| `ACCESS_TOKEN_SALT` | | A random string used as salt for access tokens |
| `ACCESS_TOKEN_SALT` | | A random string used as salt for access tokens |
| `BASE_CURRENCY` | `USD` | The base currency of the Ghostfolio application. Caution: This cannot be changed later! |
| `BASE_CURRENCY` | `USD` | The base currency of the Ghostfolio application.<br/>`AUD` \| `CAD` \| `CNY` \| `EUR` \| `GBP` \| `JPY` \| `RUB` \| `USD`<br/>Caution: Only set if you intend to track cryptocurrencies in a non-`USD` currency. This cannot be changed later! |
| `DATABASE_URL` | | The database connection URL, e.g. `postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@localhost:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=prefer` |
| `DATABASE_URL` | | The database connection URL, e.g. `postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@localhost:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=prefer` |
| `HOST` | `` | The host where the Ghostfolio application will run on |
| `HOST` | `` | The host where the Ghostfolio application will run on |
| `JWT_SECRET_KEY` | | A random string used for _JSON Web Tokens_ (JWT) |
| `JWT_SECRET_KEY` | | A random string used for _JSON Web Tokens_ (JWT) |