# Flags
WeTTy can be run with the `--help` flag to get a full list of flags.
## Server Port
WeTTy runs on port `3000` by default. You can change the default port by
starting with the `--port` or `-p` flag.
## SSH Host
If WeTTy is run as root while the host is set as the local machine it will use
the `login` binary rather than ssh. If no host is specified it will use
`localhost` as the ssh host.
If instead you wish to connect to a remote host you can specify the host with
the `--ssh-host` flag and pass the IP or DNS address of the host you want to
connect to.
## Default User
You can specify the default user used to ssh to a host using the `--ssh-user`.
This user can overwritten by going to
`http://yourserver:3000/wetty/ssh/<username>`. If this is left blank a user will
be prompted to enter their username when they connect.
## SSH Port
By default WeTTy will try to ssh to port `22`, if your host uses an alternative
ssh port this can be specified with the flag `--ssh-port`.
## WeTTy URL
If you'd prefer an HTTP base prefix other than `/wetty`, you can specify that
with `--base`.
**Do not set this to `/ssh/${something}`, as this will break username matching