Since v2022.9.x the org export uses a different endpoint.
But, since v2022.11.x this endpoint will return a different format.
See: and
To support both version in the case of users having an older client
either web-vault or cli this PR checks the version and responds using
the correct format. If no version can be determined it will use the new
format as a default.
Added a new endpoint which the currently beta client for at least
Android v2022.10.1 seems to be calling, and crashes with the response we
currently provide
if `SIGNUPS_VERIFY` is enabled new users that have been invited have
their onboarding flow interrupted because they have to first verify
their mail address before they can join an organization.
we can skip the extra verication of the email address when signing up
because a valid invitation token already means that the email address is
working and we don't allow invited users to signup with a different
unfortunately, this is not possible with emergency access invitations
at the moment as they are handled differently.
Set SMTP_EMBED_IMAGES option to false if you don't want to attach images
to the mail.
NOTE: If you have customized the template files `email_header.hbs` and
`email_footer.hbs` you can replace `{url}/vw_static/` to `{img_url}`
to support both URL schemes
If you add a new user that has already been Invited to another
organization they will be Accepted automatically. This should not be
possible because they cannot be Confirmed until they have completed
their registration. It is also not necessary because their invitation
will be accepted automatically once they register.
Set SMTP_EMBED_IMAGES option to false if you don't want to attach images
to the mail.
NOTE: If you have customized the template files `email_header.hbs` and
`email_footer.hbs` you can replace `{url}/vw_static/` to `{img_url}`
to support both URL schemes
If you add a new user that has already been Invited to another
organization they will be Accepted automatically. This should not be
possible because they cannot be Confirmed until they have completed
their registration. It is also not necessary because their invitation
will be accepted automatically once they register.
If you add a new user that has already been Invited to another
organization they will be Accepted automatically. This should not be
possible because they cannot be Confirmed until they have completed
their registration. It is also not necessary because their invitation
will be accepted automatically once they register.
- The Master Password Hint input has changed it's location to the
password update form. This PR updates the the code to process this.
- Also changed the `ProfileData` struct to exclude `Culture` and
`MasterPasswordHint`, since both are not used at all, and when not
defined they will also not be allocated.
If you add a new user that has already been Invited to another
organization they will be Accepted automatically. This should not be
possible because they cannot be Confirmed until they have completed
their registration. It is also not necessary because their invitation
will be accepted automatically once they register.
Set SMTP_EMBED_IMAGES option to false if you don't want to attach images
to the mail.
NOTE: If you have customized the template files `email_header.hbs` and
`email_footer.hbs` you can replace `{url}/vw_static/` to `{img_url}`
to support both URL schemes
configure the number of hours after which organization invites,
emergency access invites, email verification emails and account deletion
requests expire (defaults to 5 days or 120 hours and must be atleast 1)
configure the number of hours after which organization invites,
emergency access invites, email verification emails and account deletion
requests expire (defaults to 5 days or 120 hours and must be atleast 1)