- Added support for Quay.io
- Added support for GHCR.io
To enable support for these container image registries the following needs to be added.
As `Actions secrets and variables` - `Secrets`
As `Actions secrets and variables` - `Variables` - `Repository Variables`
The `DOCKERHUB_REPO` currently configured in `Secrets` can be removed if wanted, probably best after this PR has been merged.
If one of the vars/secrets are not configured it will skip that specific registry!
- Using my own rust-musl build containers we now support all database
types for both Debian and Alpine.
- Added new Alpine containers for armv6 and arm64/aarch64
- The Debian builds can also be done wihout dpkg magic stuff, probably
some fixes in Rust regarding linking (Or maybe OpenSSL or Diesel), in
any case, it works now without hacking dpkg and apt.
- Updated toolchain and crates
The bitwarden_rs code is still cross-compiled exactly as before, but Docker
Buildx is used to rewrite the resulting Docker images with correct platform
metadata (reflecting the target platform instead of the build platform).
Buildx also now handles building and pushing the multi-arch manifest lists.
With some apt/dpkg magic building multidb containers for arm versions
now also works. As long as the build stage and docker-image stage use
the same base (debian buster now) it should all work.