# Introduction This is an A to Z guide that will help you get WeTTY up and running on a Debian based system. It covers the key configuration areas by using copy and paste commands. This will help you install this application and get it securely up and running with minimal system interference and reversible changes. It should also provide enough information to allow you to understand and extend that configuration for your personal requirements. **Note:** Some of these configurations are optional, such as self signed SSL and public key authentication. The purpose of the guide is to show you how to correctly understand, configure, install and use these options should you wish to use them but they are not required to use WeTTY in general. ## Required dependencies `Node` - WeTTY requires node v14 or greater. We will install this locally for a non root user later in the guide. `python` - This should be installed by default but we will include it in our `apt-get` command to be safe. `build-essential` - We need this specifically for `node-gyp` to build packages when using `npm` or `yarn` to install packages. As the `root` or `sudo` user run these commands: ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt install -y build-essential curl python ``` If you have no root access and just want to check the dependencies are installed you can use these commands: ```bash dpkg -s python | grep Status: dpkg -s build-essential | grep Status: ``` If the package is installed you will see this result: ```bash Status: install ok installed ``` ## Create a local user account For this guide, unless specifically stated, you should not use a `root` account to install and run WeTTY. Please use an existing local account or create one now. **Note:** Whichever user runs WeTTY should be the same user you wish to authenticate with via `ssh` to keep this guide simple. If you need to create a local user account you can run this command: **Important note:** replace `username` with a user name of your choosing and create a password when prompted ```bash adduser --gecos "" username ``` Switch to your local user now and open an `ssh` session to continue with this guide. ## Install node locally To install and manage `node` as a local user we are going to use [Node Version Manager](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm). This is an established solution for installing and managing multiple versions of node without needing `root` access. This will allow you to install and use multiple versions of `node` at the same time. This command will download and install `nvm` and reload our shell. ```bash curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/master/install.sh | bash && source ~/.profile ``` This command will install the latest version of the v14 branch, which is the minimum required version for WeTTY. ```bash nvm install 14 ``` You can now call `node` to check it works using this command. ```bash node -v ``` Your result should look something like this. ```bash v14.16.1 ``` **Note:** There is an important consideration with the `nvm` method. `node` is only in the local user's path through sourcing of the `~/.nvm/nvm.sh` which is done when the user logs in and the shell sources the user's `.bashrc` file. So for some applications who are not aware of this local shell environment `node` will not be usable unless we provide a full path and `nvm` commands will also be unavailable. The way we over come this issue for the needs of this guide is by using this command substitution to provide the full path, where applicable: ```bash $(source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm which 14) ``` **Why?** This command will always provide us with the path to the most current version of `node 14` installed via `nvm` regardless of other versions of `node` installed with `nvm`. ## Generate OpenSSL certificates **Why?** So that later we can configure WeTTY to work with `https` and make sure we interact with WeTTY over a secure connection at all times. Make the required directory using this command: ```bash mkdir -p ~/.ssl ``` Generate the self signed `openssl` certificates we will use to encrypt our web traffic when using WeTTY using this command: **Note:** we are using `ecdsa` using the `secp384r1` curve. Tested to be compatible with Chrome and Firefox browsers. ```bash openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1095 -newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name secp384r1) -subj "/C=GB/ST=None/L=None/O=None/OU=None/CN=None" -out ~/.ssl/wetty.crt -keyout ~/.ssl/wetty.key ``` Now give these file and folders the correct permissions using these commands: ```bash chmod 700 ~/.ssl chmod 644 ~/.ssl/wetty.crt chmod 600 ~/.ssl/wetty.key ``` This is all we need to do for now in regards to https. ## Generate the ssh key file **Why?** So that later we can set up automatic login via `ssh`. Our instance will authorise using this key file stored locally. Make the required directory, if it does not exist, using this command: ```bash mkdir -p ~/.ssh ``` Create the `ssh` private key using `ed25519` that we need to authorise our local connection, using this command: ```bash ssh-keygen -q -C "wetty-keyfile" -t ed25519 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/wetty 2>/dev/null <<< y >/dev/null ``` **Important Note:** You must add the public key to your `authorized_keys` file in order to be able to log in using your `ssh` key file when accessing WeTTY via a web browser. Copy the key to our `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file, using this command: ```bash cat ~/.ssh/wetty.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ``` Now give these file and folders the correct permissions, using these commands: ```bash chmod 700 ~/.ssh chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 ~/.ssh/wetty ``` **Optional:** A housekeeping command. If you need to remove all entries of the WeTTY public key with the comment `wetty-keyfile` from the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file use this command. Otherwise ignore this. ```bash sed -r '/^ssh-ed25519(.*)wetty-keyfile$/d' -i ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ``` ## Install WeTTY **Note:** we are using `-g` for `npm` or `global` for `yarn` along with `--prefix ~/` so that the application's symbolic link is installed to our `~/bin` directory and available in our local user's `PATH`. As your local user run these commands: To make sure the local user's `~/bin` directory exists and is in the `PATH` please run the following command. ```bash mkdir -p ~/bin && source ~/.profile ``` Now use `npm` to install the `yarn` packet manager. ```bash npm install -g yarn --prefix ~/ ``` Then use `yarn` to install `wetty`. ```bash yarn global add wetty --prefix ~/ ``` Once successfully installed the application should be available in your local user's `PATH`. To test the installation was successful please use this command: ```bash wetty -h ``` ## Accessing the web interface via our external IP If you are using your external IP and not a domain to access WeTTY this step needs to be done here because it is not easy to do in the next steps if WeTTY is running in the terminal. This command will generate the correct URL you need to visit after using the start up commands in the following section. ```bash echo https://$(curl -s4 icanhazip.com):3000 ``` _Please make make a note of this URL now._ ## Running WeTTY Now we have all the ground work done we can focus on our WeTTY server configuration settings. For example, the below command would provide a `https` instance with automatic `ssh` authorisation using our `wetty` private key on port `3000` accessible at `https://IP:3000` . **Important note:** This command will run in your current terminal session and not in the background. The key combination of `CTRL` + `c` will exit the application. ```bash wetty --host --port 3000 --title wetty --base / --ssh-key ~/.ssh/wetty --ssh-host localhost --ssh-user $(whoami) --ssh-port 22 --ssh-auth publickey --ssl-key ~/.ssl/wetty.key --ssl-cert ~/.ssl/wetty.crt ``` Since you may not need all these settings we will look through what each one does below so that you can decide how to best configure your instance. ### Environment settings explained Let's break it down so that we can understand what's being done and why. ```bash --host --port 3000 --title wetty --base / ``` `--host` - defines the interface we want to bind to. Using `` means that we bind to all available interfaces so using this setting just works. When we use nginx we can change this to `--host` in order to prevent generic port access to the application and force traffic through our nginx reverse proxy URL. `--port 3000` - defines the local listening port. You will use this port to connect via the remotely accessible web server or when configuring a reverse proxy through nginx. `--title wetty` - an optional setting to set the window title for this `wetty` session. `--base /` - changes the default base URL setting from `/wetty/` to define the remote URL. We use `--base /` to make `wetty` accessible on the URL format `https://IP:3000` instead of `https://IP:3000/wetty` but we would change this back if we use nginx to reverse proxy the application. ### SSH settings explained These settings are all specific to `ssh` and will enable you to automatically log into you `ssh` session for the selected user. ```bash --ssh-key ~/.ssh/wetty --ssh-host localhost --ssh-user $(whoami) --ssh-port 22 --ssh-auth publickey ``` `--ssh-key ~/.ssh/wetty` - we are telling WeTTY to load our `ssh` key file that we generated earlier. `--ssh-host localhost` - optional setting telling WeTTY to connect the host `localhost` `--ssh-user $(whomai)` - defines our `ssh` username. In this case via the command substitution of `whoami` which will not require your input of a username. `--ssh-port 22` - optional setting to set the `ssh` port we need to connect to. `--ssh-auth publickey` defines the accepted authentication types. You do not have to use the key file and you can instead require a password but setting this to `--sshauth password`. You can specify both `--sshauth publickey,password` `--ssh-config configfile` - (not used for this guide) alternative ssh configuration file. From ssh(1): > If a configuration file is given on the command line, the system-wide > configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config) will be ignored. The default for the > per-user configuration file is ~/.ssh/config. ### SSL settings explained These settings are specific to `openssl` to make WeTTY load https webserver so that all data is transmitted over a secure connection. ```bash --ssl-key ~/.ssl/wetty.key --ssl-cert ~/.ssl/wetty.crt ``` `--ssl-key ~/.ssl/wetty.key` - tells WeTTY to load our `openssl` generated key file. `--ssl-cert ~/.ssl/wetty.crt` - tells WeTTY to load our `openssl` generates certificate file. ### Optional - load settings via a configuration file As of WeTTY v2 there is official support for a configuration file used with the flag `--conf` to specify the location of this file. Create the directory where we will store this configuration file. ```bash mkdir -p ~/.config/wetty ``` Use `nano` to open a file for editing. ```bash nano ~/.config/wetty/config.json ``` Here is the template `config.json` you need to use. **Note:** To be [validated json](https://codebeautify.org/jsonvalidator) the below json example should have the `// ...` comments removed. With all comments removed the example is valid json. They are in the example to help explain the options and won't stop WeTTY from loading if you leave them in place. Lines you do not need can be commented out but should be removed if you want the json to pass validation. ```json "ssh": { "user": "username", // default user to use when ssh-ing "host": "localhost", // Server to ssh to "auth": "publickey,password", // shh authentication, method. Defaults to "password", you can use "publickey,password" instead' "pass": "password", // Password to use when ssh-ing "key": "/home/username/.ssh/wetty", // path to an optional client private key, connection will be password-less and insecure! "port": 22, // Port to ssh to "knownHosts": "/dev/null" // ssh knownHosts file to use }, "server": { "base": "/wetty/", // URL base to serve resources from "port": 3000, // Port to listen on "host": "", // listen on all interfaces or can be with nginx "title": "WeTTY - The Web Terminal Emulator", // Page title "bypassHelmet": false // Disable Helmet security checks }, "forceSSH": false, // Force sshing to local machine over login if running as root "command": "login", // Command to run on server. Login will use ssh if connecting to different server "ssl": { "key": "/home/username/.ssl/wetty.key", "cert": "/home/username/.ssl/wetty.crt" } } ``` Press `ctrl` + `x` and then press `y` to save then press `enter` to confirm and exit `nano`. ## System Environment Variables **Note:** We will not be using this section to configure WeTTY. We are simply documenting it. There are some environment variables you can export that can be used by WeTTY to configure an instance. ```bash BASE PORT TITLE SSHUSER SSHHOST SSHAUTH SSHPASS SSHKEY SSHPORT KNOWNHOSTS FORCESSH COMMAND ``` These can be used in the following way ```bash export PORT=3000 ``` There are currently no environment settings for variables not listed above. ## Systemd service settings We will use a local user `systemd` service file to manage the `wetty` service. First, create the required directory, if it does not exist. ```bash mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user ``` ### Systemd service Here is an example template of how to use service file with hardcoded values you can set in the `wetty.service` file with all options enabled. Use `nano` to open a file for editing. ```bash nano ~/.config/systemd/user/wetty.service ``` The copy and paste this code. **Note:** This is an example service file based on all the options documented and configured so far. You may not want all these option enabled so please remove or modify the `ExecStart` command based on your needs. ```bash [Unit] Description=WeTTY After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "$$(source /home/$$(whoami)/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm which 12) /home/$$(whoami)/bin/wetty --host -p 3000 --title wetty --base / --ssh-key /home/$$(whoami)/.ssh/wetty --ssh-host localhost --ssh-user $$(whoami) --ssh-port 22 --ssh-auth publickey --ssl-key /home/$$(whoami)/.ssl/wetty.key --ssl-cert /home/$$(whoami)/.ssl/wetty.crt" Restart=always RestartSec=2 TimeoutStopSec=5 SyslogIdentifier=wetty [Install] WantedBy=default.target ``` Press `ctrl` + `x` and then press `y` to save then press `enter` to confirm and exit `nano`. ### Optional - Systemd service with config file Here is the example using our pseudo configuration file. All modifications to the start up of `wetty` will be done by editing the `~/.config/Wetty/config` file and then reloading the `wetty.service`. Use `nano` to open the file for editing. ```bash nano ~/.config/systemd/user/wetty.service ``` The copy and paste this code. **Note:** This `ExecStart` assumes the location of your `config.json` to be `~/.config/wetty/config.json`. Please make sure you use the correct location for this file. ```bash [Unit] Description=WeTTY After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "$$(source /home/$$(whoami)/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm which 14) /home/$$(whoami)/bin/wetty --conf /home/$$(whoami)/.config/wetty/config.json" Restart=always RestartSec=2 TimeoutStopSec=5 SyslogIdentifier=wetty [Install] WantedBy=default.target ``` Press `ctrl` + `x` and then press `y` to save then press `enter` to confirm and exit `nano`. ### Activating your service The you can enable and start your service. ```bash systemctl --user enable --now wetty ``` ### Managing your services These commands will help you manage your service. ```bash systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user status wetty systemctl --user start wetty systemctl --user stop wetty systemctl --user restart wetty systemctl --user disable --now wetty systemctl --user enable --now wetty ``` ## Nginx reverse proxy If you want to use nginx as a reverse proxy here is the configuration file you can use. Please modify these specific environment settings: **Why?** This will disable generic port access to the application and force traffic via the nginx reverse proxy. ```bash --host ``` **Why?** This change is so that our application does not attempt to load as the web root of `/` for nginx. ```bash --base /wetty/ ``` Now you can use this nginx configuration file. **Note:** we are using `https` with `;` because we configured `wetty` to run via `https` using our self signed ssl certificates. If you chose not to run WeTTY with a self signed certificate you should changes this to `;` The copy and paste this into the `https` server block of your enable server configuration file. ```nginx location /wetty { proxy_pass; # proxy_pass_request_headers on; # proxy_set_header Host $host; # proxy_http_version 1.1; # proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Protocol $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true; # proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; proxy_read_timeout 43200000; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; # proxy_redirect off; proxy_buffering off; } ``` Press `ctrl` + `x` and then press `y` to save then press `enter` to confirm and exit `nano` Now you would need to reload nginx service using this command: ```bash systemctl restart nginx ``` ### Accessing the web interface via nginx Visit the URL format `https://YourIPorDomain/wetty` and you can access WeTTY. This command will generate the correct URL you need to visit it you are not using a domain. ```bash echo https://$(curl -s4 icanhazip.com)/wetty ``` ## Protecting your instance of WeTTY **Disclaimer:** It is not recommended by this guide that you run an instance of WeTTY on your server with no access control in place. If you chose to not use a password to login in you should protect your instance behind either: 1: [Nginx basic auth](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/security-controls/configuring-http-basic-authentication/) 2: [Authelia](https://github.com/authelia/authelia) ## Configuration reference `wetty -h` configuration options for reference. ```bash --help, -h Print help message [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] --conf config file to load config from [string] --ssl-key path to SSL key [string] --ssl-cert path to SSL certificate [string] --ssh-host ssh server host [string] [default: "localhost"] --ssh-port ssh server port [number] [default: 22] --ssh-user ssh user [string] [default: ""] --title window title [string] [default: "WeTTY - The Web Terminal Emulator"] --ssh-auth defaults to "password", you can use "publickey,password" instead [string] [default: "password"] --ssh-pass ssh password [string] --ssh-key path to an optional client private key (connection will be password-less and insecure!) [string] --ssh-config Specifies an alternative ssh configuration file. For further details see "-F" option in ssh(1) [string] [default: ""] --force-ssh Connecting through ssh even if running as root [boolean] [default: false] --known-hosts path to known hosts file [string] --base, -b base path to wetty [string] [default: "/wetty/"] --port, -p wetty listen port [number] [default: 3000] --host wetty listen host [string] [default: ""] --command, -c command to run in shell [string] [default: "login"] --allow-iframe Allow wetty to be embedded in an iframe, defaults to allowing same origin [boolean] [default: false] ``` ## Updating WeTTY With `yarn`: ```bash yarn global upgrade wetty --prefix ~/ ``` To update or downgrade to a specific version you use this command: ```bash yarn global add wetty@2.0.2 --prefix ~/ ``` Now restart your `wetty` service. ## Updating nvm The proper way to update NVM is to use git. The `.nvm` directory is a git repo. These commands will update NVM to the latest version of the script and load it to your shell. ```bash cd ~/.nvm git fetch --tags git checkout $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags --match "v[0-9]*" $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh ``` ## Updating node You can use the same command you used to install it with `nvm` ```bash nvm install 14 ```