@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
use rocket ::Route ;
use rocket ::Route ;
use rocket_contrib ::Json ;
use rocket_contrib ::Json ;
use db ::DbConn ;
use api ::JsonResult ;
use api ::JsonResult ;
use auth ::Headers ;
use auth ::Headers ;
use db ::DbConn ;
pub fn routes ( ) -> Vec < Route > {
pub fn routes ( ) -> Vec < Route > {
routes ! [ negotiate ]
routes ! [ negotiate ]
@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
#[ post( " /hub/negotiate " ) ]
#[ post( " /hub/negotiate " ) ]
fn negotiate ( _headers : Headers , _conn : DbConn ) -> JsonResult {
fn negotiate ( _headers : Headers , _conn : DbConn ) -> JsonResult {
use data_encoding ::BASE64URL ;
use crypto ;
use crypto ;
use data_encoding ::BASE64URL ;
// Store this in db?
let conn_id = BASE64URL . encode ( & crypto ::get_random ( vec ! [ 0 u8 ; 16 ] ) ) ;
let conn_id = BASE64URL . encode ( & crypto ::get_random ( vec ! [ 0 u8 ; 16 ] ) ) ;
// TODO: Implement transports
// TODO: Implement transports
@ -23,9 +22,338 @@ fn negotiate(_headers: Headers, _conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
Ok ( Json ( json ! ( {
Ok ( Json ( json ! ( {
"connectionId" : conn_id ,
"connectionId" : conn_id ,
"availableTransports" :[
"availableTransports" :[
// {"transport":"WebSockets", "transferFormats":["Text","Binary"]},
{ "transport" :"WebSockets" , "transferFormats" :[ "Text" , "Binary" ] } ,
// {"transport":"ServerSentEvents", "transferFormats":["Text"]},
// {"transport":"ServerSentEvents", "transferFormats":["Text"]},
// {"transport":"LongPolling", "transferFormats":["Text","Binary"]}
// {"transport":"LongPolling", "transferFormats":["Text","Binary"]}
} ) ) )
} ) ) )
/// Websockets server
use std ::sync ::Arc ;
use std ::thread ;
use ws ::{ self , util ::Token , Factory , Handler , Handshake , Message , Sender , WebSocket } ;
use chashmap ::CHashMap ;
use chrono ::NaiveDateTime ;
use serde_json ::from_str ;
use db ::models ::{ Cipher , Folder , User } ;
use rmpv ::Value ;
fn serialize ( val : Value ) -> Vec < u8 > {
use rmpv ::encode ::write_value ;
let mut buf = Vec ::new ( ) ;
write_value ( & mut buf , & val ) . expect ( "Error encoding MsgPack" ) ;
// Add size bytes at the start
// Extracted from BinaryMessageFormat.js
let mut size = buf . len ( ) ;
let mut len_buf : Vec < u8 > = Vec ::new ( ) ;
loop {
let mut size_part = size & 0x7f ;
size = size > > 7 ;
if size > 0 {
size_part = size_part | 0x80 ;
len_buf . push ( size_part as u8 ) ;
if size < = 0 {
break ;
len_buf . append ( & mut buf ) ;
fn serialize_date ( date : NaiveDateTime ) -> Value {
let seconds : i64 = date . timestamp ( ) ;
let nanos : i64 = date . timestamp_subsec_nanos ( ) as i64 ;
let timestamp = nanos < < 34 | seconds ;
use byteorder ::{ BigEndian , WriteBytesExt } ;
let mut bs = [ 0 u8 ; 8 ] ;
bs . as_mut ( )
. write_i64 ::< BigEndian > ( timestamp )
. expect ( "Unable to write" ) ;
// -1 is Timestamp
// https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md#timestamp-extension-type
Value ::Ext ( - 1 , bs . to_vec ( ) )
fn convert_option < T : Into < Value > > ( option : Option < T > ) -> Value {
match option {
Some ( a ) = > a . into ( ) ,
None = > Value ::Nil ,
// Server WebSocket handler
pub struct WSHandler {
out : Sender ,
user_uuid : Option < String > ,
users : WebSocketUsers ,
const RECORD_SEPARATOR : u8 = 0x1e ;
const INITIAL_RESPONSE : [ u8 ; 3 ] = [ 0x7b , 0x7d , RECORD_SEPARATOR ] ; // {, }, <RS>
#[ derive(Deserialize) ]
struct InitialMessage {
protocol : String ,
version : i32 ,
const PING_MS : u64 = 15_000 ;
const PING : Token = Token ( 1 ) ;
impl Handler for WSHandler {
fn on_open ( & mut self , hs : Handshake ) -> ws ::Result < ( ) > {
// TODO: Improve this split
let path = hs . request . resource ( ) ;
let mut query_split : Vec < _ > = path . split ( "?" ) . nth ( 1 ) . unwrap ( ) . split ( "&" ) . collect ( ) ;
query_split . sort ( ) ;
let access_token = & query_split [ 0 ] [ 13 . . ] ;
let _id = & query_split [ 1 ] [ 3 . . ] ;
// Validate the user
use auth ;
let claims = match auth ::decode_jwt ( access_token ) {
Ok ( claims ) = > claims ,
Err ( _ ) = > {
return Err ( ws ::Error ::new (
ws ::ErrorKind ::Internal ,
"Invalid access token provided" ,
) )
} ;
// Assign the user to the handler
let user_uuid = claims . sub ;
self . user_uuid = Some ( user_uuid . clone ( ) ) ;
// Add the current Sender to the user list
let handler_insert = self . out . clone ( ) ;
let handler_update = self . out . clone ( ) ;
self . users . map . upsert (
user_uuid ,
| | vec ! [ handler_insert ] ,
| ref mut v | v . push ( handler_update ) ,
) ;
// Schedule a ping to keep the connection alive
self . out . timeout ( PING_MS , PING )
fn on_message ( & mut self , msg : Message ) -> ws ::Result < ( ) > {
println ! ( "Server got message '{}'. " , msg ) ;
if let Message ::Text ( text ) = msg . clone ( ) {
let json = & text [ . . text . len ( ) - 1 ] ; // Remove last char
if let Ok ( InitialMessage { protocol , version } ) = from_str ::< InitialMessage > ( json ) {
if & protocol = = "messagepack" & & version = = 1 {
return self . out . send ( & INITIAL_RESPONSE [ . . ] ) ; // Respond to initial message
// If it's not the initial message, just echo the message
self . out . send ( msg )
fn on_timeout ( & mut self , event : Token ) -> ws ::Result < ( ) > {
if event = = PING {
// send ping
self . out . send ( create_ping ( ) ) ? ;
// reschedule the timeout
self . out . timeout ( PING_MS , PING )
} else {
Err ( ws ::Error ::new (
ws ::ErrorKind ::Internal ,
"Invalid timeout token provided" ,
) )
struct WSFactory {
pub users : WebSocketUsers ,
impl WSFactory {
pub fn init ( ) -> Self {
WSFactory {
users : WebSocketUsers {
map : Arc ::new ( CHashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
} ,
impl Factory for WSFactory {
type Handler = WSHandler ;
fn connection_made ( & mut self , out : Sender ) -> Self ::Handler {
println ! ( "WS: Connection made" ) ;
WSHandler {
out ,
user_uuid : None ,
users : self . users . clone ( ) ,
fn connection_lost ( & mut self , handler : Self ::Handler ) {
println ! ( "WS: Connection lost" ) ;
// Remove handler
let user_uuid = & handler . user_uuid . unwrap ( ) ;
if let Some ( mut user_conn ) = self . users . map . get_mut ( user_uuid ) {
user_conn . remove_item ( & handler . out ) ;
#[ derive(Clone) ]
pub struct WebSocketUsers {
pub map : Arc < CHashMap < String , Vec < Sender > > > ,
impl WebSocketUsers {
fn send_update ( & self , user_uuid : & String , data : Vec < u8 > ) -> ws ::Result < ( ) > {
if let Some ( user ) = self . map . get ( user_uuid ) {
for sender in user . iter ( ) {
sender . send ( data . clone ( ) ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
// NOTE: The last modified date needs to be updated before calling these methods
pub fn send_user_update ( & self , ut : UpdateType , user : & User ) {
let data = create_update (
vec ! [
( "UserId" . into ( ) , user . uuid . clone ( ) . into ( ) ) ,
( "Date" . into ( ) , serialize_date ( user . updated_at ) ) ,
] . into ( ) ,
ut ,
) ;
self . send_update ( & user . uuid . clone ( ) , data ) . ok ( ) ;
pub fn send_folder_update ( & self , ut : UpdateType , folder : & Folder ) {
let data = create_update (
vec ! [
( "Id" . into ( ) , folder . uuid . clone ( ) . into ( ) ) ,
( "UserId" . into ( ) , folder . user_uuid . clone ( ) . into ( ) ) ,
( "RevisionDate" . into ( ) , serialize_date ( folder . updated_at ) ) ,
] . into ( ) ,
ut ,
) ;
self . send_update ( & folder . user_uuid , data ) . ok ( ) ;
pub fn send_cipher_update ( & self , ut : UpdateType , cipher : & Cipher , user_uuids : & [ & String ] ) {
let user_uuid = convert_option ( cipher . user_uuid . clone ( ) ) ;
let org_uuid = convert_option ( cipher . organization_uuid . clone ( ) ) ;
let data = create_update (
vec ! [
( "Id" . into ( ) , cipher . uuid . clone ( ) . into ( ) ) ,
( "UserId" . into ( ) , user_uuid ) ,
( "OrganizationId" . into ( ) , org_uuid ) ,
( "CollectionIds" . into ( ) , Value ::Nil ) ,
( "RevisionDate" . into ( ) , serialize_date ( cipher . updated_at ) ) ,
] . into ( ) ,
ut ,
) ;
for user_uuid in user_uuids {
self . send_update ( user_uuid , data . clone ( ) ) . ok ( ) ;
/* Message Structure
1 , // MessageType.Invocation
{ } , // Headers
null , // InvocationId
"ReceiveMessage" , // Target
[ // Arguments
"ContextId" : "app_id" ,
"Type" : ut as i32 ,
"Payload" : { }
* /
fn create_update ( payload : Vec < ( Value , Value ) > , ut : UpdateType ) -> Vec < u8 > {
use rmpv ::Value as V ;
let value = V ::Array ( vec ! [
1. into ( ) ,
V ::Array ( vec ! [ ] ) ,
V ::Nil ,
"ReceiveMessage" . into ( ) ,
V ::Array ( vec ! [ V ::Map ( vec ! [
( "ContextId" . into ( ) , "app_id" . into ( ) ) ,
( "Type" . into ( ) , ( ut as i32 ) . into ( ) ) ,
( "Payload" . into ( ) , payload . into ( ) ) ,
] ) ] ) ,
] ) ;
serialize ( value )
fn create_ping ( ) -> Vec < u8 > {
serialize ( Value ::Array ( vec ! [ 6. into ( ) ] ) )
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
pub enum UpdateType {
SyncCipherUpdate = 0 ,
SyncCipherCreate = 1 ,
SyncLoginDelete = 2 ,
SyncFolderDelete = 3 ,
SyncCiphers = 4 ,
SyncVault = 5 ,
SyncOrgKeys = 6 ,
SyncFolderCreate = 7 ,
SyncFolderUpdate = 8 ,
SyncCipherDelete = 9 ,
SyncSettings = 10 ,
LogOut = 11 ,
pub fn start_notification_server ( ) -> WebSocketUsers {
let factory = WSFactory ::init ( ) ;
let users = factory . users . clone ( ) ;
thread ::spawn ( move | | {
WebSocket ::new ( factory )
. unwrap ( )
. listen ( "" )
. unwrap ( ) ;
} ) ;