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ssh: {
// user: 'username', // default user to use when ssh-ing
host: 'localhost', // Server to ssh to
auth: 'password', // shh authentication, method. Defaults to "password", you can use "publickey,password" instead'
// pass: "password", // Password to use when sshing
// key: "", // path to an optional client private key, connection will be password-less and insecure!
port: 22, // Port to ssh to
knownHosts: '/dev/null', // ssh knownHosts file to use
// config: '/home/user/.wetty_ssh_config', // alternative ssh configuration file, see "-F" option in ssh(1)
server: {
base: '/wetty/', // URL base to serve resources from
port: 3000, // Port to listen on
host: '', // address to listen on
title: 'WeTTy - The Web Terminal Emulator', // Page title
bypassHelmet: false, // Disable Helmet security checks
forceSSH: false, // Force sshing to local machine over login if running as root
command: 'login', // Command to run on server. Login will use ssh if connecting to different server
key: 'ssl.key',
cert: 'ssl.cert',