_config {
( $(
$( #[ doc = $groupdoc:literal ] ) ?
$group :ident $( : $group_enabled :ident ) ? {
$( #[ doc = $doc:literal ] ) +
$name :ident : $ty :ident , $editable :literal , $none_action :ident $(, $default :expr ) ? ;
) + } ,
) + ) = > {
pub struct Config { inner : RwLock < Inner > }
struct Inner {
rocket_shutdown_handle : Option < rocket ::Shutdown > ,
ws_shutdown_handle : Option < tokio ::sync ::oneshot ::Sender < ( ) > > ,
templates : Handlebars < 'static > ,
config : ConfigItems ,
_env : ConfigBuilder ,
_usr : ConfigBuilder ,
_overrides : Vec < String > ,
#[ derive(Clone, Default, Deserialize, Serialize) ]
pub struct ConfigBuilder {
$( $(
#[ serde(skip_serializing_if = " Option::is_none " ) ]
$name : Option < $ty > ,
) + ) +
impl ConfigBuilder {
#[ allow(clippy::field_reassign_with_default) ]
fn from_env ( ) -> Self {
let env_file = get_env ( "ENV_FILE" ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | String ::from ( ".env" ) ) ;
match dotenvy ::from_path ( & env_file ) {
Ok ( _ ) = > {
println ! ( "[INFO] Using environment file `{env_file}` for configuration.\n" ) ;
} ,
Err ( e ) = > match e {
dotenvy ::Error ::LineParse ( msg , pos ) = > {
println ! ( "[ERROR] Failed parsing environment file: `{env_file}`\nNear {msg:?} on position {pos}\nPlease fix and restart!\n" ) ;
exit ( 255 ) ;
} ,
dotenvy ::Error ::Io ( ioerr ) = > match ioerr . kind ( ) {
std ::io ::ErrorKind ::NotFound = > {
// Only exit if this environment variable is set, but the file was not found.
// This prevents incorrectly configured environments.
if let Some ( env_file ) = get_env ::< String > ( "ENV_FILE" ) {
println ! ( "[ERROR] The configured ENV_FILE `{env_file}` was not found!\n" ) ;
exit ( 255 ) ;
} ,
std ::io ::ErrorKind ::PermissionDenied = > {
println ! ( "[ERROR] Permission denied while trying to read environment file `{env_file}`!\n" ) ;
exit ( 255 ) ;
} ,
_ = > {
println ! ( "[ERROR] Reading environment file `{env_file}` failed:\n{ioerr:?}\n" ) ;
exit ( 255 ) ;
} ,
_ = > {
println ! ( "[ERROR] Reading environment file `{env_file}` failed:\n{e:?}\n" ) ;
exit ( 255 ) ;
} ;
let mut builder = ConfigBuilder ::default ( ) ;
$( $(
builder . $name = make_config ! { @ getenv paste ::paste ! ( stringify ! ( [ < $name :upper > ] ) ) , $ty } ;
) + ) +
fn from_file ( path : & str ) -> Result < Self , Error > {
let config_str = std ::fs ::read_to_string ( path ) ? ;
println ! ( "[INFO] Using saved config from `{path}` for configuration.\n" ) ;
serde_json ::from_str ( & config_str ) . map_err ( Into ::into )
/// Merges the values of both builders into a new builder.
/// If both have the same element, `other` wins.
fn merge ( & self , other : & Self , show_overrides : bool , overrides : & mut Vec < String > ) -> Self {
let mut builder = self . clone ( ) ;
$( $(
if let v @ Some ( _ ) = & other . $name {
builder . $name = v . clone ( ) ;
if self . $name . is_some ( ) {
overrides . push ( paste ::paste ! ( stringify ! ( [ < $name :upper > ] ) ) . into ( ) ) ;
) + ) +
if show_overrides & & ! overrides . is_empty ( ) {
// We can't use warn! here because logging isn't setup yet.
println ! ( "[WARNING] The following environment variables are being overriden by the config.json file." ) ;
println ! ( "[WARNING] Please use the admin panel to make changes to them:" ) ;
println ! ( "[WARNING] {}\n" , overrides . join ( ", " ) ) ;
fn build ( & self ) -> ConfigItems {
let mut config = ConfigItems ::default ( ) ;
let _domain_set = self . domain . is_some ( ) ;
$( $(
config . $name = make_config ! { @ build self . $name . clone ( ) , & config , $none_action , $( $default ) ? } ;
) + ) +
config . domain_set = _domain_set ;
config . domain = config . domain . trim_end_matches ( '/' ) . to_string ( ) ;
config . signups_domains_whitelist = config . signups_domains_whitelist . trim ( ) . to_lowercase ( ) ;
config . org_creation_users = config . org_creation_users . trim ( ) . to_lowercase ( ) ;
#[ derive(Clone, Default) ]
struct ConfigItems { $( $( $name : make_config ! { @ type $ty , $none_action } , ) + ) + }
#[ allow(unused) ]
impl Config {
$( $(
$( #[ doc = $doc ] ) +
pub fn $name ( & self ) -> make_config ! { @ type $ty , $none_action } {
self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) . config . $name . clone ( )
) + ) +
pub fn prepare_json ( & self ) -> serde_json ::Value {
let ( def , cfg , overriden ) = {
let inner = & self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
( inner . _env . build ( ) , inner . config . clone ( ) , inner . _overrides . clone ( ) )
} ;
fn _get_form_type ( rust_type : & str ) -> & 'static str {
match rust_type {
"Pass" = > "password" ,
"String" = > "text" ,
"bool" = > "checkbox" ,
_ = > "number"
fn _get_doc ( doc : & str ) -> serde_json ::Value {
let mut split = doc . split ( "|>" ) . map ( str ::trim ) ;
// We do not use the json!() macro here since that causes a lot of macro recursion.
// This slows down compile time and it also causes issues with rust-analyzer
serde_json ::Value ::Object ( {
let mut doc_json = serde_json ::Map ::new ( ) ;
doc_json . insert ( "name" . into ( ) , serde_json ::to_value ( split . next ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
doc_json . insert ( "description" . into ( ) , serde_json ::to_value ( split . next ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
} )
// We do not use the json!() macro here since that causes a lot of macro recursion.
// This slows down compile time and it also causes issues with rust-analyzer
serde_json ::Value ::Array ( < [ _ ] > ::into_vec ( Box ::new ( [
serde_json ::Value ::Object ( {
let mut group = serde_json ::Map ::new ( ) ;
group . insert ( "group" . into ( ) , ( stringify ! ( $group ) ) . into ( ) ) ;
group . insert ( "grouptoggle" . into ( ) , ( stringify ! ( $( $group_enabled ) ? ) ) . into ( ) ) ;
group . insert ( "groupdoc" . into ( ) , ( make_config ! { @ show $( $groupdoc ) ? } ) . into ( ) ) ;
group . insert ( "elements" . into ( ) , serde_json ::Value ::Array ( < [ _ ] > ::into_vec ( Box ::new ( [
serde_json ::Value ::Object ( {
let mut element = serde_json ::Map ::new ( ) ;
element . insert ( "editable" . into ( ) , ( $editable ) . into ( ) ) ;
element . insert ( "name" . into ( ) , ( stringify ! ( $name ) ) . into ( ) ) ;
element . insert ( "value" . into ( ) , serde_json ::to_value ( cfg . $name ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
element . insert ( "default" . into ( ) , serde_json ::to_value ( def . $name ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
element . insert ( "type" . into ( ) , ( _get_form_type ( stringify ! ( $ty ) ) ) . into ( ) ) ;
element . insert ( "doc" . into ( ) , ( _get_doc ( concat ! ( $( $doc ) , + ) ) ) . into ( ) ) ;
element . insert ( "overridden" . into ( ) , ( overriden . contains ( & paste ::paste ! ( stringify ! ( [ < $name :upper > ] ) ) . into ( ) ) ) . into ( ) ) ;
} ) ,
) +
] ) ) ) ) ;
} ) ,
) +
] ) ) )
pub fn get_support_json ( & self ) -> serde_json ::Value {
// Define which config keys need to be masked.
// Pass types will always be masked and no need to put them in the list.
// Besides Pass, only String types will be masked via _privacy_mask.
const PRIVACY_CONFIG : & [ & str ] = & [
"allowed_iframe_ancestors" ,
"database_url" ,
"domain_origin" ,
"domain_path" ,
"domain" ,
"helo_name" ,
"org_creation_users" ,
"signups_domains_whitelist" ,
"smtp_from" ,
"smtp_host" ,
"smtp_username" ,
] ;
let cfg = {
let inner = & self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
inner . config . clone ( )
} ;
/// We map over the string and remove all alphanumeric, _ and - characters.
/// This is the fastest way (within micro-seconds) instead of using a regex (which takes mili-seconds)
fn _privacy_mask ( value : & str ) -> String {
let mut n : u16 = 0 ;
let mut colon_match = false ;
. chars ( )
. map ( | c | {
n + = 1 ;
match c {
':' if n < = 11 = > {
colon_match = true ;
'/' if n < = 13 & & colon_match = > c ,
',' = > c ,
_ = > '*' ,
} )
. collect ::< String > ( )
serde_json ::Value ::Object ( {
let mut json = serde_json ::Map ::new ( ) ;
$( $(
json . insert ( stringify ! ( $name ) . into ( ) , make_config ! { @ supportstr $name , cfg . $name , $ty , $none_action } ) ;
) + ) + ;
} )
pub fn get_overrides ( & self ) -> Vec < String > {
let overrides = {
let inner = & self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
inner . _overrides . clone ( )
} ;
} ;
// Support string print
( @ supportstr $name :ident , $value :expr , Pass , option ) = > { serde_json ::to_value ( $value . as_ref ( ) . map ( | _ | String ::from ( "***" ) ) ) . unwrap ( ) } ; // Optional pass, we map to an Option<String> with "***"
( @ supportstr $name :ident , $value :expr , Pass , $none_action :ident ) = > { "***" . into ( ) } ; // Required pass, we return "***"
( @ supportstr $name :ident , $value :expr , String , option ) = > { // Optional other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
if PRIVACY_CONFIG . contains ( & stringify ! ( $name ) ) {
serde_json ::to_value ( $value . as_ref ( ) . map ( | x | _privacy_mask ( x ) ) ) . unwrap ( )
} else {
serde_json ::to_value ( $value ) . unwrap ( )
} ;
( @ supportstr $name :ident , $value :expr , String , $none_action :ident ) = > { // Required other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
if PRIVACY_CONFIG . contains ( & stringify ! ( $name ) ) {
_privacy_mask ( & $value ) . into ( )
} else {
( $value ) . into ( )
} ;
( @ supportstr $name :ident , $value :expr , $ty :ty , option ) = > { serde_json ::to_value ( $value ) . unwrap ( ) } ; // Optional other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
( @ supportstr $name :ident , $value :expr , $ty :ty , $none_action :ident ) = > { ( $value ) . into ( ) } ; // Required other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
// Group or empty string
( @ show ) = > { "" } ;
( @ show $lit :literal ) = > { $lit } ;
// Wrap the optionals in an Option type
( @ type $ty :ty , option ) = > { Option < $ty > } ;
( @ type $ty :ty , $id :ident ) = > { $ty } ;
// Generate the values depending on none_action
( @ build $value :expr , $config :expr , option , ) = > { $value } ;
( @ build $value :expr , $config :expr , def , $default :expr ) = > { $value . unwrap_or ( $default ) } ;
( @ build $value :expr , $config :expr , auto , $default_fn :expr ) = > { {
match $value {
Some ( v ) = > v ,
None = > {
let f : & dyn Fn ( & ConfigItems ) -> _ = & $default_fn ;
f ( $config )
} } ;
( @ build $value :expr , $config :expr , gen , $default_fn :expr ) = > { {
let f : & dyn Fn ( & ConfigItems ) -> _ = & $default_fn ;
f ( $config )
} } ;
( @ getenv $name :expr , bool ) = > { get_env_bool ( $name ) } ;
( @ getenv $name :expr , $ty :ident ) = > { get_env ( $name ) } ;
// /// Short description (without this they won't appear on the list)
// group {
// /// Friendly Name |> Description (Optional)
// name: type, is_editable, action, <default_value (Optional)>
// }
// Where action applied when the value wasn't provided and can be:
// def: Use a default value
// auto: Value is auto generated based on other values
// option: Value is optional
// gen: Value is always autogenerated and it's original value ignored
make_config ! {
folders {
/// Data folder |> Main data folder
data_folder : String , false , def , "data" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Database URL
database_url : String , false , auto , | c | format ! ( "{}/{}" , c . data_folder , "db.sqlite3" ) ;
/// Icon cache folder
icon_cache_folder : String , false , auto , | c | format ! ( "{}/{}" , c . data_folder , "icon_cache" ) ;
/// Attachments folder
attachments_folder : String , false , auto , | c | format ! ( "{}/{}" , c . data_folder , "attachments" ) ;
/// Sends folder
sends_folder : String , false , auto , | c | format ! ( "{}/{}" , c . data_folder , "sends" ) ;
/// Temp folder |> Used for storing temporary file uploads
tmp_folder : String , false , auto , | c | format ! ( "{}/{}" , c . data_folder , "tmp" ) ;
/// Templates folder
templates_folder : String , false , auto , | c | format ! ( "{}/{}" , c . data_folder , "templates" ) ;
/// Session JWT key
rsa_key_filename : String , false , auto , | c | format ! ( "{}/{}" , c . data_folder , "rsa_key" ) ;
/// Web vault folder
web_vault_folder : String , false , def , "web-vault/" . to_string ( ) ;
} ,
ws {
/// Enable websocket notifications
websocket_enabled : bool , false , def , false ;
/// Websocket address
websocket_address : String , false , def , "" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Websocket port
websocket_port : u16 , false , def , 3012 ;
} ,
push {
/// Enable push notifications
push_enabled : bool , false , def , false ;
/// Push relay base uri
push_relay_uri : String , false , def , "" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Installation id |> The installation id from
push_installation_id : Pass , false , def , String ::new ( ) ;
/// Installation key |> The installation key from
push_installation_key : Pass , false , def , String ::new ( ) ;
} ,
jobs {
/// Job scheduler poll interval |> How often the job scheduler thread checks for jobs to run.
/// Set to 0 to globally disable scheduled jobs.
job_poll_interval_ms : u64 , false , def , 30_000 ;
/// Send purge schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for Sends past their deletion date.
/// Defaults to hourly. Set blank to disable this job.
send_purge_schedule : String , false , def , "0 5 * * * *" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Trash purge schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for trashed items to delete permanently.
/// Defaults to daily. Set blank to disable this job.
trash_purge_schedule : String , false , def , "0 5 0 * * *" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Incomplete 2FA login schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for incomplete 2FA logins.
/// Defaults to once every minute. Set blank to disable this job.
incomplete_2fa_schedule : String , false , def , "30 * * * * *" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Emergency notification reminder schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that sends expiration reminders to emergency access grantors.
/// Defaults to hourly. (3 minutes after the hour) Set blank to disable this job.
emergency_notification_reminder_schedule : String , false , def , "0 3 * * * *" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Emergency request timeout schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that grants emergency access requests that have met the required wait time.
/// Defaults to hourly. (7 minutes after the hour) Set blank to disable this job.
emergency_request_timeout_schedule : String , false , def , "0 7 * * * *" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Event cleanup schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that cleans old events from the event table.
/// Defaults to daily. Set blank to disable this job.
event_cleanup_schedule : String , false , def , "0 10 0 * * *" . to_string ( ) ;
} ,
/// General settings
settings {
/// Domain URL |> This needs to be set to the URL used to access the server, including 'http[s]://'
/// and port, if it's different than the default. Some server functions don't work correctly without this value
domain : String , true , def , "http://localhost" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Domain Set |> Indicates if the domain is set by the admin. Otherwise the default will be used.
domain_set : bool , false , def , false ;
/// Domain origin |> Domain URL origin (in, is the origin)
domain_origin : String , false , auto , | c | extract_url_origin ( & c . domain ) ;
/// Domain path |> Domain URL path (in, /path is the path)
domain_path : String , false , auto , | c | extract_url_path ( & c . domain ) ;
/// Enable web vault
web_vault_enabled : bool , false , def , true ;
/// Allow Sends |> Controls whether users are allowed to create Bitwarden Sends.
/// This setting applies globally to all users. To control this on a per-org basis instead, use the "Disable Send" org policy.
sends_allowed : bool , true , def , true ;
/// HIBP Api Key |> HaveIBeenPwned API Key, request it here:
hibp_api_key : Pass , true , option ;
/// Per-user attachment storage limit (KB) |> Max kilobytes of attachment storage allowed per user. When this limit is reached, the user will not be allowed to upload further attachments.
user_attachment_limit : i64 , true , option ;
/// Per-organization attachment storage limit (KB) |> Max kilobytes of attachment storage allowed per org. When this limit is reached, org members will not be allowed to upload further attachments for ciphers owned by that org.
org_attachment_limit : i64 , true , option ;
/// Trash auto-delete days |> Number of days to wait before auto-deleting a trashed item.
/// If unset, trashed items are not auto-deleted. This setting applies globally, so make
/// sure to inform all users of any changes to this setting.
trash_auto_delete_days : i64 , true , option ;
/// Incomplete 2FA time limit |> Number of minutes to wait before a 2FA-enabled login is
/// considered incomplete, resulting in an email notification. An incomplete 2FA login is one
/// where the correct master password was provided but the required 2FA step was not completed,
/// which potentially indicates a master password compromise. Set to 0 to disable this check.
/// This setting applies globally to all users.
incomplete_2fa_time_limit : i64 , true , def , 3 ;
/// Disable icon downloads |> Set to true to disable icon downloading in the internal icon service.
/// This still serves existing icons from $ICON_CACHE_FOLDER, without generating any external
/// network requests. $ICON_CACHE_TTL must also be set to 0; otherwise, the existing icons
/// will be deleted eventually, but won't be downloaded again.
disable_icon_download : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Allow new signups |> Controls whether new users can register. Users can be invited by the vaultwarden admin even if this is disabled
signups_allowed : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Require email verification on signups. This will prevent logins from succeeding until the address has been verified
signups_verify : bool , true , def , false ;
/// If signups require email verification, automatically re-send verification email if it hasn't been sent for a while (in seconds)
signups_verify_resend_time : u64 , true , def , 3_600 ;
/// If signups require email verification, limit how many emails are automatically sent when login is attempted (0 means no limit)
signups_verify_resend_limit : u32 , true , def , 6 ;
/// Email domain whitelist |> Allow signups only from this list of comma-separated domains, even when signups are otherwise disabled
signups_domains_whitelist : String , true , def , String ::new ( ) ;
/// Enable event logging |> Enables event logging for organizations.
org_events_enabled : bool , false , def , false ;
/// Org creation users |> Allow org creation only by this list of comma-separated user emails.
/// Blank or 'all' means all users can create orgs; 'none' means no users can create orgs.
org_creation_users : String , true , def , String ::new ( ) ;
/// Allow invitations |> Controls whether users can be invited by organization admins, even when signups are otherwise disabled
invitations_allowed : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Invitation token expiration time (in hours) |> The number of hours after which an organization invite token, emergency access invite token,
/// email verification token and deletion request token will expire (must be at least 1)
invitation_expiration_hours : u32 , false , def , 120 ;
/// Allow emergency access |> Controls whether users can enable emergency access to their accounts. This setting applies globally to all users.
emergency_access_allowed : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Password iterations |> Number of server-side passwords hashing iterations for the password hash.
/// The default for new users. If changed, it will be updated during login for existing users.
password_iterations : i32 , true , def , 600_000 ;
/// Allow password hints |> Controls whether users can set password hints. This setting applies globally to all users.
password_hints_allowed : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Show password hint |> Controls whether a password hint should be shown directly in the web page
/// if SMTP service is not configured. Not recommended for publicly-accessible instances as this
/// provides unauthenticated access to potentially sensitive data.
show_password_hint : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Admin token/Argon2 PHC |> The plain text token or Argon2 PHC string used to authenticate in this very same page. Changing it here will not deauthorize the current session!
admin_token : Pass , true , option ;
/// Invitation organization name |> Name shown in the invitation emails that don't come from a specific organization
invitation_org_name : String , true , def , "Vaultwarden" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Events days retain |> Number of days to retain events stored in the database. If unset, events are kept indefently.
events_days_retain : i64 , false , option ;
} ,
/// Advanced settings
advanced {
/// Client IP header |> If not present, the remote IP is used.
/// Set to the string "none" (without quotes), to disable any headers and just use the remote IP
ip_header : String , true , def , "X-Real-IP" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Internal IP header property, used to avoid recomputing each time
_ip_header_enabled : bool , false , gen , | c | & c . ip_header . trim ( ) . to_lowercase ( ) ! = "none" ;
/// Icon service |> The predefined icon services are: internal, bitwarden, duckduckgo, google.
/// To specify a custom icon service, set a URL template with exactly one instance of `{}`,
/// which is replaced with the domain. For example: `{}`.
/// `internal` refers to Vaultwarden's built-in icon fetching implementation. If an external
/// service is set, an icon request to Vaultwarden will return an HTTP redirect to the
/// corresponding icon at the external service.
icon_service : String , false , def , "internal" . to_string ( ) ;
/// _icon_service_url
_icon_service_url : String , false , gen , | c | generate_icon_service_url ( & c . icon_service ) ;
/// _icon_service_csp
_icon_service_csp : String , false , gen , | c | generate_icon_service_csp ( & c . icon_service , & c . _icon_service_url ) ;
/// Icon redirect code |> The HTTP status code to use for redirects to an external icon service.
/// The supported codes are 301 (legacy permanent), 302 (legacy temporary), 307 (temporary), and 308 (permanent).
/// Temporary redirects are useful while testing different icon services, but once a service
/// has been decided on, consider using permanent redirects for cacheability. The legacy codes
/// are currently better supported by the Bitwarden clients.
icon_redirect_code : u32 , true , def , 302 ;
/// Positive icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds to consider that an already cached icon is fresh. After this period, the icon will be redownloaded
icon_cache_ttl : u64 , true , def , 2_592_000 ;
/// Negative icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds before trying to download an icon that failed again.
icon_cache_negttl : u64 , true , def , 259_200 ;
/// Icon download timeout |> Number of seconds when to stop attempting to download an icon.
icon_download_timeout : u64 , true , def , 10 ;
/// Icon blacklist Regex |> Any domains or IPs that match this regex won't be fetched by the icon service.
/// Useful to hide other servers in the local network. Check the WIKI for more details
icon_blacklist_regex : String , true , option ;
/// Icon blacklist non global IPs |> Any IP which is not defined as a global IP will be blacklisted.
/// Usefull to secure your internal environment: See for a list of IPs which it will block
icon_blacklist_non_global_ips : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Disable Two-Factor remember |> Enabling this would force the users to use a second factor to login every time.
/// Note that the checkbox would still be present, but ignored.
disable_2fa_remember : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Disable authenticator time drifted codes to be valid |> Enabling this only allows the current TOTP code to be valid
/// TOTP codes of the previous and next 30 seconds will be invalid.
authenticator_disable_time_drift : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Require new device emails |> When a user logs in an email is required to be sent.
/// If sending the email fails the login attempt will fail.
require_device_email : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Reload templates (Dev) |> When this is set to true, the templates get reloaded with every request.
/// ONLY use this during development, as it can slow down the server
reload_templates : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Enable extended logging
extended_logging : bool , false , def , true ;
/// Log timestamp format
log_timestamp_format : String , true , def , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3f" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Enable the log to output to Syslog
use_syslog : bool , false , def , false ;
/// Log file path
log_file : String , false , option ;
/// Log level
log_level : String , false , def , "Info" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Enable DB WAL |> Turning this off might lead to worse performance, but might help if using vaultwarden on some exotic filesystems,
/// that do not support WAL. Please make sure you read project wiki on the topic before changing this setting.
enable_db_wal : bool , false , def , true ;
/// Max database connection retries |> Number of times to retry the database connection during startup, with 1 second between each retry, set to 0 to retry indefinitely
db_connection_retries : u32 , false , def , 15 ;
/// Timeout when aquiring database connection
database_timeout : u64 , false , def , 30 ;
/// Database connection pool size
database_max_conns : u32 , false , def , 10 ;
/// Database connection init |> SQL statements to run when creating a new database connection, mainly useful for connection-scoped pragmas. If empty, a database-specific default is used.
database_conn_init : String , false , def , String ::new ( ) ;
/// Bypass admin page security (Know the risks!) |> Disables the Admin Token for the admin page so you may use your own auth in-front
disable_admin_token : bool , false , def , false ;
/// Allowed iframe ancestors (Know the risks!) |> Allows other domains to embed the web vault into an iframe, useful for embedding into secure intranets
allowed_iframe_ancestors : String , true , def , String ::new ( ) ;
/// Seconds between login requests |> Number of seconds, on average, between login and 2FA requests from the same IP address before rate limiting kicks in
login_ratelimit_seconds : u64 , false , def , 60 ;
/// Max burst size for login requests |> Allow a burst of requests of up to this size, while maintaining the average indicated by `login_ratelimit_seconds`. Note that this applies to both the login and the 2FA, so it's recommended to allow a burst size of at least 2
login_ratelimit_max_burst : u32 , false , def , 10 ;
/// Seconds between admin login requests |> Number of seconds, on average, between admin requests from the same IP address before rate limiting kicks in
admin_ratelimit_seconds : u64 , false , def , 300 ;
/// Max burst size for admin login requests |> Allow a burst of requests of up to this size, while maintaining the average indicated by `admin_ratelimit_seconds`
admin_ratelimit_max_burst : u32 , false , def , 3 ;
/// Admin session lifetime |> Set the lifetime of admin sessions to this value (in minutes).
admin_session_lifetime : i64 , true , def , 20 ;
/// Enable groups (BETA!) (Know the risks!) |> Enables groups support for organizations (Currently contains known issues!).
org_groups_enabled : bool , false , def , false ;
} ,
/// Yubikey settings
yubico : _enable_yubico {
/// Enabled
_enable_yubico : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Client ID
yubico_client_id : String , true , option ;
/// Secret Key
yubico_secret_key : Pass , true , option ;
/// Server
yubico_server : String , true , option ;
} ,
/// Global Duo settings (Note that users can override them)
duo : _enable_duo {
/// Enabled
_enable_duo : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Integration Key
duo_ikey : String , true , option ;
/// Secret Key
duo_skey : Pass , true , option ;
/// Host
duo_host : String , true , option ;
/// Application Key (generated automatically)
_duo_akey : Pass , false , option ;
} ,
/// SMTP Email Settings
smtp : _enable_smtp {
/// Enabled
_enable_smtp : bool , true , def , true ;
/// Use Sendmail |> Whether to send mail via the `sendmail` command
use_sendmail : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Sendmail Command |> Which sendmail command to use. The one found in the $PATH is used if not specified.
sendmail_command : String , true , option ;
/// Host
smtp_host : String , true , option ;
smtp_ssl : bool , false , option ;
/// DEPRECATED smtp_explicit_tls |> DEPRECATED - Please use SMTP_SECURITY
smtp_explicit_tls : bool , false , option ;
/// Secure SMTP |> ("starttls", "force_tls", "off") Enable a secure connection. Default is "starttls" (Explicit - ports 587 or 25), "force_tls" (Implicit - port 465) or "off", no encryption
smtp_security : String , true , auto , | c | smtp_convert_deprecated_ssl_options ( c . smtp_ssl , c . smtp_explicit_tls ) ; // TODO: After deprecation make it `def, "starttls".to_string()`
/// Port
smtp_port : u16 , true , auto , | c | if c . smtp_security = = * "force_tls" { 465 } else if c . smtp_security = = * "starttls" { 587 } else { 25 } ;
/// From Address
smtp_from : String , true , def , String ::new ( ) ;
/// From Name
smtp_from_name : String , true , def , "Vaultwarden" . to_string ( ) ;
/// Username
smtp_username : String , true , option ;
/// Password
smtp_password : Pass , true , option ;
/// SMTP Auth mechanism |> Defaults for SSL is "Plain" and "Login" and nothing for Non-SSL connections. Possible values: ["Plain", "Login", "Xoauth2"]. Multiple options need to be separated by a comma ','.
smtp_auth_mechanism : String , true , option ;
/// SMTP connection timeout |> Number of seconds when to stop trying to connect to the SMTP server
smtp_timeout : u64 , true , def , 15 ;
/// Server name sent during HELO |> By default this value should be is on the machine's hostname, but might need to be changed in case it trips some anti-spam filters
helo_name : String , true , option ;
/// Embed images as email attachments.
smtp_embed_images : bool , true , def , true ;
/// _smtp_img_src
_smtp_img_src : String , false , gen , | c | generate_smtp_img_src ( c . smtp_embed_images , & c . domain ) ;
/// Enable SMTP debugging (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Enabling this will output very detailed SMTP messages. This could contain sensitive information like passwords and usernames! Only enable this during troubleshooting!
smtp_debug : bool , false , def , false ;
/// Accept Invalid Certs (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Allow invalid certificates. This option introduces significant vulnerabilities to man-in-the-middle attacks!
smtp_accept_invalid_certs : bool , true , def , false ;
/// Accept Invalid Hostnames (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Allow invalid hostnames. This option introduces significant vulnerabilities to man-in-the-middle attacks!
smtp_accept_invalid_hostnames : bool , true , def , false ;
} ,
/// Email 2FA Settings
email_2fa : _enable_email_2fa {
/// Enabled |> Disabling will prevent users from setting up new email 2FA and using existing email 2FA configured
_enable_email_2fa : bool , true , auto , | c | c . _enable_smtp & & ( c . smtp_host . is_some ( ) | | c . use_sendmail ) ;
/// Email token size |> Number of digits in an email 2FA token (min: 6, max: 255). Note that the Bitwarden clients are hardcoded to mention 6 digit codes regardless of this setting.
email_token_size : u8 , true , def , 6 ;
/// Token expiration time |> Maximum time in seconds a token is valid. The time the user has to open email client and copy token.
email_expiration_time : u64 , true , def , 600 ;
/// Maximum attempts |> Maximum attempts before an email token is reset and a new email will need to be sent
email_attempts_limit : u64 , true , def , 3 ;
} ,
fn validate_config ( cfg : & ConfigItems ) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
// Validate connection URL is valid and DB feature is enabled
let url = & cfg . database_url ;
if DbConnType ::from_url ( url ) ? = = DbConnType ::sqlite & & url . contains ( '/' ) {
let path = std ::path ::Path ::new ( & url ) ;
if let Some ( parent ) = path . parent ( ) {
if ! parent . is_dir ( ) {
err ! ( format ! ( "SQLite database directory `{}` does not exist or is not a directory" , parent . display ( ) ) ) ;
if cfg . password_iterations < 100_000 {
err ! ( "PASSWORD_ITERATIONS should be at least 100000 or higher. The default is 600000!" ) ;
let limit = 256 ;
if cfg . database_max_conns < 1 | | cfg . database_max_conns > limit {
err ! ( format ! ( "`DATABASE_MAX_CONNS` contains an invalid value. Ensure it is between 1 and {limit}." , ) ) ;
if let Some ( log_file ) = & cfg . log_file {
if std ::fs ::OpenOptions ::new ( ) . append ( true ) . create ( true ) . open ( log_file ) . is_err ( ) {
err ! ( "Unable to write to log file" , log_file ) ;
let dom = cfg . domain . to_lowercase ( ) ;
if ! dom . starts_with ( "http://" ) & & ! dom . starts_with ( "https://" ) {
err ! (
"DOMAIN variable needs to contain the protocol (http, https). Use 'http[s]://' instead of ''"
) ;
let whitelist = & cfg . signups_domains_whitelist ;
if ! whitelist . is_empty ( ) & & whitelist . split ( ',' ) . any ( | d | d . trim ( ) . is_empty ( ) ) {
err ! ( "`SIGNUPS_DOMAINS_WHITELIST` contains empty tokens" ) ;
let org_creation_users = cfg . org_creation_users . trim ( ) . to_lowercase ( ) ;
if ! ( org_creation_users . is_empty ( ) | | org_creation_users = = "all" | | org_creation_users = = "none" )
& & org_creation_users . split ( ',' ) . any ( | u | ! u . contains ( '@' ) )
err ! ( "`ORG_CREATION_USERS` contains invalid email addresses" ) ;
if let Some ( ref token ) = cfg . admin_token {
if token . trim ( ) . is_empty ( ) & & ! cfg . disable_admin_token {
println ! ( "[WARNING] `ADMIN_TOKEN` is enabled but has an empty value, so the admin page will be disabled." ) ;
println ! ( "[WARNING] To enable the admin page without a token, use `DISABLE_ADMIN_TOKEN`." ) ;
if cfg . push_enabled & & ( cfg . push_installation_id = = String ::new ( ) | | cfg . push_installation_key = = String ::new ( ) ) {
err ! (
" Misconfigured Push Notification service \ n \
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # \ n \
# It looks like you enabled Push Notification feature , but didn 't configure it # \ n \
# properly . Make sure the installation id and key from https :// are #\n\
# added to your configuration . # \ n \
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # \ n "
if cfg . _enable_duo
& & ( cfg . duo_host . is_some ( ) | | cfg . duo_ikey . is_some ( ) | | cfg . duo_skey . is_some ( ) )
& & ! ( cfg . duo_host . is_some ( ) & & cfg . duo_ikey . is_some ( ) & & cfg . duo_skey . is_some ( ) )
err ! ( "All Duo options need to be set for global Duo support" )
if cfg . _enable_yubico {
if cfg . yubico_client_id . is_some ( ) ! = cfg . yubico_secret_key . is_some ( ) {
err ! ( "Both `YUBICO_CLIENT_ID` and `YUBICO_SECRET_KEY` must be set for Yubikey OTP support" )
if let Some ( yubico_server ) = & cfg . yubico_server {
let yubico_server = yubico_server . to_lowercase ( ) ;
if ! yubico_server . starts_with ( "https://" ) {
err ! ( "`YUBICO_SERVER` must be a valid URL and start with 'https://'. Either unset this variable or provide a valid URL." )
if cfg . _enable_smtp {
match cfg . smtp_security . as_str ( ) {
"off" | "starttls" | "force_tls" = > ( ) ,
_ = > err ! (
"`SMTP_SECURITY` is invalid. It needs to be one of the following options: starttls, force_tls or off"
) ,
if cfg . use_sendmail {
let command = cfg . sendmail_command . clone ( ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | format ! ( "sendmail{EXE_SUFFIX}" ) ) ;
let mut path = std ::path ::PathBuf ::from ( & command ) ;
if ! path . is_absolute ( ) {
match which ::which ( & command ) {
Ok ( result ) = > path = result ,
Err ( _ ) = > err ! ( format ! ( "sendmail command {command:?} not found in $PATH" ) ) ,
match path . metadata ( ) {
Err ( err ) if err . kind ( ) = = std ::io ::ErrorKind ::NotFound = > {
err ! ( format ! ( "sendmail command not found at `{path:?}`" ) )
Err ( err ) = > {
err ! ( format ! ( "failed to access sendmail command at `{path:?}`: {err}" ) )
Ok ( metadata ) = > {
if metadata . is_dir ( ) {
err ! ( format ! ( "sendmail command at `{path:?}` isn't a directory" ) ) ;
#[ cfg(unix) ]
use std ::os ::unix ::fs ::PermissionsExt ;
if ! metadata . permissions ( ) . mode ( ) & 0o111 ! = 0 {
err ! ( format ! ( "sendmail command at `{path:?}` isn't executable" ) ) ;
} else {
if cfg . smtp_host . is_some ( ) = = cfg . smtp_from . is_empty ( ) {
err ! ( "Both `SMTP_HOST` and `SMTP_FROM` need to be set for email support without `USE_SENDMAIL`" )
if cfg . smtp_username . is_some ( ) ! = cfg . smtp_password . is_some ( ) {
err ! ( "Both `SMTP_USERNAME` and `SMTP_PASSWORD` need to be set to enable email authentication without `USE_SENDMAIL`" )
if ( cfg . smtp_host . is_some ( ) | | cfg . use_sendmail ) & & ! cfg . smtp_from . contains ( '@' ) {
err ! ( "SMTP_FROM does not contain a mandatory @ sign" )
if cfg . _enable_email_2fa & & cfg . email_token_size < 6 {
err ! ( "`EMAIL_TOKEN_SIZE` has a minimum size of 6" )
if cfg . _enable_email_2fa & & ! ( cfg . smtp_host . is_some ( ) | | cfg . use_sendmail ) {
err ! ( "To enable email 2FA, a mail transport must be configured" )
// Check if the icon blacklist regex is valid
if let Some ( ref r ) = cfg . icon_blacklist_regex {
let validate_regex = regex ::Regex ::new ( r ) ;
match validate_regex {
Ok ( _ ) = > ( ) ,
Err ( e ) = > err ! ( format ! ( "`ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX` is invalid: {e:#?}" ) ) ,
// Check if the icon service is valid
let icon_service = cfg . icon_service . as_str ( ) ;
match icon_service {
"internal" | "bitwarden" | "duckduckgo" | "google" = > ( ) ,
_ = > {
if ! icon_service . starts_with ( "http" ) {
err ! ( format ! ( "Icon service URL `{icon_service}` must start with \"http\"" ) )
match icon_service . matches ( "{}" ) . count ( ) {
1 = > ( ) , // nominal
0 = > err ! ( format ! ( "Icon service URL `{icon_service}` has no placeholder \"{{}}\"" ) ) ,
_ = > err ! ( format ! ( "Icon service URL `{icon_service}` has more than one placeholder \"{{}}\"" ) ) ,
// Check if the icon redirect code is valid
match cfg . icon_redirect_code {
301 | 302 | 307 | 308 = > ( ) ,
_ = > err ! ( "Only HTTP 301/302 and 307/308 redirects are supported" ) ,
if cfg . invitation_expiration_hours < 1 {
err ! ( "`INVITATION_EXPIRATION_HOURS` has a minimum duration of 1 hour" )
// Validate schedule crontab format
if ! cfg . send_purge_schedule . is_empty ( ) & & cfg . send_purge_schedule . parse ::< Schedule > ( ) . is_err ( ) {
err ! ( "`SEND_PURGE_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression" )
if ! cfg . trash_purge_schedule . is_empty ( ) & & cfg . trash_purge_schedule . parse ::< Schedule > ( ) . is_err ( ) {
err ! ( "`TRASH_PURGE_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression" )
if ! cfg . incomplete_2fa_schedule . is_empty ( ) & & cfg . incomplete_2fa_schedule . parse ::< Schedule > ( ) . is_err ( ) {
err ! ( "`INCOMPLETE_2FA_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression" )
if ! cfg . emergency_notification_reminder_schedule . is_empty ( )
& & cfg . emergency_notification_reminder_schedule . parse ::< Schedule > ( ) . is_err ( )
err ! ( "`EMERGENCY_NOTIFICATION_REMINDER_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression" )
if ! cfg . emergency_request_timeout_schedule . is_empty ( )
& & cfg . emergency_request_timeout_schedule . parse ::< Schedule > ( ) . is_err ( )
err ! ( "`EMERGENCY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression" )
if ! cfg . event_cleanup_schedule . is_empty ( ) & & cfg . event_cleanup_schedule . parse ::< Schedule > ( ) . is_err ( ) {
err ! ( "`EVENT_CLEANUP_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression" )
if ! cfg . disable_admin_token {
match cfg . admin_token . as_ref ( ) {
Some ( t ) if t . starts_with ( "$argon2" ) = > {
if let Err ( e ) = argon2 ::password_hash ::PasswordHash ::new ( t ) {
err ! ( format ! ( "The configured Argon2 PHC in `ADMIN_TOKEN` is invalid: '{e}'" ) )
Some ( _ ) = > {
println ! (
" [ NOTICE ] You are using a plain text ` ADMIN_TOKEN ` which is insecure . \ n \
Please generate a secure Argon2 PHC string by using ` vaultwarden hash ` or ` argon2 ` . \ n \
See : https ://\n"
) ;
_ = > { }
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Extracts an RFC 6454 web origin from a URL.
fn extract_url_origin ( url : & str ) -> String {
match Url ::parse ( url ) {
Ok ( u ) = > u . origin ( ) . ascii_serialization ( ) ,
Err ( e ) = > {
println ! ( "Error validating domain: {e}" ) ;
String ::new ( )
/// Extracts the path from a URL.
/// All trailing '/' chars are trimmed, even if the path is a lone '/'.
fn extract_url_path ( url : & str ) -> String {
match Url ::parse ( url ) {
Ok ( u ) = > u . path ( ) . trim_end_matches ( '/' ) . to_string ( ) ,
Err ( _ ) = > {
// We already print it in the method above, no need to do it again
String ::new ( )
fn generate_smtp_img_src ( embed_images : bool , domain : & str ) -> String {
if embed_images {
"cid:" . to_string ( )
} else {
format ! ( "{domain}/vw_static/" )
/// Generate the correct URL for the icon service.
/// This will be used within to call the external icon service.
fn generate_icon_service_url ( icon_service : & str ) -> String {
match icon_service {
"internal" = > String ::new ( ) ,
"bitwarden" = > "{}/icon.png" . to_string ( ) ,
"duckduckgo" = > "{}.ico" . to_string ( ) ,
"google" = > "{}&sz=32" . to_string ( ) ,
_ = > icon_service . to_string ( ) ,
/// Generate the CSP string needed to allow redirected icon fetching
fn generate_icon_service_csp ( icon_service : & str , icon_service_url : & str ) -> String {
// We split on the first '{', since that is the variable delimiter for an icon service URL.
// Everything up until the first '{' should be fixed and can be used as an CSP string.
let csp_string = match icon_service_url . split_once ( '{' ) {
Some ( ( c , _ ) ) = > c . to_string ( ) ,
None = > String ::new ( ) ,
} ;
// Because Google does a second redirect to there domain, we need to add an extra csp string.
match icon_service {
"google" = > csp_string + " https://*" ,
_ = > csp_string ,
/// Convert the old SMTP_SSL and SMTP_EXPLICIT_TLS options
fn smtp_convert_deprecated_ssl_options ( smtp_ssl : Option < bool > , smtp_explicit_tls : Option < bool > ) -> String {
if smtp_explicit_tls . is_some ( ) | | smtp_ssl . is_some ( ) {
println ! ( "[DEPRECATED]: `SMTP_SSL` or `SMTP_EXPLICIT_TLS` is set. Please use `SMTP_SECURITY` instead." ) ;
if smtp_explicit_tls . is_some ( ) & & smtp_explicit_tls . unwrap ( ) {
return "force_tls" . to_string ( ) ;
} else if smtp_ssl . is_some ( ) & & ! smtp_ssl . unwrap ( ) {
return "off" . to_string ( ) ;
// Return the default `starttls` in all other cases
"starttls" . to_string ( )
impl Config {
pub fn load ( ) -> Result < Self , Error > {
// Loading from env and file
let _env = ConfigBuilder ::from_env ( ) ;
let _usr = ConfigBuilder ::from_file ( & CONFIG_FILE ) . unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
// Create merged config, config file overwrites env
let mut _overrides = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let builder = _env . merge ( & _usr , true , & mut _overrides ) ;
// Fill any missing with defaults
let config = builder . build ( ) ;
validate_config ( & config ) ? ;
Ok ( Config {
inner : RwLock ::new ( Inner {
rocket_shutdown_handle : None ,
ws_shutdown_handle : None ,
templates : load_templates ( & config . templates_folder ) ,
config ,
_env ,
_usr ,
_overrides ,
} ) ,
} )
pub fn update_config ( & self , other : ConfigBuilder ) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
// Remove default values
//let builder = other.remove(&;
// TODO: Remove values that are defaults, above only checks those set by env and not the defaults
let builder = other ;
// Serialize now before we consume the builder
let config_str = serde_json ::to_string_pretty ( & builder ) ? ;
// Prepare the combined config
let mut overrides = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let config = {
let env = & self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) . _env ;
env . merge ( & builder , false , & mut overrides ) . build ( )
} ;
validate_config ( & config ) ? ;
// Save both the user and the combined config
let mut writer = self . inner . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
writer . config = config ;
writer . _usr = builder ;
writer . _overrides = overrides ;
//Save to file
use std ::{ fs ::File , io ::Write } ;
let mut file = File ::create ( & * CONFIG_FILE ) ? ;
file . write_all ( config_str . as_bytes ( ) ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
fn update_config_partial ( & self , other : ConfigBuilder ) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
let builder = {
let usr = & self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) . _usr ;
let mut _overrides = Vec ::new ( ) ;
usr . merge ( & other , false , & mut _overrides )
} ;
self . update_config ( builder )
/// Tests whether an email's domain is allowed. A domain is allowed if it
/// is in signups_domains_whitelist, or if no whitelist is set (so there
/// are no domain restrictions in effect).
pub fn is_email_domain_allowed ( & self , email : & str ) -> bool {
let e : Vec < & str > = email . rsplitn ( 2 , '@' ) . collect ( ) ;
if e . len ( ) ! = 2 | | e [ 0 ] . is_empty ( ) | | e [ 1 ] . is_empty ( ) {
warn ! ( "Failed to parse email address '{}'" , email ) ;
return false ;
let email_domain = e [ 0 ] . to_lowercase ( ) ;
let whitelist = self . signups_domains_whitelist ( ) ;
whitelist . is_empty ( ) | | whitelist . split ( ',' ) . any ( | d | d . trim ( ) = = email_domain )
/// Tests whether signup is allowed for an email address, taking into
/// account the signups_allowed and signups_domains_whitelist settings.
pub fn is_signup_allowed ( & self , email : & str ) -> bool {
if ! self . signups_domains_whitelist ( ) . is_empty ( ) {
// The whitelist setting overrides the signups_allowed setting.
self . is_email_domain_allowed ( email )
} else {
self . signups_allowed ( )
/// Tests whether the specified user is allowed to create an organization.
pub fn is_org_creation_allowed ( & self , email : & str ) -> bool {
let users = self . org_creation_users ( ) ;
if users . is_empty ( ) | | users = = "all" {
} else if users = = "none" {
} else {
let email = email . to_lowercase ( ) ;
users . split ( ',' ) . any ( | u | u . trim ( ) = = email )
pub fn delete_user_config ( & self ) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
crate ::util ::delete_file ( & CONFIG_FILE ) ? ;
// Empty user config
let usr = ConfigBuilder ::default ( ) ;
// Config now is env + defaults
let config = {
let env = & self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) . _env ;
env . build ( )
} ;
// Save configs
let mut writer = self . inner . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
writer . config = config ;
writer . _usr = usr ;
writer . _overrides = Vec ::new ( ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
pub fn private_rsa_key ( & self ) -> String {
format ! ( "{}.pem" , CONFIG . rsa_key_filename ( ) )
pub fn public_rsa_key ( & self ) -> String {
format ! ( "{}.pub.pem" , CONFIG . rsa_key_filename ( ) )
pub fn mail_enabled ( & self ) -> bool {
let inner = & self . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) . config ;
inner . _enable_smtp & & ( inner . smtp_host . is_some ( ) | | inner . use_sendmail )
pub fn get_duo_akey ( & self ) -> String {
if let Some ( akey ) = self . _duo_akey ( ) {
} else {
let akey_s = crate ::crypto ::encode_random_bytes ::< 64 > ( data_encoding ::BASE64 ) ;
// Save the new value
let builder = ConfigBuilder {
_duo_akey : Some ( akey_s . clone ( ) ) ,
. . Default ::default ( )
} ;
self . update_config_partial ( builder ) . ok ( ) ;
/// Tests whether the admin token is set to a non-empty value.
pub fn is_admin_token_set ( & self ) -> bool {
let token = self . admin_token ( ) ;
token . is_some ( ) & & ! token . unwrap ( ) . trim ( ) . is_empty ( )
pub fn render_template < T : serde ::ser ::Serialize > (
& self ,
name : & str ,
data : & T ,
) -> Result < String , crate ::error ::Error > {
if CONFIG . reload_templates ( ) {
let hb = load_templates ( CONFIG . templates_folder ( ) ) ;
hb . render ( name , data ) . map_err ( Into ::into )
} else {
let hb = & CONFIG . inner . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) . templates ;
hb . render ( name , data ) . map_err ( Into ::into )
pub fn set_rocket_shutdown_handle ( & self , handle : rocket ::Shutdown ) {
self . inner . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) . rocket_shutdown_handle = Some ( handle ) ;
pub fn set_ws_shutdown_handle ( & self , handle : tokio ::sync ::oneshot ::Sender < ( ) > ) {
self . inner . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) . ws_shutdown_handle = Some ( handle ) ;
pub fn shutdown ( & self ) {
if let Ok ( mut c ) = self . inner . write ( ) {
if let Some ( handle ) = c . ws_shutdown_handle . take ( ) {
handle . send ( ( ) ) . ok ( ) ;
if let Some ( handle ) = c . rocket_shutdown_handle . take ( ) {
handle . notify ( ) ;
use handlebars ::{ Context , Handlebars , Helper , HelperResult , Output , RenderContext , RenderError , Renderable } ;
fn load_templates < P > ( path : P ) -> Handlebars < 'static >
P : AsRef < std ::path ::Path > ,
let mut hb = Handlebars ::new ( ) ;
// Error on missing params
hb . set_strict_mode ( true ) ;
// Register helpers
hb . register_helper ( "case" , Box ::new ( case_helper ) ) ;
hb . register_helper ( "jsesc" , Box ::new ( js_escape_helper ) ) ;
hb . register_helper ( "to_json" , Box ::new ( to_json ) ) ;
macro_rules ! reg {
( $name :expr ) = > { {
let template = include_str ! ( concat ! ( "static/templates/" , $name , ".hbs" ) ) ;
hb . register_template_string ( $name , template ) . unwrap ( ) ;
} } ;
( $name :expr , $ext :expr ) = > { {
reg ! ( $name ) ;
reg ! ( concat ! ( $name , $ext ) ) ;
} } ;
// First register default templates here
reg ! ( "email/email_header" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/email_footer" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/email_footer_text" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/admin_reset_password" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/change_email" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/delete_account" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/emergency_access_invite_accepted" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/emergency_access_invite_confirmed" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/emergency_access_recovery_approved" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/emergency_access_recovery_initiated" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/emergency_access_recovery_rejected" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/emergency_access_recovery_reminder" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/emergency_access_recovery_timed_out" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/incomplete_2fa_login" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/invite_accepted" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/invite_confirmed" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/new_device_logged_in" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/pw_hint_none" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/pw_hint_some" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/send_2fa_removed_from_org" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/send_single_org_removed_from_org" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/send_org_invite" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/send_emergency_access_invite" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/twofactor_email" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/verify_email" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/welcome" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/welcome_must_verify" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "email/smtp_test" , ".html" ) ;
reg ! ( "admin/base" ) ;
reg ! ( "admin/login" ) ;
reg ! ( "admin/settings" ) ;
reg ! ( "admin/users" ) ;
reg ! ( "admin/organizations" ) ;
reg ! ( "admin/diagnostics" ) ;
reg ! ( "404" ) ;
// And then load user templates to overwrite the defaults
// Use .hbs extension for the files
// Templates get registered with their relative name
hb . register_templates_directory ( ".hbs" , path ) . unwrap ( ) ;
fn case_helper < 'reg , 'rc > (
h : & Helper < 'reg , 'rc > ,
r : & 'reg Handlebars < '_ > ,
ctx : & 'rc Context ,
rc : & mut RenderContext < 'reg , 'rc > ,
out : & mut dyn Output ,
) -> HelperResult {
let param = h . param ( 0 ) . ok_or_else ( | | RenderError ::new ( "Param not found for helper \"case\"" ) ) ? ;
let value = param . value ( ) . clone ( ) ;
if h . params ( ) . iter ( ) . skip ( 1 ) . any ( | x | x . value ( ) = = & value ) {
h . template ( ) . map ( | t | t . render ( r , ctx , rc , out ) ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | Ok ( ( ) ) )
} else {
Ok ( ( ) )
fn js_escape_helper < 'reg , 'rc > (
h : & Helper < 'reg , 'rc > ,
_r : & 'reg Handlebars < '_ > ,
_ctx : & 'rc Context ,
_rc : & mut RenderContext < 'reg , 'rc > ,
out : & mut dyn Output ,
) -> HelperResult {
let param = h . param ( 0 ) . ok_or_else ( | | RenderError ::new ( "Param not found for helper \"jsesc\"" ) ) ? ;
let no_quote = h . param ( 1 ) . is_some ( ) ;
let value = param . value ( ) . as_str ( ) . ok_or_else ( | | RenderError ::new ( "Param for helper \"jsesc\" is not a String" ) ) ? ;
let mut escaped_value = value . replace ( '\\' , "" ) . replace ( '\'' , "\\x22" ) . replace ( '\"' , "\\x27" ) ;
if ! no_quote {
escaped_value = format ! ( ""{escaped_value}"" ) ;
out . write ( & escaped_value ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
fn to_json < 'reg , 'rc > (
h : & Helper < 'reg , 'rc > ,
_r : & 'reg Handlebars < '_ > ,
_ctx : & 'rc Context ,
_rc : & mut RenderContext < 'reg , 'rc > ,
out : & mut dyn Output ,
) -> HelperResult {
let param = h . param ( 0 ) . ok_or_else ( | | RenderError ::new ( "Expected 1 parameter for \"to_json\"" ) ) ? . value ( ) ;
let json = serde_json ::to_string ( param )
. map_err ( | e | RenderError ::new ( format ! ( "Can't serialize parameter to JSON: {e}" ) ) ) ? ;
out . write ( & json ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )