@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ use crate::{
} ,
auth ::{ decode_invite , AdminHeaders , ClientVersion , Headers , ManagerHeaders , ManagerHeadersLoose , OwnerHeaders } ,
db ::{ models ::* , DbConn } ,
error ::Error ,
mail ,
util ::{ convert_json_key_lcase_first , NumberOrString } ,
@ -127,6 +126,7 @@ struct NewCollectionData {
name : String ,
groups : Vec < NewCollectionObjectData > ,
users : Vec < NewCollectionObjectData > ,
id : Option < String > ,
external_id : Option < String > ,
@ -1598,40 +1598,43 @@ async fn post_org_import(
// TODO: See if we can optimize the whole cipher adding/importing and prevent duplicate code and checks.
Cipher ::validate_cipher_data ( & data . ciphers ) ? ;
let mut collections = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let existing_collections : HashSet < Option < String > > =
Collection ::find_by_organization ( & org_id , & mut conn ) . await . into_iter ( ) . map ( | c | ( Some ( c . uuid ) ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let mut collections : Vec < String > = Vec ::with_capacity ( data . collections . len ( ) ) ;
for coll in data . collections {
let collection = Collection ::new ( org_id . clone ( ) , coll . name , coll . external_id ) ;
if collection . save ( & mut conn ) . await . is_err ( ) {
collections . push ( Err ( Error ::new ( "Failed to create Collection" , "Failed to create Collection" ) ) ) ;
let collection_uuid = if existing_collections . contains ( & coll . id ) {
coll . id . unwrap ( )
} else {
collections . push ( Ok ( collection ) ) ;
let new_collection = Collection ::new ( org_id . clone ( ) , coll . name , coll . external_id ) ;
new_collection . save ( & mut conn ) . await ? ;
new_collection . uuid
} ;
collections . push ( collection_uuid ) ;
// Read the relations between collections and ciphers
let mut relations = Vec ::new ( ) ;
// Ciphers can be in multiple collections at the same time
let mut relations = Vec ::with_capacity ( data . collection_relationships . len ( ) ) ;
for relation in data . collection_relationships {
relations . push ( ( relation . key , relation . value ) ) ;
let headers : Headers = headers . into ( ) ;
let mut ciphers = Vec ::new ( ) ;
for cipher_data in data . ciphers {
let mut ciphers : Vec < String > = Vec ::with_capacity ( data . ciphers . len ( ) ) ;
for mut cipher_data in data . ciphers {
// Always clear folder_id's via an organization import
cipher_data . folder_id = None ;
let mut cipher = Cipher ::new ( cipher_data . r#type , cipher_data . name . clone ( ) ) ;
update_cipher_from_data ( & mut cipher , cipher_data , & headers , None , & mut conn , & nt , UpdateType ::None ) . await . ok ( ) ;
ciphers . push ( cipher ) ;
ciphers . push ( cipher . uuid ) ;
// Assign the collections
for ( cipher_index , coll_index ) in relations {
let cipher_id = & ciphers [ cipher_index ] . uuid ;
let coll = & collections [ coll_index ] ;
let coll_id = match coll {
Ok ( coll ) = > coll . uuid . as_str ( ) ,
Err ( _ ) = > err ! ( "Failed to assign to collection" ) ,
} ;
let cipher_id = & ciphers [ cipher_index ] ;
let coll_id = & collections [ coll_index ] ;
CollectionCipher ::save ( cipher_id , coll_id , & mut conn ) . await ? ;