@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ |
from datetime import timedelta, datetime |
import ssl |
import jwt |
from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException |
@ -11,11 +12,24 @@ from starlette import status |
from starlette.requests import Request |
from starlette.responses import Response |
import ldap3 |
import db |
import const |
import schemas |
from database import models |
from database.database import SessionLocal |
ldap_tls_config=ldap3.Tls(validate=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if const.AUTH_LDAP_SECURITY_VALID_CERTIFICATE else ssl.CERT_NONE) |
else: |
ldap_tls_config = False |
LDAP_SERVER = ldap3.Server(const.AUTH_LDAP_SERVER, const.AUTH_LDAP_PORT, get_info=ldap3.ALL, use_ssl=const.AUTH_LDAP_SECURITY=="SSL", tls=ldap_tls_config) |
else: |
oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="/api/v1/login", auto_error=False) |
pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") |
@ -100,3 +114,120 @@ def auth(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme), api_key: str = Depends(retrieve_ap |
raise credentials_exception |
return user |
AUTH_ENGINES: dict = {} |
def authengine(name: str, sequence: int, enabled: bool): |
def decorator(f): |
AUTH_ENGINES[name] = { |
"function": f, |
"sequence": sequence, |
"enabled": enabled |
} |
return decorator |
class Authentication(object): |
def __init__(self, username: str, password: str, sess: Session): |
self.username = username |
self.password = password |
self.sess = sess |
def login(self): |
user: schemas.UserInDB = False |
for engine in sorted(AUTH_ENGINES.keys(), key=lambda x: AUTH_ENGINES[x]["sequence"]): |
if not AUTH_ENGINES[engine]["enabled"]: |
continue |
try: |
user = AUTH_ENGINES[engine]["function"](self) |
logger.info("User %s logged in via the %s authentication engine" % (self.username, engine)) |
break |
except Exception as err: |
logger.warning("Login failed for %s using the %s authentication engine: %s" % (self.username, engine, err)) |
if not user: |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, |
detail="Incorrect username or password", |
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"}, |
) |
return user |
@authengine(name="builtin", sequence=10, enabled=const.AUTH_LOCAL_ENABLED) |
def _builtin(self): |
assert const.AUTH_LOCAL_ENABLED, "LOCAL authentication not enabled" |
user: schemas.UserInDB = schemas.UserInDB(username=self.username, password="").from_db(self.sess) |
# Verify password |
assert user and verify_password(self.password, user.password), "Invalid username or password" |
return user |
@authengine(name="LDAP", sequence=20, enabled=const.AUTH_LDAP_ENABLED) |
def _ldap(self): |
assert const.AUTH_LDAP_ENABLED, "LDAP authentication not enabled" |
def _get_ldap_attr(ldapobj, attribute): |
attr = ldapobj["attributes"].get(attribute, None) |
if isinstance(attr, list): |
try: |
return attr[0] |
except IndexError: |
return None |
return attr |
ldap_auth = ldap3.ANONYMOUS |
ldap_user = None |
valid: bool = False |
if const.AUTH_LDAP_USER: |
ldap_auth = ldap3.NTLM |
else: |
ldap_auth = ldap3.SIMPLE |
# Connect with binddn, if set, to search the user |
with ldap3.Connection(LDAP_SERVER, user=const.AUTH_LDAP_USER, password=const.AUTH_LDAP_PASSWORD, authentication=ldap_auth, read_only=True, auto_bind=ldap3.AUTO_BIND_NONE) as cn: |
if const.AUTH_LDAP_SECURITY == "TLS": |
cn.start_tls() |
try: |
assert cn.bind() |
logger.debug("LDAP system bind complete") |
except: |
logger.exception("Unable to connect/bind to LDAP server") |
raise |
# TODO find a parsing tool like python-ldap.filter.filter_format |
ldap_filter: str = const.AUTH_LDAP_FILTER % self.username |
ldap_attributes: list = ["cn", "mail"] |
ldap_attributes.extend(["samAccountName", "givenName"]) |
cn.search(search_base=const.AUTH_LDAP_BASE, search_filter=ldap_filter, attributes=ldap_attributes) |
assert len(cn.response) == 1, "Found %d LDAP users for the filter %s" % (len(cn.response), ldap_filter) |
ldap_user = cn.response[0].copy() |
logininfo: str = "%s\%s" % (const.AUTH_LDAP_DOMAIN, _get_ldap_attr(ldap_user, "samAccountName")) if const.AUTH_LDAP_ACTIVEDIRECTORY else ldap_user["dn"] |
with ldap3.Connection(LDAP_SERVER, user=logininfo, password=self.password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM if const.AUTH_LDAP_ACTIVEDIRECTORY else ldap3.SIMPLE, read_only=True, auto_bind=ldap3.AUTO_BIND_NONE) as cn: |
if const.AUTH_LDAP_SECURITY == "TLS": |
cn.start_tls() |
assert cn.bind(), "LDAP authentication failed for %s" % self.username |
cn.unbind() |
user: schema.UserInDB = schemas.UserInDB(username=self.username, password="").from_db(self.sess) |
if user: |
user.full_name = _get_ldap_attr(ldap_user, "givenName" if const.AUTH_LDAP_ACTIVEDIRECTORY else "cn") |
user.email = _get_ldap_attr(ldap_user, "mail") |
user.password = None |
db.user.update_user(self.sess, user) |
else: |
if not db.user.create_user(self.sess, models.User( |
username=username, |
password=None, |
full_name=_get_ldap_attr(ldap_user, "givenName" if const.AUTH_LDAP_ACTIVEDIRECTORY else "cn"), |
email=_get_ldap_attr(ldap_user, "mail"), |
role="user", # TODO: Map LDAP groups to roles |
)): |
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Could not create LDAP user") |
user: schema.UserInDB = schemas.UserInDB(username=self.username, password="").from_db(self.sess) |
return user |