const express = require('express'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const path = require('path'); const server = require(''); const pty = require('pty.js'); const fs = require('fs'); const opts = require('optimist') .options({ sslkey: { demand : false, description: 'path to SSL key', }, sslcert: { demand : false, description: 'path to SSL certificate', }, sshhost: { demand : false, description: 'ssh server host', }, sshport: { demand : false, description: 'ssh server port', }, sshuser: { demand : false, description: 'ssh user', }, sshauth: { demand : false, description: 'defaults to "password", you can use "publickey,password" instead', }, port: { demand : false, alias : 'p', description: 'wetty listen port', }, }) .boolean('allow_discovery').argv; let runhttps = process.env.HTTPS || false; let globalsshuser = process.env.SSHUSER || ''; let sshhost = process.env.SSHHOST || 'localhost'; let sshauth = process.env.SSHAUTH || 'password'; let sshport = process.env.SSHPOST || 22; let port = process.env.PORT || 3000; if (opts.sshport) { sshport = opts.sshport; } if (opts.sshhost) { sshhost = opts.sshhost; } if (opts.sshauth) { sshauth = opts.sshauth; } if (opts.sshuser) { globalsshuser = opts.sshuser; } if (opts.port) { port = opts.port; } if (opts.sslkey && opts.sslcert) { runhttps = true; opts['ssl'] = {}; opts.ssl['key'] = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(opts.sslkey)); opts.ssl['cert'] = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(opts.sslcert)); } process.on('uncaughtException', e => { console.error(`Error: ${e}`); }); let httpserv; const app = express(); app.get('/wetty/ssh/:user', (req, res) => { res.sendfile(`${__dirname}/public/wetty/index.html`); }); app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); if (runhttps) { httpserv = https.createServer(opts.ssl, app).listen(port, () => { console.log(`https on port ${port}`); }); } else { httpserv = http.createServer(app).listen(port, () => { console.log(`http on port ${port}`); }); } const io = server(httpserv, { path: '/wetty/' }); io.on('connection', socket => { let sshuser = ''; const request = socket.request; console.log(`${new Date()} Connection accepted.`); const match = request.headers.referer.match('/wetty/ssh/.+$'); if (match) { sshuser = `${match[0].replace('/wetty/ssh/', '')}@`; } else if (globalsshuser) { sshuser = `${globalsshuser}@`; } let term; if (process.getuid() === 0 && sshhost === 'localhost') { term = pty.spawn('/bin/login', [], { name: 'xterm-256color', cols: 80, rows: 30, }); } else if (sshuser) { term = pty.spawn('ssh', [sshuser + sshhost, '-p', sshport, '-o', `PreferredAuthentications=${sshauth}`], { name: 'xterm-256color', cols: 80, rows: 30, }); } else { term = pty.spawn('./bin/ssh', [sshhost, '-p', sshport, '-o', `PreferredAuthentications=${sshauth}`], { name: 'xterm-256color', cols: 80, rows: 30, }); } console.log(`${new Date()} PID=${} STARTED on behalf of user=${sshuser}`); term.on('data', data => { socket.emit('output', data); }); term.on('exit', code => { console.log(`${new Date()} PID=${} ENDED`); socket.emit('logout'); }); socket.on('resize', ({ col, row }) => { term.resize(col, row); }); socket.on('input', data => { term.write(data); }); socket.on('disconnect', () => { term.end(); }); });