- Updated to Rust v1.64.0
- Updated all libararies
- Updated multer-rs to be based upon the latest version
- Updated Dockerfiles to match the Rust version
- Updated to Rust v1.64.0
- Updated all libararies
- Updated multer-rs to be based upon the latest version
- Updated Dockerfiles to match the Rust version
- Updated to Rust v1.64.0
- Updated all libararies
- Updated multer-rs to be based upon the latest version
- Updated Dockerfiles to match the Rust version
The previous persistent folder check worked by checking if a file
exists. If you used a bind-mount, then this file is not there. But when
using a docker/podman volume those files are copied, and caused the
container to not start.
This change checks the `/proc/self/mountinfo` for a specific patern to
see if the data folder is persistent or not.
This will add a persistent volume check to make sure when running
containers someone is using a volume for persistent storage.
This check can be bypassed if someone configures
`I_REALLY_WANT_VOLATILE_STORAGE=true` as an environment variable.
This should prevent issues like #2493
Updated Rust from v1.60 to v1.61 for building the images.
Also made the rust version fixed for the Alpine build images to prevent
those images being build with a newer version when released.
With this change there is just one query done to retreive all the
important data, and matching is done in-code/memory.
With a very large database the sync time went down about 3 times.
Also updated misc crates and Github Actions versions.
The armv6 builds need a specific location for the libatomic.a file.
This commit fixes that by adding a RUSTFLAGS argument for this.
Also removed the `link-arg=-s` since this is now already done during via the release profile
And removed the CFLAGS for armv7, this is already fixed by default in the blackdex/rust-musl images.
- Removed all `thread::sleep` and use `tokio::time::sleep` now.
This solves an issue with updating to Bullseye ( Resolves#1998
- Updated all Debian images to Bullseye
- Added MiMalloc feature and enabled it by default for Alpine based images
This increases performance for the Alpine images because the default
memory allocator for MUSL based binaries isn't that fast
- Updated `dotenv` to `dotenvy` a maintained and updated fork
- Fixed an issue with a newer jslib (not fully released yet)
That version uses a different endpoint for `prelogin` Resolves#2378
- Changed nightly to stable in Dockerfile and Workflow
- Updated Dockerfile to use stable and updated ENV's
- Removed as default addr it now uses ROCKET_ADDRESS or the default
- Updated Github Workflow actions to the latest versions
- Updated Hadolint version
- Re-orderd the Cargo.toml file a bit and put libs together which are linked
- Updated some libs
- Updated .dockerignore file
- Using my own rust-musl build containers we now support all database
types for both Debian and Alpine.
- Added new Alpine containers for armv6 and arm64/aarch64
- The Debian builds can also be done wihout dpkg magic stuff, probably
some fixes in Rust regarding linking (Or maybe OpenSSL or Diesel), in
any case, it works now without hacking dpkg and apt.
- Updated toolchain and crates
- Decreased `recursion_limit` from 512 to 87
Mainly done by optimizing the config macro's.
This fixes an issue with the rust-analyzer which doesn't go beyond 128
- Removed Regex for masking sensitive values and replaced it with a map()
This is much faster then using a Regex.
- Refactored the get_support_json macro's
- All items above also lowered the binary size and possibly compile-time
- Removed `_conn: DbConn` from several functions, these caused unnecessary database connections for functions who didn't used that at all
- Decreased json response for `/plans`
- Updated libraries and where needed some code changes
This also fixes some rare issues with SMTP https://github.com/lettre/lettre/issues/678
- Using Rust 2021 instead of 2018
- Updated rust nightly
Recently the LetsEncrypt DST certificate has expired.
Older versions of OpenSSL like v1.0.x have issues using this certificate.
Recently clux has updated his image to support OpenSSL v1.1.1[a-z].
This solves issues with those certificates.
This issues was disscused on Matrix.
where with some checking it seems Bullseye has some
issues with the glibc sleep call. It returns a SIGILL.
The glibc on Buster doesn't seem to have this issue, so revert back for
now until a fix has been released.
- Split Debian and Alpine into different build matrix
This starts building both Debian and Alpine based images at the same time
- Make use of Docker BuildKit, which improves speed also.
- Use BuildKit caching for Rust Cargo across docker images.
This prevents downloading the same crates multiple times.
- Use Github Actions Services to start a docker registry, starting it
via the build script sometimes caused issues.
- Updated the Build workflow to use Ubuntu 20.04 which is more close to
the Bullseye Debian release regarding package versions.
Updated several dependencies and switch to different totp library.
- Switch oath with totp-lite
oauth hasn't been updated in a long while and some dependencies could not be updated any more
It now also validates a preseeding 0, as the previous library returned an int instead of a str which stripped a leading 0
- Updated rust to the current latest nightly (including build image)
- Updated bootstrap css and js
- Updated hadolint to latest version
- Updated default rust image from v1.53 to v1.54
- Updated new nightly build/clippy messages