@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import {
import {
ChangeDetectionStrategy ,
ChangeDetectionStrategy ,
Component ,
Component ,
ElementRef ,
EventEmitter ,
EventEmitter ,
Input ,
Input ,
OnChanges ,
OnChanges ,
@ -15,10 +16,19 @@ import { MatTableDataSource } from '@angular/material/table';
import { ActivatedRoute , Router } from '@angular/router' ;
import { ActivatedRoute , Router } from '@angular/router' ;
import { OrderWithAccount } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/order/interfaces/order-with-account.type' ;
import { OrderWithAccount } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/order/interfaces/order-with-account.type' ;
import { DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT } from '@ghostfolio/helper' ;
import { DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT } from '@ghostfolio/helper' ;
import { Subject , Subscription } from 'rxjs' ;
import { BehaviorSubject , Observable , Subject , Subscription } from 'rxjs' ;
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators' ;
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators' ;
import { PositionDetailDialog } from '../position/position-detail-dialog/position-detail-dialog.component' ;
import { PositionDetailDialog } from '../position/position-detail-dialog/position-detail-dialog.component' ;
import {
MatAutocomplete ,
} from '@angular/material/autocomplete' ;
import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms' ;
import { COMMA , ENTER } from '@angular/cdk/keycodes' ;
import { MatChipInputEvent } from '@angular/material/chips' ;
@Component ( {
@Component ( {
selector : 'gf-transactions-table' ,
selector : 'gf-transactions-table' ,
@ -38,14 +48,24 @@ export class TransactionsTableComponent
@Output ( ) transactionToClone = new EventEmitter < OrderWithAccount > ( ) ;
@Output ( ) transactionToClone = new EventEmitter < OrderWithAccount > ( ) ;
@Output ( ) transactionToUpdate = new EventEmitter < OrderWithAccount > ( ) ;
@Output ( ) transactionToUpdate = new EventEmitter < OrderWithAccount > ( ) ;
@ViewChild ( 'autocomplete' ) matAutocomplete : MatAutocomplete ;
@ViewChild ( 'searchInput' ) searchInput : ElementRef < HTMLInputElement > ;
@ViewChild ( MatSort ) sort : MatSort ;
@ViewChild ( MatSort ) sort : MatSort ;
public dataSource : MatTableDataSource < OrderWithAccount > = new MatTableDataSource ( ) ;
public dataSource : MatTableDataSource < OrderWithAccount > = new MatTableDataSource ( ) ;
public defaultDateFormat = DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT ;
public defaultDateFormat = DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT ;
public displayedColumns = [ ] ;
public displayedColumns = [ ] ;
public filteredTransactions$ : Subject < string [ ] > = new BehaviorSubject ( [ ] ) ;
public filteredTransactions : Observable <
string [ ]
> = this . filteredTransactions $ . asObservable ( ) ;
public isLoading = true ;
public isLoading = true ;
public routeQueryParams : Subscription ;
public routeQueryParams : Subscription ;
public searchControl = new FormControl ( ) ;
public searchKeywords : string [ ] = [ ] ;
public separatorKeysCodes : number [ ] = [ ENTER , COMMA ] ;
private allFilteredTransactions : string [ ] ;
private unsubscribeSubject = new Subject < void > ( ) ;
private unsubscribeSubject = new Subject < void > ( ) ;
public constructor (
public constructor (
@ -63,6 +83,49 @@ export class TransactionsTableComponent
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
this . searchControl . valueChanges . subscribe ( ( keyword ) = > {
if ( keyword ) {
const filterValue = keyword . toLowerCase ( ) ;
this . filteredTransactions $ . next (
this . allFilteredTransactions . filter (
( filter ) = > filter . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( filterValue ) === 0
) ;
} else {
this . filteredTransactions $ . next ( this . allFilteredTransactions ) ;
} ) ;
public addKeyword ( { input , value } : MatChipInputEvent ) : void {
if ( value ? . trim ( ) ) {
this . searchKeywords . push ( value . trim ( ) ) ;
this . updateFilter ( ) ;
// Reset the input value
if ( input ) {
input . value = '' ;
this . searchControl . setValue ( null ) ;
public removeKeyword ( keyword : string ) : void {
const index = this . searchKeywords . indexOf ( keyword ) ;
if ( index >= 0 ) {
this . searchKeywords . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
this . updateFilter ( ) ;
public keywordSelected ( event : MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent ) : void {
this . searchKeywords . push ( event . option . viewValue ) ;
this . updateFilter ( ) ;
this . searchInput . nativeElement . value = '' ;
this . searchControl . setValue ( null ) ;
public ngOnInit() { }
public ngOnInit() { }
@ -88,28 +151,22 @@ export class TransactionsTableComponent
if ( this . transactions ) {
if ( this . transactions ) {
this . dataSource = new MatTableDataSource ( this . transactions ) ;
this . dataSource = new MatTableDataSource ( this . transactions ) ;
this . dataSource . filterPredicate = ( data , filter ) = > {
this . dataSource . filterPredicate = ( data , filter ) = > {
const accumulator = ( currentTerm : string , key : string ) = > {
const dataString = TransactionsTableComponent . getFilterableValues ( data )
return key === 'Account'
. join ( ' ' )
? currentTerm + data . Account . name
: currentTerm + data [ key ] ;
} ;
const dataString = Object . keys ( data )
. reduce ( accumulator , '' )
. toLowerCase ( ) ;
. toLowerCase ( ) ;
const transformedFilter = filter . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let contains = true ;
return dataString . includes ( transformedFilter ) ;
for ( const singleFilter of filter . split ( SEARCH_STRING_SEPARATOR ) ) {
contains =
contains && dataString . includes ( singleFilter . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
return contains ;
} ;
} ;
this . dataSource . sort = this . sort ;
this . dataSource . sort = this . sort ;
this . updateFilter ( ) ;
this . isLoading = false ;
this . isLoading = false ;
public applyFilter ( event : Event ) {
const filterValue = ( event . target as HTMLInputElement ) . value ;
this . dataSource . filter = filterValue . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
public onDeleteTransaction ( aId : string ) {
public onDeleteTransaction ( aId : string ) {
const confirmation = confirm (
const confirmation = confirm (
'Do you really want to delete this transaction?'
'Do you really want to delete this transaction?'
@ -169,4 +226,40 @@ export class TransactionsTableComponent
this . unsubscribeSubject . next ( ) ;
this . unsubscribeSubject . next ( ) ;
this . unsubscribeSubject . complete ( ) ;
this . unsubscribeSubject . complete ( ) ;
private updateFilter() {
this . dataSource . filter = this . searchKeywords . join ( SEARCH_STRING_SEPARATOR ) ;
const lowercaseSearchKeywords = this . searchKeywords . map ( ( keyword ) = >
keyword . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( )
) ;
this . allFilteredTransactions = TransactionsTableComponent . getSearchableFieldValues (
this . transactions
) . filter ( ( item ) = > {
return ! lowercaseSearchKeywords . includes ( item . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . filteredTransactions $ . next ( this . allFilteredTransactions ) ;
private static getSearchableFieldValues (
transactions : OrderWithAccount [ ]
) : string [ ] {
const fieldValues = new Set < string > ( ) ;
for ( const transaction of transactions ) {
this . getFilterableValues ( transaction , fieldValues ) ;
return [ . . . fieldValues ] . filter ( ( item ) = > item != undefined ) . sort ( ) ;
private static getFilterableValues (
transaction ,
fieldValues : Set < string > = new Set < string > ( )
) : string [ ] {
fieldValues . add ( transaction . currency ) ;
fieldValues . add ( transaction . symbol ) ;
fieldValues . add ( transaction . type ) ;
fieldValues . add ( transaction . Account ? . name ) ;
fieldValues . add ( transaction . Account ? . Platform ? . name ) ;
return [ . . . fieldValues ] . filter ( ( item ) = > item != undefined ) ;