fr:'Ghostfolio est un dashboard de finances personnelles qui permet de suivre vos actifs comme les actions, les ETF ou les crypto-monnaies sur plusieurs plateformes.',
fr:'Ghostfolio est un dashboard de finances personnelles qui permet de suivre vos actifs comme les actions, les ETF ou les crypto-monnaies sur plusieurs plateformes.',
it:'Ghostfolio è un dashboard di finanza personale per tenere traccia delle vostre attività come azioni, ETF o criptovalute su più piattaforme.',
it:'Ghostfolio è un dashboard di finanza personale per tenere traccia delle vostre attività come azioni, ETF o criptovalute su più piattaforme.',
nl:'Ghostfolio is een persoonlijk financieel dashboard om uw activa zoals aandelen, ETF’s of cryptocurrencies over meerdere platforms bij te houden.',
nl:'Ghostfolio is een persoonlijk financieel dashboard om uw activa zoals aandelen, ETF’s of cryptocurrencies over meerdere platforms bij te houden.',
pt:'Ghostfolio é um dashboard de finanças pessoais para acompanhar os seus activos como acções, ETFs ou criptomoedas em múltiplas plataformas.'
pt:'Ghostfolio é um dashboard de finanças pessoais para acompanhar os seus activos como acções, ETFs ou criptomoedas em múltiplas plataformas.',
tr:'Ghostfolio, hisse senetleri, ETF’ler veya kripto para birimleri gibi varlıklarınızı birden fazla platformda takip etmenizi sağlayan bir kişisel finans panosudur.'
consttitle='Ghostfolio – Open Source Wealth Management Software';
consttitle='Ghostfolio – Open Source Wealth Management Software';
<target state="translated">Das Ausfallrisiko beim Börsenhandel kann erheblich sein. Es ist nicht ratsam, Geld zu investieren, welches du kurzfristig benötigst.</target>
<target state="translated">Das Ausfallrisiko beim Börsenhandel kann erheblich sein. Es ist nicht ratsam, Geld zu investieren, welches du kurzfristig benötigst.</target>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </source>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </source>
<target state="translated"> Unser offizielles Ghostfolio Premium Cloud-Angebot ist der einfachste Weg für den Einstieg. Aufgrund der Zeitersparnis ist dies die beste Option für die meisten Nutzer. Die Einnahmen werden zur Deckung der Betriebskosten und zur Finanzierung der Weiterentwicklung von Ghostfolio verwendet. </target>
<target state="translated"> Unser offizielles Ghostfolio Premium Cloud-Angebot ist der einfachste Weg für den Einstieg. Aufgrund der Zeitersparnis ist dies die beste Option für die meisten Nutzer. Die Einnahmen werden zur Deckung der Betriebskosten und zur Finanzierung der Weiterentwicklung verwendet. </target>
<target state="new">El riesgo de pérdida en trading puede ser importante. No es aconsejable invertir dinero que puedas necesitar a corto plazo.</target>
<target state="new">El riesgo de pérdida en trading puede ser importante. No es aconsejable invertir dinero que puedas necesitar a corto plazo.</target>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </source>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </source>
<target state="new"> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </target>
<target state="new"> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </target>
<target state="translated">Le risque de perte en investissant peut être important. Il est déconseillé d'investir de l'argent dont vous pourriez avoir besoin à court terme.</target>
<target state="translated">Le risque de perte en investissant peut être important. Il est déconseillé d'investir de l'argent dont vous pourriez avoir besoin à court terme.</target>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </source>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </source>
<target state="translated"> Notre offre Ghostfolio Premium cloud est la manière la plus simple de débuter. Grâce au temps qu'elle économise, ce sera la meilleure option pour la plupart des gens. Les revenus sont utilisés pour couvrir les frais d'infrastructures et financer le développement continu de Ghostfolio. </target>
<target state="new"> Notre offre Ghostfolio Premium cloud est la manière la plus simple de débuter. Grâce au temps qu'elle économise, ce sera la meilleure option pour la plupart des gens. Les revenus sont utilisés pour couvrir les frais d'infrastructures et financer le développement continu de Ghostfolio. </target>
<target state="translated">Il rischio di perdita nel trading può essere notevole. Non è consigliabile investire denaro di cui potresti avere bisogno a breve termine.</target>
<target state="translated">Il rischio di perdita nel trading può essere notevole. Non è consigliabile investire denaro di cui potresti avere bisogno a breve termine.</target>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </source>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </source>
<target state="translated"> La nostra offerta cloud ufficiale Ghostfolio Premium è il modo più semplice per iniziare. Grazie al risparmio di tempo, questa è l'opzione migliore per la maggior parte delle persone. I ricavi vengono utilizzati per coprire l'infrastruttura di hosting e per finanziare lo sviluppo continuo di Ghostfolio. </target>
<target state="new"> La nostra offerta cloud ufficiale Ghostfolio Premium è il modo più semplice per iniziare. Grazie al risparmio di tempo, questa è l'opzione migliore per la maggior parte delle persone. I ricavi vengono utilizzati per coprire l'infrastruttura di hosting e per finanziare lo sviluppo continuo di Ghostfolio. </target>
<target state="translated">Het risico op verlies bij handelen kan aanzienlijk zijn. Het is niet aan te raden om geld te investeren dat je misschien op korte termijn nodig heeft.</target>
<target state="translated">Het risico op verlies bij handelen kan aanzienlijk zijn. Het is niet aan te raden om geld te investeren dat je misschien op korte termijn nodig heeft.</target>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </source>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </source>
<target state="translated"> Ons officiële Ghostfolio Premium cloud-aanbod is de eenvoudigste manier om te beginnen. Vanwege de tijd die het bespaart, zal dit voor de meeste mensen de beste optie zijn. De inkomsten worden gebruikt om de hostinginfrastructuur te dekken en de voortdurende ontwikkeling van Ghostfolio te financieren. </target>
<target state="new"> Ons officiële Ghostfolio Premium cloud-aanbod is de eenvoudigste manier om te beginnen. Vanwege de tijd die het bespaart, zal dit voor de meeste mensen de beste optie zijn. De inkomsten worden gebruikt om de hostinginfrastructuur te dekken en de voortdurende ontwikkeling van Ghostfolio te financieren. </target>
<target state="translated">O risco de perda em investimentos pode ser substancial. Não é aconselhável investir dinheiro que possa vir a precisar a curto prazo.</target>
<target state="translated">O risco de perda em investimentos pode ser substancial. Não é aconselhável investir dinheiro que possa vir a precisar a curto prazo.</target>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </source>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </source>
<target state="translated">A nossa oferta oficial Ghostfolio Premium na nuvem é a maneira mais fácil de começar. Com o tempo que poupa, esta será a melhor opção para a maioria das pessoas. A receita é utilizada para cobrir a infraestrutura de hospedagem e financiar o desenvolvimento contínuo do Ghostfolio. </target>
<target state="new">A nossa oferta oficial Ghostfolio Premium na nuvem é a maneira mais fácil de começar. Com o tempo que poupa, esta será a melhor opção para a maioria das pessoas. A receita é utilizada para cobrir a infraestrutura de hospedagem e financiar o desenvolvimento contínuo do Ghostfolio. </target>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used to cover the hosting infrastructure and to fund the ongoing development of Ghostfolio. </source>
<source> Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. Revenue is used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund ongoing development. </source>